
… Ash Ketchum, a kind hearted person, a leader,

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/12 Read: 4746

Ash Ketchum, a kind hearted person, a leader, a hero. He is 20 years old and wears red hat and blue jacket in Kalos. His goal is to become a Pokémon master. His friends are, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie. Both Serena and Clemont are 20 as well. Bonnie is 8. Ash’s Pokémon are Pikachu, Greninja, Sceptile, Charizard, Lucario, and Hawlucha.
Another character is Lysander. Lysander is the leader of team flare. Team flare is like team rocket but a little better. Lysanders goal is to capture Ash and make him join his team. Ash most of the time gets away though. But in this story, we are going to say WHY Lysander wants him.

Title: Journeys never end.
Name of chapter: A new day.
In this story, Ash and his friends are journeying throughout the Kalos region. They’ve made many new memories and are still making more. Little does anyone know, team flare and their leader Lysander, are watching them. (Specifically Ash). After Ash and his friends finished battles and all that stuff, they decided to head to bed. Ash, trying to sleep, remembered something. Something that had changed his life. Something, he’s NEVER told anyone. Just thinking about it told him, he hadn’t truly forgotten it. Now, let’s go a little back in time, where Ash was just a little younger. This is why Lysander wants to capture and take control, of Ash. This is the trauma Ash had remembered.

Name of chapter: The memory.
*five years earlier*
Ash was 15, and was journeying alone. Lysander found him alone, and decided that Ash was the perfect target. Lysander soon came to him, acting friendly and said, “well hello there.” “Hmm?” Ash said. “What are you doing alone young man?” Lysander said. “Oh hell no! I am not falling for that trick!” Ash yelled. “Trick?” Lysander said smiling, signaling his crew to capture Ash. They soon caught him, and knocked him out. Ash awoke to find himself in a cage of some sort. “You’re finally awake!” A voice said. It was a young boy in the cage next to him. “Are you okay?” They said. “Y-yes, I am. Who are you again?” Ash said. “Call me Blue.” They said. “Okay Blue.” Ash said. “what’s your name?” Blue said. “Ash, My names Ash.” Ash replied.
“That’s enough talking you two!” A guard snapped. “I’m used to this kind of stuff, so I’m not worried by the guard.” Blue said with a smile. “How long….have you been here?” Ash questioned. “Maybe like 2 years.” Blue answered. “2 years!?” Ash said.
“Hey! I said that’s enough talking! Want me to get Lysander?!” The guard snapped again. “Sorry sir…” Ash said. “Don’t be. Just stay strong.” Said blue.

Name of chapter: The unexpected turn.
Hours later, Lysander walked in looking for Ash. “Ash, I’m gonna need you to come with me.” Lysander said. Ash couldn’t say anything, he was scared after what other people near him said what Lysander does. “Don’t worry Ash, it’s not as bad as the others say it is.” Blue said. For a moment, Ash believed him. Then the guard opened Ash’s cage and roughly dragged him out. “Stay strong Ash!” Blue called out. Ash tried to get away, but was met with a zapping shock by a taser like weapon. The guard kept on dragging him, until they went into a different room. The guard threw Ash in that room with Lysander, zapped him again, and left. Ash was in pain, he couldn’t even stand up. “Stay strong Ash!” Blues words echoed in Ash’s mind. “Ash?” Lysander said. “Y-yes?” Ash said, still a little scared. “I’m gonna need you to stand up now.” Lysander said. Ash, still laying on the floor, stood up with the last bit of strength he had. “Why are you doing this?” Ash said. Lysander didn’t answer and quickly pushed him to the wall, chaining his arms and legs so he couldn’t move. Ash was terrified, but didn’t really show it.

Name of chapter: Is it over?
Ash tried to get out of the chains, but nothing worked. Lysander left the room for a moment, and came back with something. It was that taser like weapon the guard had used on him. “What are you… going to do with that?” Asked Ash. “You’ll see.” Lysander said. “You’ve made quite a bond with Blue, haven’t you Ash?” Lysander said. “Yes sir.” Ash said. “I want you here because I have a favor.” Lysander then said. “What?” Ash asked. “You join me, and I won’t hurt you, or Blue.” Lysander offered. “You don’t bring Blue into this! Everything you were going to do with Blue, do to me instead! He’s been here too long.” Ash said. “I won’t do anything to you if you just join me Ash. We can make the future brighter! We can change the world with your power!” Lysander said. “Never!” Ash yelled. “Ash, you are….. perfect. The perfect weapon I can create.” Lysander said. “What do you mean?” Ash said. “You will be my puppet. My weapon.” Lysander said. “And I already said no!” Ash yelled, struggling against the chains. “You will break at some point Ash. You will break. But for now, let’s see just how long it will take!” Lysander said, almost smiling. He grabbed the weapon he brought in, and used it on Ash, striking him multiple times. Ash screamed in pain. Blues words echoed in his mind again. Hours passed, and a guard dragged Ash back to his cage. Blue was watching as he saw his “friend” being dragged unconscious. Ash was thrown back into his cage, and didn’t wake up for a while.

Name of chapter: day by day.
Ash awoke again to see Blue. “Is it true Ash?” Blue said. “Did you really take the hit for me?” He said again. “Ya.” Ash responded. “Thank you.” Blue said. Day by day, almost the same thing happened. Blue was protected by Ash, but Ash was protected by no one. Lysander came into the room again. He ordered the guard to grab Ash, and put him back in the chains on the wall. Lysander either used him as a punching bag, got the taser like weapon and used it on him, or pushed his head in water causing him to start drowning. Ash was being beat up and tortured everyday. Everyday for Ash, it was being electrocuted, hit, strangled, being beat up, water boarding, and even worse things. Lysander’s goal was to break Ash’s spirit and force him to join him. Days later, Lysander realized that the torture wasn’t enough, he had to turn things up a bit. Ash was tied down and chained to a bed. Lysander walked in carrying a briefcase with something in it. As he opened the case, Ash new this wasn’t going to be good. In the briefcase, there was a shot with a very long needle, and 2 unknown substances. Lysander filled the shot with one of the substances, and put it slowly and very painfully into Ash. Ash began to scream in pain. “This right here will help you Ash.” Lysander said. Ash tried to resist as hard as he could. “Don’t try to resist it,” Lysander said beginning to but the second substance in. Ash was in excruciating pain and agony. (Make up something the substances did to him.) Ash’s screams were music to Lysander’s ears. But one day, everything changed. Ash was thrown back into the cage once again after another beating and was a bit insane. But the guard forgot to lock it. Blue didn’t notice until he saw Ash sneak out. Ash took down the guard and went to free Blue. Just then, Lysander had walked in. “Oh Ash, I knew you would do this eventually.” He said. Ash had freed Blue and told him to run. Blue froze in shock when Lysander pulled out a gun. “Blue is too much of a distraction for you Ash.” Lysander said. Lysander fired at Blue. “NO!” Ash yelled jumping in front, taking the bullet. “ASH!” Blue yelled. Ash was bleeding badly on the ground, his life flashing before his eyes. Blue then got up, and ran at Lysander, grabbing the gun and breaking it. He had defeated Lysander, but all he cared about was Ash surviving. Blue carried Ash to a hospital, and waited. Ash was going to be fine thanks to Blue. When Ash got out of the hospital, he thanked Blue. “No, thank you Ash! You got me out of that hell!” Blue said. “You’re welcome.” Ash said.

Final chapter: It’s over.
Ash woke up In a jolt. He had forgotten what happened to Blue after that. He was still scared though. Ash knew Lysander was still out there looking for revenge on him and Blue. Ash was scarred from that pain, both physically and mentally. Although he kept having nightmares about it, he kept the secret to himself. Even if it had ended in a happy way, he was still in the dark, still scared, still wondering if he could have escaped a different way than facing death himself. He had a fading scar from the gun shot wound and was still a bit insane. He felt comfort with his Pokémon and friends, knowing they were there for him. But still, he didn’t want to live through that pain again.

Add lots of dialogue from beginning to middle to end. You don’t have to copy the words I put in the story, it’s just an example of what I want to happen.

Journeys Never End

Chapter 1: A New Day

The air hung heavy with the scent of pine and the chirping of crickets as Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie settled down for the night. Their journey through the Kalos region had been filled with exciting battles, heart-warming moments, and breathtaking landscapes. As they drifted off to sleep, a familiar quiet settled around them, but for Ash, it was a quiet burdened by an unspoken truth. He tossed and turned, the comfortable silence of the night pierced by a memory that had haunted him for years.

Suddenly, the image of a cold, metal cage flashed before his eyes, the smell of disinfectant and fear overwhelming him. It was a memory he had buried deep within himself, a memory he had vowed never to revisit. He had to understand why. Why did he keep this a secret? Why did it haunt him so?

“Pikachu…” he mumbled, seeking solace in the presence of his ever-faithful companion. Pikachu, sensing his unease, nuzzled against his cheek, a silent gesture of support.

Ash’s mind raced back five years, to a time when he was a lone traveler, his path untrodden by the warmth of friendship.

Chapter 2: The Memory

The sun beat down mercilessly on the dusty path as Ash, a young 15-year-old, journeyed through the Kalos region. He was alone, his heart yearning for the companionship he craved. He had left Pallet Town, his home, with a dream of becoming a Pokemon Master, a dream that fueled his ambition and kept him going.

A figure, tall and imposing, emerged from the shadows. His name was Lysander, the leader of Team Flare, a menacing organization that lurked in the shadows, waiting to unleash its sinister plans upon the world.

“Well, hello there,” Lysander said, his voice as smooth as honey. “What are you doing out here all alone, young man?”

“None of your business,” Ash said, his eyes narrowed. He sensed something off, something sinister lurking beneath Lysander’s charming façade.

“Oh, come now, don’t be so rude. I just wanted to make sure you were alright,” Lysander said, his smile widening, but Ash couldn’t shake the feeling that something was amiss. “It’s not safe to be alone out here.”

“I can take care of myself,” Ash said, his voice firm.

Lysander’s smile faltered for a moment, but then he returned to his charming demeanor. “You’re a strong one, I can tell. Perhaps you’d like to join me. We can make the world a better place together. Think about it, wouldn’t it be better to be part of something bigger, something more powerful?”

He gestured towards his hidden Team Flare members, who swiftly emerged from the shadows, their faces masked, their eyes glinting with malicious intent.

Ash instinctively knew he had made a mistake. He tried to run, but his attempts were met with swift and merciless force. He felt a sharp blow to his head, and then everything went black.

He awoke in a cold, dark cage, the metallic scent of his prison clinging to the air. He was surrounded by darkness, the only light a dim, flickering bulb overhead.

“You’re finally awake!” a voice called out from the next cage. It was a young boy, no older than Ash, his face pale, but his eyes bright with a flicker of defiance.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“I… I think so,” Ash said, his voice trembling. “Who are you?”

“They call me Blue,” the boy replied, his voice steady.

“Blue… what are you doing here?” Ash asked.

“I’ve been here for two years,” Blue said, his voice a whisper. “They took me from my home, just like they took you.”

Ash’s stomach churned. Two years! His heart pounded in his chest. He was trapped.

Chapter 3: The Unexpected Turn

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Ash and Blue lived in their cramped cages, their lives filled with a gnawing sense of fear and uncertainty.

They exchanged stories, sharing their hopes and fears. Blue’s resilience in the face of adversity filled Ash with hope, but he was still haunted by the fear of what Lysander was planning.

One day, Lysander walked into their prison, his eyes cold, his smile predatory.

“Ash, I need you to come with me,” he said, his voice as smooth as silk.

Ash’s heart pounded in his chest. He had heard rumors about Lysander’s experiments, his cruel methods of control. He had seen the fear in the eyes of others who had been taken by Team Flare.

“Don’t worry, Ash,” Blue said, his voice soft but firm. “It’s not as bad as they say.”

Blue’s words brought a fleeting moment of hope, but Ash couldn’t shake the fear that gnawed at him.

A guard, his face twisted in a cruel sneer, opened Ash’s cage and dragged him out. He struggled against his captors, but their grip was strong, their faces emotionless.

“Stay strong, Ash!” Blue shouted, his voice filled with worry.

They dragged Ash to a dimly lit room. The walls were lined with strange machines and scientific equipment, their chrome surfaces gleaming coldly under the dim lights.

Lysander waited for him, his eyes burning with a strange intensity.

“Ash, I’m going to need you to be strong for me,” Lysander said, his voice soft but laced with a chilling undertone. “You’re going to be a part of something great. Something that will change the world. But first, you need to be ready.”

He gestured to a guard, who threw Ash against the wall, his back slamming into the cold metal. Ash gasped in pain, but Lysander was unmoved.

“Don’t worry, Ash,” Lysander said, his voice a whisper. “You’ll understand soon enough.”

He gestured to another guard who produced a device that crackled with electricity. The guard pressed the device against Ash’s arm, sending a jolt of searing pain through his body.

“Ash, you’re stronger than you think,” Lysander said, watching Ash writhe in pain. “You have the potential to be something great. But first, you need to learn to control your power.”

He pointed to a chair in the corner of the room.

“Sit down,” he commanded.

Ash, his body trembling, stumbled to the chair and collapsed into it. Lysander then proceeded to chain his arms and legs to the chair, effectively immobilizing him.

Ash’s eyes filled with terror. He knew what Lysander was going to do to him. He had seen what he had done to others.

Chapter 4: Is It Over?

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, and the relentless torture continued. Ash endured beatings, electrocution, and waterboarding. Lysander’s goal was to break his spirit, to crush his will, to make him subservient.

Lysander’s voice, cold and unfeeling, echoed in Ash’s mind, tormenting him with whispers of power and control.

But through it all, Ash never lost hope. He clung to Blue’s words, his unwavering belief in Ash, a beacon of light in his darkest hour.

One day, Lysander entered the torture chamber, a sinister smile playing on his lips.

“Ash, you’re doing well,” he said, his voice laced with satisfaction. “You’re becoming stronger, more powerful. Soon, you’ll be ready.”

He reached into his briefcase and pulled out two vials, filled with a viscous, glowing liquid.

“This is going to help you,” he said, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. “This is going to make you even stronger. It’s going to make you the perfect weapon.”

He filled a syringe with the liquid, the needle glinting ominously in the dim light.

“This is going to change you, Ash,” he said, his voice a deadly whisper. “You’ll be mine, completely mine.”

He injected the substance into Ash’s arm, the sharp sting sending a wave of pain through his body.

Ash screamed in agony, his muscles contracting spasmodically, his body racked with pain.

“It’s alright, Ash,” Lysander said, his voice cold. “You’re strong. You’ll get through this.”

He injected the second vial into Ash’s arm. The world spun, his vision blurred, and then everything went black.

When Ash finally regained consciousness, he was back in his cage, the metallic scent of his prison suffocating him. He looked up, his eyes searching for Blue.

Blue was there, his face pale, his eyes filled with concern.

“Ash, are you okay?” he asked, his voice trembling.

“I’m… I’m fine,” Ash said, his voice weak. “What… what happened?”

“Lysander… he did something to you,” Blue said, his voice filled with fear. “I don’t know what he did, but it’s not good.”

Ash’s mind raced, trying to piece together what had happened. He remembered the pain, the searing agony, the feeling of his body being ripped apart from within.

“He… he changed me,” he said, his voice barely a whisper.

“He took away your freedom, your will,” Blue said, his voice filled with anger. “But he didn’t take your heart. He didn’t take your spirit.”

Ash looked at Blue, his eyes filled with gratitude. Blue had been his only solace, his only hope in the darkest moments of his life.

Chapter 5: Day by Day

The days that followed were a blur. Ash endured more torture, his spirit slowly being chipped away by the relentless abuse. But the changes he felt, the changes Lysander had wrought, were subtle, creeping in like the tide, eroding his sense of self.

He found himself losing his emotions, his empathy fading, replaced by a chilling indifference. He felt a strange emptiness inside him, a void where once his compassion had resided.

He was becoming the weapon Lysander wanted him to be.

One day, Lysander entered the torture chamber. Ash’s body was weak, his mind numbed by the constant barrage of abuse. Lysander watched him, a cruel smile playing on his lips.

“You’re doing well, Ash,” he said, his voice a chilling whisper. “You’re almost ready.”

He gestured to a guard who grabbed Ash, dragging him to the table. He strapped Ash down, securing his arms and legs to the table, his body rendered immobile.

Ash felt a cold, metallic dread creep into his heart. He knew what was coming.

Lysander approached the table, his eyes burning with a sinister light. He picked up a scalpel, the blade glinting ominously under the dim lights.

“This is it, Ash,” he said, his voice a deadly whisper. “This is where you become truly mine. This is where you become the weapon I need.”

He raised the scalpel, the blade shimmering in the cold, sterile air.

Just then, a sudden commotion erupted outside the room. The sound of alarms, the panicked shouts of guards, the clang of metal against metal.

Lysander froze, his eyes widening in surprise. He dropped the scalpel, the blade clattering onto the floor.

“What’s going on?” he demanded, his voice sharp with alarm.

“They’re coming, Lysander!” a guard shouted, his voice filled with panic. “They’ve infiltrated the facility!”

Lysander’s face contorted in anger. He glanced at Ash, his eyes filled with a mixture of anger and regret.

“I’ll finish this later,” he said, his voice laced with threat. “But for now, you’ll have to wait.”

He turned and rushed out of the room, leaving Ash alone on the table, his body strapped down, his mind filled with confusion and dread.

Chapter 6: It’s Over

The chaos outside the chamber grew louder. The alarms wailed, the shouts of guards echoed through the halls, the sound of running feet filled the air.

Ash’s heart raced, his mind trying to make sense of the situation. He was free, but his freedom was fleeting. Lysander would be back, and when he did, he would finish what he had started.

The door to the chamber burst open, and a figure rushed in. It was Blue, his face flushed with exertion, his eyes filled with determination.

He rushed to Ash’s side, his heart pounding in his chest.

“Ash, it’s okay,” he said, his voice filled with relief. “We’re free.”

He started to unstrap Ash from the table, his hands trembling slightly.

“Lysander… he’s not gone,” Ash said, his voice a hollow whisper. “He’ll be back.”

“It’s okay,” Blue said, his voice firm. “We’ll be ready for him. We’re together now.”

He finished unstrapping Ash, and the two of them stumbled out of the chamber and into the chaos that engulfed the facility.

They ran through the halls, the sounds of gunfire and explosions filling the air. They dodged guards, evaded traps, and fought their way through the maze of corridors.

Finally, they reached the main entrance of the facility. The air was thick with smoke, and the stench of burning flesh filled their nostrils.

Lysander stood at the entrance, his face twisted in a mask of anger. He held a gun, its barrel aimed directly at Ash.

“Ash, you’ve made a mistake,” he said, his voice a deadly whisper. “You’re not free. You’re mine.”

Ash looked at Blue, his eyes filled with fear. He knew what Lysander was capable of. He knew he was a changed person, but something deep within him, a sliver of his humanity, still yearned for freedom, for a life beyond Lysander’s control.

Blue grabbed the gun, knocking it out of Lysander’s hand. The gun clattered to the floor, the sound echoing through the chamber.

“Lysander, it’s over,” Blue said, his voice firm. “We’re free.”

He turned to Ash, his eyes filled with concern.

“Ash, are you okay?” he asked.

Ash looked at him, his eyes filled with confusion and fear. He didn’t know what to say. He was still trying to grasp the enormity of what he had endured, what he had become.

“I… I think so,” he said, his voice trembling.

Blue put his arm around Ash, his touch a source of comfort in the midst of the chaos.

“It’s okay, Ash,” he said, his voice soft. “We’re together now. We’ll get through this.”

They made their way through the throng of guards, their bodies aching, their minds reeling. They knew they were not free, not yet, but they had a chance, a sliver of hope.

As they left the facility, the sun was rising, its golden rays painting the sky with the promise of a new day. Ash looked at Blue, his eyes filled with gratitude. He had saved him, given him a second chance, a chance to reclaim his life.

Chapter 7: Final Chapter

The memory faded, leaving a bitter taste in Ash’s mouth. The terror, the pain, the haunting whispers of Lysander’s words still echoed in his mind. He remembered the cold steel of the cage, the searing pain of the electrocution, the desperation he had felt as Lysander sought to claim him.

The journey through Kalos had been a whirlwind of new experiences, joyous triumphs, and heart-breaking losses. He had learned much, grown in ways he never thought possible. He had found love and friendship, a support system that helped him navigate the trials and tribulations of his journey.

But his darkest secret, the years he had spent in Lysander’s clutches, remained a shadow in his heart. The fear, the pain, the changes he felt, the memory of Blue’s sacrifice, all of it lingered, a dark cloud looming over the bright sunshine of his life.

As Ash lay in bed, Pikachu nuzzling against him, a sense of calm washed over him. He had chosen to keep this secret, not because he was ashamed, but because he feared the hurt it would cause his friends. He feared the way they might see him, the fear they would have for him.

He had chosen to bear the weight of his trauma alone, but he knew it was a weight that threatened to crush him.

The journey was far from over, and the echoes of his past still haunted him. But with his friends by his side, with Pikachu’s unwavering loyalty, Ash knew he could face whatever challenges lay ahead. He had a new mission, a new purpose. He would face his fears, confront his past, and use his experiences to help others.

His journey had just begun, and it would continue, with all its twists and turns, its triumphs and tragedies, until he achieved his goal of becoming a Pokémon Master, a goal that now meant more than ever. He had to prove to himself, to Lysander, and to the world that he had broken free, that he had not become the weapon Lysander had wanted him to be. He was Ash Ketchum, a hero, a friend, a beacon of hope, and his journey was far from over.