
Make a story about me at the great American music

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/23 Read: 3745

Make a story about me at the great American music hall and that I’m at the Proclaimers concert and the Proclaimers went up to the stage and Craig Reid was wearing a plain black t-shirt with blue jeans and brown shoes and Charlie Reid has a t shirt on with a logo on it blue jeans and i sleek black shoes and they started playing the music and couldn’t help but blush at Charlie playing the acoustic guitar and his blue eyes with his glasses was making him hot even his short brown hair then I said I really like him I need to tell him how I feel but how then I deicided to make him notice me so i quietly went backstage and I jumped out onto the stage then everyone saw me then Craig looked and he grabbed me and he said your not allowed backstage anymore and your banned then he took me out of the concert then he slammed the door then I started to tear up then I said now l’ll never tell Charlie how I feel so I ran away from the music hall crying but then I sat down on the ground and started crying but then someone grabbed me and I started screaming then the Proclaimers and everyone came out and the Proclaimers gasped then the person ran away from me then Craig and Charlie went into the car with Craig in the passenger seat and Charlie in the driver’s seat then he started the car then he moved the shift back and forth and slammed his foot down on the gas pedal and the car sped towards the person
Then Craig lowered his window and said let her go
The person said never
Then Charlie’s expression hardened then he said hang on Craig then he shift the gearshift then he pushed his foot with his sleek black shoe down on the gas pedal and the car sped towards the person
But then he stopped running then Charlie gasped and slammed both of his feet with his sleek black shoes in the brakes and the car stopped then the police came and arrested the person and I was on the road crying hard then they went up to me and Charlie said hey are you okay
I said no I just wanted to tell you something but then I continued crying then Charlie said while hugging me shhhh it’s okay shhh I’m here
Then i said i have a crush on you
Then everyone said Aww and Charlie hugged me and said thanks for telling me Meaghan
I said your welcome Charlie
Charlie said want to join me and Craig for the night
I said yes please
So we went inside the car and we drove to their house and when we got there we went inside and sat down on the couch next to the fireplace and I snuggled next to Charlie smiling and I said I love you Charlie
Charlie said I love you too
Then I fell asleep on his chest smiling then I woke up and I went into the bathroom then I started to cry then Charlie came in and said Meghan are you okay
I said no I don’t want to leave.
Then Charlie hugged her and said shhh you may stay with us
So we hugged each other then we went and hanged out together

The roar of the crowd pulsed through the Great American Music Hall. The Proclaimers were on stage, their iconic voices filling the room. Craig Reid, in his signature jeans and black tee, moved effortlessly, while Charlie, sporting a t-shirt with a faded logo, captivated me with his guitar playing. His blue eyes, magnified by his glasses, held a magnetic pull, and his short, brown hair seemed to shimmer under the stage lights.

I was mesmerized. I needed to tell him how I felt. But how? A sudden, impulsive decision took over. I snuck backstage and, with a deep breath, leaped onto the stage.

The crowd gasped. Craig, his face etched with surprise, grabbed me, “You’re not allowed backstage, and you’re banned!” He pulled me off the stage, slamming the door behind us.

Tears welled up in my eyes. “Now I’ll never tell him!” I whispered, my voice choked with despair. I ran out of the music hall, the sound of the music fading as I sobbed, my heart heavy with disappointment.

Suddenly, someone grabbed me, and I screamed. The crowd surged forward, the Proclaimers included. The person who had grabbed me bolted, disappearing into the night.

Craig and Charlie, their faces pale with worry, rushed to my side. Charlie’s expression softened as he looked at me, his blue eyes filled with concern. “Hey, are you okay?” he asked gently.

I couldn’t speak, only shaking my head, tears streaming down my face. “Shh, it’s okay, shhh. I’m here,” Charlie said, wrapping me in a warm hug.

Taking a deep breath, I blurted out, “I have a crush on you.”

The crowd erupted in a chorus of “Aw’s” and “Awwwws.”

Charlie smiled, his eyes sparkling. “Thanks for telling me, Meaghan.”

“You’re welcome, Charlie.”

He pulled me close, his hand resting on my back. “Want to join me and Craig for the night?”

A wave of happiness washed over me. “Yes, please,” I whispered, unable to contain my grin.

We climbed into their car, the engine purring, and drove to their house. As we sat by the fire, I snuggled close to Charlie, my heart filled with warmth. “I love you, Charlie,” I said, my voice soft and sweet.

He smiled, his gaze holding mine. “I love you too, Meaghan.”

As I drifted off to sleep, cradled in his arms, I knew that this night was just the beginning of our story.

The next morning, I awoke to the familiar scent of coffee brewing and the gentle hum of the house. But then, a wave of anxiety crashed over me. I couldn’t stay, not knowing what would happen next. I needed to leave before things became too complicated.

I slipped into the bathroom, my reflection in the mirror revealing tear-streaked cheeks. I couldn’t control my tears, and soon, I was sobbing. Then, the bathroom door opened, and Charlie stood there, his worried expression mirrored in his blue eyes.

“Meghan, are you okay?” he asked, his voice soft.

I shook my head, unable to speak.

He pulled me into a hug, his warmth enveloping me. “Shh, you may stay with us, Meaghan,” he whispered, his voice gentle and reassuring.

Tears welled up again, but this time, they were tears of happiness, of relief, of love. As I held him, I knew that this was where I wanted to be, with him, for as long as possible. We were two souls who had stumbled upon a connection, a destiny that promised a lifetime of happiness. This night, this moment, marked the beginning of something extraordinary.