
funny jokes

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/01 Read: 3518

हँसी के प्याले


  • Ramesh (40s): A quirky, slightly awkward man with a love for bad jokes.
  • Sunita (40s): Ramesh’s wife, a patient and amused observer.
  • Ravi (10): Ramesh and Sunita’s son, a playful child with a sharp wit.


The living room of Ramesh and Sunita’s home. A comfortable, cluttered space filled with books, newspapers, and toys.

Scene 1:

(Ramesh is reading a newspaper, while Sunita is knitting. Ravi is playing with building blocks.)

Ramesh: (Loudly) Sunita, listen to this! What do you call a lazy kangaroo? A pouch potato!

(Sunita chuckles softly, shaking her head.)

Ravi: (Looking up from his blocks) Papa, that’s so old! You always tell that one.

Ramesh: (Feigning offense) Hey, it’s a classic! It never gets old. Like a good wine.

Sunita: (Smiling) Maybe you should try a new joke. Like, “Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two tired.”

Ramesh: (Scoffs) That’s not funny! And it’s not even a joke. It’s a pun. There’s a difference!

Ravi: (Grinning) There’s no difference, Papa. Both are funny.

(Ramesh looks at Ravi, then at Sunita. He sighs, defeated.)

Ramesh: Alright, alright. You win. But I still think my jokes are better.

(Ravi jumps off the sofa and runs to Ramesh.)

Ravi: Tell me another one, Papa! I’m in the mood for some laughter!

Ramesh: (With a flourish) Okay, listen closely. What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef!

(Ravi laughs out loud, clutching his stomach.)

Sunita: (Shaking her head, but smiling) Oh Ramesh, you’re such a kid.

Ramesh: (Smug) But I make you laugh, don’t I?

(Sunita smiles and kisses Ramesh on the cheek.)

Sunita: You do, you do.

(The scene fades out with laughter echoing through the room.)

Scene 2:

(The family is having dinner. Ramesh is trying to tell a joke while Ravi is busy with his food.)

Ramesh: (Clears his throat) What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fsh! Get it?

(Ravi stares at his plate, unmoved.)

Sunita: (Chuckles) Good one, Ramesh. Very funny.

Ramesh: (Looking disappointed) Ravi, you’re not even trying!

Ravi: (With his mouth full) Papa, that’s just a word! It’s not funny.

Ramesh: (Dejected) Fine, you’re right. Maybe I’m not as funny as I think.

(Sunita pats his hand reassuringly.)

Sunita: No, Ramesh, you are funny. Just in your own special way.

(Ramesh smiles at Sunita, feeling a little better.)

Ravi: (Looking up at Ramesh) I’ll give you a funny one. What do you call a joke that makes no sense? A nonsensical joke!

(Ramesh and Sunita burst into laughter. Ravi grins proudly.)

(The scene fades out as the family continues their meal, filled with laughter and good humour.)

End Scene