
Harry Potter and his allies encountering Witch Hag

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/22 Read: 2693

Harry Potter and his allies encountering Witch Haggar. Ninety years has passed after the death of Voldemort and defeat of Death Eaters by Harry Potter and his allies who got their own children they prouldy watched as they left for Hogwarts at King’s Cross station. But, things took a disturbing turn in passing days. Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom get news that Voldemort and his Death Eaters returned to once again spread their evil across the Wizarding World, feeling unsafe, they go to the home of Ron’s parents Arthur and Molly at The Burrow to think what should they do as they barely defeated Voldemort and his Death Eaters in Battle For Hogwarts to destroy final Horcruxes in which Voldemort hid parts of his soul to remain immortal. During sleep, Harry has a disturbing vision about old lady having a sign of scorpion glowing in purple. Next days, Harry and his allies receive news that Voldemort and his Death Eaters were all easily butchered and that Ministry of Magic is permanently disbanded by unknown faction who is against both Voldemort and Hogwarts alike. During dinner with Weasleys, Harry and his allies are worried about what’s going on and wonder what could be the cause of this, but Arthur and Molly comfort them that they will find a way to solve the mystery. Then like a bolt out of the blue, shaft of lightning strikes near The Burrow, and it misses, frightning Harry and his allies who rush to see what’s happening and then they hear a wicked laugh. From thunder emerges an old lady who sarcastically apologizes to Harry and his allies for interrupting their evening but that she decided to pay them a visit after she heard about Harry’s triumph against Voldemort. Harry asks lady who is she and what does she want. Lady introduces herself as Witch Haggar – Empress of the Galra Empire and that she wields mark of Scorpion, which confirms Harry’s vision about old lady having a sign of scorpion glowing in purple to be true. When she heard about Harry Potter “The Boy Who Lived.”, Haggar wanted to gree them, and that she has only one way of greeting, which is wizardly duel. Luna, Ginny, Ron, Neville and Hermione are ready to fight Haggar but Harry tells them not to do that because it’s too dangerous and because they don’t know what Haggar is capable of performing. Harry, Luna, Ginny, Ron, Neville and Hermione agree that they to take fight somewhere safer. Harry accepts to fight Haggar and tells her if she wants wizarding duel to follow her, Haggar casually insists Harry show the way. Ron, Hermione and Ginny choose to go with Harry while Luna and Neville stay to protect The Burrow. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny arrive at a Dark Forest with Haggar. Haggar summons indestructible energy barrier to prevent escape attempts and wizarding duel between her and Harry begins with Ron, Hermione and Ginny praying for Harry to be safe. Harry and Haggar face each other and bow as a sign of respect, but before they place themselves in an accepted combative position and at the count of three start dueling, Haggar pulls out her snake staff and instantly fires a green electricity at Harry, it doesn’t kill him but it marks start of the duel. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny call out Haggar for not fighting fair, but Haggar casually teases Harry for letting his guard down and that he has to be more careful not to repeat same mistake again. Harry fights against Haggar with his wand while she fights with her staff. Harry fights back but Haggar feels like she is prepared for everything as she casually calculates, predicts and reflects every single spell Harry casts at her while belittling his combat performance. Locking him tight in her grip, Haggar teases Harry that he is not living up to the legend. Ron, Hermione and Ginny try to intervene but Haggar blocks them off as dueling is one-on-one, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny call out Haggar’s cheating but she casually smirks that it’s in her nature. Harry is insecure of what he should do, but then he hears spirits of his parents Lily and James not to give up and believe in himself which helped him face greater dangers before Haggar. Harry gets up and gains second wind against Haggar, impressing her, and agreeing it’s time to get serious as she activates her mark to cover herself with scorpion marks across her body, getting extra power. Harry is able to hold his own, but Haggar’s powers are now stronger, and Ron, Hermione and Ginny why are scorpion marks all over Haggar’s body. After some time, Haggar compliments Harry how he gave his all, but to his misfortune it’s now over as glowing scorpion marks fully cover Haggar’s body and reveal her true alien form. Haggar reveals to Harry that her Dark Magic surprasses magics of entire Wizarding World because she is not a fantasy creature, but an alien from outer space, and magics of Wizarding World are far less effective on aliens. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny are disturbed but they stand firm as they encourage him that if he could defeat Voldemort, he can defeat Haggar too. But Haggar upon mentioning Voldemort, Haggar reveals that she is the one who killed him and usurped his legacy. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny are shocked by this revelation and Harry demands of Haggar to know how can she be the one who killed Voldemort because prophecy established “Neither can live while the other survives”. Haggar finds Harry’s belief in the prophecy a rubbish she didn’t approved at all and changed it to fit her visage. Haggar then reveals her story about how she was the one who killed Voldemort and took credit for all of his crimes: Haggar was Voldemort’s slave who was ressurected by him against her wishes to be in afterlife with her family: Emperor Zarkon and Prince Lotor of the Galra Empire. Voldemort enslaved Haggar and bend her to her will, putting her through torment. But Haggar survived mainly because of her hatred to Voldemort and because her death was prevented by spectre of a mysterious but very hostile creature named Xoxx appeared before him, offering her a chance to be saved from death and live forever if she joins him. Haggar accepted without hesitation, and was infused by the Seal of Xoxx, indicating and establishing her full loyalty to her new master. And so Haggar waited for Voldemort to be weakened just so she could usurp his position. Once Voldemort was finally defeated by Harry Potter whose allies defeated Death Eaters, Haggar put her plan in motion. Voldemort was revived and he returned to Outworld to regain his strength, but his followers turned on him and revealed themselves as members of alien race named Galra who were loyal to Haggar just like they were loyal to her husband Zarkon once during his reign. Bellatrix too betrayed Voldemort and revealed she was never truly loyal to him at all, but to Haggar because she promised Bellatrix to have her evil be spread across the universe beyond wizarding world. Haggar challenged Voldemort to a wizarding duel, she cheated and fought unfairly, making all three Unforgiving Curses Voldemort used not only ineffective, but backfiring. Voldemort used Avada Kedavra which seemingly killed Haggar, but Haggar casually got up like nothing happened to her. Haggar boasted that if she was a mythical creature she would be dead, but problem for Voldemort was that Haggar was not a mythical being, but alien creature and none of the three Unforgiving Curses were effective against aliens, rendering Voldemort powerless. Voldemort threatened how Haggar and entire Wizarding World will pay for their defiance agianst him but Haggar casually cut him off, revealing that she is the one who revived Voldemort only to kill him in person because she hated idea of prophecy where Harry was destined to kill Voldemort and wanted to alter fate to fit her design, Haggar also broke Voldemort completely by telling him he is second-rate compared to Xoxx and his Masters of Destruction and that because she knew Voldemort was muggle-born, and that Haggar was far more ambitious than him. Haggar then casually started to beat up Voldemort who was now filled with despair as he was now the one who pleaded for mercy. But Haggar was not in a merciful mood as she told him he now knew how it feels to be in skin of those he killed. After asking Voldemort was immortality everything he wanted and worth his life and existence alike, Haggar finished him off with her own modified version of Avada Kedavra that could either instantly kill or heavily weaken those it strucked. Voldemort cursed Haggar as he was dying while Bellatrix watched with delight. Eventually, Voldemort’s lifeless body fell to ground, confirming his permanent death. Haggar then made a joke how Voldemort’s Death Eater should change their name into “Eaten by Death”. Haggar then slaughtered all of Death Eaters, except Bellatrix who established her full loyalty to Haggar, meeting Haggar’s other two apprentices: Fiendish and sadistic Sorceress Thagean, and sassy but vicious Lina the Witch Fairy. Together, Bellatrix, Thaegan and Lina became known as Darkbendresses loyal to Witch Haggar. When Haggar assumed leadership of Haggar Empire, she and her Darkbendresses exterminated all of Voldemort’s associates along with entire Ministry of Magic, replacing them with Druids of Galra Empire. Witch Haggar armed herself with both sorcery and technology and swore she will restore Galra Empire’s former 10,000 year of reign over universe to honor her husband Zarkon with Bellatrix, Thaegan and Lina by her side, and her evil became a legend while Voldemort was completely forgotten as Haggar usupred all credits for his crimes, rendering his accomplishments void. Which was exactly as fate wanted, or to be more specific as Haggar wanted. Harry and his friend then realize Haggar is the one responsible for deaths of Voldemort, Death Eaters and Ministry of Magic. Harry demands to know if she was the one who arranged to have his parents be killed by Voldemort, Haggar casually says that she would love to tell him more but that would spoil her plans and she continues to fight against Harry. Despite his struggles, Harry is able to hold her own against Haggar and regain upper hand. Harry declares he will end Haggar’s evil for all who suffered by her hands and hands of Voldemort. Haggar though bested has one more trick when she says Voldemort is within her. Then out of nowhere screaming faces start appearing all across Haggar’s body. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny are traumatized with this and they call her a monster. Haggar casually tells Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny not to be so melodramatic like how they never saw “Soul Eater” before. Harry demands of Haggar to know what has she done with those inside her, and Haggar reveals that faces on her body are souls of Death Eaters she slaughtered which amplify her magics, and she shows her most favorite soul of Lord Voldemort who can do nothing but feebly call for help in vain. Haggar divided Voldemort’s soul into three parts: First part was offered to Xoxx, second part was absorbed into Haggar like rest of those who Haggar killed, while third part was banished to Hot-Hell Darkness prison on planet Eden 2 where Voldemort was disgraced beyond repair by undead gundalian named Barodius who was cruel warden of Hot-Hell Darkness and Eyentennas – Shapeshifting breed of demon-like race called Ikathids that could morph into prisoners’s former victims that made fun out of them for eternity. And she showed soul of Cedric Digory in herself. Cedric begs Harry to help him and Haggar provokes Harry to attack him because if she goes down Cedric will die together with her. Harry promises to help Cedric and fights Haggar, Harry tells Hagger she will never claim another soul again, but Haggar casually says that she won’t need to because she has more than enough as she releases Cedric’s soul from herself. Cedric is ressurected but he attacks Harry. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny try to reason with Cedric but Haggar tells them it’s futile because he obeys only her. Haggar reveals she released Cedric’s soul only that he continues fight instead of her and gives him a sadistic choice to fight Cedric and win or die just because he doesn’t want to fight his old friend. Harry doesn’t want to fight Cedric but Cedric tells him he doesn’t comprehend how powerful is Haggar and that she is way more powerful and eviler than Voldemort ever was. Harry calls out Haggar for cowardrice. Cedric knows Harry would rather die than to fight him so he has no choice but to make ultimate sacrifice, by sacrificing his own soul to inflict a powerful blow on Haggar which ends the duel, and barrier vanishes. Mortally wounded, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny rush to help Cedric who tells in his final moments that Harry gave his all, but Haggar is too powerful to be stopped and then disintegrates. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny mourn Cedric’s second death and curse Haggar who laughs at their misery. Haggar’s apprentices: Sorceress Thaegan – Sadistic and defeitful witch, Lina – Alluring and sassy but manipulative and vicious fairy witch appear alongside Haggar who casually confesses she didn’t expected Cedric’s sacrifice to end duel, and that it’s no wonder muggle-borns are endangered species for their sentimetality. Bellatrix cackles and taunts misery of Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny. Thaegan angrily tells Bellatrix to shut up and insults Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny how they are nothing but vermins to exterminate for new generation of wizards. Lina tells Bellatrix and Thaegan to chill out because Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny deserve some time to mourn their friend they lost and later adds that after Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny end mourning Cedric’s death to take him out like a trash he is. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny are insulted with how Haggar, Bellatrix, Thaegan and Lina disrespect Cedric’s name and stand ready to attack them but Haggar, Bellatrix, Thaegan and Lina vanish mysteriously as they appear. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny return to The Burrow where they reunite Luna, Neville, Arthur and Molly as they mourn Cedric and ponder how can they stand against Haggar who is way more powerful, resourceful, creative and eviler than Voldemort could ever hope to be. One day, Harry was visited in The Burrow by Xorusian named Kaline Kali Khalachnik, heir of the Khalachnik clan, and a member of space-rock band called Pop Secret with her best friends Malika Mia Bleacher of the Golden Dragon Clan race and member of the mermaid-like alien race of Melodians called Lolita “Loli” Loretti. Harry heard rumors of Kali for being space rock star in her band Pop Secret, and as greatest hero of Xorusian race after avenging her clan in her final battle against Colonel Ridley “Nohman” Hardiman, leader of BAHRAM Forces from planet Mars who subjugated races with mind-controlling micro-chips for their campaign of destruction, Harry believed Kali could bring his parents back with her magic tricks. But Kali regrettably told Harry that she can’t bring them back to life, which broke his heart. However, Kali did had another way to help Harry to see his parents again. Kali could not bring Harry’s parents back to life. But in exchange, she offered Harry the capability to have a spiritual connection with his parents through shamanism, a magic that was the intermediary connection between the life and death which allowed one to interact with deceased ones in spirit world. Kali told Harry how after deaths of Voldemort, James and Lily were revived by Wizardmon – kind member of evil ghost-like alien race called Protorions with his Life Note, and how they learned Shamanism with Xorusians, for which they founded Khalachnik clan of Shamans. When BAHRAM and Nohman threatened to destroy universe, James and Lily stood up to him and destroyed him and his evil, but also themselves in process because only with their sacrifice they could defeat Nohman. Nohman upon revival sough to exterminate Khalachnik clan for revenge, and it was up to Kali to uncover her past, learn shamanism and finish what they began. Hearing the story, Harry agreed to become Kali’s apprentice. Harry’s training progressed slowly, but in time, he began to develop a great talent for shamanism which gained him a Guardian Ghost which was his father – James Potter. But Harry could only have James as his Guardian Ghost because Lily Potter became Kali’s Guardian Ghost during her quest. Harry feels that with his new power he will be able to stand up to Haggar, but Kali gets distressed as she tells Harry that it’s not his fate to defeat Haggar but someone else’s fate and that he can only protect weak against Haggar’s might In following years, Harry and his friends have discovered that Witch Haggar was bested by Fellowship of the Jewel: Mira Clay – member of human-like alien race called Vestals, Lief – King of Deltora who is Mira’s husband, Lief and Mira’s two children, Oskar and Gothetta, United Planets Federation’s ace pilots: Launchpad McQuack and Queen Padme Amidala, all led by Master Chin – Master of Martial arts successfully accomplished their mission of saving planets of Pulsarius system by destroying Witch Haggar’s Jewel of Power on planet Naboo in the Pulsarius system which Haggar originally plotted to corrupt with her Jewels of Power, allowing Padme to make her return of the queen. Haggar was defeated, but Harry knew that she will return someday and that all he can do is prepare himself for her. For Character Details: In her true form, Haggar’s hair and eyebrows are white with shades of light purple, her eyes are yellow, her skin is bleak blue-indigo, and she has red face marks run down past and over the mouth. Haggar wears multi-colored gown that is black-blue from the back and bottom of it, grey sleeves, dark red and red markings in front and middle of the gown, yellow-grey markings in the middle at the back of the gown and between the middle and bottom of it, and a brown line near the bottom of the gown. Top of the gown has a red-orange hood with orange barbs and a pink-red tiara. Lina has dark black hair with red colored highlights, dark red lips, dark eyeshadow, bewitching jade green eyes, and her skin is also a very pale. Lina always wears a black long sleeved shirt with red stripes on the sleeves, a black belt, red and purple leaf-skirt, and dark green jeans and dark green small boots. Lina’s personality can be described as a combo of a sassy teenager and a vengeful warlord. She is shown to be very evil, sadistic, sassy, vindictive, power-hungry and vengeful. She loves to toy with others, thinking that it’s fun to see their confusion and to be charmed by her, but equally takes pleasure in murdering. Bellatrix is described as a tall dark woman with long, thick shiny dark hair, thin lips, heavily-lidded eyes with long eyelashes, and a strong jaw. She had the classic ‘great good looks’ and arrogant bearing common for members of the House of Black, but her time in Azkaban took a toll on her appearance. Bellatrix Lestrange is periodically silent, but she is intensely sadistic witch with brutal, violent tendencies. Bellatrix is described by Master Chin as “someone that mere earthling cannot kill”, she always takes charge of leadership in Galra Empire in tricky situations, replacing Thaegan’s position, which puts Thaegan and Bellatrix into rivalry. Bellatrix has a villainous friendship with Lina who is equally seductive and nasty as she is. Thaegan is a tall, towering woman with green skin and long, grey hair. Her green skin, which shines like glass, is the result of a magical shield that protected her body from harm. Her real skin was a more natural colour, as evidenced by left little finger, the only part of her body not shielded. She has a beautiful face and her blood is dark red. Thaegan’s gorgeous appearance seems to be some sort of illusion. Behind her false beauty, she looks like a hideous, deformed witch. Thaegan is a sadist that enjoys inflict pain on others for which she is desribed as a monster, a title that Thaegan typically lives up to. Thaegan openly detests anything joyous, beautiful, or free and takes every opportunity to stamp out such things during her reign. Thaegan has a particular hatred of birds, because of their ability to soar freely through the sky. which is traced back to her negative relationship with her mother, who could turn into a blackbird, making live ravens Thaegan’s favorite food. Thaegan takes great pleasure in lording above her foes and demeaning from those against she is stronger as her curses are usually specifically designed to torment her victims in a personal way. Story is written in a diary format.

The Burrow Diary: 90 Years After

Day 1: The news hit us like a rogue Bludger. Voldemort’s back. It’s been 90 years since we thought we’d seen the last of him. The Burrow felt heavy with worry. Even with our own families grown up, it felt like we were kids again, facing an impossible enemy.

Day 2: A vision. A jarring, vivid image of an old woman with a scorpion’s mark glowing purple on her forehead. It sent shivers down my spine, something about it felt… ancient, powerful. The thought lingered throughout the day.

Day 3: The Ministry is gone. Voldemort’s Death Eaters, slaughtered. Replaced by… something else. A new darkness, far more chilling than anything Voldemort ever conjured. The Ministry being disbanded by an unknown faction who is against both Voldemort and Hogwarts alike was a serious blow to our collective gut.

Day 4: Dinner at the Burrow. The laughter felt forced, the jokes hollow. We sat in uncomfortable silence, all of us haunted by the unsettling events. Molly’s stew, usually a comfort, seemed to weigh heavier on our stomachs than usual. Arthur, bless him, tried to reassure us that we’d overcome this, just like we overcame Voldemort. But this… this was different.

Day 5: A bolt of lightning, so close to the Burrow it shook the very foundation. We rushed outside, hearts pounding, just in time to hear a wicked, high-pitched laugh. A shadowy figure emerged from the storm, cloaked in darkness. Her laughter echoed in the air, chilling us to the bone.

Day 6: “Harry Potter,” she drawled, her voice laced with venomous amusement, “the Boy Who Lived, eh? I heard about your little triumph over that pathetic wannabe. I thought it was time I paid you a visit.”

She introduced herself as Witch Haggar, Empress of the Galra Empire, wielding the mark of the Scorpion. The purple glow of the mark on her forehead confirmed my vision. She told us her greetings were delivered through duels. We were ready to fight, to protect our home, but Harry stopped us, his voice firm. “This is dangerous,” he warned, “We don’t know what she can do.”

Day 7: We agreed to take the fight elsewhere. The Dark Forest seemed fitting, its eerie stillness echoing the turmoil inside us. Haggar raised an impenetrable energy barrier, trapping us. The duel began.

She was lightning quick, her staff a blur of emerald energy. It was as if she knew every move I’d make, every spell I’d cast. Her mocking laughter filled the forest. “Don’t underestimate me, Harry,” she sneered, “You’re not living up to the legend.”

Ron, Hermione, and Ginny yelled at her, protesting her unfair tactics, but Haggar, with a casual smirk, retorted that it was her way. Her magic seemed infused with a dark power that we’d never encountered before. Her insults echoed in my head, chipping away at my confidence. I felt myself faltering, my strength waning.

Day 8: Then, I heard them. The spirits of my parents, their voices echoing through the forest. “Don’t give up, Harry,” James’s voice boomed, “Believe in yourself. You’ve faced greater dangers before.”

Their voices filled me with renewed strength. I pushed back against Haggar, matching her power blow for blow. She was impressed, finally acknowledging my strength.

Day 9: She activated her mark, unleashing a dark energy that enveloped her body. She was now covered in glowing, pulsating scorpion marks, her power amplifying. But I held my own, desperate to push back against her, to protect my friends.

Day 10: “It’s over, Harry,” she sneered, her voice a venomous whisper, “Your magic is nothing compared to mine.”

Then, the worst realization of all. The scorpion marks covering her body receded, revealing her true form. She was no witch, no mythical creature, but an alien, a being from beyond our world. Her alien magic was far more powerful than any wizarding spell. The revelation left us stunned, our hope plummeting.

Day 11: “You think you defeated Voldemort?” she asked, her laughter echoing in the forest, “I killed him. I usurped his legacy.”

A deafening silence fell upon us. We were reeling from the truth, the weight of her revelation crashing down upon us. We were betrayed, our past, our victory, our heroes, all tainted by this alien power.

Day 12: “But… the prophecy,” I stammered, “Neither can live while the other survives.” “A rubbish story,” Haggar sneered, her face twisted with disdain, “A prophecy is just a story. And I wrote my own version.”

She revealed her horrifying tale, the betrayal of Voldemort, her rise to power. She had enslaved him, used his magic to amplify her own, only to kill him once he became too weak. His Death Eaters, his followers, all were Galra, her loyal subjects, who had plotted his demise for centuries. She had been his slave, yes, but a slave fueled by a burning hatred that would not be extinguished, an unyielding thirst for revenge.

Day 13: We were floored. Haggar had taken everything from us, our victory, our history, our very understanding of magic. And then, she uttered the words that shattered what little hope remained. “The Ministry? The Death Eaters? All nothing but a nuisance. I took care of them… along with Voldemort.”

Haggar boasted of how she had killed Voldemort with her own modified version of the Avada Kedavra curse, a spell that transcended the limitations of the wizarding world, and how she had replaced the Ministry with Galra Druids.

Day 14: The weight of her evil pressed down on us. I was consumed by the need to fight back, to avenge those who had been lost, to end this horror. “You will never win, Haggar,” I shouted, my voice cracking with fury, “I will stop you.”

But she laughed, a sound more chilling than any curse. “You’ve done well, Harry, but it’s over. You can’t beat me.”

Day 15: She was right. The battle raged on, but my spells were useless against her alien power. Then, she unleashed a final, horrifying blow. Screaming faces erupted from her body, swirling and writhing like a grotesque mosaic. “Voldemort is within me, Harry,” she laughed, her voice echoing with malice.

Day 16: “It’s disgusting! You monster!” Hermione cried, her voice filled with horror.

Haggar laughed, a sound that sent chills down our spines. “Oh, don’t be melodramatic,” she sneered, “You’ve never seen a Soul Eater before.”

Haggar explained she had devoured the souls of her victims, their essence intertwined with her own, feeding her power. Among them was Cedric Diggory, the boy I’d lost years ago. He pleaded for my help, his voice a broken whisper, trapped within her soul. Haggar mocked my helplessness, holding Cedric’s soul captive as a shield.

Day 17: “He’s mine, Harry,” she cackled, her voice laced with cruel amusement, “If I fall, so does he.”

It was a cruel choice. Fight and risk Cedric’s death, or stand by and watch him die with her. There was only one answer. I had to fight. For Cedric, for the world.

Day 18: But Cedric, consumed by her power, attacked me. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny tried to reason with him, to free him from Haggar’s grasp, but their pleas were ignored. “Don’t waste your time, friends,” he said, his voice empty, a mere shadow of his former self.

Day 19: Haggar cackled with delight. “You see, Harry, even your friends are not safe from me,” she shrieked, her voice echoing with the cruel satisfaction of a predator.

Desperate, I fought back, but Haggar was too powerful. Cedric, fueled by his own desperation, took a final, desperate stand against her. He sacrificed his own soul, a powerful blow that shattered her grasp, ending the duel and freeing us from the prison of her magic.

Day 20: As she fell, Haggar cackled, her laughter echoing through the forest. “I told you, Harry, you can’t beat me!” She vanished in a flash of purple light.

Day 21: We stood amongst the ruins, the aftermath of a battle unlike any other. Cedric was gone, his soul devoured by Haggar’s dark magic. We were left with the crushing reality of our defeat.

Day 22: We mourned Cedric, but we knew Haggar would be back, her shadow looming over the world. We had won against Voldemort, but she was a different breed, a creature of pure evil, a force beyond our understanding.

Day 23: And we were left with the unbearable truth: we had failed. The world was not safe. The fight had just begun.