
Ang Leung narrating how he reunited with Sharn fro

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/25 Read: 5616

Ang Leung narrating how he reunited with Sharn from Deltora and with his daughter Malika Mia Bleacher. Ang is the Guardian of the temple of the Golden Dragon, joined with his twin sister, Ling who are both mentored by Master Chin – trainer of future guardians of chinese zodiac and cosmic adventurer and philosopher. Ang Leung is also chieftain of the Golden Dragon Clan race who have powers to give mana to heal and empower others on their new homeworld of planet Nara in Darkfog system where Golden Dragon Clan have united with Amazon-like Askarians from planet Matron led by Novazon, icy insectoid-like Necrofriggians from planet Alven led by Bigchill, humanoid snake-like Venomari from planet Hydra led by Acidicus, robot-like and cyborg-like Makkinists from hi-tech planet Caven led by Cappy “Ann” Cappadorkus who was co-executive among Bigweld Industries and greatest war hero among Makkinists, plant-like Floraunas from planet Virgo led by Wildvine, minotaur-like Taurens from planet Arlia led by ETC aka Elite Tauren Chieftain, and elf-like Minimoys from planet Cassandra led by Arthur against evil Zerg Swarm threatened to assimiliate all of Darkfog, ending long time of war amongst races of Darkfog for countless generations. Races of Darkfog were united thanks to help of Princess Selenia – war heroine of vampire-like alien race called Aconians from planet Acon in Kenuriam system and chosen heir of her notorious crimelord parents: Count Vamdemon von Myotismon and Countess Camula von Myotismon, and Selenia was able to reconcile with Arthur after incidents from civil war among elf-like alien race called Sindoreians and Aconians in which their love was tarnished with Selenia turning against Minimoys who tried to end civil war and ensure Sindoreians and Aconians would live in mutual peace, and Arthur being forced to fight her and kill her against his will. In years after defeat of Zerg Swarm, Ang has received news from sage deity-like aliens called Gods of the Universe led by Daphne – Cosmic Goddess of Sun and Life who is also Queen of the Gods of the Universe that his daughter Malika “Mia” Bleacher he believed he lost after death of Ang’s wife Di-er Meng and destruction of Golden Dragon Clan’s first homeworld called Jiuqunan by illegitimate anti-terrestrial military organization caleld BAHRAM Forces from planet Mars, led by evil Sedessa – traitorous supremacist from fairy-like alien race called Nohrins who was banished from her kin after her failed attempt to assassinate her brother King Zahn on planet Altoni in Leda Prime system for which her wings were clipped off from her and for which she was banished from race of Nohrins. Discovering that his daughter was still alive as Gods of the Universe told him so, Ang set out to find his daughter. Quest has led Ang to city of Zentrix in country of Japan on planet Earth where Ang has found a girl with darkly brown skin and darkly blue with some lightened hair which bore resemblance to Ang a bit in a inn within Zentrix. Ang introduced himself in front of everyone and said he was looking for his daughter he loved and lost long ago. Girl sympathized with Ang telling him she lost her biological family, with Ang also symphatizing back. Ang and girl both wished each other success to find they lost, but just as Ang and girl were about to leave each to their side, much to comical sigh of all around them, Ang and girl recognized each other as father and daughter because the girl’s name was Malika “Mia” Bleacher, to joy of all around them as they hug. Ang told Mia he knew she was alive because Daphne – Cosmic Goddess of Life and Queen of the Gods of the Universe messaged him. Ang has also discovered that his daughter Mia was also part of space-rock band called Pop Secret with her best friends xorusian Kaline “Kali” Khalachnik and member of the Melodian race Lolita “Loli” Loretti, as well as Chosen Heir of the Golden Dragon Clan who are one of the most popular music bands across the Milky Way Galaxy who while embracing her new title of chief of a Golden Dragon Clan after her triumphs against treacherous Aoi Rokusho who wanted to destroy Zentrix in revenge of being denied title of Chosen Heir of the Golden Dragon Clan, and against Sedessa of BAHRAM Forces when Mia foiled her plans to exterminate martial arts across universe. Mia excitingly asked Ang how did he knew about her accomplishments and her being part of Pop Secret and asked if Gods told her that too, but Ang comically told Mia he actually found out about that through billboards and rumors. However, Ang’s reunion with Mia caused disruptions in his relationship with Sharn from planet Deltora who owned inn and whom Ang bonded earlier in Redwall on planet Esicolt during time he was a common mercenary when it was believed Golden Dragon Clan was extinct because Sharn was the one who raised Mia when she landed on Earth after destruction of Jiuqunan even if Ang was grateful for Sharn taking good care about his daughter. Ang reveals to Mia there are much more members of race called Golden Dragon Clan on planet Nara. Later, Mia and Ang play in Zentrix palace where Ang meets Princess Megan – sister of Aoi Rokusho and new ruler of Zentrix City who is also Mia’s mentor during time she was grasping concepts of ninjutsu when Mia was chosen as hosen Heir of the Golden Dragon Clan, and Ang also met Megan’s other Apprentices: Susan Storm aka Invisible Woman, K – Nightcrawler, Musa – Music Fairy from planet Melody, Shiro and Shino known as Fantastic Five. But Zentrix then falls attack under a group of skeleton-like aliens called Khadurians working for a villain wizard-warrior named Dartz, whom Mia, Susan Storm, K – Nightcrawler, Musa, Shiro and Shino repel. This leads them to discover origins of Dartz being Daimyo’s old friend who started stealing mana from others when he and Dartz met Golden Dragon Clan on planet Nara who healed Daimyo. Mia realizes she must become new leader of Golden Dragon Clan by mastering powers of giving mana to heal and empower others. Ang chose to take Mia back to Nara to teach her powers of mana, and they went there, with Sharn secretly joining them because she feared loss of Mia to Ang. Dartz had confronted Megan, Susan Storm, K – Nightcrawler, Musa, Shiro and Shino in Zentrix palace, but they were all overwhelmed and turned into Khandurians as Dartz stole their mana in himself, except Susan who escaped to warn Mia. Ang and Mia spend time playing alongside members of their race of Golden Dragon Clan that is immune to demonic powers of others and where Ang told her about how he and his wife dearly loved Mia, and how Mia’s mother died to save her daughter. But when Susan arrives to warn Mia about Dartz coming to exterminate her along with Golden Dragon Clan, Ang is forced to admit he lied about being able to teach Mia powers of mana for her safety, which breaks Mia as she denounces Ang as her father while going to face Dartz solo. Ang is ashamed over lying to Mia, but Sharn despite resenting him in past comforts him how he did a wrong thing for the right reasons, and while children will be different to their parents, that’s just how life works. When Mia returned from her against Dartz she lost when she discovered he turned her allies into his minions, she realized she cannot fight Dartz solo. Ang, Sharn and others among Golden Dragon Clan ask Mia to teach them ninjutsu so they can defeat Dartz together. Realizing her earlier failure when attempting to teach, Mia trains them not to imitate her, but instead to use their everyday activities as ninjutsu skills. Between training sessions, Mia and Ang reconcile. Dartz arrives with his Khandurian minions and attacks the village. Mia and her allies fight them, distracting Dartz long enough for Mia to use the Force Chokehold on him just like how she defeated Aoi Rokusho. However, nothing happens because Dartz reveals that Force Chokehold technique works only on mortals when he reveals his true ghostly form and that he is member of Protorions – race of ghost-like aliens known for brainwashing other races to use them as tools for their crimes, Dartz then overpowers Mia. To save the others, Mia grabs Dartz and executes the Force Chokehold Hold on herself, banishing them both to the Sun in the Solar System, homeworld of the Gods of the Universe. Enraged, Dartz attacks Mia and begins to steal her mana and turn him into his minion. In the Mortal Universe, Ang leads the others to give their mana to Mia in the Sun. Empowered and rejuvenated, Mia overloads Dartz with excessive mana, destroying him and returning all of Dartz’s victims and restoring their life and mana. Mia confronted Daphne who reveals that she sent the message to Ang, and explains that Daimyo chose Mia as the Chosen Heir of the Golden Dragon Clan because, as member of her clan and race, she had the potential to become a master of both ninjutsu and mana. Daphne proudly names Mia new leader of Golden Dragon Clan and returns her to the Mortal Universe. After happily reuniting with her friends and family, Mia takes on her new role at the Zentrix city on planet Earth, where she trains her allies and all of Zentrix in ninjutsu and mana. For Character Details: Ang has short dark blue and black hair tied in the ponytail, tanned skin, muscular and learn build. Ang wears a red face mask, shaped like a face of a dragon, over his noseand jaw lines, with his eyes appearing white without pupils. Ang the Golden Dragon Powerband on left and right forearm, dark gray bodysuit, red Chinese karate gi with yellow accents, tied by the signature long gold cloth on his waist, and atop over his torso is the white sash, fashioned with golden outlinings and a golden-orange colored silhouette of the Chinese Dragon for a signature. Ang also has the orange bands above his heels, serving as armor for his shins. Ang Leung is laid back, fun-loving, and somewhat lazy. He enjoys training, eating, napping, having a good time, and bonding with his daughter Mia. He is highly accomplished in martial arts and loves movies, and is especially good at the ancient philosophies of the Golden Dragon unlike Ling. Despite some of his childish traits, Ang does show a level of seriousness, particularly towards the loss of his loved ones, Ang is also very brave, clever, understandable, and will go to extreme lengths to fight against what he perceives to be injustices against the common mortals. Story is told from first person perspective.

The scent of miso soup and steamed rice always brings me back to Zentrix. The bustling city, its neon lights painting the night sky, the vibrant energy of the people… it all feels like a distant dream now. I remember walking into that tiny inn, a weary traveler lost in a world I barely understood. I was searching for a daughter I believed lost forever.

“I’m looking for my daughter,” I had announced, my voice thick with emotion. “I lost her long ago, after a terrible tragedy.”

A young woman with dark brown skin and eyes the color of a stormy sea looked at me with a mix of pity and understanding. “I lost my biological family too,” she said, her voice soft, her gaze distant. “Maybe we’ll both find what we’re looking for.”

She walked away, and I was about to follow when I saw her face again, a flicker of recognition in her eyes. “Mia?” I whispered, my heart skipping a beat.

And then it hit me like a tidal wave. The familiar curve of her smile, the way she tilted her head when she thought, the stubborn glint in her eyes – it was her, my Mia! The daughter I thought I had lost to the cosmos.

“Daddy?” she whispered, tears welling in her eyes.

The world around us faded away, replaced by the embrace of father and daughter. In that moment, all the years of pain and longing vanished. She was alive, and I was no longer alone.

The Gods of the Universe, through their enigmatic messenger Daphne, had told me she was out there, but I never imagined finding her on Earth. As it turned out, my daughter had become a rock star, a member of the galactic sensation Pop Secret, and the new Chosen Heir of the Golden Dragon Clan! I learned all this from billboards and rumors, which only added to the surreal experience.

But this joy was tinged with a bittersweet undercurrent. Mia had been raised by a kind woman named Sharn, a woman who had become a mother to her when she landed on Earth, a mere child after the destruction of our homeworld. Sharn, a woman I’d met on Esicolt, a world where I had once been a mercenary when the Golden Dragon Clan was believed extinct. My daughter, my little Mia, had grown up in a world so far removed from my own, unaware of the vast, vibrant world that awaited her on planet Nara, a world teeming with our people, our clan, our legacy.

The revelation of our reunion sent shockwaves through Mia’s life, disrupting her relationship with Sharn. She was torn between the world she knew and the world she had never known, the mother who raised her and the father she barely remembered.

During my time in Zentrix, I also encountered Princess Megan, sister of the treacherous Aoi Rokusho and the new ruler of the city. Megan, a kind but fierce warrior, had been Mia’s mentor in the art of ninjutsu, training her alongside other promising apprentices, Susan Storm, K Nightcrawler, Musa, and Shiro and Shino. They were known as the Fantastic Five, and together they defended Zentrix against a wave of skeleton-like Khadurians, minions of a powerful sorcerer-warrior named Dartz.

Dartz, as we later discovered, had been a friend of a powerful sorcerer, a friend who had been healed by the Golden Dragon Clan on Nara. But, blinded by greed, he had turned to darkness, stealing mana from others to enhance his own powers.

The battle against Dartz brought to light a truth that shook Mia’s world: she was destined to lead the Golden Dragon Clan, to inherit the power of mana, a power that flowed through our blood, a power that allowed us to heal and empower others.

It was time for Mia to learn her heritage, to embrace her destiny. I knew it was time to take her back to Nara, to the heart of our clan. But the journey was not without its difficulties. Mia, used to the freedom of Earth and the love of Sharn, wasn’t ready to leave it all behind. And I, burdened by the responsibility of leading our people, was torn between my duty to her and my desire to protect her.

Dartz, however, was relentless. He arrived on Nara, intent on destroying our clan and stealing the remaining mana that flowed through us. Mia, despite her reluctance to embrace her destiny, faced him alone, her heart filled with fear and determination.

But she was unprepared for his true nature. Dartz was not just a sorcerer, he was a Protorion, a ghostly alien who brainwashed others, turning them into his own twisted puppets. Dartz, with his ghostly powers, overwhelmed her, turning her allies into his minions.

It was a moment of truth, a moment of reckoning. I had lied to Mia, telling her I could teach her the ways of mana, but I had done so to protect her. It was a lie that shattered our fragile bond.

In the end, Mia sacrificed herself to save her friends, facing Dartz head-on, using the same technique that had defeated Aoi Rokusho, the Force Chokehold. It was a desperate gamble, one that sent them both to the Sun, the heart of our solar system, the domain of the Gods of the Universe.

But she didn’t fall. She didn’t surrender. With my help, and the collective mana of our clan, she fought back, shattering Dartz’s hold and restoring her allies to life.

Daphne, the Cosmic Goddess of Sun and Life, revealed that it was she who had sent me the message, that it was she who had chosen Mia as the Chosen Heir. It was Mia’s destiny, a destiny woven into the very fabric of the cosmos.

And then she returned to Earth, a warrior, a leader, a daughter, and a star.

My heart swells with pride as I watch her train her allies in the art of ninjutsu and mana, her laughter echoing through the halls of Zentrix. It is a testament to her strength, her courage, her spirit. It is a testament to the bond we share, a bond that stretches across the galaxies, a bond that transcends time and space.

She is my daughter, my Mia, the Chosen Heir of the Golden Dragon Clan. And I am her father, Ang Leung, the Guardian of the Temple, and I would do anything to protect her.

The story of our reunion, of our journey, is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, hope can bloom. It is a reminder that love and family are the strongest bonds in the universe, a reminder that destiny awaits those who dare to embrace it.