
Bob and Sue- The YouTubers A Bob and Sue Episode

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/18 Read: 3734

Bob and Sue- The YouTubers

A Bob and Sue Episode
Title: The YouTubers

Bob and Sue unknowingly press that button again on their TV remote to release Chikn Nuggit from BuzzFeed AnimLab before they go to sleep at 10pm on a Saturday night, wondering if they could stay for a week. The next day, Bob wakes up with a wet face, surprised that Chikn Nuggit licked him for him to wake up, happy to invite his new friends. But when Chee accidentally presses that button again on their TV remote on the 3rd day, she releases more YouTubers and things go haywire.

Chikn Nuggit Gang:

Chikn Nuggit (dog\ demigod of chaos)
Cheezborger (not mischievous calico cat)
Iscream (demon “bunny”, Fwench fwy’s partner, genderless immortal)
Fwench Fwy (wish dragon, Iscream’s partner, genderless immortal)
Cofi (pink sheep in wolf’s clothing)
Slushi (mint colored fox)
Sody Pop (9 year old red panda)
Sasparilla (Sody Pop’s mom)

Evbo, Twi Shorts (duck avatar), Beeschurger, Ishoya (round blue penguin avatar) Minecraft YouTubers
Beluga (cat YouTuber)
Mr Beast
The Odd 1s Out (aka James)
Hanimations (aka Bryson)
Chubby Rabbit Animation (Chubby- Rabbit, Tom- Cat)
{Characters introduce themselves one by one)

Day 1- While a few characters of the gang is chillin’ around, Bob and Sue do a house tour with the Chikn Nuggit gang
Iscream discreetly makes a wicked smile looking at all the sharp objects in the house. The Chikn Nuggit gang spread out to explore each room of the house one by one.

Day 2- Chikn has been discreetly scratching himself lately for the past 2 hours, but Bob soon catches him by the act by shedding hair. Then Bob takes Chikn to a bathtub and scrubs him, then takes him on a walk outside, suggesting that Chikn is not HIS dog, y’know? Until Nick (Bob’s brother) talks about Bob’s “pet”, wondering if he should lie or tell the truth. Chikn just shrugs if he could answer the question or not.

Day 3: Chee sleeps on Bob’s bed when Bob sits on her fluffy round tail as she screeches by her meows and scratches him all over his face as she runs away as Bob tries to catch the little kitty. Then she accidentally releases the YouTubers when she clicks the button with her left leg as she tries to stay away from Bob.

Day 4: Slushi and Sody Pop do a TikTok together. Iscream later haunts the house, but mean no harm as they try to look cute as the “bunny” they are as the gang later goes to an amusement park with Bob and Sue.

Day 5: Chikn finally releases his evil demigod, ready to destroy the reality of this universe.

Bob manages to try and stop him as he grabs a “no demigod potion”, gets into fight with Demigod Chikn until they get to Bob’s bedroom as he smashes him through the window as he injects the potion and Demigod Chikn explodes into 2 ver. of himself (Demigod Chikn and Regular Chikn)

Bob soon asks Fwench Fwy to wish for a giant slingshot to send Demigod Chikn to space, as he prays that he WILL get vengeance (he doesn’t)
Regular Chikn is back.

Day 6: Bob and Sue brings everyone home back to their TV.

Day 7: Bob and Sue cherish the crazy moments they had.

Info: Day 4, 5 , 6 and 7 are separated (100%, one by one)

Info 2: Bob and Sue are not YouTubers, just young adults, but mostly adults with their older parents at work.

Info 3: The Chikn Nuggit’s gang names are misspelled names of food, not named by actual food spelled correctly.

Info 4: Iscream’s mischievous, but friendly.

The YouTubers

The glow of the TV screen flickered in the darkness of Bob and Sue’s living room. It was 10 pm, a Saturday night, and their eyelids were heavy with sleep. “One more episode, then bed,” Bob mumbled, reaching for the remote. Sue nodded, her gaze glued to the screen.

Without thinking, Bob pressed a button, a familiar one he’d pressed before, a mischievous impulse he couldn’t resist. The TV screen flickered again, and then…silence.

“Did you see that?” Sue whispered, her eyes wide.

“See what?” Bob asked, but a shiver ran down his spine.

The next morning, Bob woke to a wet, slobbery lick on his face. “Chikn Nuggit!” he exclaimed, a joyful grin spreading across his face. The small, furry creature, looking suspiciously like a dog but with an uncanny glint in its eyes, wagged its tail enthusiastically. “You’re here! Did you just sneak in?”

Chikn Nuggit, the demigod of chaos, a being who’d escaped from a BuzzFeed AnimLab, looked at him with an unsettling, knowing stare. “Fwench Fwy did it,” he barked, gesturing to a small, shimmering dragon hovering near the window. “He said you’d be happy.”

And Bob was. Over the next few days, he and Sue welcomed Chikn Nuggit and his crew – Chee, the calico cat with a mischievous streak; Iscream, the impossibly cute bunny with a devilish grin; Fwench Fwy, the wish-granting dragon; Cofi, the sheep with a wolfish gaze; Slushi, the mint-colored fox; Sody Pop, the energetic red panda; and Sasparilla, her watchful mother.

Their house was filled with a joyous chaos that Bob and Sue relished. They gave the gang a grand tour, showcasing their humble abode with pride. Iscream, ever the mischievous one, discreetly checked out the sharp objects in the kitchen, his eyes gleaming with an odd sort of excitement.

The days flew by in a blur of laughter, playful antics, and strange encounters. Chikn Nuggit, though adorable, had a habit of shedding an alarming amount of hair, leading Bob to give him a bath in the bathtub. The walk in the park was…eventful. When Nick, Bob’s brother, inquired about the strange “pet”, Chikn Nuggit simply shrugged. “You know,” Bob said with a nervous laugh, “He’s not exactly…my dog, y’know?”

One morning, Bob woke to find Chee perched on his bed, her round, fluffy tail practically enveloping him. As he reached for her, she screeched, her meows turning into growls as she scratched him with tiny, sharp claws. He gave up, chuckling at the little feline’s fury. Later that day, Chee, in her playful attempt to avoid Bob’s playful chase, accidentally pressed the dreaded button on the TV remote with her leg.

A wave of digital energy surged through the house, and the room filled with a kaleidoscope of colorful avatars.

“Hey, you guys! This is Evbo, the duck, from Twi Shorts! And this is Beeschurger!” shouted a cheery, pixelated voice. A blue penguin, Ishoya, waddled in, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Next came Beluga, the cat YouTuber, her voice purring with amusement. “Wow! This is wild!”

The room seemed to vibrate with excitement.

Then came a tall, charismatic man with a twinkle in his eye. “Mr. Beast, at your service!” he boomed. The odd one out, James, with his signature deadpan humor, offered a quiet, “Hello.” Even the seemingly grumpy Bryson, known as Hananimations, grinned a little at the unexpected situation.

The Chubby Rabbit Animation duo, Chubby-Rabbit and Tom-Cat, bounced around the room, delighted with their new surroundings.

The chaos was complete.

The next few days were a whirlwind of unexpected adventures. Slushi and Sody Pop filmed a hilarious TikTok together, showcasing their dance moves. Iscream, despite his menacing appearance, tried his best to be cute, much to the amusement of the others. They all went to the amusement park, the sounds of their laughter echoing through the air.

But something felt off. Chikn Nuggit, who had been acting strangely for a while, finally unleashed his true form. His eyes blazed with demonic energy, his form shifting into a creature of pure chaos.

“Prepare to be destroyed!” he roared, his voice echoing with power.

Bob, knowing this was his chance to save his house and friends, grabbed a “no demigod potion” and charged forward. The fight raged, both of them smashing through walls, their strength seemingly equal. Finally, Bob managed to smash Chikn Nuggit through the window, injecting the potion into his exposed arm.

A blinding flash of light engulfed the room, and then…silence. Two Chikn Nuggit’s stood before them, one looking like a normal dog, the other radiating a demonic aura.

“Fwench Fwy, you owe me one,” Bob groaned, his body aching. He prayed to the wish dragon, “Please, a giant slingshot! I need to send that demon back to where it belongs!”

The dragon, with a twinkle in his eye, granted his wish. The slingshot materialized, seemingly out of thin air, its elastic stretched and ready. Bob, with a grunt of exertion, loaded Demigod Chikn onto the slingshot and released it with all his might. The slingshot launched him towards the sky, the demonic aura fading as it ascended, eventually disappearing into the vast expanse of the cosmos.

“And for you, my friend,” Bob said to Regular Chikn, his voice filled with relief. He picked up the small, furry creature, his heart filled with warmth. “You’re back.”

Regular Chikn barked happily, licking Bob’s face.

The following days were spent packing up the YouTubers and the Chikn Nuggit gang, sending them back to their digital homes through the TV screen. Bob and Sue, exhausted but exhilarated, watched as they vanished, their laughter echoing in the air.

As the days passed, Bob and Sue found themselves reminiscing about their wild week. They may not have been YouTubers, but they had experienced a life-changing adventure, one that they would cherish forever. They learned that sometimes, a little chaos is exactly what life needs, and that sometimes, you just need to press that button and see where the journey takes you.