
a story about a 18 year old boy named kim taehyung

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/08/20 Read: 6605

a story about a 18 year old boy named kim taehyung who slowly finds out that his single father has predatory thoughts about his older sister. as he notice that is sister would go silent when their father is in the room as her. or her just zoning out or flinching whenever the boy came to hug her or near her but once she was sure she was in his arms she had a hard time letting him go, as their usual playful banter stopped and usual hugs kisses of comfort seem to evaporate. what made him more confused is when jisoo broke up with her fiancé and his best friend kim seok-jin unbeknownst to him did it because their father threatened her to do so. soon his speculation became reality when he heard his fathers voice and jisoos cries from her room one stormy night, seeing him do things no father would ever do to his daughter. in a moment of rage he tries to protact his sister only to get an arm broken by his father, warning him to not intervene any longer, continuing to harm his sister in front of him that night. it went on for weeks until he broke down in front of his girlfriend kim jennie and seok-jin whom they have grown apart from. making seok-jin kill his father

the boys name is kim taehyung and he is 6 foot tall with black hair darker then night that reached just above his shoulders and covered his eyes. his eye color is also black.
the girls name is kim jisoo age 19 and she is 5 foot 2 inches tall with dark brown hair that reached her waist. her eye color is also black
kim seok-jin age is 20 and he is 6 foot tall with light brown hair which he kept well groomed and reached to middle of his neck. his eye color is a light brown.
kim jennies age is 17 and she is 5 foot 3 inches tall with light brown hair that reached to her mid waist. her eye color is also light brown.

The rain hammered against the windowpanes, mimicking the storm raging inside Taehyung. It had been weeks since the night he witnessed the unspeakable, the night his world shattered into a million pieces. His father, the man who was supposed to be their protector, their anchor, had become their worst nightmare.

He remembered the way Jisoo’s eyes had gone distant, the sudden silence that had enveloped her whenever their father was near. The flinches, the awkwardness, the way she clung to him, her usual playful banter replaced with a fragile vulnerability that broke his heart.

Taehyung’s suspicions had solidified that night when Jisoo, his elder sister, broke up with Seokjin, his best friend. The reason was vague, a sudden change of heart, but Seokjin’s despondent demeanor told a different story. It was a story he couldn’t fathom, a story that involved his father’s dark secret.

The storm outside had intensified, mirroring the turmoil in his soul. The cries from Jisoo’s room, his father’s gruff voice, the muffled sounds of struggle – it all came crashing down on him. He had tried to intervene, to protect his sister, but his attempt was met with his father’s fury. A bone-shattering blow to his arm, a threat that resonated in his ears even now: “Stay out of this.”

His father’s actions were not just a betrayal of his trust; they were an attack on the very foundation of their family. Jisoo, his vibrant, loving sister, now moved through their house like a ghost, haunted by the shadows of her father’s abuse.

The silence in their home was deafening, broken only by the occasional sob or the sound of Jisoo retreating to her room, a sanctuary from her tormentor. His broken arm throbbed a constant reminder of his helplessness, of his failure to protect his sister.

One afternoon, the weight of it all became too much. His girlfriend, Jennie, noticed the change in him, the haunted look in his eyes. He broke down, the tears streaming down his face as he confessed everything. Seokjin, his friend, his brother in all but blood, was also present, his face etched with shock and anger.

The shared grief, the unspoken bond, fueled a decision. Seokjin, fueled by a burning desire for justice and love for Jisoo, took matters into his own hands. He had watched his friend crumble, watched the light fade from Jisoo’s eyes, and he knew he couldn’t stand by anymore.

The storm raged on, but the one inside Taehyung finally began to subside. The fear was replaced by a sense of relief. His father’s cruelty had ended, his sister’s suffering hopefully abated. But the scars remained, the memories etched in their souls, a constant reminder of the darkness they had faced and overcome.

The road to recovery was long and arduous, but they had each other. The three of them, united by the trauma they had endured, would find solace in their shared past, their love, and their unwavering bond. Their shattered family, fractured by abuse and betrayal, would slowly begin to rebuild, piece by fragile piece. Their journey was far from over, but they had each other, and that was a strength that would see them through.