
Do a long very detailed story with dialogues Of a

Do a long very detailed story with dialogues Of a girl with the chaos quirk in My hero academia. She doesn’t like to use her quirk only sometimes when she need it. She is a girl with striking purple eyes and long, fiery orange hair that falls to her shoulders. She stands 5’2” and is of medium height. The suit is black and worn, with rips and tears in various places that show signs of wear and tear, indicating that it has been through multiple battles. The fabric is also stained with blood in various places. She also wears a thin silver mask that covers the top half of her face, leaving her piercing purple eyes visible. She’re a Vigilante. She are mostly known for your ability to manipulate and kill your victims; who are mostly villains or other horrible people of your past. She were the quiet type. She were sneaky and never left a trace in your murders. One day she had just gotten done with assassinating a huge villain in a alleyway. She were cleaning up. When she glanced around you noticed those oh so familiar blue and red lights.
The heroes were here. She doesn’t trust heroes. She quickly grabbed her things and started to make a run for it but she stopped. When you heard footsteps.
Hey, you. Said a policeman. she turn around and run. She glanced back to see the officer pulling out a radio. Suspect spotted! I need backup!. Just as she rounded the corner, ready to leap into an escape route she had meticulously crafted, she skidded to a stop. Ahead of her, in a darkened corner of the street, stood a tall figure, unmistakable in his signature attire. The tousled hair, the dark goggles, the steely demeanor—Eraserhead. What’s the rush? he called, his voice low and unyielding. She tries to run away from him but he uses his capture scarf, disarms her and takes off her mask and he is surprised to see that she is just a little girl. He asks her for her name and she tells him that she is Yezakia but that she does not have a last name. He asks her for her age and she tells him that she is 15 years old and he is surprised. number of words: 3000

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