
Daar movies rejected and selected cast

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/22 Read: 5090

Daar: एक अनकही कहानी (Daar: An Untold Story)

Scene: A dimly lit office, cluttered with scripts and coffee cups. A man, RAVI, 40s, sits hunched over a table, staring at a script. His face is etched with frustration.

Ravi: (Muttering to himself) “दस साल, दस साल से इस स्क्रिप्ट पे काम कर रहा हूँ, और फिर भी…”

**Camera pans to a stack of rejection letters, each bearing the name of a prominent Bollywood producer.

Ravi: (To himself) “क्या फ़र्क पड़ता है कि कहानी कितनी अच्छी है? क्या फ़र्क पड़ता है कि इसमें कितना दिल है? सबको बस हीरो-हीरोइन चाहिए, लव स्टोरी चाहिए, और डांस नंबर चाहिए!”

Flashback: A scene from Ravi’s script “Daar”.


A young man, AJAY, stands facing a group of menacing men, their faces obscured by shadows. Ajay is determined, his eyes reflecting a fiery defiance.

Ajay: (Loudly) “तुम मेरे शहर को नहीं छू सकते! तुम मेरे परिवार को नहीं छू सकते!”

**The men advance menacingly, their laughter echoing through the cavernous space.

Flashback ends.

Ravi: (To himself) “इसमें एक दिल है! इस कहानी में एक दर्द है, एक लड़ाई है! क्या यह समझ नहीं आता?”

He picks up a crumpled letter and reads aloud.

Ravi: (Reading) “श्रीमान, आपकी कहानी बहुत ही मजबूत है, लेकिन.. हमारे दर्शकों के लिए यह थोड़ी ‘भारी’ हो सकती है. हमें एक हीरो चाहिए, एक लड़की चाहिए, और… कुछ गाना-बजाना भी चाहिए.”

Ravi slams the letter on the table, his anger simmering. Suddenly, a knock on the door. Ravi opens it to find a young woman, RIA, 25, standing with a warm smile.

Ria: नमस्ते, क्या मैं अंदर आ सकती हूँ?

Ravi steps aside, inviting her in. He can’t help but notice her confidence, her determination.

Ria: मैं आपको कुछ दिखाना चाहती हूँ.

**She pulls out a small, worn notebook from her bag. She opens it and flips through the pages, revealing sketches and notes.

Ria: यह मेरा खुद का स्क्रिप्ट है. मैंने यह खुद लिखा है.

Ravi examines the pages, his initial skepticism slowly melting away. He sees raw talent, a fresh perspective, and a passion that mirrors his own.

Ravi: क्या आप.. क्या आप यह कहानी बताना चाहती हैं?

Ria nods, her eyes shining. The scene fades to black.

**Camera fades in to a shot of Ravi and Ria working together, their faces illuminated by the glow of a computer screen. They are working on a new script, a story that transcends the limitations of the industry.

Ravi: (To Ria) “हमारी कहानी, हमारी तरह, ‘दार’ होगी.”

The camera pans out to reveal a montage of scenes from their new script, a story of courage, hope, and the fight for justice. The script, finally finding its voice, finds its way to the screen.

Final scene: A crowded theatre, buzzing with excitement. The lights dim, the screen illuminates, and the title appears: “Daar: एक अनकही कहानी”.