
DokiDoki! Precure ep 23 “Regain Love! The Pretty

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/08/11 Read: 4701

DokiDoki! Precure ep 23 “Regain Love! The Pretty Cure’s Five Vows!” (SCRIPT)

PLOT: Regina attacks Cure Ace, who dodges with ease and performs Ace Shot to purify her. She attempts to stay low due to her injuries and Mana attempts to approach her, but before Bel comes to take her away she sees Mana before angrily telling her off, saying this is her fault.

Mana is shocked and begins to cry. Cure Ace approaches her and takes away her Cure Lovead. She tells Mana that she will only return it after she learns not to cry over things like this, leaving Mana confused and hopeless.

Meanwhile, at the former Trump Kingdom, King Jikochuu heals Regina and summons his two other members, Gula, and Leva. King Jikochuu instructs them to attack the Cures, and they depart, arousing Bel’s anger as he watches.

In town, everyone is preparing to leave for home, with Rikka and Makoto lending a hand. Alone in her room, Mana is still feeling sad over Regina when Sharuru approaches and offers her some cake. This does nothing to make her feel better, but suddenly her mother arrives with Ai-chan. She told her to take care of her for a while, and this eases Mana’s mood. She uses an Instrument Lovead for Ai-chan to play with.

Afterwards they head outside to see how several people surrounding them are happy. As they walk Mana is sure she sees Regina and begins chasing after her, but she is disappointed to see it isn’t her. Instead she runs into a strange girl who warns Mana to be careful.

Meanwhile, Makoto was busy signing autographs and she soon stops when she sees the time. But this causes two young men to feel saddened as they were unable to get her signature. Suddenly, Leva and Gula showed up and summon two Jikochuus.

Makoto, Rikka, and Alice transform into Pretty Cure and they start fighting- but the Jikochu provide to be too much trouble for just the three of them. Leva uses his hat to interfere and give them further trouble, while Gula brings up his own desire to eat the Cures. Without Mana helping them, the group is easily defeated.

Mana quickly comes to their aid upon hearing this, promising to defend them even though she can’t transform anymore. She uses an umbrella to stop the ink spray from attacking them when she spots the mysterious girl again. The girl gives her Lovead back, and while confused, Mana wastes no time in transforming into Cure Heart as the girl changes into Cure Ace. Together, they team up and attack the two sets of duos.

Cure Ace performs Ace Shot, and Cure Heart performs Heart Shoot to purify the Jikochu and return things to normal. Cure Ace decides to take off for the time being and she says goodbye to the girls- only to stop and warn them that they have a long way to go before they reach her level. This leaves the group with mixed emotions.

Pretty Cure

Aida Mana / Cure Heart
Hishikawa Rikka / Cure Diamond
Yotsuba Alice / Cure Rosetta
Kenzaki Makoto / Cure Sword
Madoka Aguri / Cure Ace




King Jikochuu

Secondary Characters

Bando Sokichi
Aida Ayumi
Aida Kentaro

add the preview for episode 24 “Shock! MakoPi Declares Her Idol Retirement!” at the end.
add the last time on for episode 22 “Appearing in a Crisis! A New Warrior, Cure Ace!” at the beginning.

DokiDoki! Precure Episode 23: Regain Love! The Pretty Cure’s Five Vows!

Last Time On DokiDoki! Precure:

A powerful new foe, Regina, appeared before the Cures and challenged them to a fight. The Cures, overwhelmed by Regina’s immense power, were about to fall to defeat. Just then, a mysterious girl emerged and introduced herself as Cure Ace, joining the fight and driving back Regina!

[Scene opens with Cure Ace dodging Regina’s attacks with ease. She lands a powerful Ace Shot, purifying Regina.]

Cure Ace: (Panting) You… really have a lot of potential, Regina. But you’re still far from being a true threat.

Regina: (Weakened and confused) I… I can’t understand. You’re so strong, but I… I’m not…

[Bel appears, summoning a portal to take Regina back. Before leaving, Regina catches sight of Mana, who is watching the fight anxiously.]

Regina: (Angry) This is all your fault! If you had just stayed away…

[Regina disappears through the portal. Mana is left shocked and starts crying.]

Cure Ace: (Approaching Mana) Enough with the tears, Mana.

[Cure Ace takes Mana’s Cure Lovead.]

Cure Ace: You won’t get this back until you learn not to cry over things like this. You need to be stronger.

[Mana is left confused and heartbroken. The scene shifts to the former Trump Kingdom, where King Jikochuu heals Regina.]

King Jikochuu: Regina, you fought well. But you need to be more careful. Now, it’s time for our other warriors to join the battle.

[King Jikochuu summons Leva and Gula, his two remaining members. They look eager to fight the Cures.]

Bel: (Furious) You… you dare go after them? They are not your enemies!

[Bel storms out, leaving the two villains to their own devices.]

[Scene shifts back to town. Everyone is preparing to leave for home. Rikka and Makoto are helping pack up the stalls.]

[Mana is alone in her room, still sad about Regina and Cure Ace’s words. Sharuru approaches her with a piece of cake.]

Sharuru: (Cheerfully) Here, Mana-chan! I made your favorite cake!

Mana: (Not interested) I’m not hungry.

[Just then, Mana’s mother enters the room with Ai-chan.]

Ayumi: Mana, I’m going out for a while. Can you watch Ai-chan for me?

Mana: (Cheerful again) Of course, Mom!

[Mana plays with Ai-chan using an Instrument Lovead, distracting her from her earlier sadness. The scene shifts to outside, where the crowd is preparing to leave.]

[Mana notices a familiar figure in the crowd and chases after it. But it turns out to be a random girl. She runs into the mysterious girl who warned her to be careful.]

Mysterious Girl: Be careful, Mana. You are not safe here.

[The scene shifts to Makoto, who is busy signing autographs. Two young men are waiting their turn to get their signatures, but suddenly, Makoto is interrupted.]

Makoto: Oh, it’s getting late! I need to go.

[The two men are disappointed. Just as they are walking away, Leva and Gula appear.]

Leva: (Laughing) Looks like we’re in for a delicious treat!

[Leva and Gula summon two Jikochuu and attack the Cures. Makoto, Rikka, and Alice transform into Pretty Cure, but they are quickly overwhelmed.]

Gula: (Grinning) You’re no match for us! We’ll devour you all!

[Leva uses his hat to disrupt the Cures’ attacks, while Gula distracts them with his own desires.]

[Mana, who is watching the fight from a distance, rushes to help her friends.]

Mana: (Determined) I won’t let you hurt them!

[Mana uses an umbrella to shield the Cures from the Jikochuu’s ink attack. She sees the mysterious girl again and the girl gives her the Cure Lovead back.]

Mysterious Girl: Take this. You’ll need it.

[Mana, confused, immediately transforms into Cure Heart.]

Mysterious Girl: (Smiling) I will fight alongside you.

[The mysterious girl transforms into Cure Ace.]

[Cure Heart and Cure Ace team up and attack the Jikochuu, with Cure Ace performing Ace Shot and Cure Heart performing Heart Shoot. The Jikochuu are purified and the situation returns to normal.]

Cure Ace: (To the other Cures) I’m going to be on my way now. It was nice fighting alongside you.

[Cure Ace prepares to leave, but pauses.]

Cure Ace: (Looking at the Cures) You still have a lot to learn before you can reach my level. Don’t give up on your dreams.

[Cure Ace flies away, leaving the Cures with mixed emotions. The scene ends with a preview for the next episode.]

DokiDoki! Precure Episode 24: Shock! MakoPi Declares Her Idol Retirement!

[Preview begins with Makoto in her room, looking sad.]

Makoto: (Crying) I… I can’t do this anymore.

[The scene shifts to Makoto in her idol uniform, looking determined.]

Makoto: (Smiling) I’m quitting! I’m giving up being a pop idol!

[The scene shows the other Cures reacting with shock and dismay.]

[Preview ends with a shot of the Cures looking concerned about Makoto’s decision.]

[The episode ends with the iconic DokiDoki! Precure closing theme song playing.]