
He opened it and was relieved to see it was from R

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/16 Read: 3893

He opened it and was relieved to see it was from River. He scoffed and chuckled when he read her message. “Oh, you’re going to make up for it alright.” He said. He put his phone down and went to the bathroom to shower. After his shower he quickly dressed then messaged River back. “I am slightly upset, but I’m glad you are safe. I hope everything is okay.” James put his phone in his pocket and decided he was going to hit the gym.

The gym was empty, the only person in it was a guy who looked like he had lost a bunch of weight. James was not surprised to find him there. His phone was vibrating, a message from his brother.

“Hey bro, what are you doing?”

“I am at the gym.” James texted back.

“So, you did take my advice. I am surprised.”

“Yeah, she finally texted back.”

“See I told you everything was fine.”

“Whatever bro I got to go. Later.”

“Ok, Later.”

James’ heart skipped a beat as he saw the notification pop up on his phone. It was a message from River, his girlfriend. He’d been worried sick. He’d called her earlier, but it had gone straight to voicemail. He opened it and was relieved to see it was from her. He scoffed and chuckled when he read her message. “Oh, you’re going to make up for it alright,” he muttered, shaking his head.

He put his phone down and went to the bathroom to shower. After his shower, he quickly dressed then messaged River back. “I am slightly upset, but I’m glad you are safe. I hope everything is okay.” He put his phone in his pocket and decided to head to the gym.

The gym was eerily empty. The only other person there was a guy who looked like he had lost a considerable amount of weight. James wasn’t surprised to see him there. He was his brother, John, who had been working hard to get back in shape. His phone vibrated in his pocket. It was John.

“Hey bro, what are you doing?”

“I am at the gym,” James texted back.

“So, you did take my advice. I am surprised,” John replied.

“Yeah, she finally texted back.”

“See, I told you everything was fine.”

“Whatever bro, I got to go. Later.”

“Ok, Later.”

James smiled, shaking his head at his brother’s playful banter. It was good to have him there, even if it was just through a phone screen. He started his workout, the rhythm of the gym and the exertion of his body pushing the worries about River to the back of his mind. He’d deal with it later. For now, he just needed to work out the tension.