
Chapter 1: Prolouge/Opening Title/Opening Medley.

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/08/23 Read: 1296

Chapter 1: Prolouge/Opening Title/Opening Medley.

Ember looked up from her book, the sound of waves crashing against the shore mixing with the distant laughter of children playing. She had picked a quiet spot on the beach, her beach chair set far from the bustling crowds. The salty sea breeze whispered through her hair, carrying with it the scent of adventure and freedom. But that was all about to change as a shadow fell over her, and she felt the weight of a new presence.

Nova, the sleek and cunning leader of the Gremlin Trolls, stood over Ember, her eyes gleaming with a mix of anger and determination. She wore a damaged exosuit after a battle. She had fought hard to bring back the leather bracelet that once belonged to Striker, a symbol of the pact between the Trolls and the Night Fury dragons. “Striker is dead, your deal is done, and I’m in charge now,” she said firmly, dropping the bracelet onto the sand. “Your son is threatening the very foundation of Great Gremlin, and if you want to stay here, you’re going down there, and stopping that rascal. You understand me… Ember?” Nova’s tone was a blend of challenge and command.

The troll woman’s words hit Ember like a thunderbolt, sending shockwaves through her body. She sat up abruptly, the beach chair creaking beneath her. Her eyes narrowed, and she studied the leather bracelet lying in the sand, her mind racing with questions and concerns about her long-lost son, Branch.

Music: “Fatal by GEMN”

Floyd flies along with Branch, his heart racing with a mix of excitement and fear. Sonic and Shadow sprint alongside them, their eyes reflecting the determination to protect their kin. The sun dips below the horizon, casting a fiery glow over the landscape as they approach the ancient ruins rumored to hold the Transformation Cursed Flower. Hanna Sophia, a skilled archer with a penchant for danger, rides atop Shadow’s back, her bow at the ready.

“🎵I wake up from a dream again, opening my wet eyes. I remember so madly, I curse the powerlessness of those distant days. Will the despair that burns me become nourishment? I continue to burn as I yearn for my longing. Your eyes, inhabited by sparkling stars, are parched and dry, a pitiful lack of love? A dazzling light that saves all from loneliness. Is it your fault that the shadow that falls only on me is your fault? You gave me a fatal deficiency. A selfish giant, a life gone awry. Please, let me hear your voice, let me hear your voice. You are the only one who gave me even the wounds that have become tangled and distorted, you are the only one. Ah, only you, only you. Please, watch me, watch me. I will use even the pain engraved in my fate as a weapon, so that I can even shine a light on my regrets of the past. I can’t live without you. I don’t mind giving you everything. Your love is still not enough. What should I use to fill what is missing? Fatal, fatal, fatal love
Fated, fatal, fatal I
Inevitable, inevitable, inevitable sorrow
Watch out for me, my beloved Fatale!🎵”

The melody of “Fatal” by GEMN echoed through the night as the quartet of unlikely companions approached the ancient ruins. The structures loomed over them like silent sentinels, their crumbling stones whispering tales of battles long forgotten. The moon hung high in the sky, casting eerie shadows that danced with the flickering lights from the torches they carried.

The title “Branch, Floyd The Night Fury/Troll (Branch’s brother), Sonic The Lion/Hedgehog (Floyd’s cousin), Shadow The Hedgehog, Hanna Sophia and The Ancient Transformation Cursed Flower. 2. Tale of the Two Cousins” faded from the sky, leaving a trail of stardust in its wake. The music grew louder, the beat of “Fatal” by GEMN pulsating through the air as they drew closer to the ruins. Each step they took sent a tremor through the ground, alerting any creature that might be lurking nearby of their approach.

“🎵Look in the mirror
And I start to tear up
I don’t even know all that I see
I’m missin’ the way thing’s used to be
But I wipe ’em away now
‘Cause I’m not afraid now🎵” Branch sang, his voice strong and filled with a newfound resolve.

“🎵I’m ready to find out who I am
Even if the world don’t understand
‘Cause after all this time, finally
The stars might be alignin’ for me🎵” Floyd’s deep, resonant voice joined in, the lyrics resonating with the gravity of their quest.

“🎵Something ’bout tonight got me feelin’ different
I can see the bright lights in the distance
Tell my old self, “Hey, you’ll be missed”
But I’ve been waitin’ my whole life for this🎵” Sonic added to the imprompt chorus, his voice high and hopeful.

Hanna, ever the pragmatic one, let out a soft laugh, her eyes shining with a hint of mischief. “🎵You can be a lover or a fighter, whatever you desire!
Life is like a runway and you’re the designer.
Wings of a butterfly, eyes of a tiger.
Whatever you want, baby, choose your fighter!🎵”

Her voice, light and playful, served as a stark contrast to the gravity of their mission. But it was exactly the kind of encouragement they needed to lighten the mood before facing the unknown. Shadow, ever stoic, cracked a rare smile, his eyes flickering to Hanna before he began to sing. “🎵Dreams that you can’t erase no matter what
An unstoppable “now”
If you can become stronger for someone
Get up again and again
I learned why I lost when I was beaten up by the world!🎵”

Their voices blended together in a powerful harmony that seemed to resonate with the very essence of the ruins. The music grew in intensity as they reached the entrance, a massive archway covered in ancient runes that seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy.

“🎵My loneliness is killing me (and I)
I must confess I still believe (still believe)
When I’m not with you I lose my mind
Give me a sign..
Hit me, baby, one more time!🎵” they sang together, their voices echoing through the deserted halls.

They teleported into the heart of Pop Village, the vibrant and lively capital of the Troll Kingdom. The villagers looked up from their daily routines, their eyes wide with astonishment as the legendary Night Fury, a creature of myth and awe, stood before them. The music of their hearts swelled, and the Pop Trolls, known for their love of rhythm and song, couldn’t help but join in. The villagers began to gather, their voices weaving together in a spontaneous medley that grew in volume and passion.

“🎵They Just Wanna,
They Just Wanna,
They Just Wanna,
They Just Wanna,
They Just Wanna,
They Just Wanna,
They Just Wanna,
They Just Wanna,
Characters just wanna have…🎵”

“🎵…Fun.🎵” Shadow and Hanna sang in unison, the crowd of Pop Trolls erupting into cheers and applause.

Branch and Floyd looked at each other, grinning, as the villagers closed in around them, eager to meet the legendary dragon and his companions. They felt a sense of belonging, a warmth that had been missing from their lives. The music filled the air with joy and unity, the lyrics echoing their own desires and fears.

“Hanna!” a young troll girl exclaimed, recognizing the archer from afar. “Poppy! Viva!” Hanna waved back, her smile growing wider as the crowd grew closer.

The villagers were a kaleidoscope of color, their hair styled in intricate updos that reflected their personalities. They danced around the newcomers, playing makeshift instruments and singing the lyrics of their favorite songs. The energy was infectious, and soon, Branch and Floyd found themselves moving to the rhythm, the weight of their quest momentarily lifted by the joyous atmosphere. Poppy and Viva, who had heard of their arrival, pushed through the crowd, their eyes sparkling with excitement.

“Branch! Floyd!” Poppy called out, her voice a sweet melody above the cacophony. She threw her arms around Branch, hugging him tightly. “You’re here!”

Poppy kissed Branch’s cheeks many times, then pulled back to look at him with a mix of happiness and concern. “You were gone forever!” She exclaimed, her arms still around his neck.

Branch chuckled, his eyes glowing with the warmth of homecoming. “It was, like, three days,” Hanna said, her voice filled with sarcasm, but her eyes revealed the depth of her own relief.

“Well, it felt like forever!” Poppy exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “What brings you back to the village?”

Branch looked at Floyd, who nodded solemnly. “We’re here for the Transformation Cursed Flower,” he said, his voice carrying over the music. “BABY BRANCH!!” John Dory, a hyperactive troll with a love for drama, shrieked, causing the music to hitch for a moment before it resumed its steady beat. The villagers murmured among themselves, the name of the forbidden artifact sending ripples of curiosity and fear through the crowd.

“Hey, guys! Bring it in!” Floyd called out, and Branch’s brothers, Clay, Spruce/Bruce, John Dory, and the rest of the trolls, who had been practicing their battle formations, stopped what they were doing and rushed over. The excitement in their eyes was palpable as they took in the sight of Branch and the others.

Chapter 1: The Great Gremlin Troll, the Night Fury, and a Very, Very Bad Hair Day

Ember, a troll woman with a penchant for peace and a book in hand, was enjoying the tranquility of the beach. The crashing waves provided a soothing soundtrack, and the distant laughter of children only enhanced the idyllic scene.

Suddenly, a shadow fell over her, and a distinct “thunk” as something heavy landed in the sand. She looked up to find Nova, the leader of the Gremlin Trolls, glaring at her. Nova sported a battle-scarred exosuit and a scowl that could curdle milk.

“Striker is dead,” Nova growled, her voice dripping with icy authority. “Your deal is done, and I’m in charge now. Your son, Branch, is causing chaos in Great Gremlin. If you want to stay here, you’re going down there and stopping that rascal. Do you understand, Ember?”

Ember, who had been blissfully unaware of Branch’s escapades, blinked in confusion. “Wait, what? Branch? Chaos? I thought he was just… visiting his aunt?”

Nova’s glare intensified. “Visiting his aunt with a cursed flower that’s turning everyone into giant, singing, glitter-obsessed…things!”

The leather bracelet, a symbol of the pact between the Trolls and the Night Fury dragons, lay at Ember’s feet. She glanced at it, then back at Nova. “But… my son wouldn’t… He’s a sweet boy. He wouldn’t…”

Nova sighed, a hint of exasperation in her voice. “Ember, my dear, Branch has been known to have… a unique ability to attract trouble. Like a moth to a… well, like a moth to a glitter-covered… you know, you get the picture. He needs you, and we need him back here before things get out of hand.”

Ember sighed, realizing there was no escaping her newfound responsibility. She patted the sand beside her, gesturing to Nova. “Alright, alright, let’s discuss this… and maybe have some tea? I do have a lovely chamomile blend.”

Nova’s scowl softened slightly. “Tea? That sounds… agreeable.”

As they sat on the beach, Ember’s mind raced. Branch, her son, a chaotic force of nature, on a quest for a cursed flower that turned everyone into… well, she shuddered at the thought. She had a feeling this was going to be a very, very long day.

Meanwhile, Branch, his brother Floyd the Night Fury, Sonic the Lion/Hedgehog, and Shadow the Hedgehog were speeding across the landscape, their quest to find the Transformation Cursed Flower taking them to increasingly absurd and dangerous locations.

“Wait,” Sonic said, pulling up short beside a giant, glistening mushroom. “Is that… a singing, talking… banana?”

Branch, who had been distracted by a particularly shiny rock, squinted at the giant, melodious fruit. “Why yes, Sonic, it appears to be. And it’s singing about its existential angst. It’s quite… profound, really.”

Shadow rolled his eyes, his usual stoic expression laced with a hint of amusement. “Profound? It’s just a banana, Sonic. Stop anthropomorphizing everything.”

Hanna, perched on Shadow’s back, laughed. “Oh, come on, Shadow, it’s a singing banana. You can’t deny that’s at least a little bit entertaining.”

Floyd, ever the calm observer, calmly added, “It’s also quite distracting.” He gestured to the banana, which was now crooning a melodramatic ballad about its longing for a life as a fruit salad.

“Listen,” Branch said, trying to regain their attention, “We have a quest to complete. We need to find the cursed flower before it’s too late! I’m sure my mom would be… well, less than thrilled to hear I’m causing chaos back home.”

Sonic chuckled. “Don’t worry, Branch. Your mom’s probably dealing with a ‘minor’ crisis of her own. It’s all part of being a troll, I suppose.”

Branch’s face fell. “What do you mean?”

Sonic shrugged, the corners of his mouth twitching into a mischievous smile. “Oh, nothing. Just… Nova’s probably not taking your disappearance very well. Maybe you should hurry up and find the flower.”

With a final, lingering glance at the singing banana, Branch and the group plunged back into the wilderness, their quest for the Transformation Cursed Flower leading them on a wild ride through a land filled with talking animals, singing mushrooms, and a very, very bad hair day. It was going to be a memorable adventure, and a very, very chaotic one, indeed.