
max waited until the sun set and the moon rose. Va

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/07/28 Read: 5592

max waited until the sun set and the moon rose. Valarien was there also waiting for the moon rise. however he wasn’t waiting to change since he wasn’t a werewolf. he was there to help max resist the change. cryrin had been through this before but max was scared. he wasn’t scared about losing control, he was scared of the pain. his dad told him it would hurt, infact he told him it would be worse. he tried his best to prepare as much as he could, he’s changed before but never completely resisted it. the sun had completely set and the moon started to rise.

Valarien stopped leaning back on tree and walked over towards max.
” max? you ready? ” max looked up at him and nodded. max then stood up and walked more into the shade. Valarien started to back out into the moonlight. ” I’m just going to tell you right now, it’s going to hurt like crazy. but don’t worry it’s going to be ok. when your ready nod your head and I’ll help you out.” max then took off his shirt and left it on the ground. the full moon was now completely visible. max felt a bit of pain hit him but it wasn’t strong. infact, it only felt like a small headache and stomach cramp. he took a deep breath in and out. he was nervous but he looked at Valarien and nodded. Valarien then walked over and put his hand out. max went to reach out but once the moonlight touched his fingertips more pain hit him. he pulled back and gasped for a breathe of air. ” max, it’s ok bud. if it’s to much for you, you can shift, I won’t be mad.” max nodded and grabbed his hand. he winced in pain as he did it. ” just breathe and focus on me ok?” max nodded and exhaled. Valarien lifted up his other hand and max grabbed it. they both started walking out into the moonlight when max was hit with a huge wave of pain. he tried not to focus on it and kept walking with Valarien. they both kept walking until they were both completely bathed in the moonlight. it was so hard for max not to fall or look at the moon. he started to let out small cries and his temperature was starting to rise. he looked at the ground in pain and closed his eyes shut. “Max, hey look at me. just focus on me. I know it hurts but just focus on me ok?” max looked up but once he did the moon caught his eye and his was fixated on it.

‘shit. that’s going to make it worse!’ Valarien grabbed Max’s chin and forced him to look at him. max was hit with a huge wave of pain. he let out a small cry of pain and started to fall. ” whoa whoa whoa easy there buddy. it’s ok I gotchu” max fell onto one knee struggling to fight back the transformation. he was sweating bullets and his senses were beginning to sharpen. it was also getting harder to breathe. his eyes began to sting. he knew what it was and he tried his best to fight it off. his eyes felt like there were going to explode. he closed them shut and he was beginning to shake. blood started to fill his eyes and it was getting uncomfortable. Valarien saw blood dripping down from maxes eyes. ” max, open your eyes it’s ok.” he opened his eyes and let the blood drip down. his ears had changed to a bright green and his pupils were now slit like a cats. ‘as long as he can stop it here before his body starts shifting, then we should be fine.’ Valarien thought. Max’s hands are now grabbing Valarien’s shoulders, fingers gripping tightly to the jacket. Valarien then feels something scratch him. Max’s nails were already sharp and were digging into his skin. Valarien winced a little from the feeling but it didn’t hurt. he kept calm and didn’t want to become mad at max for this. after all this wasn’t the first time he helped someone to resist their change. and he could heal fast so it didn’t bother him. but then there was something that started to concern him, Max’s heartbeat. it was beating incredibly fast.

max couldn’t breathe. and since he was fighting the change it was even harder to breathe and it hurt more. his teeth than began to hurt. his gums began to bleed. his teeth began to grow and become sharper. he closed his mouth to stop the change but blood started to fill his mouth and it was starting to go down his throat. he couldn’t hold it anymore and blood started to drip from his mouth. then he coughed up the blood onto the grass below before falling on both knees. Valarien also fell to his knees to make sure max was ok. max let go of of Valarien and grabbed his stomach out of pain. his teeth continued to grow and his ears began to hurt. he was starting to hyperventilate and tears were starting to form. ” whoa easy there buddy. it’s ok ” Valarien said in a calm voice. maxes ears started to grow and little bits of fur started to grow. Valarien started to get worried. if he didn’t stop now he’s going to change.

maxes heartbeat started to slow down which scared and surprised max. then a wave of warmth washed over him. he could finally breathe and his temperature dropped. and finally the changes stopped. Valarien felt relieved when he heard his heart slow down. max let go of his stomach and looked up at Valarien. it took three tries and he was relieved it was over. he sat up and looked at the moon. ” Hey you ok? ” max took in a deep breath and said ” yeah… just.. exhausted. ” Valarien smiled. ” Hey it’s normal to feel this way. ” Valarien helped max stand up but max started to fall and his nose started to bleed. he winced and held his head. ” you look tired do you want to stay at my place tonight? ” ” yeah. ” ” Ok, we are not that far from there. are you able to walk? ” max tried walking and then nodded. ” Ok let’s go. ” Valarien ran over and got Max’s shirt and gave it to max. when max grabbed it he noticed his claws were still there. he felt his teeth and also noticed they were sharp. he started to panic a little. ” Hey this is normal. it happened to your dad and your mom, it’s totally normal for changes to stay. they will go away in the morning. it’s ok. ” max nodded and they both started walking.

it took about 5 minutes to get a certain place deep in the forest. it was different. but it was beautiful. ” ok I’m going to have to carry you through this certain part of the forest. the people here are a bit dangerous to say the least.” that’s when max saw the webs. there were A LOT of them, hidden in the trees. ” you ready? ” ” yeah ” max then got on Valarien’s back and wrapped his arms around his chest. ” hang on tight. I’m going to run. if you need to close your eyes if you can. ” max nodded and Valarien took off full speed without stopping. but there was one thing bothering both of them, the smell of blood. ‘ holy shit that’s strong. ‘ max was struggling to find a way to distract himself from the smell. but there was something else he noticed, Valarien’s heartbeat. it was fast and his breathing was fast. ‘ I guess he didn’t eat before he came and helped me. ‘

Valarien was overwhelmed by how much blood was around him. and it was fresh too. ‘ not here, not now. ‘ Valarien continued to run pushing back the urge to go and hunt. he sped up as he ran but his heartbeat was racing. however he didn’t show any emotion on his face and remained calm. max was starting to worry about him. ” Val are you ok?? ” there was a slight pause until Valarien answered. ” yes I’m fine. we’re almost there ok? ” max just layed his head on his back trying to block out the smell.

they finally stopped infront of a door of a tree house. Valarien grabbed the door handle and went inside. it was so much bigger than what it looked like on the outside. there were two floors and there were plants and spider webbs everywhere. and there wasn’t a roof but instead was replaced by massive leaves and giant spider webbs. but it looked like it belonged there and it was beautiful too. ” ok max you can get off now. ” max slid off his back and lost his balance but grabbed onto the wall for support. then he heard a little laugh coming from the front of the fireplace. it was a baby with red and pink butterfly wings, red hair, and two fangs poking out from the side of his mouth playing with his toys. ” Hey Asher. ” the little baby started to crawl towards him. ” woah hey buddy. go to your dad not me right now. ” Asher looked at him like he understood him and started crawling towards Valarien. ” Hey little man how have you been?” he then picked him up and held him in his arms. ” now where’s your mother.” Valarien started looking around to see where she could be. Asher just responded with a happy smile and a happy little scream. ” oh back already. ” They both looked up and saw a women with red wavy hair, with pink eyes, wearing a dress made of little green leaves that went down to her knees, with pink butterfly wings, flying down towards them. ” sorry for being late. there was a lot of blood coming up here. ” he whispered. ” oh you must be hungry then. ” she said as she kissed him on the lips. ” your son was waiting for you to get back. ” as she said this Asher bit into Valarien’s hand and began to drink. ” oh max how are you feeling? ” ” eh I’ve been better I’m just really tired. ” Asher then let go of his hand and looked up with a bit of worry at his father’s face and started to push at his chest. ” our guest bedroom is upstairs to left you can sleep there if you want. ” ” Ok thanks. ” ” and if you need anything come talk to either of us ok. ” ” oh and take this you look hungry. ” she handed him a bottle of blood. ” thanks I needed this. ” then he started to make his way upstairs and went towards his room.

Asher started to become reckless and was becoming loud. Adina turned around and saw Valarien’s face. she immediately took Asher out of his arms and he calmed down but was still scared. Valarien’s face was a mix of hunger, fear, and pain. ” ok little buddy let’s get you to bed. ” Adina then went upstairs and put Asher to sleep. when she was coming back down she went go talk her her husband who was clearly uncomfortable. ” Sweetie are you ok? ” Valarien finally stopped resisting and gave in. ” no ” he said very quietly but clearly in pain. she then ran over to him and caught him before he fell. there was blood everywhere and the smell was strong. she whispered to her husband, ” there some bodies that are not completely drained of blood you can eat those. ” once he heard those words his hunger took over and he dashed up into the spider webs. he started to drink from the remaining bodies that still had blood. Adina felt relieved. she didn’t like seeing her husband in pain and hungry. ‘ he’ll feel better in the morning. ‘ she then flew up to one of the webs and saw him laying down in one of the webs. Adina walked over to him and saw that he was asleep. she then brushed his cheek which woke him up. he opened his eyes and grabbed her hand and pulled it close to him. he started kissing her hand. ” you alright? ” ” yeah just tired. ” ” we should get to bed then. ” ” let’s stay here for a while. ” Valarien then sat up and leaned against the web like it was a wall. he was covered in blood. Adina saw this and grabbed some water from a near by leaf and started washing his face. once she was done he took off his jacket and shirt because they were stained with blood. he then laid back down and stared at the sky. Adina layed on his chest and hugged him. ” the sky’s beautiful isn’t it? ” Adina asked. ” yes, yes it is. ” Adina then sat up. ” we should be getting to bed. and you need to see how max is. ” Valarien nodded. ” Ok. ” Adina then stood up. ” I’ll meet you in the bedroom then. ” then she flew down to their bedroom.

Valarien sat there for a couple of minutes then made his way down to his house. once he got to his house, he picked up the phone and called cyrin. ” hello? ” ” Hey I just wanted to tell you that max is fine and that he’s staying at my house for the night. ” ” oh thank god he’s alright. how’s he holding up though? ” ” he’s doing alright. just extremely tired. ” ” that’s normal though. he just needs to get used to feeling that. ” ” heh yeah. hey make sure he changes tomorrow. ” ” I will. goodnight. ” ” night. ” then he hung up the phone. he went upstairs to maxes room and saw he was asleep. ‘ that’s good. he needs the rest. ‘ he closed the door and went to his own room. once he got there, he went and took a shower to get the rest of the blood off. after 15 minutes, he got out and put on some sweat pants and climbed in bed with his wife who was asleep. he snuggled close her and closed his eyes. ‘ I’m glad everything went well today. ‘ He thought as he drifted off to sleep.

max woke up to a sudden headache and the sun shining through the window. he sat up and grabbed his head as the headache started to grow. then a small wave of pain hit him. he grabbed his head tighter as his body temperature rose and began to sweat. his eyes began to burn as he felt them starting to shift back to normal. his claws started to retract and become dull. his teeth then started to hurt. they retracted and returned to normal. his ears then started returning to normal and the fur on his face retracted. then the pain subsided. he gasped for air as the change was over and fell back on his bed. he was relieved to be normal again but he was super tired. he then heard Asher crying and someone else walking to his room. then the crying stopped and someone was walking up the staircase. he heard talking in the other room mixed with Asher laughing. he went back under the blankets and fell asleep.

he woke up to someone grabbing his nose only to see Asher on his bed. ” oh hey bud. ” Asher continued to tap his face and pull his hair. max just stared at him as he continued to play with his long red hair. ” easy bud not to hard. ” Valarien said as he gently grabbed Ashers hand. max looked up to see Valarien now holding his son who quickly fell asleep. ” what time did you get up?” max asked. ” a couple of hours ago. I see you’ve changed back.” Max looked at his hands then felt around his mouth for fangs and found that he was infact back to normal. ‘So that’s what that was.’ he thought. He still felt pretty. tired but also wanted to go back home. “Are you hungry?” “No. I kinda want to go back home.” “That’s understandable.” Valarien stood up still holding Asher “Get ready and I’ll take you home.” Then he walked out the door and closed it.

Max walked out the room a few minutes later. He walked down stairs to find Valerian playing with his son. He walked over to him, “You look tired.” Val looks up at him “Yeah haven’t slept in months.” he then stood up and went to go grab his car keys. “you ready?” “Yeah.” “Alright lets go.” Then they both walked out to the car.

“Your taking Ash?” “Yeah.” “Why can’t Adina watch him?” “She was up all night trying to get him to sleep. Plus its my day off and I want to spend some time with him.” “How long has it been since you last played with him?” Max asked now getting a feeing he shouldn’t have asked him. “3 months.” Then they drove off. During the entire drive both Asher and Max were asleep. Valarien was exhausted. He was jealous that Max was able to sleep so easily. He noticed himself getting angry. ‘Focus on the road.’ He took his attention off of Max and focused completely on the road.

Once they pulled up to the cabin, Valarien felt a migraine start to form. He parked the car and snapped his fingers near Max’s ears which made him jump slightly. “What?” “We’re here.” “Oh ok.” Then they both got out except Max immediately went to the front door while Valerian was getting Asher out of the car seat. Max knocked on the door and heard someone rushing downstairs. The door opened and Cyrin was at the door. “Hey kiddo, welcome home.” “Hi dad.” “Yo!” Cyrin looked out to see Val holding Asher. “Oh hey do you want to stay for a bit or?” “Yeah that would actually be nice thank you.” “Alright come on in.” Max walked in and Cyrin put his arm around him “How are you feeling?” “I’m alright.” “That’s good.” Valarien walked into the cabin and was immediately hit with the scent of pumpkin and carmel. He walked into the living room and saw Rose watching TV. Once she heard Max’s voice she paused her show and ran to her older brother and hugged his legs. The first thing he noticed was her hair wasn’t washed or brushed. “Why isn’t your hair washed?” “She was waiting for you to come home and possibly do it for her.” Their mom said from the catwalk upstairs. Christine saw Val holding his son and rushed downstairs to speak with him. “Do you need anything since you probably used your car and I know he gets car sick-“ “Yes um do you mind if I use your bathroom or?” “That one is currently covered in blood so I recommend using the guest one upstairs.” “Ok thank you.” Val then rushed upstairs to the guest bathroom and closed the door behind him.

Cyrin went to his son who was playful talking with his sister. “How’d it go?” “It went good I guess.” “What do you mean?” He took a sip of his hot chocolate “I stopped it-“ “Well that’s great!” Max gave him an annoyed look. “Sorry go on.” “I changed a little bit not too much but I couldn’t stop it completely?” “How much did you shift?” “Not a lot just my eyes, nails, teeth, and a little bit of my ears.” Cyrin thought about that for a second before responding “Honestly thats not bad for resisting it for your first time. I’m just going to say this right now it may not be easier to resist going forward.” “Oh. How bad is it going to be?” “It hurts a hell of a lot more and you start losing control faster.” “Huh. well I’m not resisting one for a while.” “Good you shouldn’t.” That came out sounding more condescending then he would’ve liked. “Hey why don’t you get some breakfast. There’s some waffles on the counter.” Max nodded and went to the kitchen where his mom was making breakfast.

The moon hung heavy in the sky, a silver coin against the velvet darkness. Max stood in the clearing, his bare chest catching the moonlight, a stark contrast to the shadows that clung to his skin. He was nervous, a knot of fear tightening in his stomach. The pain, his father’s warnings echoed in his mind, a stark reminder of the coming transformation.

Valarien, his friend and guide through this, leaned against a tree, his face illuminated by the moon. He was a beacon of calm, a source of strength Max desperately needed.

“Ready?” Valarien asked, his voice soft but steady.

Max nodded, taking a shaky breath. The first wave of pain hit him, a dull ache in his head and a tightening in his stomach. It wasn’t the excruciating agony he’d feared, but it was enough to send a shiver down his spine.

He stripped off his shirt, the cool night air biting against his skin. The full moon, now high in the sky, seemed to hold a malevolent gleam, a promise of pain and transformation. He took another deep breath, his chest constricting with each inhale. He glanced at Valarien, his eyes wide with apprehension.

Valarien walked towards him, his hand outstretched. “It’s gonna hurt, Max, but you can do this. Just focus on me, breathe with me, and we’ll get through it together.”

As Max’s fingers brushed against Valarien’s, a jolt of pain shot through him. He recoiled, gasping for air. The moon’s light seemed to sear his skin, a torment that threatened to consume him.

“It’s alright, Max,” Valarien said, his voice calm and reassuring. “If it’s too much, you can shift. I won’t be mad.”

Max, his brow furrowed with pain, nodded, his eyes filled with a desperate hope. He squeezed Valarien’s hand, his fingers digging into his friend’s skin, a testament to the struggle raging within him.

“Just breathe with me, Max, focus on me,” Valarien repeated, his voice steady and firm.

They began to walk, stepping out into the open moonlight. The pain intensified, a wave crashing over him, threatening to drown him. He could feel his senses sharpening, his heart thundering in his chest. His vision blurred, his ears filled with the howling of the wind, a symphony of pain.

“Max, look at me,” Valarien urged, his voice laced with urgency.

Max tried to focus on Valarien’s face, but his eyes were drawn to the moon, the luminescent orb casting its wicked spell upon him.

“Shit,” Valarien muttered, his concern evident. “That’s going to make it worse.”

He grabbed Max’s chin, forcing him to look into his eyes, a desperate bid to break the moon’s hold. The pain surged, a searing inferno consuming him. Max cried out, his knees buckling under the onslaught.

“Easy, buddy, it’s okay, I got you,” Valarien said, his voice steady despite the rising panic.

Max fell to his knees, his body convulsing with the fight against the transformation. His muscles burned, his skin prickled with a million tiny needles. He fought against the urge to shift, to let the beast inside take over. The air was thin, his breaths coming in ragged gasps.

His eyes stung, a hot, burning sensation that spread through his face. He closed them shut, his vision filled with a crimson haze. Blood, his own blood, was welling in his eyes, a testament to the intensity of his struggle.

Valarien saw the blood dripping down Max’s cheeks, his heart clenching with fear. “Max, open your eyes, it’s alright,” he said, his voice laced with urgency.

Max opened his eyes, the blood streaming down his cheeks, a grotesque and terrifying sight. His ears had become pointed and emerald green, his pupils had narrowed to slits, a feline glint in the moonlight.

Valarien felt Max’s fingers digging into his shoulders, his nails sharp and cutting into his flesh. He winced, but he didn’t pull away. This was nothing new, he was used to this, but his concern was growing. Max’s heartbeat was racing, a frantic drum against his ribs.

Max was struggling for air, his chest heaving, his breathing shallow and pained. He could feel his teeth growing, his gums throbbing, and the blood in his mouth was starting to taste metallic and sharp. He clamped his jaw shut, trying to resist the change, but the blood continued to seep out, dripping down his chin. He coughed, a gurgling sound, and spat out a mouthful of blood onto the grass.

He fell onto both knees, his body a vessel of pain and struggle. Valarien lowered himself beside him, his voice a soothing balm against the storm raging within Max.

“Whoa, easy there, buddy, it’s okay,” Valarien said, his voice a calm anchor in the maelstrom.

Max clutched his stomach, his body racked with pain. His ears continued to grow, small patches of fur starting to sprout on his face, his senses heightened. He was hyperventilating, tears streaming down his face, a stark contrast to the ferocity of his struggle.

Then, as suddenly as it had started, the pain began to recede. Max felt a wave of warmth wash over him, a sensation of relief that brought tears to his eyes. He could breathe again, his heartbeat slowing, his temperature dropping. The transformation, finally, was over.

Valarien, his heart pounding with relief, heard the slowing of Max’s heartbeat, the change in the rhythm of his breathing. The battle was won.

Max let go of his stomach and looked up at Valarien, a mixture of exhaustion and gratitude in his eyes.

“Hey, you ok?” Valarien asked, his voice laced with concern.

Max took a deep breath. “Yeah… just… exhausted.”

Valarien smiled, the weight of their ordeal lifting from his shoulders. “Hey, it’s normal to feel that way.”

He helped Max to his feet, but Max swayed, a wave of dizziness washing over him. Blood trickled from his nose, a stark reminder of the struggle he’d endured.

“You look tired. Want to stay at my place tonight?” Valarien asked, his voice warm and inviting.

“Yeah,” Max murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Okay. It’s not far from here. Can you walk?”

Max tried to take a step, then nodded.

“Alright, let’s go.”

Valarien ran to retrieve Max’s shirt, handing it to him. As Max reached for it, he noticed his claws were still there, sharp and pointed, a testament to the transformation that had almost taken over. He felt his teeth, still sharp and longer than they should be.

Panic started to rise within him, but Valarien, sensing his fear, spoke in a calming voice.

“Hey, it’s normal. It happened to your dad, and your mom too. It’s totally normal for some of the changes to linger. They’ll disappear in the morning. It’s ok.”

Max nodded, accepting Valarien’s words as a beacon of reassurance. They set off, walking through the cool night air.

The walk to Valarien’s home was a blur, the forest a dark, silent world around them. After a few minutes, Valarien stopped, leading Max towards a hidden path, shrouded in a canopy of leaves.

“Okay, I’m going to have to carry you through this part of the forest. The people here are a bit… dangerous to say the least.”

Max looked around and saw the webs, a tapestry of glistening silk that snagged the moonlight. There were a lot of them, everywhere, hiding in the shadows.

“You ready?” Valarien asked, his eyes focused on Max, searching for any sign of fear.

“Yeah.” Max responded, his voice a mere whisper.

Max climbed onto Valarien’s back, wrapping his arms around his chest.

“Hang on tight. I’m going to run. Close your eyes if you can.”

Max nodded, his head resting against Valarien’s shoulder, the scent of woodsmoke and leather comforting him. Valarien took off at a full sprint, his legs pumping, his footsteps silent against the soft forest floor.

The scent of blood, however, filled the air, a thick, coppery odor that filled Max’s nostrils. He tried to block it out, but the smell was overpowering, a haunting reminder of the creatures that lurked in the shadows.

But there was something else, something that made Max’s stomach clench with worry. He felt Valarien’s heartbeat, a rapid, frantic drum against his back, a sound that hinted at a deeper struggle.

‘He didn’t eat before he came to help me,’ Max thought, a pang of guilt hitting him.

Valarien pushed through the darkness, his body a blur of motion, the scent of blood a constant torment. His mind screamed at him, urging him to hunt, to satiate the primal hunger that was gnawing at him.

‘Not here, not now,’ he thought, his will a thin dam against the rising tide of instinct.

He pushed himself harder, his pace increasing, but the frantic beat of his heart gave away his internal struggle. Max, sensing his friend’s distress, spoke in a whisper.

“Val, you okay?”

There was a pause, a moment of silent struggle, before Valarien replied, his voice strained but steady.

“Yes, I’m fine. We’re almost there, okay?”

Max laid his head against Valarien’s back, closing his eyes, trying to block out the scent of blood, the sound of his friend’s frantic heartbeat.

They finally stopped, the shadowy silhouette of a treehouse looming in front of them. Valarien stepped towards the door, his hand reaching for the handle.

“Okay, Max, you can get off now,” Valarien said, his voice strained.

Max slid off Valarien’s back, his legs unsteady, his body trembling with exhaustion. He stumbled, catching himself on the wall of the treehouse.

Then he heard it, a giggle, a sweet, innocent sound that echoed through the silent night. He looked up to see a young boy, no older than five, standing by the fireplace, his small body a tangle of red hair and pink butterfly wings. Two tiny fangs poked out from his mouth, adding a touch of feral charm to his innocent features.

“Hey, Asher,” Valarien said, his voice softening as he looked at his son.

The boy, Asher, crawled towards Valarien, his eyes bright with curiosity.

“Woah, hey buddy. Go to your dad, not me right now,” Valarien said, his tone gentle but firm.

Asher looked at him, his face a canvas of innocence, and turned back to Valarien.

“Hey little man, how have you been?” Valarien asked, scooping up his son, his arms wrapping around Asher’s small frame.

“Now, where’s your mother?” Valarien asked, looking around the spacious interior of the treehouse.

Asher just giggled, his small hands reaching out to Valarien’s face, his smile wide and infectious.

“Oh, back already,” Valarien said, his voice a mixture of surprise and relief.

They both looked up to see Adina, Valarien’s wife, flying towards them. Her red hair cascaded down her back, her eyes were a vibrant pink, and her dress was woven from leaves, a testament to her connection to the forest.

“Sorry for being late. There was a lot of blood coming up here,” she whispered, her voice soft and tinged with concern.

“Oh, you must be hungry then,” she said, her lips brushing against Valarien’s in a quick, loving kiss.

“Your son was waiting for you to get back,” she said, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Asher, as if sensing the shift in the atmosphere, bit down on Valarien’s hand, his small fangs piercing the skin. He began to drink, his eyes focused on the blood welling up from the wound.

“Oh, Max, how are you feeling?” Adina asked, her eyes filled with genuine concern.

“Eh, I’ve been better. I’m just really tired,” Max replied, his voice a tired rasp.

Asher let go of Valarien’s hand, his eyes still focused on the wound, before crawling towards his father. He began to push at Valarien’s chest, his small body a whirlwind of frantic energy.

“Our guest bedroom is upstairs to the left. You can sleep there if you want,” Adina offered, her voice warm and inviting.

“Okay, thanks,” Max replied, his exhaustion outweighing any desire for further conversation.

“And if you need anything, come talk to either of us, okay,” Adina added, her gaze meeting Max’s, her eyes filled with warmth.

“Oh, and take this, you look hungry,” Adina said, handing Valarien a bottle of blood.

“Thanks, I needed this,” Valarien said, his voice laced with gratitude.

He started towards the stairs, heading towards the guest bedroom. Asher, sensing his father’s hunger, became more reckless, his small body a whirlwind of energy, his playful antics turning into a noisy frenzy.

Adina, seeing the look on Valarien’s face, a mixture of hunger, fear, and pain, quickly scooped Asher up, her movements swift and efficient. Asher calmed immediately, his fears assuaged by his mother’s presence.

“Okay, little buddy, let’s get you to bed,” Adina said, her voice soothing, her touch gentle.

Adina flew upstairs with Asher, leaving Valarien alone in the main room. She watched as her husband struggled to maintain control, his face a mask of pain.

“Sweetie, are you okay?” Adina asked, her voice filled with concern.

Valarien, unable to fight the hunger any longer, gave in, his body wracked with tremors. “No,” he whispered, his voice barely audible, his pain evident in the slight tremor of his voice.

Adina rushed to him, catching him before he could fall. He was covered in blood, the scent overwhelming.

“There are some bodies that aren’t completely drained of blood. You can eat those,” Adina whispered, her voice a low murmur that only her husband could hear.

Valarien, his hunger overpowering his restraint, dashed towards the spiderwebs that draped the treehouse, his movements fast and purposeful. He began to drink from the remaining bodies, his thirst a raging inferno that consumed him.

Adina felt a wave of relief wash over her, her heart aching at the sight of her husband in such distress. He’d feel better in the morning, she reassured herself.

She flew towards one of the webs, watching as her husband drank deeply, his hunger finally satiated. He lay down, exhausted, his body limp against the silk. Adina landed beside him, her hand brushing against his cheek. He stirred, his eyes fluttering open.

He reached for her hand, pulling it towards him, his fingers intertwined with hers.

“You alright?” she asked, her voice filled with concern.

“Yeah, just tired,” he replied, his voice raspy with exhaustion.

“We should get to bed then,” Adina said, her voice gentle.

“Let’s stay here for a while,” Valarien murmured, his eyes fixed on the sky, a tapestry of stars woven against the velvet night.

Valarien sat up, leaning against the web, his body covered in blood. Adina grabbed a cup of water from a nearby leaf, her movements swift and practiced. She started to wash his face, her gentle touch a balm against the tiredness that weighed him down.

Once she was finished, Valarien removed his jacket and shirt, the bloodstains a stark reminder of his struggle. He lay back down, his eyes fixed on the sky, the constellations a shimmering spectacle against the night.

Adina lay down on his chest, her body nestled against his. “The sky’s beautiful, isn’t it?” she asked, her voice soft, a whisper against his skin.

“Yes, yes it is,” he murmured, his voice a sigh of contentment.

Adina sat up, her gaze meeting his. “We should be getting to bed. And you need to see how Max is,” she said, her voice gentle but firm.

Valarien nodded, his body heavy with exhaustion.

“Ok,” he said, his voice a tired whisper.

Adina flew down to their bedroom, leaving Valarien alone with his thoughts.

Valarien sat for a few minutes, allowing the warmth of his wife’s presence to seep into his bones, before making his way back to the cabin. He picked up the phone, his fingers clumsy with exhaustion. He dialed Cyrin’s number.

“Hello?” Cyrin’s voice answered, a hint of worry in its tone.

“Hey, I just wanted to tell you that Max is fine, and that he’s staying at my house for the night,” Valarien said, his voice a mix of relief and exhaustion.

“Oh, thank god he’s alright. How’s he holding up though?” Cyrin asked, his voice laced with concern.

“He’s doing alright. Just extremely tired,” Valarien replied, his words a reflection of his own state.

“That’s normal though. He just needs to get used to feeling that,” Cyrin said, his voice filled with understanding.

“Heh, yeah. Hey, make sure he changes tomorrow,” Valarien said, his voice softening, a hint of worry creeping in.

“I will. Goodnight,” Cyrin replied.

“Night,” Valarien said, ending the call.

Valarien went upstairs to Max’s room, his heart filled with a sense of relief. Max was asleep, his face peaceful, the tension he’d carried throughout the night gone.

‘That’s good. He needs the rest,’ Valarien thought, watching Max’s chest rise and fall with each breath.

He closed the door quietly, making his way to his own room. He went to the bathroom, the need for a shower overwhelming him. The blood stains on his skin were a stark reminder of the night’s events, a tangible reminder of the dangers that lurked in the shadows.

After a fifteen-minute shower, he emerged, feeling refreshed, his body cleansed of the blood that had clung to him. He pulled on a pair of sweatpants, the soft cotton a comforting contrast to the harsh reality he’d just escaped. He climbed into bed beside his wife, her warmth enveloping him.

‘I’m glad everything went well today,’ he thought, a wave of exhaustion washing over him. He closed his eyes, the day’s events fading into a hazy dream.

Max woke to a sharp headache, the sunlight streaming through the window, a stark contrast to the darkness of the previous night. He sat up, wincing as the pain intensified. He grabbed his head, feeling the familiar tightening of muscles, the rising heat. His eyes stung, his vision blurry, the remnants of the transformation still clinging to him.

He felt the sharp points of his nails retracting, his teeth becoming dull and normal once more. His ears tingled, the emerald green receding, his human form reclaiming its shape.

The pain subsided, leaving him drained but relieved. He gasped for air, the air filling his lungs with a sense of renewed life. He fell back on his bed, his body exhausted but his spirit light. He was normal again.

Then he heard Asher crying, the sound echoing through the treehouse. He followed the sound, his ears catching the distinct sound of footsteps, a rhythm that spoke of a hurried pace.

He heard a series of soft murmurs, a mix of Asher’s cries and the gentle reassurances of a parent. Then the crying stopped, the footsteps slowing, the sounds of Asher’s laughter replacing the cries. He could hear them coming closer, their voices drifting up the staircase.

He pulled the covers over him, his body weary, his mind heavy with the memory of the night. He closed his eyes, the exhaustion pulling him back into a peaceful slumber.

He woke up to a feeling of something tugging at his nose. He opened his eyes to see Asher, his son, sitting on his bed, his small hand pulling at Max’s nose, his eyes wide with amusement.

“Oh, hey bud,” Max said, his voice groggy with sleep.

Asher continued to tug at his nose, his small fingers playing with his long red hair. Max just watched him, the boy’s playful energy a welcome distraction from the fatigue that still clung to him.

“Easy, bud, not too hard,” Valarien said, his voice gentle as he gently took Asher’s hand.

Max looked up to see Valarien standing by the bed, holding his son, who had already drifted off to sleep.

“What time did you get up?” Max asked, his voice still laced with sleepiness.

“A couple of hours ago. I see you’ve changed back,” Valarien said, his eyes filled with amusement.

Max looked at his hands, feeling around for any lingering remnants of his transformation, but he was back to normal.

‘So that’s what that was,’ he thought, a feeling of relief washing over him. He still felt tired, his body heavy with exhaustion, but he also felt a strong desire to go back home.

“Are you hungry?” Valarien asked, his eyes searching Max’s face, looking for any sign of discomfort.

“No. I kinda want to go back home,” Max replied, his voice laced with longing.

“That’s understandable,” Valarien said, his voice tinged with understanding. He stood up, still holding Asher in his arms.

“Get ready and I’ll take you home,” he said, his voice filled with warmth.

Valarien walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Max got out of bed, his movements slow and deliberate. He walked down the stairs, finding Valarien playing with his son. He walked over to him, his gaze meeting Valarien’s.

“You look tired,” Max said, his voice laced with concern.

Valarien looked up at him, a weariness etched into his features. “Yeah, haven’t slept in months,” he replied, a hint of bitterness lacing his words.

He stood up, reaching for his car keys. “You ready?” he asked, his voice a touch more strained than usual.

“Yeah,” Max said, his voice a simple affirmation.

“Alright, let’s go,” Valarien said, his voice firm, his resolve unwavering.

They walked out to the car, the morning air cool and crisp against their skin.

“You’re taking Ash?” Max asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

“Yeah,” Valarien replied, his eyes focused on Asher, who was nestled in his arms, his small body still fast asleep.

“Why can’t Adina watch him?” Max asked, his voice laced with a hint of concern.

“She was up all night trying to get him to sleep. Plus, it’s my day off, and I want to spend some time with him,” Valarien said, his voice a touch defensive, his emotions hidden behind a mask of composure.

“How long has it been since you last played with him?” Max asked, his curiosity getting the better of him, a feeling of dread settling in his stomach.

“Three months,” Valarien replied, his words a blunt statement, the weight of his unspoken emotions heavy in the air.

They drove off, the forest a blur of green and brown, the sound of Asher’s soft snores the only sound that filled the car. Max, too, drifted off to sleep, his body exhausted from the night’s ordeal.

Valarien, however, struggled to maintain his composure. He felt the migraine building, a relentless ache behind his eyes. He fought to keep his attention on the road, his mind racing with thoughts of his son, his wife, and the hunger that gnawed at him. He felt a surge of jealousy, watching Max sleep so soundly, his body relaxed, his mind free of the torment that plagued him.

‘Focus on the road,’ he told himself, his voice a silent command, his willpower a fragile dam against the rising tide of his emotions.

He pulled up to the cabin, the familiar sight of the wooden walls bringing a sense of relief. He parked the car, his hands shaking slightly, the fatigue finally claiming him. He snapped his fingers near Max’s ear, the sharp sound jarring him awake.

“What?” Max said, his voice groggy with sleep.

“We’re here,” Valarien said, his voice a low murmur.

“Oh, okay,” Max said, his eyes still blurry with sleep.

They got out of the car, Valarien carrying Asher in his arms. Max went straight towards the front door, his movements automatic, his body still weary. He knocked on the door, the sound echoing in the silent morning air.

He heard footsteps, the sound of someone rushing downstairs. The door swung open, revealing Cyrin, Max’s father, his face a mix of relief and concern.

“Hey kiddo, welcome home,” Cyrin said, his voice warm and inviting.

“Hi dad,” Max said, his voice a tired rasp.

“Yo!” Cyrin looked past Max, his eyes landing on Valarien, who was carrying Asher.

“Oh hey, do you want to stay for a bit or…?” Cyrin asked, his voice trailing off, unsure of the proper etiquette in this situation.

“Yeah, that would actually be nice, thank you,” Valarien replied, his voice a touch hesitant, the exhaustion evident in his tone.

“Alright, come on in,” Cyrin said, his hand gesturing towards the open door.

Max walked inside, his father’s arm wrapping around his shoulders, a comforting gesture that spoke of love and protection.

“How are you feeling?” Cyrin asked, his voice laced with concern.

“I’m alright,” Max replied, his voice a low murmur, his exhaustion palpable.

“That’s good,” Cyrin said, his voice filled with relief.

Valarien walked into the cabin, the scent of pumpkin and carmel filling his nostrils, a comforting aroma that reminded him of home, of warmth, of peace. He walked into the living room, his eyes drawn to Rose, Max’s younger sister, who was watching TV, her attention captivated by the flickering images.

Rose, hearing Max’s voice, paused her show, her face lighting up with joy. She ran towards her brother, throwing her arms around his legs, her small body a bundle of affection.

The first thing Valarien noticed was that her hair was unwashed, tangled and unkempt, a stark contrast to her usually neat appearance.

“Why isn’t your hair washed?” Valarien asked, his voice laced with amusement.

“She was waiting for you to come home, and possibly do it for her,” Christine, Max’s mother, said from the catwalk upstairs, her voice tinged with amusement.

Christine saw Valarien holding Asher, her face softening with affection. She hurried downstairs, her movements quick and graceful.

“Do you need anything, since you probably used your car and I know he gets car sick-“ Christine started, her voice trailing off, her concern evident.

“Yes, um, do you mind if I use your bathroom or…?” Valarien asked, his voice a touch embarrassed.

“That one is currently covered in blood, so I recommend using the guest one upstairs,” Christine replied, her voice filled with understanding.

“Ok, thank you,” Valarien said, his voice a soft murmur of gratitude.

Valarien hurried upstairs, making his way to the guest bathroom, the need for a proper wash overwhelming him.

Cyrin walked over to his son, who was now chatting with his sister, his face illuminated with a warmth that spoke of love and family.

“How’d it go?” Cyrin asked, his voice filled with concern.

“It went good, I guess,” Max replied, his voice a low murmur, his eyes cast downward.

“What do you mean?” Cyrin asked, his brow furrowed with confusion.

Max took a sip of his hot chocolate, his lips curling slightly as the warmth of the drink soothed his throat.

“I stopped it-“ Max started, his voice a hesitant whisper.

“Well, that’s great!” Cyrin exclaimed, his voice filled with a surge of pride.

Max gave him an annoyed look, his eyes filled with a hint of frustration.

“Sorry, go on,” Cyrin said, his voice softer, his tone apologetic.

“I changed a little bit, not too much, but I couldn’t stop it completely,” Max said, his voice laced with a tinge of disappointment.

“How much did you shift?” Cyrin asked, his voice filled with concern, his brow furrowed with worry.

“Not a lot, just my eyes, nails, teeth, and a little bit of my ears,” Max said, his voice a low murmur, his eyes avoiding his father’s gaze.

Cyrin thought about that for a second, his mind racing, trying to process the information.

“Honestly, that’s not bad for resisting it for your first time. I’m just going to say this right now, it may not be easier to resist going forward,” Cyrin said, his voice a mix of caution and concern.

“Oh. How bad is it going to be?” Max asked, his voice laced with a hint of fear, his eyes widening with apprehension.

“It hurts a hell of a lot more, and you start losing control faster,” Cyrin said, his voice a stark warning, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on his words.

“Huh. Well, I’m not resisting one for a while,” Max said, his voice filled with a mixture of determination and resignation, the threat of pain looming large in his mind.

“Good, you shouldn’t,” Cyrin said, his voice a gruff but reassuring statement, the concern for his son evident in his tone.

The words, however, came out sounding more condescending than he had intended, a hint of bitterness lacing his words, a reflection of his own struggles with the transformation.

“Hey, why don’t you get some breakfast. There’s some waffles on the counter,” Cyrin said, his voice softened, his attempts to mend the slight rift in their conversation evident in his tone.

Max nodded, his stomach grumbling with hunger, his need for food outweighing any desire for further conversation. He walked to the kitchen, where his mother was busy preparing breakfast.