
Irish Teenage Girls react to the BBC One Northern

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/06 Read: 6327

Irish Teenage Girls react to the BBC One Northern Ireland Analogue Shutdown on TV (2012, YOUTUBE SCRIPT)

Video script:
This is BBC One Northern Ireland, where programs will continue in a few moments, unless you’re watching on Analogue television. The final stage of Digital Switchover is about to get underway. In a few moments we’ll be turning off this, and all remaining analogue channels forever, and overnight turning on the new high-power Freeview transmitters. This will mean there will be disruptions on Freeview through the night, and you may need to retune your TV or set top box tomorrow. Satellite and cable viewers are not affected.

If you or someone you know needs help or advice with switching to digital or with retuning, you can contact Digital UK on 08456 50 50 50 from 8 o’clock tomorrow morning. Calls may cost to 5p per minute from most landlines, though calls from mobiles may cost considerably more. You can also visit the website at digitaluk.co.uk which has information on how to retune.

Analogue television has seen many technological advancements and additions since the days of Baird and Marconi, from 405-line black and white to 625-line colour, the introduction of CEEFAX, the world’s first teletext system, and NICAM stereo to name just a few. The move to digital television will allow technology to advance still further, allowing even more services, and so from tommorow morning, BBC One Northern Ireland will be available in High Definition on Freeview, Satellite, and Cable.

Now though, we enter another era of broadcasting, as this becomes a fully Digital UK, From the analogue BBC Television service, goodnight and goodbye.

This happened on 2012/10/24 (WED) while they were watching BBC One Northern Ireland, they work together to retune their digital equipment.

The girls’s reactions

The Last Night of Analogue



The kitchen is dimly lit, illuminated only by the flickering glow of the old, boxy television set. Three teenage girls, CHLOE (16), MIA (15), and AMY (14), are huddled around the TV, eyes glued to the screen. The BBC One Northern Ireland announcer’s voice booms through the room.

This is BBC One Northern Ireland, where programs will continue in a few moments, unless you’re watching on Analogue television. The final stage of Digital Switchover is about to get underway. In a few moments, we’ll be turning off this, and all remaining analogue channels forever…

Chloe groans, slumping back in her chair.

This is it then? No more telly for us?

Don’t be dramatic, Chloe. It’s just digital now.

Yeah, like, the whole world is digital. We’re just catching up.

But what about all the classic shows? The ones they’ll never repeat on digital?

They’re on DVD. And Netflix. And…

YouTube! We can watch them all there, right?

Mia and Amy nod enthusiastically, but Chloe remains unconvinced.

It’s not the same. It’s not the same sitting here, watching the telly together.

…and overnight turning on the new high-power Freeview transmitters. This will mean there will be disruptions on Freeview through the night, and you may need to retune your TV or set top box tomorrow. Satellite and cable viewers are not affected.

Chloe jumps up, grabbing a remote from the coffee table.

Well, let’s get this done then! No more waiting around!

She points the remote at the TV, frantically pressing buttons. The screen goes fuzzy, then black. The girls erupt into a chorus of groans.

What did you do?!

I’m trying to retune!

But you’re just making it worse!

The girls scramble around, trying to find the instruction manuals for their various devices. Chloe is fiddling with a TV box, Mia is consulting her phone, and Amy is desperately searching the kitchen drawers.

This is impossible! Why didn’t they just give us proper instructions?

Maybe they’re hoping we just give up and become cave dwellers!

Don’t be ridiculous, Chloe. It’s not that hard. You just have to press the right buttons.

They continue their frantic search, fueled by a mixture of frustration and excitement. They know this is a big moment, the end of an era, but also the start of something new.

Ok, I think I’ve got it. Let’s try this.

She presses a sequence of buttons on the TV box. For a moment, the screen remains blank, then suddenly…





The sun is streaming through the window. The girls are huddled around the TV again, their faces lit by the screen.

Wow! It actually works!

It’s so clear! And look, there’s loads of channels!

Not bad. Not bad at all.

She smiles, watching the colourful images flicker across the screen. The girls are silent for a moment, lost in the world of digital television.

Maybe we should watch one of those shows we were talking about earlier?

Or maybe we should try something new.

Chloe grins.

Yeah, maybe we should try something new.

The girls look at each other, their eyes sparkling with excitement. The end of an era is always bittersweet, but the start of something new is always full of possibilities.