
Chapter 32:Floyd’s revival. Sonic gets up, groan

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/16 Read: 2781

Chapter 32:Floyd’s revival.

Sonic gets up, groaning. “Guess I had a bonus life,” he murmurs to himself, his voice barely audible amidst the chaos. The battlefield is a stark contrast to the lively forest they had been in just moments ago—now a canvas of despair painted with the hues of war. Sonic’s heart races as he takes in the scene, his eyes scanning the ground for any sign of Floyd. His breath catches in his throat when he finally sees him, lying still among the carnage, surrounded by the worried faces of their friends and brothers.

Heart pounding in his chest, Sonic sprints over to Floyd’s side, his eyes wide with fear. The smell of burning metal and scorched earth fills his nostrils as he kneels beside the lifeless form of his cousin. The once-proud Night Fury, who had fought so fiercely beside him, now lies in a crumpled heap, his scales dull and his breathing shallow. “Flo-Flo!” Sonic calls out, his voice cracking with emotion. “Oh, no, no, no. Floyd, can you hear me?” He shakes Floyd gently, his clawed hands trembling.

“Floyd, come on, wake up,” Sonic whispers, his voice choking on tears. “Please. Please, wake up.”

As he cradles Floyd’s head in his hands, he notices something peculiar. His cousin’s ear is chipped, a small piece of his once-perfect shell missing. The sight sends a cold shiver down Sonic’s spine. It’s a stark reminder of the brutal fight they’ve just endured and the reality that hits him like a ton of bricks—Floyd might not make it.

“No, please.. Please, don’t leave me.. I need you. C’mon, Floyd. Don’t go, stay with me, cuz,” Sonic begged, his voice thick with desperation. His ears drooped down, a mirror of his heavy heart. He pulls Floyd into a tight embrace, feeling the warmth of his lifeblood seep into his fur. The ground beneath them is cold and unforgiving, a stark contrast to the warmth of their bond.

Sonic cried into Floyd’s shoulder, his tears mixing with the dirt and blood. The weight of his cousin’s body felt so much heavier than usual, a stark reminder of the battle they had just survived—barely. Tails hovered nearby, his hands moving in a blur as he worked on a medical device. His face was a mask of concentration, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. The usually jovial fox had seen too much today.

Shadow watched from a distance. Despite their rivalry, he felt a pang of sorrow. Branch sobs quietly as he holds Shadow, his arms wrapped around him in a rare show of affection. The tension between them dissolves in the face of grief, their animosity forgotten for a brief moment.

John Dory, Bruce, and Clay stand in a line, their heads bowed in respect. They had fought alongside Floyd and knew the depth of his courage. Ember’s eyes are wet with tears, but she stands tall, her hand over her heart. Despite the pain, she knows she must be strong for her friends. But she covers her face with her hand, unable to hold in her sorrow any longer.

Light, the ancient guardian of the forest, steps forward, his eyes glowing with a gentle warmth that pierces through the gloom. He places a comforting hand on her shoulder, whispering words of encouragement that only she can hear. River, the stoic leader of the dragons, watches from afar, his own eyes filled with a silent torrent of grief. He had seen too much loss in his long life, and now he had to bear witness to the potential end of his son’s journey.

Hanna and Poppy saw the hurt look in Sonic’s eyes and felt like her own heart was going to tighten from seeing how sad he was. She knew he had endured a lot of personal losses at such a young age, but to be losing Floyd like this, after just getting to reunite with him, was too much for even the Human Animal Shape-shifter and the Queen of Pop to bear. Knuckles, and Viva shared a similar saddened state, his strong fists clenched at his sides.

Suddenly, something strange happens. As Sonic’s tears hit Floyd’s face, they don’t simply roll off. Instead, they seem to absorb into his scales, leaving a trail of glowing light in their wake. The light starts at Floyd’s chipped ear and spreads rapidly, illuminating his body like a beacon in the dark. Sonic’s eyes widen in shock, his grip tightening around Floyd.

Everyone noticed the sudden change, and the air grew still. The light from Sonic’s tears began to pulse, growing stronger, brighter. It was as if the very essence of his sorrow and love was being absorbed by Floyd, fueling a transformation beyond their understanding. The glow grew more intense, enveloping the entire area in a soft, ethereal light that seemed to push back the shadows of the battlefield.

“F-Floyd…?” Sonic’s whisper echoes in the hushed silence, as the light from his tears reaches Floyd’s eyes, now flickering open with a faint glow. The once-dull scales of the Night Fury begin to shimmer with newfound vitality, each one standing tall as if reborn. The light envelops him completely, casting an aura of hope where there had only been despair.

Floyd coughed again, his eyes fluttering open to reveal the vibrant glow that had replaced the lifelessness from moments before. He looks up at Sonic, the light in his eyes dimming slightly as he tries to focus on the face above him. “Sonikku?” His voice is weak, but there’s a flicker of recognition.

Sonic’s eyes light up with joy and relief. “FLOYD!!!” he shouts, hugging his cousin with all his might. The crowd around them erupts into cheers and relieved gasps, the tension in the air dissipating like fog in the morning sun.

His ears perk up and his tail starts to wag as life begins to return to Floyd’s body. His eyes, once glazed over with pain, now sparkle with a fiery determination that Sonic had never seen before. The light from Sonic’s tears has not only revived Floyd but also transformed him into something more powerful, something greater than they could have ever imagined.

“T-Too tight, Sonic.” Floyd gasps out a laugh, his voice hoarse but growing stronger with each passing second. The light recedes, leaving him looking healthier than ever before, his scales gleaming and his eyes alight with an inner fire. Sonic pulls back slightly, his eyes wide and his heart racing with excitement. “What…what happened?” Floyd asks, looking around at the stunned faces of their companions.

“Your…your tears,” Tails stammers, still in shock at the sight before him. “They contained some kind of energy. It’s like you’ve healed him, Sonic!” The crowd of friends and allies exchange amazed glances, realizing the depth of the bond between the two cousins. The power of their love and friendship had performed a miracle in the face of death.

Sonic winked back tears and managed a grin, his heart swelling with pride. “Looks like I had a little extra magic in ’em, huh?” He ruffles Floyd’s hair playfully, feeling the warmth of his cousin’s body against his own.

“Wellllll…… Maybeee….” Floyd chuckled weakly, a hint of his usual cockiness returning. “But I’m not complaining. Thanks, cuz.” He tried to sit up, but his body protested with a sharp pain.

The battlefield was a desolate wasteland, a grim reminder of the fierce battle just fought. Sonic, still shaken from his near-death experience, stumbled to his feet, his heart pounding in his chest. His eyes, searching frantically, landed on Floyd, his cousin, lying motionless amidst the carnage. Fear gripped Sonic as he raced towards the fallen Night Fury, his voice choked with terror.

“Floyd! Floyd, wake up!” Sonic cried, his hands shaking as he gently shook the limp form. The once vibrant scales were dull, his breathing shallow, a chilling confirmation of his grave injuries. Sonic’s own heart ached, mirroring the pain he saw in the faces of their friends, their eyes reflecting their shared despair.

Tails, the ever-resourceful fox, frantically worked on a medical device, his brow furrowed with concern. Shadow, usually stoic and reserved, stood a distance away, his face betraying a flicker of emotion – something akin to sorrow. Branch clung to him, a silent testament to the profound impact of the battle.

John Dory, Bruce, and Clay, their faces grim, stood as if frozen in time, their heads bowed in respect for their fallen comrade. Ember, ever the stoic warrior, fought back tears, her eyes reflecting the collective grief of their company. Light, the ancient guardian, placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, offering unspoken solace. River, the elder dragon, his eyes filled with the weight of a thousand battles, watched with a stoicism that masked his deep sorrow.

Hanna and Poppy, witnessing the pain on Sonic’s face, felt their own hearts constrict. They knew the pain of loss all too well, and to see Sonic lose Floyd, after such a hard-won reunion, was unbearable. Knuckles and Viva shared their grief, their expressions mirroring the heavy atmosphere.

As Sonic’s tears fell upon Floyd’s face, a strange phenomenon occurred. Instead of rolling off, the tears seemed to be absorbed by Floyd’s scales, leaving a trail of shimmering light in their wake. This light, emanating from Floyd’s chipped ear, spread rapidly, illuminating his body with an ethereal glow.

The light pulsed, growing brighter, enveloping the battlefield in a soft, luminous aura that pushed back the shadows of despair. Sonic, mesmerized by the phenomenon, watched with hope, his grip tightening around Floyd.

“Floyd…?” Sonic whispered, his voice filled with disbelief. The light from his tears touched Floyd’s eyes, causing them to flutter open, their depths illuminated by the same soft glow. Floyd’s scales shimmered with newfound vitality, his body pulsating with an energy that seemed to defy death itself.

The crowd, caught in the spectacle, watched in stunned silence. The light receded, leaving Floyd looking healthier than ever. He looked up at Sonic, his voice hoarse but strong, “Sonikku?”

“FLOYD!!!” Sonic roared, his voice filled with joy and relief. He hugged his cousin tightly, his heart overflowing with happiness. The crowd erupted in cheers, their sorrow replaced with a wave of jubilation.

Floyd chuckled weakly, “Too tight, Sonic.” His eyes, bright with life, sparkled with a newfound determination. “What…what happened?” he asked, his voice still weak, but brimming with curiosity.

Tails, still shaken, exclaimed, “Your…your tears, Sonic! They contained some sort of energy. It’s like you’ve healed him!”

Sonic, his heart swelling with pride, grinned. “Guess I had a little extra magic in ’em, huh?” he teased, ruffling Floyd’s hair. “But I’m not complaining,” Floyd chuckled, “Thanks, cuz.” He tried to sit up, his body protesting with a sharp pain, but the life was back in his eyes, a promise of a future filled with adventures yet to come.