
“My friend asked if we wanted to go to his church

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/15 Read: 1223

“My friend asked if we wanted to go to his church thing tonight.” Jisung leans against Minho’s shoulder—something he does when he tries to convince his boyfriend to do something. “Come with me, please?”

“No thanks..last time I went to a ‘church thing’ I almost died.” Minho grimaces at the thought.

“I swear it won’t be like that. It’s not even church, just a bunch of guys sitting in a church talking about religion.”

“That sounds an awful lot like church.”

“Pleeease come with me. I promise it’s not boring or scary. Plus you love me and wanna support my friends too.”

Minho looks over at him, scoffing at the large pout across his lips. “Fine. But the second anyone pushes their beliefs on me, I’m leaving.”


Minho is going to hate today. He just wants to curl up on the couch with his Jisung and cuddle. But he unfortunately has to go to this church thing or whatever.

He’s not anti-religion or anything. He just prefers to stay home and do what he wants to do. Not whatever some stranger wants. Plus he has to be extra good tonight. No cursing. No making sexual jokes. Probably won’t even be able to hold Jisung’s hand.

But if it makes the boy happy, he’ll do it. Anything for Jisung, he guesses. That asshole benefits too much from Minho being whipped.

“Min~” Jisung bursts into the bedroom. “You ready?”

“I guess.” Minho sighs, walking out of the room before he sees Jisung upset by his lack of enthusiasm.

He slips on his favorite pair of platform boots. If he’s going to do something he doesn’t want, he’s at least going to dress how he wants. If someone has a problem with a leather jacket, ripped black jeans and smeared black eyeshadow, then he’ll just leave.

He isn’t going to fight anyone with Jisung around. It would cause the boy too much unnecessary anxiety.

“Alright..” He groans as Jisung unlocks the front door. “Let’s get this over with so we can come back home.”

“If you complain one more time, you’re sleeping on the couch.” Jisung huffs.

“You wouldn’t.”

“Wanna bet?”

Minho smacks his palm against Jisung’s ass, pushing him forward. “Just go..”

[the story continues with Minho meeting Jeongin, a very quiet yet odd young man. At some point Minho is locked in a room with Jeongin, where he learns Jeongin is not human and thirsts for blood]

Minho is going to hate today. He just wants to curl up on the couch with his Jisung and cuddle. But he unfortunately has to go to this church thing or whatever.

He’s not anti-religion or anything. He just prefers to stay home and do what he wants to do. Not whatever some stranger wants. Plus he has to be extra good tonight. No cursing. No making sexual jokes. Probably won’t even be able to hold Jisung’s hand.

But if it makes the boy happy, he’ll do it. Anything for Jisung, he guesses. That asshole benefits too much from Minho being whipped.

“Min~” Jisung bursts into the bedroom. “You ready?”

“I guess.” Minho sighs, walking out of the room before he sees Jisung upset by his lack of enthusiasm.

He slips on his favorite pair of platform boots. If he’s going to do something he doesn’t want, he’s at least going to dress how he wants. If someone has a problem with a leather jacket, ripped black jeans and smeared black eyeshadow, then he’ll just leave.

He isn’t going to fight anyone with Jisung around. It would cause the boy too much unnecessary anxiety.

“Alright..” He groans as Jisung unlocks the front door. “Let’s get this over with so we can come back home.”

“If you complain one more time, you’re sleeping on the couch.” Jisung huffs.

“You wouldn’t.”

“Wanna bet?”

Minho smacks his palm against Jisung’s ass, pushing him forward. “Just go..”

The church is a surprisingly old building, with stained glass windows and a heavy wooden door that creaks when Jisung pushes it open. Minho trails behind, trying not to look at the unsettling religious imagery painted on the walls.

Inside, a small group of men are huddled around a table, talking amongst themselves. Jisung rushes over to them, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

“Hey guys! This is Minho,” he beams, pulling Minho forward.

The men look up, and Minho finds himself meeting the gaze of one particular young man, whose eyes are oddly dark and unsettling. The man gives him a slight smile, then quickly averts his gaze.

“Hi, Jeongin.” Jisung gestures towards the man. “This is Minho, my boyfriend.”

Jeongin doesn’t respond, just nods and continues to stare at the table. He looks strangely pale and thin, with an almost ethereal quality about him.

“So, you’re a fan of the scriptures?” One of the men asks, looking at Minho with a probing gaze.

“Not really,” Minho says flatly, crossing his arms. “I prefer to spend my time doing other things.”

“Oh, like what?” The man pushes, his eyes glinting with what Minho thinks might be amusement.

“Like, you know, not being here,” Minho says dryly.

The men laugh, but Jeongin stays silent, his eyes still fixed on the table.

As the evening progresses, the conversation turns to various religious texts and interpretations. Minho tries to stay engaged, but his interest quickly wanes. He keeps glancing at Jeongin, feeling an inexplicable unease in his presence.

“So, Minho,” Jisung says, nudging him with his elbow. “What do you think?”

“I think it’s interesting,” Minho says, trying to be polite. “Although I’m not sure I understand everything.”

“That’s okay,” Jisung says, giving him a reassuring squeeze on the hand. “We can talk about it later.”

The group continues their discussion, but Minho feels a growing sense of claustrophobia. He wants to leave, but he doesn’t want to upset Jisung.

Suddenly, the room goes dark. The lights flicker, and a wave of cold air sweeps through the room.

“What the hell?” one of the men mutters, his voice laced with fear.

Jeongin stands up, his eyes now glowing with an unnatural light.

“Jeongin?” Jisung says, looking at him with concern.

Jeongin doesn’t respond. He walks towards Minho, his movements swift and silent.

“Minho, what’s going on?” Jisung asks, his voice tight with worry.

Minho stares at Jeongin, feeling a primal fear rising within him.

“Get away from me,” he says, backing away from the young man.

But Jeongin doesn’t stop. He reaches out, his pale hand reaching towards Minho’s throat.

“What’s happening?” Jisung screams, trying to pull Jeongin away from Minho.

Minho shrieks, pushing Jeongin back. He stumbles, and falls against the wall.

Jeongin smiles, a cruel, twisted smile that sends shivers down Minho’s spine.

“You’re going to be mine,” he whispers, his voice cold and menacing.

Before Minho can react, he feels a sharp, searing pain in his arm. He screams, looking down to see Jeongin’s teeth sunk deep into his flesh.

The other men are frozen in fear, watching in horror as Jeongin tears into Minho’s arm.

“Stop it!” Jisung cries out, his face pale with terror.

Minho tries to fight back, but he’s no match for Jeongin’s strength. He’s helpless, trapped in the grasp of a creature that seems to be both human and something else entirely.

As Jeongin continues to feast on his flesh, a terrible realization dawns on Minho. He’s not in a church. He’s in a cage.

He’s trapped with a monster.

And he’s about to become its next victim.