
Back on Earth, Star uses her magic to expand her a

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/08/27 Read: 3885

Back on Earth, Star uses her magic to expand her and Aurora’s room into a large castle loft. Aurora uses her magic to separate their room into two, and decorated her side in lavender, light green, and baby blue colors. She placed her familiar, Fennekin, on her fluffy queen bed with hanging curtains around the bed. When Marco wishes he had a similar room, Star tries to make one for him but accidentally creates a black hole that sucks in everything from his room. Noticing Marco’s frustration, she tries to cheer him up by making a small sun over his head, but it turns into a rain cloud. Fed up, Marco decides that if Star’s moving in, he is moving out. Aurora walks into Marco’s room and sees the black hole and Marco walking away, and uses her magic to close the black hole, and asked Star what happened and where Marco was going? Climbing out the window and falling into a bed of cacti, Marco walks off in anger.

The air crackled with magic as Star, a whirlwind of starlight and laughter, waved her hand. The walls of her and Aurora’s shared room expanded outwards, morphing into a sprawling castle loft. Beams of polished oak replaced the plaster ceiling, and a winding staircase appeared, leading to a balcony overlooking a sprawling landscape of fluffy clouds.

Aurora, her eyes shining with a playful glint, focused her own magic. With a wave of her hand, a wall of shimmering light snaked through the room, dividing it neatly in two. Her side was a haven of pastel hues: lavender walls, light green carpets, and baby blue curtains billowing around a fluffy queen bed. Her familiar, Fennekin, curled up on the bed, content under the canopy of silken fabric.

“Wow!” Marco, their best friend, gaped at the transformation. “I wish I had a room like that.”

Star, caught up in the magic of it all, didn’t think twice. With a mischievous grin, she pointed a finger at Marco’s room. “Don’t worry, Marco. We’ll fix you up!”

A whirlwind of energy erupted, sending Marco’s furniture spinning. A bookshelf, his favorite stuffed dragon, and even his prized collection of comic books vanished in a flash of swirling black. A gaping black hole, a horrifying void of nothingness, occupied the space where Marco’s belongings once stood.

Marco stared at the black hole, his face a mask of frustration. “Star, what have you done?!”

Star, realizing the extent of her blunder, tried to fix it. With a hesitant gesture, she conjured a small sun, a glowing orb, hovering over Marco’s head. But her magic seemed to be misfiring, and the sun morphed into a dark rain cloud, spitting out tiny droplets of water.

“I… I don’t know what happened,” she stammered, her voice laced with guilt.

Marco, his patience wearing thin, slammed his fist on the table. “If you’re going to make this place a magical mess, then I’m out of here!”

With a final glare, he turned and strode out of the room, his footsteps heavy with anger.

Aurora, who had witnessed the chaos unfold from her own magical sanctuary, walked into Marco’s room. The black hole, a swirling abyss of chaos, was still there. Marco, his face set in a grim line, was walking away, his silhouette disappearing down the hallway.

“Star, what happened?” she asked, her voice laced with concern. “Where’s Marco going?”

Star, her face pale with worry, could only whisper, “I… I messed up.”

Just then, Marco, climbing out the window, lost his balance and fell into a bed of prickly cacti. With a groan of frustration, he pushed himself up and continued walking away, his anger fueled by the pain and confusion of it all.