
Diane Ardant narrating how she, Launchpad McQuack

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/26 Read: 5398

Diane Ardant narrating how she, Launchpad McQuack and Winona of the Fortree City became team of United Planets Federation’s ace pilots. Diane is a cosmic adventuress from World of Twelve with motto “Always further” with her lovely and loyal pet Doris the Butterfly from insectoid-like race called Insectus who are long-lasting enemies of Federation as they once waged war with them against Kenuriam, Darkfog and Kimork systems. With help of Diane and Doris, Federation and sage deity-like aliens called Gods of the Universe have defeated a race of evil demon-like aliens called Ikathids led by Diablo – Lord of Terror and foiled their very diabolical plan to destroy the Sun in the Solar System when they destroyed their cannon-like flagship called Demon Cannonship with which Ikathids plotted to destroy Sun. Launchpad, Winona and Diane became Federation’s best ace pilots since those events. However, love relationship between Launchpad McQuack and Diane Ardant unknowingly caused disruptions in his relationship with Winona – Pokemon Gym Leader of the Fortree City who is one of Federation’s spies and ace pilots. Generally, Winona and Diane were cooperative during times when helping Federation fight against crime, but when it came to romantic scenarios, Winona and Diane have been in rivalry between Launchpad because Winona was more experienced than Diane. Diane was worried about how she could lose Launchpad to Winona as she often felt dependent on him. Everything changed on the day when Federation got the news about the prison escape of Rashid Snarchkoff – Former member of totalitarian MegaCorp Corporation that ruled Cool Island city on planet Eridanus until Martin Manning – totalitarian CEO of MegaCorp Corporation was defeated by two of the Cool Island’s new heroes and liberators: Cyborg electricity-breathing dragon called Slango the Malutian who went from feared assassin and leader of evil Skabs working for Masters of Destruction from hero of the Enchancia Kingdom after his triumph against evil Lord Nightmare aka ENeMeE of Nightmare Enterprises who spreaded nightmares across the universe, and Jenny Justice who is Cool Island’s local hero and protector. Rashid Snarchkoff escaped from the United Planet Federation’s prison on snowy and mountainous planet Andros, and his organization Petroglobe has risen to occupy the Earth. Luckily, United Planets Federation was fully aware of the events and were ready to protect their homeworld. Diane was fully excited for her first mission as member of Federation, Launchpad and Winona though supportive of Diane were there to control her enthusiasm due to their former experiences in warfare. Federation also introduced Launchpad, Diane and Winona to unlikely squad who were ready to support them: General Warren R. Monger who runs a top-secret facility where monsters are kept and called to fight threats against Earth. Keith Clay/Spectra Phantom who is a member of human-like alien race called Vestals from hi-tech planet Vestal. Marina – Wife of Prince Justin of Gandor from planet Perseus and a member of mermaid-like alien race called Melodians. Qui-Gon Jinn – ghost who was a heroic and wise Jedi Knight in his former life, and a friendly member of generally evil ghost-like alien race called Protorions. Akima Kunimoto – Witty and courageous adventuress from New Earth in Kenuriam system. Mission required of Launchpad, Diane, Warren, Keith, Winona, Marina, Qui-Gon and Akima to pilot advanced and remastered versions of planes used during World War II. Launchpad piloted his Douglas SBD Dauntless airplane that can fire at multiple enemy vehicles at once. Diane piloted her pet Doris who shapeshifted into her Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero that could spread spores that can turn enemy projectiles into harmless flowers. Warren piloted Vought F4U Corsair armed with cluster bombs and ability to unleash volley of enchanced missiles called “Super Rockets”. Keith piloted Supermarine Spitfire armed liquid fire bombs and ability to fire enchanced “Flame Thrower”. Winona piloted Yakovlev Yak-1 armed with liquid frost bombs and ability to fire a rope-like air laser called “Laser Arc”. Marina piloted Curtiss P-40 Tigershark/Warhawk armed with explosively water bombs and ability to summon maelstrom of cyclonic winds called “Black Hole”. Qui-Gon piloted Lockheed P-38 Lightning armed with electric bombs and ability to emit electricity and fire electrically charged laser. Akima piloted P-51 Mustang armed with toxic cluster bombs and ability to fire green swirling energy beams called “Spiral Laser”. Launchpad, Diane, Warren, Keith, Winona, Marina, Qui-Gon and Akima flew across Earth fighting against Petroglobe’s legions of military vehicles like remodernized helicopters, airplanes, tanks, stationary cannons, ships, weaponized jeeps and cars, trains, flying saucers, airships, mechs aross seas, deserts, grasslands, tundras, snowfields, mountains and badlands. Eventually, Launchpad and his team have defeated Rashid Snarchkoff, his plans for world domination and pollution have been foiled, his organization Petroglobe has been destroyed, and he is once again, banished into jail of Andros. Launchpad eventually chose Diane over Winona, and even though Winona was sad, she was nevertheless proud of Launchpad’s and Diane’s love relationship and was glad to have them as allies to hang out with during peace and fight alongside during war. For Character Details: Diane Ardant is a tall woman with pink colored hair tied in back pigtails, pale green eyes and pink lips. Diane wears pilot headphones with goggles, pink scarf around her neck, sky blue jacket with dark blue and yellow markings and noticeable shoulder pads, sky blue pants with dark blue and yellow markings, yellow knee protectors, dark blue fingerless gloves and boots with yellow line near the top of the boots and lighter blue at the toes. Diane Ardant is a flirtatious, passionate, confident and slightly aggressive individual who loves action and adventure, but while she is a tough and a little cocky individual, Diane has a kind and friendly nature, and will always do her best to comfort her allies, Diane is also compassionate and cheerful, and she is also caring and protective over her best friend, Doris, a large Insectus Butterfly, with who she spent whole life. Diane’s flirtatious nature allows her to trick her enemies and gain upper hand. Story is written in a diary format.

Diary of Diane Ardant: Always Further

Entry 1: A Starry Sky, a New Beginning

Oh, Doris, my precious friend, we’ve done it! We’re finally part of the United Planets Federation! It feels surreal, like a dream come true. After all we’ve seen, all the battles we’ve fought, all those years in the World of Twelve, our home amongst the Insectus, we’re finally here, ready to protect the universe with the Federation.

I remember the day we arrived at their headquarters on that majestic, snow-capped planet Andros. The air crackled with energy, a symphony of starships and buzzing communication, a whirlwind of activity. I could hardly contain my excitement, even Launchpad, bless his ducky heart, was a little giddy. He was so happy to see Winona again, the Fortree City Gym Leader, a fierce warrior with a heart of gold. They’re such a sweet couple, always looking out for each other, and she even managed to get her Pokemon to help clean up after me, I admit I can be messy.

We were introduced to the rest of the team, some of the most extraordinary individuals I’ve ever met! General Monger, a formidable leader with a heart for even the most monstrous creatures, and Keith Clay, the Spectra Phantom, a Vestal with a mysterious past and an incredible talent for gadgets. Marina, a Melodian princess with a grace that rivals the tide itself, and Qui-Gon Jinn, a Protorion, but a truly good one, a Jedi Knight in his former life, radiating wisdom and peace. And then there was Akima Kunimoto, a fiery adventurer with a quick wit and an even quicker draw.

They were all so welcoming, despite my past ties to the Insectus, and I couldn’t help but feel an immense sense of belonging. It was like we were all meant to be together, united by a common purpose: to protect the universe from the forces of darkness.

Entry 2: Rashid Snarchkoff Returns

My dear Doris, the universe is a fickle mistress, and we’ve hardly had a moment to breathe before a new threat arises. Rashid Snarchkoff, a former member of the MegaCorp Corporation, the same evil organization that ruled Cool Island with an iron fist, has escaped his prison on Andros! He’s formed a new organization, Petroglobe, and they’re aiming for Earth! The Federation is ready to defend our home planet, but this time, the stakes are higher than ever.

We’re going into battle, Doris! Launchpad, Winona, and I are going to pilot some incredibly cool, remastered WWII planes, they even gave me a Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero! I’ve been practicing with Doris, she’s a natural at shapeshifting into it, and it’s going to be amazing!

Entry 3: The Fight Begins

The Earth is ablaze, Doris! We’re flying through the air, dodging enemy helicopters, planes, tanks, even ships that fly! It’s a chaotic dance of fire and fury, but we’re holding strong. Launchpad’s Douglas SBD Dauntless is a real powerhouse, blasting away at enemy vehicles with its rapid-fire guns, and Winona’s Yakovlev Yak-1 is a marvel of agility, spitting out freezing frost bombs and slicing through the sky with its laser arc. Even General Monger’s Vought F4U Corsair is a force to be reckoned with, launching cluster bombs and super rockets with precision.

I’m feeling a bit nervous, Doris, this is my first mission for the Federation. But Launchpad is beside me, and so is Winona, and the rest of the team. We’ll fight together, and we’ll win together, just like we always do.

Entry 4: A Victory Earned

Doris, we won! It was a long and hard fight, but we did it! Rashid Snarchkoff is behind bars again, his Petroglobe organization is dismantled, and the Earth is safe, for now at least. I’m so proud of everyone, especially Launchpad. He truly is an amazing pilot, and his bravery is unmatched.

There was a moment during the battle, Doris, where I truly felt like I was losing Launchpad to Winona. She’s a seasoned veteran, a true hero, and her strength and courage are undeniable. I felt a pang of insecurity, wondering if I could measure up. But Launchpad, my dear Launchpad, he chose me. He looked at me, his eyes filled with admiration, and he said, “You’re the bravest, most beautiful pilot I know, Diane.” It was like the stars aligned, and I knew, in that moment, that our bond was unbreakable.

Entry 5: Always Further

Doris, my dear friend, the universe is a vast and wondrous place, full of both beauty and danger. There will be more battles to fight, more challenges to overcome, but I’m ready. I’m stronger now, braver now, thanks to the Federation, to my friends, and to Launchpad. We will continue to fight for what is right, always striving for a better future, always reaching for the stars. Always further, Doris, always further.