

Adventure: Stories that involve exciting journeys.


Chapitre 1: La Forêt Enchantée Léo le lionceau

Chapitre 1: La Forêt Enchantée Léo le lionceau vivait dans une forêt enchantée où chaque arbre et chaque fleur avaient...

I was walking with my pet dog one day when we hear

I was walking with my pet dog one day when we heard some growls. Then I turned around and saw...

I was sleeping when I woke up and I saw that cars

I was sleeping when I woke up and I saw that cars were parked together snd I saw some of...

Pendant la migration vers l’Ouest, en 1855, des c

Pendant la migration vers l'Ouest, en 1855, des colons vont être confrontés à de nombreuses aventures. Une femme sera enlevée...

다른 시간 다른 장소에서 만났더라면

다른 시간 다른 장소에서 만났더라면 우리가 다른 다른 날들을 보낼 수 있지 않았을까 상상하기도해. 잔혹한 운명이구나

Chapter 5:Meeting Hanna Sophia. Floyd’s heart sk

Chapter 5:Meeting Hanna Sophia. Floyd's heart skipped a beat as he leaned his head closer to the door. The muffled...

A story between the Crewmate and the Imposter in t

A story between the Crewmate and the Imposter in the Among Us Universe. Sarah, an empathetic and kind Crewmate doctor....

A story about Yellow in the Among Us Universe.

A story about Yellow in the Among Us Universe.

A story about Hawkwing in the Warrior Cat Universe

A story about Hawkwing in the Warrior Cat Universe.

Chapter 32:Floyd’s revival. Sonic gets up, groan

Chapter 32:Floyd's revival. Sonic gets up, groaning. "Guess I had a bonus life," he murmurs to himself, his voice barely...