
How the palnts got their thorns

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/22 Read: 4565

Once upon a time, long before humans walked the Earth, the world was a vibrant, untamed jungle. Plants grew tall and strong, their leaves shimmering with emerald light, their flowers bursting with every imaginable hue. They were happy, living in peaceful harmony with the animals who called them home.

But among the plants, there lived a small, delicate flower named Daisy. Daisy was a gentle soul, her petals soft as silk, her fragrance sweet and alluring. She loved basking in the sun, swaying gently in the breeze, and sharing her beauty with all who passed by.

One day, a greedy beast, a monstrous rhinoceros with skin like thick leather and a temper to match, lumbered through the jungle. He trampled flowers with his massive feet, snapping branches with his powerful horns, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. Daisy, caught in the path of the rhino’s rampage, trembled in fear.

“Please, kind sir,” she pleaded, her voice barely a whisper, “have mercy on me. I mean you no harm.”

The rhino, blinded by his own hunger, scoffed at her plea. “Silence, little flower! You are nothing but a tasty morsel for me!”

Daisy, terrified, could only watch as the rhino lowered his head, preparing to crush her. Just then, a wise old oak tree, with roots that ran deep into the earth, spoke in a voice like thunder.

“Enough!” the oak tree boomed. “You will not harm this innocent creature.”

The rhino, startled by the oak’s sudden intervention, snorted and charged towards him. The oak, unfazed, stood firm. His bark, tough and seasoned, deflected the rhino’s attack, sending the beast stumbling back.

“This is my home, my kingdom,” the oak declared, “and no creature shall harm my children.”

Enraged, the rhino spun around and began to attack the oak tree. He rammed his horn into its bark, but the oak, strong and resilient, stood its ground. The rhino, tiring, finally turned and lumbered away, defeated.

Daisy, safe at last, watched in amazement. She had never witnessed such bravery. “Thank you,” she whispered to the oak tree, her voice filled with gratitude.

The oak tree, his leaves rustling in the breeze, smiled. “You are welcome, little one. But from now on, you and your kin shall bear a shield, a reminder of this day, and a protection from any who might try to harm you.”

And so it was. With the oak’s blessing, tiny, sharp thorns began to sprout on Daisy’s stem, a symbol of her resilience and a warning to any who might try to harm her. Soon, other plants, inspired by Daisy’s courage, also developed thorns, each a testament to the oak’s wisdom and Daisy’s bravery.

From that day forward, the world was no longer a peaceful paradise. But it was a place where even the smallest, most delicate creatures could stand their ground, protected by the thorns that grew from their strength and the memory of a brave oak tree who stood up for what was right.