
Diamond Heart Related Relics 1: The Ring Type: R

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/22 Read: 5131

Diamond Heart Related Relics

1: The Ring

Type: Ring

Origin (possibly): Created from another relic known as “The Diamond Heart”, The Diamond Heart was the life source (the heart) of (I haven’t thought of a name so we will call him) The Entity, it used its power to create the Ring. This could be the case, since both The Ring (the gem parts), and The Diamond Heart are both the same purple color.


– Band
– Bridge
– Shoulder
– Claws
– Side Stones
– Gallery
– Center Stone
– Head


Band Piece:
– Energy Manipulation
– Energy Absorption
– Electrokinesis
– Enhanced Strength

Bridge Piece:
– Elemental Manipulation (possibly)

Shoulder Piece:
– Enhanced Senses

Claws Piece:
– Energy Shield Generation
– Magical Projectile Generation
– Invisibility

Side Stones:
– Telekinesis
– Levitation
– Illusion Casting
– Healing

Gallery Piece:
– Energy Enhancement
– Energy Storing

Center Stone:
– Teleportation
– Dimensional Travel
– Portal Creation
– Time Manipulation (possibly)

Head Piece:
– Telepathy
– Mind Manipulation
– Shapeshifting

2: The Staff

Type: Staff

Origin (possibly): Created from “The Diamond Heart”, The Diamond Heart was the life source (the heart) of (I haven’t thought of a name so we will call him) The Entity, it used its power to create powerful items, The Ring and The Staff. The Staff could’ve been created from The Diamond Heart, since both The Staff (the gem part), and The Diamond Heart are both the same purple color.

– Black (Staff)
– Purple (Gem)

– Mind Control

3: Diamond Heart

Origin: The Entity (placeholder name)

Type: Gem

Used for: Granting the Entity’s powers.

Description: A purple diamond, it is originated from The Entity, this gem was the heart of The Entity, The LITERAL heart, the creature’s heart was a gem, the gem was it’s life source, without the gem, it cannot survive, since the gem is it’s heart.

Location: Hidden deep in a temple.

How to get it: You must either (Get 3 keys, or get 5 pieces of the key, determined by the writer) and unlock the door in the temple.

– Electrokinesis
– Supernatural Strength
– Supernatural Speed
– Supernatural Endurance
– Telekinesis
– Teleportation
– Telepathy (possibly)
– Flight (possibly)
– Mind Control (possibly)
– Forcefield Generation
– Healing
– Heat/Freeze Laser Beam (possibly)
– Ionikinesis
– Dimensional Travel
– Life Creation (possibly, but probably not, idk)
– Telekinetic Shields
– Item Creation (possibly)
– Invulnerability
– Immortality

Additional Enhancements:
– Colossal Size

Requirements upon gaining The Gem, and to gain it’s power:
– The user will need to integrate the gem with the user’s biology. This process will take hours before absorbing the gem’s power.

– The user will not gain all of the gem’s powers, the user needs to reach full power to be able to use all of them.

Confirmed to already be able to use before full power:
– Electrokinesis
– Supernatural Strength/Speed/Endurance
– Telekinesis
– Teleportation
– Telepathy
– Mind Control
– Forcefield Generation
– Telekinetic Shields
– Healing
– Heat/Freeze Laser Beam
– Ionikinesis
– Invulnerability
– Colossal Size

There is a specific villain looking for a relic (a villain looking for the Ring, a different villain looking for the Staff, and a different villain looking for the Diamond Heart). There are also different heroes in their respective journeys. (A hero is trying to stop the villain from getting the ring pieces and from repairing the shattered ring, another hero is trying to stop the villain from getting the staff, and another hero is trying to stop the villain from getting The Diamond Heart).

The Entity is long gone, he was killed in battle, but the gem remained, now people search for it to obtain it’s powers.

Villains I have in mind:

1: A military general (potentially) looking for the ring so that he can become powerful and rule the world.
2: The second protagonist’s brother (potentially), is looking for the staff so that he can mind control everyone, so that there can be no heroes or villains, so that he cannot loose anyone again. (The second hero’s brother, not the first)
3: An imprisoned villain – He would be imprisoned in a prison (not a normal prison not dungeon or something), he would he freed by another villain (who is not looking for the ring or the staff), upon being freed, he would search for the Diamond Heart so he can destroy everything and recreate it, and he wants revenge. He was searching for the Diamond Heart prior to his imprisonment, because he believes that the universe has descended into the chaos.

Villain 2 is not Hero 1’s brother (he is not Gunner’s brother)

Hero 3 might be inspired by the game, Duck Life

Character Genders:

Hero 1: Male
Hero 2: Male
Hero 3: Male
Villain 1: Male
Villain 2: Male
Villain 3: Male

Villains Goals:

Villain 1:
– Acquire the ring and become all powerful
– Take over the world
– Kill Hero 1

Villain 2:
– Get revenge on his parents
– Hide the truth from his brother
– Find The Staff and its gem piece
– Use The Staff to control everyone’s minds, including heroes and villains
– Kill Hero 2 for not siding with him
– Get revenge for his first defeat, and for the destruction of The Staff

Villain 3:
– Escape his prison
– Find The Diamond Heart and become powerful
– Use The Diamond Heart to destroy the universe, and use The Diamond Heart to recreate it
– Kill the heroes for getting in his way
– Get revenge for his imprisonment

Villain’s Status:

Villain 1: Deceased

Villain’s Possible Names:
Villain 1: General Voss
Villain 2: Victor or Alden
Villain 3: Harbinger

– If this becomes a story, it could all be connected, like a cinematic universe, like the MCU.
– This movie is a list of separate stories.
– Make sure to lost everything in the story prior to the Entity’s demise, its’s important to the story.

Prologue Part 1:
– Origin of The Entity and The Diamond Heart
– The Entity creates The Ring using the heart’s power.
– Shortly after (possibly years) The Ring is stolen by someone.
– A group of heroes (led by a wizard, Gunner is apart of the group, however, this could be before he joined, but he might he in the group at this time) end up getting the ring back, during battle (potentially), the ring is shattered and hidden away.
– The Entity creates The Staff shortly after The Ring was stolen or after it was shattered and hidden away.
Prologue Part 2:
– Years later, The Entity threatens to destroy everything.
– The Entity battles his arch-nemesis and is killed in battle, the Entity doesn’t survive, but the Diamond Heart does.
– The Diamond Heart is locked away and hidden from everyone.
Prologue Part 3:
– Villain 3 tries to find the Diamond Heart, he believes the universe has descended into chaos.
– Villain 3 fights the group of heroes
– Villain 3 is imprisoned for (possibly 100 years)
Part 1:
– In the 2000’s (idk the exact year yet, but the range is 2000-2009), Villain 1 starts a war to find and obtain the ring pieces.
– Villain 1 successfully finds the band piece.
– Villain 1 invades Hero 1’s home country.
– Hero 1 (I’m thinking of naming him Gunner), and his army fight back.
– Villain 1 obtains some of the other ring pieces (Bridge, Shoulder, Claws, and Side Stones), it possible he looses them but he will get them back if he does.
– During the final battle, Hero 1 fights Villain 1. But Villain 1 gets the final Ring Piece (The Head).
– Villain 1 is eventually defeated.
Part 2:
– Villain 2 isn’t a villain at this time, he lives with his family.
– Overtime, Villain 2 gets jealous that his parents aren’t spending time with him and Hero 2 (probably cause they have to stop evil a lot in the city).
– It gets to the point where Villain 2 gets mad, and kills his parents.
– Villain 2 raises his younger brother for years, since their parents are gone.
– Villain 2 decides to find The Staff.
– Hero 2 is recruited by The Group.
– At some point, Hero 2 finds out the truth and attempts to kill his brother, but he doesn’t end up doing it.
– Later, The Heroes find The Staff, but it turns out the staff piece (the gem) is missing, and the guard isn’t there, but Villain 2 shortly arrives after them, and notices the gem is missing, but he ends up taking the staff.
– Villain 2 uses The Staff to mind control a majority of the group (including the leader, and Gunner), Hero 2 has to find the guard, and the staff piece, and put an end to this.
– Hero 2 finds the guard, the guard tells him about the staff and its abilities.
– Later, they encounter The Leader of The Group, Hero 2 and The Guard manage to defeat him, and free him from The Staff’s control.
– During the final battle, the guard and Hero 2 decide to lure Villain 2 in, by giving up The Staff Piece.
– Villain 2 arrives, after a short talk with Hero 2 and the guard, he tells them that he knows that this is a trap, but he doesn’t care, he grabs the staff piece telling them that his army will deal with them. He puts the staff piece inside The Staff, but shortly after, a cage falls down and traps him in it, and it goes back up, hanging above the ground. Villain 2 laughs at this, he then sends his army of the mind controlled group, and a fight begins.
– The Army is defeated, Villain 2 finds a way out of the cage, and reclaims The Staff.
– Eventually, The Staff is destroyed, and Villain 2 is defeated.
– Villain 2 is arrested, and sent to Jail.

The Legacy of the Diamond Heart: A Trilogy

Prologue Part 1:

The Entity, a being of pure energy, pulsed with life, its very essence a vibrant, purple diamond known as the Diamond Heart. From this heart flowed power, an untamed torrent that fueled its existence. The Entity, driven by a desire for order, sought to shape the universe to its will. But first, it needed tools.

Using the Diamond Heart’s energy, The Entity forged two artifacts of immense power: The Ring and The Staff. The Ring, crafted from the same purple diamond, shimmered with potential, each piece imbued with a unique power. The Staff, a black rod capped with a shimmering purple gem, radiated an aura of absolute control.

The Ring, however, was not destined to remain with its creator. A cunning thief, driven by greed and ambition, stole it, shattering it into pieces in the process. The Entity, enraged, pursued the thief and a fierce battle ensued, culminating in the thief’s demise. But the pieces of The Ring were scattered, lost to the annals of time.

Years passed, the Entity, heartbroken and consumed by rage, continued to shape the universe with The Staff. But its power was not enough to control the chaos it perceived. Then, it faced its arch-nemesis, a being of equal power and opposing ideals.

Prologue Part 2:

A cataclysmic battle raged, shaking the very foundations of reality. The Entity, overwhelmed by its nemesis’ relentless attack, felt its power waning. The Diamond Heart, its life source, pulsed feebly, threatening to extinguish. In a desperate gamble, the Entity unleashed a final, devastating blast of energy, engulfing both itself and its adversary.

The universe shuddered, the clash of energies leaving behind an echoing silence. The Entity, its form dissipated, was no more. But the Diamond Heart, untouched by the destruction, fell to Earth, landing hidden deep within a forgotten temple.

Prologue Part 3:

Harbinger, a villain consumed by a vision of a perfectly ordered universe, had sought the Diamond Heart for centuries. He believed its power could be used to reshape the world, to correct the imperfections that drove him to madness. Imprisoned for his past crimes, he watched with seething frustration as the world descended into further chaos.

He yearned for freedom, for the chance to finally wield the Diamond Heart. He plotted, strategized, and cultivated allies, all in the hopes of one day escaping his confines and claiming the gem’s power.

Part 1: The Ring of Domination

In the early 2000s, General Voss, a ruthless military leader, sought to conquer the world. He had heard tales of the legendary Ring, its pieces scattered throughout the world, and recognized its potential to grant him unimaginable power.

He launched a brutal campaign, conquering territories with his iron fist, amassing an army of loyal soldiers and terrifying weaponry. His insatiable thirst for power led him to the Band piece of The Ring, an artifact that resonated with his ambition. With its power, he manipulated energy, absorbed the life force of his enemies, and unleashed devastating bolts of electricity.

Gunner, a skilled soldier and a hero in the making, rose to oppose General Voss. He had been fighting against oppression since he was a child, having witnessed firsthand the horrors of war. As Voss’s grip tightened, Gunner found himself leading a desperate resistance, fighting for freedom and justice.

The battles raged, the pieces of The Ring scattered and fought over. Voss, consumed by his desire, eventually gathered all the pieces, assembling the Ring in its shattered glory.

The final confrontation was a brutal clash of wills, Gunner’s resolve tested against Voss’s twisted ambition. In the end, Voss, consumed by the Ring’s power, was driven to madness. He attempted to harness the gem’s power to reshape the world in his image, but the Ring, corrupted by his dark desires, turned against him, ultimately sealing his fate.

Part 2: The Staff of Control

Alden, driven by grief and a burning desire for revenge, sought the Staff. His parents, heroes renowned for their unwavering courage, had been killed in a violent attack, leaving him and his younger brother, Victor, orphaned. Consumed by anger and pain, Alden turned to darkness, seeking a way to control the world, to prevent further loss and ensure the safety of his brother.

Victor, burdened by his brother’s guilt and his own fear, watched helplessly as Alden spiraled into a dangerous obsession.

Alden’s pursuit led him to a hidden temple, where the Staff was guarded by a dedicated group of heroes, including Victor’s older brother, a young man named Jax. They found the Staff, but it lacked the gem piece, the very heart of its power. As they searched for it, Alden arrived, his eyes blazing with malice. He took the Staff, its potential for control echoing his own dark desires.

He used the Staff’s power to manipulate the heroes’ minds, turning them into his unwilling servants. Jax, however, resisted the mind control, recognizing Alden’s dangerous intentions. He managed to break free and seek out the missing gem piece, knowing it was the only way to stop his brother’s madness.

Alden, consumed by his power, launched a brutal campaign, using his mind-controlled army to terrorize the world. Jax, alongside a group of survivors, fought back, desperate to reclaim the Staff and break the mind control.

They finally confronted Alden, a battle that pitted brother against brother. In the end, Jax, with the help of the missing gem, was able to break the Staff’s power, shattering the mind control and forcing Alden to face his own demons.

Part 3: The Heart of Chaos

Harbinger, the imprisoned villain, escaped his confinement, his rage fueled by centuries of resentment and a desire to reshape the universe according to his own twisted vision. He believed that the Diamond Heart held the key to his ambition, the power to erase the flaws of the world and create a new order, free from chaos and imperfection.

The heroes, including Gunner and Jax, united against Harbinger, aware of the destruction he was capable of. The pursuit led them to the hidden temple, where the Diamond Heart lay guarded. Harbinger, however, was already there, his dark aura enveloping the chamber.

A fierce battle ensued, a clash of wills and ideals. The heroes, despite their strength and combined powers, were overwhelmed by Harbinger’s unyielding ambition.

The Diamond Heart, pulsating with raw energy, was close to falling into Harbinger’s grasp. In a desperate act, Gunner, fueled by his desire to protect the world, absorbed the Diamond Heart’s power, its energy coursing through his veins.

With the Diamond Heart’s power coursing through him, Gunner stood against Harbinger, their battle shattering the temple’s foundations. The very fabric of reality seemed to warp and bend around them, as they unleashed their full potential.

In the end, Gunner, fueled by the Diamond Heart’s power and the sheer will to protect the world, defeated Harbinger, his ambition shattered.

But the Diamond Heart, its power now linked to Gunner, pulsed with a new purpose, shaping him into a being of extraordinary power. The heroes knew the responsibility that lay ahead, the burden of wielding such immense power. For they knew, as the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, that the legacy of the Diamond Heart was far from over.

This is just the beginning. Each story can be expanded into its own epic tale, exploring the complexities of power, the fragility of hope, and the enduring battle between order and chaos.