
I was sleeping when I woke up and I saw that cars

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/09 Read: 3817

I was sleeping when I woke up and I saw that cars were parked together snd I saw some of the famous characters from fast and furious standing next to thier cars and I said I must be in the fast and furious universe.
Then a guy said yeah you are and were going to be doing a street race and look who’s coming.
Then I saw a car coming up and it drove up to the line up of cars and they came out of the car and I gasped and I saw it was the Proclaimers and I saw that Craig was wearing a blue Mary’s meals shirt with blue jeans and redish shoes and Charlie was wearing a brown coat with a black shirt underneath blue jeans and black sleek shoes then went up to them and I said oh my gosh it’s so amazing to meet you, I am such a big fan of you guys.
Craig said thanks and what’s your name?
I said my name is Meaghan and it’s so amazing that your here and your going to be racing?
Craig said yeah, and Charlie is going to be driving and I will be riding along and helping him to win.
I said cool.
Craig said hey Meaghan, do you want to join us in the race?
Then I started to blush and I looked at Charlie Reid and someone said it’s looks like she has a crush.
Then everyone said ooohhh.
I said no I don’t.
Then another car came up and I said oh look here comes Brian.
Then everyone cheered and Brian came out of his car and he said well it looks like everyone is ready to race.
I said yeah and we’re all ready.
The guy said okay everyone let’s get the race going so everyone into your cars.
So everyone went into their cars and Craig said hey Meaghan do you want to go into the passager seat with Charlie?
I started to blush again and I said sure.
So Craig went into the back seat and he buckled his seatbelt, I went into the passager seat and buckled my seatbelt and Charlie went into the driver’s seat and he buckled his seatbelt and Charlie said okay we are ready to race.
I said to Charlie so why are you and Craig doing this?
Charlie said well we are doing this for fun and also I always wanted to race.
I said I see well I’m excited.
Then the guy walked up and he said alright everyone start your engines.
So everyone put thier keys into the ingition and everyone pulled the shift to drive and the guy said ready? Set go.
Then everyone slammed on the gas and the cars drove away and everyone cheered and the race has started.
So we drove through the street and I looked in the right side mirror and I said we’re in the lead.
Charlie said yeah because I have been practicing before the race.
Then Brian drove up to us and he said not anymore Craig and Charlie.
Then I said oh no Brian is in the lead well he is pretty good.
Then Charlie said well he’s not going to win this time.
So he pulled the shift back and forth and he slammed his foot on the gas pedal and our car drove up to Brian’s car and we drove beside his car until Charlie pushed down on the gas pedal and our car drove away from his car and Brain said whoa, Charlie is doing good.
Then Craig said we passed Brian and were in the lead.
Then we continued driving through the street and Craig said hey Meaghan can you check the right side mirror to see who’s coming coming towards us?
I said sure.
So I looked and I saw a car coming up to us and she drove up to us and she bumped our car and and Charlie started to get mad and he turned the wheel to the left and the car bumped into her car and he lifted his foot up and he slammed his foot on the gas pedal and our car drove away from the woman and I said see you later.
I said we’re winning.
Then I saw a bridge that was opened and I gasped and me and Craig shouted LOOK OUT CHARLIE!
Then Charlie looked at the bridge and his eyes started to wide open and he lifted both of his legs up and he slammed both of his feet on the brakes and the tires started to screech on the pavement and our car stopped and Charlie breathed heavily and he said that was close.
Then Craig said well how are we going to pass the bridge?
Then Charlie looked at the left view mirror and he saw Brian was coming and he looked at the bridge and he started smiling seriously and he moved the shift to reverse and he lifted his right leg up and he slammed his foot down on the gas pedal and the car started zooming and the car started driving fast to the bridge and Charlie looked at the bridge and he pushed his foot down on the gas pedal and the speedometer said 150 miles per hour and the car came to the bridge and the car drove over the bridge and me and Craig screamed and we landed on the road and Charlie said we made it.
I said that was amazing Charlie.
Charlie said thanks Meaghan.
Then I saw the cars coming and I saw the people coming and I said we’re almost there.
Then Brian’s car came up to us and Charlie looked and he started to move the shift back and forth and he slammed on the gas pedal and our car passed away from Brian’s car and the guy said here comes the Proclaimers.
Then I said we’re going to win.
Then we made it and everyone ran away and Charlie stopped the car and everyone started cheering and me, Craig and Charlie got out of the car and the guy said and the Proclaimers won the race.
Then Brian drove up and he got out and he said wow, I never knew that I could lose to the Proclaimers but man Charlie Reid is so good at driving.
Then the guy said congratulations Proclaimers you won this.
Then the guy gave Charlie some money and Charlie said thanks.
Then I continued to blush and I said I really want to tell Charlie how I feel but I don’t know what to say.
Then Brian said hey everyone she has a crush on Charlie.
Then everyone turned to me and Charlie looked at me and he said is this true Meaghan?
Then I continue blushing and Charlie gave me a hug and everyone said awh.
Then I pulled away from Charlie and he looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes and he smiled at me.
Then Charlie said do you want to go hang out?
I said sure.
So me and Charlie went to the car and Craig went into the back seat and everyone saw our car driving away and Charlie put his hand on my thigh and he rubbed his hand on my thigh and I smiled at him and he smiled at me while we drove.

The roar of engines jolted me awake. Disoriented, I sat up in bed, eyes blurry, and found myself staring at a scene straight out of a movie. Rows of sleek, souped-up cars lined the street, their chrome glinting under the streetlights. I blinked, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Standing beside the vehicles, I saw figures I recognized instantly – Dominic Toretto, Letty, Roman, Tej… I was in the Fast and Furious universe!

“Welcome to the club,” a voice chuckled behind me. I whirled around to see a guy with a knowing grin. “We’re about to have ourselves a street race, and you’re part of the fun. Just wait till you see who’s showing up.”

Before I could even ask who, a distinct, pulsating beat echoed through the night. A car, a classic muscle car with a distinct Scottish flair, pulled up beside the others. The doors swung open, and my heart nearly stopped. It was The Proclaimers!

Craig Reid, clad in a bright blue “Mary’s Meals” shirt, blue jeans, and red shoes, stepped out, followed by Charlie Reid, sporting a brown coat over a black shirt, blue jeans, and sleek black shoes.

“Oh my gosh, it’s you!” I exclaimed, my voice trembling with excitement. “I’m such a huge fan! It’s amazing to meet you.”

Craig smiled. “Thanks! What’s your name?”

“Meaghan,” I replied, still reeling from the surrealness of it all. “Is it true you’re racing?”

“Yep,” Craig said, his grin widening. “Charlie’s driving, and I’ll be navigating. Gotta help him win.”

Just then, Craig looked at me with a twinkle in his eye. “Hey Meaghan, you want to join us for the race?”

I blushed, my cheeks burning as I glanced at Charlie, who was staring at me with a curious intensity. Someone in the crowd teased, “Looks like someone’s got a crush.” A chorus of “Ooohs” followed.

“No, I don’t,” I retorted, although my heart thumped a frantic rhythm against my ribs.

The crowd erupted in a cheer as a sleek, silver car pulled up, its engine humming. “Well, looks like everyone’s ready to race,” Brian O’Conner said, stepping out of his car.

“Yeah, we’re ready!” I exclaimed, feeling a surge of adrenaline course through my veins.

“Alright, let’s get this race going,” the guy from before announced. “Everyone, to your cars!”

Craig extended a hand towards me. “Meaghan, want to ride shotgun with Charlie?”

My cheeks flushed again. “Sure,” I stammered, accepting his hand.

Craig hopped into the back seat, and I took the passenger seat, my heart pounding with anticipation. Charlie slid into the driver’s seat, his blue eyes meeting mine for a fleeting moment. “Ready to race?” he asked, a slight smile playing on his lips.

“I’m excited,” I whispered, my voice barely audible.

The guy walked towards the cars. “Alright, start your engines!”

A symphony of roars filled the air as drivers turned their keys, revving their engines. “Ready? Set… GO!”

The engines roared, tires screeched, and a cloud of smoke billowed as the cars shot forward, the crowd cheering.

We raced through the city streets, the wind whipping through my hair. I glanced at the right-side mirror. “We’re in the lead!” I shouted, my voice drowned out by the roar of the engines.

“Yeah,” Charlie replied, a confident grin spreading across his face. “Been practicing.”

But the lead was short-lived. Brian’s car pulled alongside us. “Not anymore, Craig and Charlie,” he said, his voice barely audible over the wind.

“Oh no, Brian’s in the lead,” I said, disappointment creeping into my voice. “He’s good.”

Charlie’s jaw tightened, his eyes focused on the road. “He’s not going to win this time.” He shifted gears, his foot slamming down on the gas pedal. The Proclaimers’ car surged forward, quickly catching up to Brian.

“We passed Brian! We’re back in the lead!” Craig yelled, his voice brimming with excitement.

The race continued, a thrilling blur of speed and adrenaline. The city lights streamed past us, the night air buzzing with energy.

“Meaghan, check the right side mirror,” Craig called out. “See who’s coming up?”

I looked, spotting a sleek black car approaching. The car rammed into ours, sending the Proclaimers’ car swerving.

Charlie, his face hardening with anger, spun the wheel, bumping the car back into the black vehicle. He slammed on the gas, pulling away from the woman who had attacked us. “See you later!” I called out, my voice filled with defiance. “We’re winning!”

But the excitement was short-lived. Up ahead, I saw a bridge, its roadway raised in the air. “Look out, Charlie!” Craig and I yelled in unison.

Charlie’s eyes widened as he saw the open bridge. He slammed on the brakes, the tires screeching against the asphalt. The car came to a sudden halt, inches from the edge of the bridge. “That was close,” he said, taking a deep breath.

“How are we going to get across the bridge?” Craig asked, his voice laced with concern.

Charlie glanced in the left mirror, seeing Brian’s car approaching. He then looked at the bridge, a mischievous glint appearing in his eyes. He shifted the car into reverse, flooring the gas pedal.

“What are you doing?!” I exclaimed, my heart leaping into my throat.

The car surged backwards, heading towards the bridge at a dizzying speed. “Hold on tight!” Charlie yelled, his eyes fixed on the bridge ahead.

The speedometer needle spun wildly, reaching 150 miles per hour. As we approached the bridge, I gripped the armrest with white knuckles. The car, with a thunderous roar, shot across the open bridge, the wind screaming in my ears.

My body felt weightless as we soared through the air, a scream caught in my throat. Then, with a thud, we landed on the road on the other side.

“We made it!” Charlie exclaimed, his voice filled with exhilaration.

“That was amazing!” I said, my voice shaking with a mixture of fear and awe.

“Thanks, Meaghan,” Charlie replied, a genuine smile spreading across his face.

We could see the finish line in the distance, and the other racers were catching up.

“We’re almost there!” I exclaimed, my voice filled with excitement.

Brian’s car pulled up beside us, and Charlie, his eyes burning with competitive spirit, shifted gears, slamming on the gas pedal. Our car surged forward, passing Brian’s, and the guy at the finish line shouted, “Here comes the Proclaimers!”

“We’re going to win!” I cried out, my voice filled with hope.

The finish line was just ahead, and the crowd was roaring, their cheers a deafening wave of sound. Charlie crossed the finish line, and the crowd erupted into a frenzy, chanting “Proclaimers, Proclaimers!”

We all got out of the car, the adrenaline still pulsing through our veins.

“And the winners are… the Proclaimers!” the guy announced, handing Charlie a wad of cash.

“Thanks,” Charlie said, his eyes meeting mine briefly.

Brian drove up, his expression a mix of defeat and respect. “Wow,” he said. “Never thought I’d lose to the Proclaimers, but man, Charlie Reid, you’re one hell of a driver.”

The crowd erupted in a collective “Ooooh” as the guy said, “Congratulations, Proclaimers!”

Brian turned to me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Looks like someone has a crush on Charlie, folks.”

I blushed, my cheeks burning as I looked at Charlie. “Is this true, Meaghan?” he asked, his blue eyes holding mine.

My heart pounded in my chest. “I… I don’t know what to say,” I stammered.

Charlie smiled, a warm, genuine smile that made my heart melt. He pulled me into a hug, and everyone in the crowd cooed in approval.

As I pulled away from the embrace, Charlie’s eyes met mine, and he smiled. “Want to hang out?” he asked.

“Sure,” I whispered, my voice barely audible.

We climbed back into the car, Craig hopping into the back seat. The car pulled away from the crowd, and Charlie reached out, placing his hand on my thigh. He rubbed his hand gently, and I met his gaze, my heart fluttering. He smiled, and I smiled back, the night stretching ahead, filled with the promise of adventure.