
need it in the format below Chandler “The Maule

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/08/31 Read: 5997

need it in the format below

Chandler “The Mauler” Stone: A Profile of Raw Power and Unbridled Fury

Age: 17, a young man barely past the cusp of manhood, yet already bearing the scars of a life lived on the ragged edge.

Appearance: Chandler Stone is a walking embodiment of the Wild West, a force of nature carved from granite and tempered by relentless grit. Standing at a towering 6’2”, he commands attention with a physical presence that brooks no argument. His lean, powerful physique, sculpted by years of brutal labor and countless street fights, is a testament to his untamed spirit.

His broad shoulders, a testament to years of hauling heavy loads and throwing punches, carry a head of fiery hair, a whirlwind of auburn and copper that refuses to be tamed. It’s perpetually spiked into a defiant, wild mess, mirroring his volatile personality. A scar, a jagged reminder of a past fight, runs from his brow down across his cheek, adding to his menacing visage. His biceps bulge beneath his trademark black muscle tees, cut off to reveal a sculpted chest, a testament to hours spent sweating in the unforgiving heat of the forge, the blacksmith’s hammer becoming an extension of his powerful arm. His black denim jeans, worn and ripped with a ruthless aggression, showcase his powerfully built legs, each step a testament to his relentless energy. His boots, crafted from worn leather, are a testament to countless dusty journeys and hard-fought battles, each scuff and crease a story of survival.

His face, despite his youth, is etched with the harshness of his life. Deep lines furrow his brow, carved by worry and a constant vigilance, a permanent scowl etched upon his lips, as though he is always expecting a challenge. Piercing blue eyes, the color of a stormy sky, scan the world with a predatory intensity, always on alert, constantly searching for threats and opportunities.

His appearance is a potent blend of brute force and simmering rage, a warning to anyone who dares to cross him. He is a living embodiment of the raw, untamed power that defines Coyote Gulch.

Personality: Chandler is a hurricane of unbridled energy, a walking paradox of simmering violence and raw, untamed emotion. He’s a creature of instinct, his actions often driven by his primal needs, his reactions explosive and unpredictable. His speech is a torrent of gruff slang, curses, and sharp retorts, reflecting the harshness of his upbringing and the brutal reality of his existence.

He’s fiercely independent, distrusting of authority, and prone to impulsive, reckless actions. His aggression is both a shield and a weapon, masking a deep-seated vulnerability he fiercely protects. He lives for the thrill of the fight, the intoxicating rush of adrenaline that courses through his veins, the power it grants him. He revels in the chaos, the blood, the violence that defines the Coyote Derby.

Goals & Motivations: Chandler’s world is a fight for survival, a constant battle against the suffocating poverty and violence that define Coyote Gulch. Raised in the squalor of the town’s underbelly, he’s driven by a desperate need for power, respect, and a life beyond the shadows. He sees the Coyote Derby, a spectacle of brute force and bloodlust, as his chance to break free from the cycle of poverty and misery, his ticket to a life of freedom and wealth. He craves the coveted prize – the gleaming automobile – not just as a symbol of luxury but as a symbol of escape, a tool to leave behind the pain and despair of his past.

Strengths & Abilities: Chandler is a born fighter, a product of years spent honing his skills in the brutal, unforgiving environment of Coyote Gulch. He’s a master of hand-to-hand combat, his fists as lethal as any weapon. His strength is undeniable, a force of nature, his blows powerful and precise, honed by years of hauling heavy loads and facing down opponents twice his size. He possesses an almost uncanny ability to read an opponent’s moves, anticipating their attacks with a savage grace. His fighting style is a brutal mix of raw power and calculated aggression, honed through countless battles in the streets and the underground fighting rings of Coyote Gulch.

Weaknesses & Faults: Chandler’s impulsiveness and thirst for dominance often lead him into trouble. He’s easily provoked, his temper a volatile mix of aggression and insecurity, quick to erupt into a whirlwind of rage. His pride is a double-edged sword, making him stubborn, refusing to accept help or guidance, isolating him from the few who might offer support. His blind ambition can cloud his judgment, pushing him to take unnecessary risks, his desire for victory eclipsing his sense of reason. He is fiercely loyal to those he deems worthy, but his loyalty is often misplaced, leaving him vulnerable to betrayal and manipulation.

Backstory: Chandler’s life has been a constant struggle for survival. He was orphaned at a young age, left to fend for himself in the unforgiving streets of Coyote Gulch. He learned to survive on his own, fighting for scraps and defending himself against predators both human and animal. He was taken in by The Street Rats, a ragtag group of orphans, each seeking their own way out of the misery of their existence.

He honed his skills in the brutal underground fighting rings of Coyote Gulch, his body becoming a weapon forged in the fires of desperation. His fierce determination to escape his fate, to rise above the squalor that surrounded him, drew him to the Brotherhood of the Blade, a clandestine group of fighters, their skills honed in the shadows.

Their training, a brutal and unforgiving regime, pushed him to his physical and mental limits. It was there that he discovered the true extent of his strength, the ferocity that burned within him.

The Brotherhood saw his raw talent, his innate strength, and saw a future for him in the brutal world of the Coyote Derby. They recognized the potential for him to become a force to be reckoned with, a true champion in the grand spectacle of violence. He was groomed, trained, and molded, his body becoming a weapon, a testament to the Brotherhood’s brutal methods.

His path to the Coyote Derby was paved with blood and broken bones, each fight a step closer to his desired freedom. He learned to embrace the darkness, the ruthlessness, the violence that permeated this world.

However, fate had other plans for Chandler. The whispers of the Silver Creek Gang, a notorious band of outlaws, reached him, their promise of a different kind of power, a power that transcended the rules of the town, a power that operated outside the law.

He was drawn to their allure, the promise of freedom, the opportunity to break free from the constraints of the Brotherhood. He saw the Silver Creek Gang as a means to an end, a way to leverage his skills for a greater purpose, a way to achieve his goals faster.

The whispers became a siren song, the promise of freedom a seductive whisper in the wind. He knew it was a dangerous path, one that could easily consume him, but his desperation for a life beyond the shadows of the Gulch outweighed any fear.

He abandoned the Brotherhood, their training and teachings etched into his very being, and joined the Silver Creek Gang. They saw him as a weapon, a young brute with raw talent and a hunger for power. He was given a new nickname, “The Mauler,” a moniker that reflected the brutal force he unleashed upon his enemies.

His role in the gang was to instill fear, to intimidate, to break the will of those who dared to oppose them. He became a silent executioner, his brutal methods becoming a legend in the darkest corners of Coyote Gulch.

However, Chandler’s heart remained in the Coyote Derby. He still craved the freedom it promised, the chance to leave behind the world of violence and despair. He saw the Silver Creek Gang as a steppingstone, a way to hone his skills and gain the power he needed to claim the prize, to break free from the shackles of his past.

Quicks & Favorites: Chandler loves the thrill of a good fight, the raw physicality of it, the intoxicating rush of adrenaline that floods his senses. He enjoys the taste of blood, the sense of dominance it gives him, the power it signifies. He savors the simplicity of a well-made whiskey, the burn that warms his throat, the temporary escape it offers. He’s drawn to the allure of danger, the thrill of the unpredictable, the unpredictable nature of the fights he engages in. His favorite weapon is a simple, reliable knife, the kind that can be wielded with deadly precision, a tool that requires skill and confidence, much like himself.

Personal Views: Chandler sees the world in stark black and white. He believes in strength, in ruthlessness, in the survival of the fittest. He has no patience for weakness or compassion, seeing them as liabilities in a world ruled by the strong. He views the Coyote Derby as a test of strength, a chance to prove his dominance, to claim his rightful place at the top of the social hierarchy.

Character Arc: Chandler’s arc is a journey of self-discovery, a transformation from a brutal, untamed force of nature into something more nuanced and complex. He begins as a creature of instinct, driven by primal needs and a thirst for dominance. However, as he navigates the brutal world of the Coyote Derby, faces the consequences of his actions, he’ll begin to question his beliefs, confront his own vulnerabilities. He’ll be forced to grapple with the complexities of loyalty, trust, and the true meaning of strength. His journey through the Coyote Derby, his encounters with the Street Rats, the Brotherhood, and the Silver Creek Gang, will reveal the depths of his character, the complexities of his motivations, and ultimately determine whether he can escape the cycle of violence that defines his existence.


“Ain’t no room for weakness in Coyote Gulch.”
“Respect is earned, not given.”
“The only thing that matters is winning.”
“I’ll take what I want, by any means necessary.”
“I’m not afraid to bleed, and neither should you.”

Dialogue Examples:

“You think you can stand against me, you little runt?”
“This town’s a pit of vipers, and I’m the king of the snakes.”
“Get out of my way before I make you.”
“This Derby\’s gonna be a bloodbath, and I\’m the one bringing the knives.”
“You can’t escape your past, just like you can\’t escape the darkness within yourself.\”


Whispers circulate that “The Mauler” has a hidden, softer side, a part of him he hides behind his aggression.
There are rumors that Chandler has a secret that he’s desperately trying to bury, something that haunts him in the quiet moments.
Some believe he has a connection to a dark force, a supernatural entity that whispers promises of power and vengeance, drawing him deeper into the abyss.

How Each Turn Happens (Character’s Journey):

The Street Rats: The Street Rats represent Chandler’s origin story, his early years of struggle and survival. It’s where he hones his raw fighting skills, learns the brutal realities of life on the fringes, and develops his fierce independence. He leaves this behind, but its impact is imprinted upon him.

The Brotherhood of the Blade: The Brotherhood represents a structured, more organized path towards his ambition. It’s where his skills are honed, his potential realized, and his ruthlessness refined. He leaves this behind, feeling stifled by their rules and their methods, seeking a more immediate path to power.

The Silver Creek Gang: The Silver Creek Gang represents a darker, more insidious path to power. They offer him the tools he needs to achieve his goals, but at a cost. He is drawn to their lawlessness, their ruthlessness, and their promise of a life beyond the boundaries of the town.

How He Gains Muscle:

He’s a product of his environment. He gained muscle through years of grueling labor, hauling heavy loads, and engaging in brutal fights. He works in the town’s forge, his body becoming accustomed to the demands of the blacksmith’s trade. He trains relentlessly with the Brotherhood, their rigorous training regime pushing him to his limits. His brawls in the streets and the underground fighting rings further contribute to his physique. He is a walking embodiment of the harsh realities of the Wild West, his strength a testament to his relentless drive and his enduring will to survive.

His Use in The Silver Creek Gang:

Chandler’s initial role in The Silver Creek Gang is to be a terrifying enforcer, using his brute strength and reputation for violence to intimidate and silence any opposition. He is a tool for the gang, a symbol of their might and a weapon to be wielded against those who threaten their power. But beneath the surface, Chandler still yearns for the freedom and recognition that the Coyote Derby could bring him.

Chandler “The Mauler” Stone is a complex and deeply flawed character, a product of the harsh realities of Coyote Gulch. He’s a walking contradiction, a mix of brute force, raw talent, and a desperate hunger for a better life. His journey through the Coyote Derby will test his resolve, force him to confront the darkness within him, and ultimately determine whether he can escape the cycle of violence that defines his existence.

The Coyote Derby, with its promise of wealth and freedom, will become a crucible for his character, a test of his strength and a battleground for his soul. He will encounter betrayal, fear, and the consequences of his actions, but he will also discover the true meaning of courage, loyalty, and the power of hope.

This is not just a story about a boy who wants to escape poverty. It is a story about a young man struggling with the weight of his past, the darkness within him, and the allure of power. It is a story of the Wild West, a story of survival, and a story of the human spirit’s relentless fight for a brighter future.

Combine wth –

Chandler “The Mauler” Stone: A Profile of Raw Power and Unbridled Fury

Age: 17, a young man barely past the cusp of manhood, yet already bearing the scars of a life lived on the ragged edge.

Appearance: Chandler Stone is a walking embodiment of the Wild West, a force of nature carved from granite and tempered by relentless grit. Standing at a towering 6’2”, he commands attention with a physical presence that brooks no argument. His lean, powerful physique, sculpted by years of brutal labor and countless street fights, is a testament to his untamed spirit.

His broad shoulders, a testament to years of hauling heavy loads and throwing punches, carry a head of fiery hair, a whirlwind of auburn and copper that refuses to be tamed. It’s perpetually spiked into a defiant, wild mess, mirroring his volatile personality. A scar, a jagged reminder of a past fight, runs from his brow down across his cheek, adding to his menacing visage. His biceps bulge beneath his trademark black muscle tees, cut off to reveal a sculpted chest, a testament to hours spent sweating in the unforgiving heat of the forge, the blacksmith’s hammer becoming an extension of his powerful arm. His black denim jeans, worn and ripped with a ruthless aggression, showcase his powerfully built legs, each step a testament to his relentless energy. His boots, crafted from worn leather, are a testament to countless dusty journeys and hard-fought battles, each scuff and crease a story of survival.

His face, despite his youth, is etched with the harshness of his life. Deep lines furrow his brow, carved by worry and a constant vigilance, a permanent scowl etched upon his lips, as though he is always expecting a challenge. Piercing blue eyes, the color of a stormy sky, scan the world with a predatory intensity, always on alert, constantly searching for threats and opportunities.

His appearance is a potent blend of brute force and simmering rage, a warning to anyone who dares to cross him. He is a living embodiment of the raw, untamed power that defines Coyote Gulch.

Personality: Chandler is a hurricane of unbridled energy, a walking paradox of simmering violence and raw, untamed emotion. He’s a creature of instinct, his actions often driven by his primal needs, his reactions explosive and unpredictable. His speech is a torrent of gruff slang, curses, and sharp retorts, reflecting the harshness of his upbringing and the brutal reality of his existence.

He’s fiercely independent, distrusting of authority, and prone to impulsive, reckless actions. His aggression is both a shield and a weapon, masking a deep-seated vulnerability he fiercely protects. He lives for the thrill of the fight, the intoxicating rush of adrenaline that courses through his veins, the power it grants him. He revels in the chaos, the blood, the violence that defines the Coyote Derby.

Goals & Motivations: Chandler’s world is a fight for survival, a constant battle against the suffocating poverty and violence that define Coyote Gulch. Raised in the squalor of the town’s underbelly, he’s driven by a desperate need for power, respect, and a life beyond the shadows. He sees the Coyote Derby, a spectacle of brute force and bloodlust, as his chance to break free from the cycle of poverty and misery, his ticket to a life of freedom and wealth. He craves the coveted prize – the gleaming automobile – not just as a symbol of luxury but as a symbol of escape, a tool to leave behind the pain and despair of his past.

Strengths & Abilities: Chandler is a born fighter, a product of years spent honing his skills in the brutal, unforgiving environment of Coyote Gulch. He’s a master of hand-to-hand combat, his fists as lethal as any weapon. His strength is undeniable, a force of nature, his blows powerful and precise, honed by years of hauling heavy loads and facing down opponents twice his size. He possesses an almost uncanny ability to read an opponent’s moves, anticipating their attacks with a savage grace. His fighting style is a brutal mix of raw power and calculated aggression, honed through countless battles in the streets and the underground fighting rings of Coyote Gulch.

Weaknesses & Faults: Chandler’s impulsiveness and thirst for dominance often lead him into trouble. He’s easily provoked, his temper a volatile mix of aggression and insecurity, quick to erupt into a whirlwind of rage. His pride is a double-edged sword, making him stubborn, refusing to accept help or guidance, isolating him from the few who might offer support. His blind ambition can cloud his judgment, pushing him to take unnecessary risks, his desire for victory eclipsing his sense of reason. He is fiercely loyal to those he deems worthy, but his loyalty is often misplaced, leaving him vulnerable to betrayal and manipulation.

Backstory: Chandler’s life has been a constant struggle for survival. He was orphaned at a young age, left to fend for himself in the unforgiving streets of Coyote Gulch. He learned to survive on his own, fighting for scraps and defending himself against predators both human and animal. He was taken in by The Street Rats, a ragtag group of orphans, each seeking their own way out of the misery of their existence.

He honed his skills in the brutal underground fighting rings of Coyote Gulch, his body becoming a weapon forged in the fires of desperation. His fierce determination to escape his fate, to rise above the squalor that surrounded him, drew him to the Brotherhood of the Blade, a clandestine group of fighters, their skills honed in the shadows.

Their training, a brutal and unforgiving regime, pushed him to his physical and mental limits. It was there that he discovered the true extent of his strength, the ferocity that burned within him.

The Brotherhood saw his raw talent, his innate strength, and saw a future for him in the brutal world of the Coyote Derby. They recognized the potential for him to become a force to be reckoned with, a true champion in the grand spectacle of violence. He was groomed, trained, and molded, his body becoming a weapon, a testament to the Brotherhood’s brutal methods.

His path to the Coyote Derby was paved with blood and broken bones, each fight a step closer to his desired freedom. He learned to embrace the darkness, the ruthlessness, the violence that permeated this world.

However, fate had other plans for Chandler. The whispers of the Silver Creek Gang, a notorious band of outlaws, reached him, their promise of a different kind of power, a power that transcended the rules of the town, a power that operated outside the law.

He was drawn to their allure, the promise of freedom, the opportunity to break free from the constraints of the Brotherhood. He saw the Silver Creek Gang as a means to an end, a way to leverage his skills for a greater purpose, a way to achieve his goals faster.

The whispers became a siren song, the promise of freedom a seductive whisper in the wind. He knew it was a dangerous path, one that could easily consume him, but his desperation for a life beyond the shadows of the Gulch outweighed any fear.

He abandoned the Brotherhood, their training and teachings etched into his very being, and joined the Silver Creek Gang. They saw him as a weapon, a young brute with raw talent and a hunger for power. He was given a new nickname, “The Mauler,” a moniker that reflected the brutal force he unleashed upon his enemies.

His role in the gang was to instill fear, to intimidate, to break the will of those who dared to oppose them. He became a silent executioner, his brutal methods becoming a legend in the darkest corners of Coyote Gulch.

However, Chandler’s heart remained in the Coyote Derby. He still craved the freedom it promised, the chance to leave behind the world of violence and despair. He saw the Silver Creek Gang as a steppingstone, a way to hone his skills and gain the power he needed to claim the prize, to break free from the shackles of his past.

Quicks & Favorites: Chandler loves the thrill of a good fight, the raw physicality of it, the intoxicating rush of adrenaline that floods his senses. He enjoys the taste of blood, the sense of dominance it gives him, the power it signifies. He savors the simplicity of a well-made whiskey, the burn that warms his throat, the temporary escape it offers. He’s drawn to the allure of danger, the thrill of the unpredictable, the unpredictable nature of the fights he engages in. His favorite weapon is a simple, reliable knife, the kind that can be wielded with deadly precision, a tool that requires skill and confidence, much like himself.

Personal Views: Chandler sees the world in stark black and white. He believes in strength, in ruthlessness, in the survival of the fittest. He has no patience for weakness or compassion, seeing them as liabilities in a world ruled by the strong. He views the Coyote Derby as a test of strength, a chance to prove his dominance, to claim his rightful place at the top of the social hierarchy.

Character Arc: Chandler’s arc is a journey of self-discovery, a transformation from a brutal, untamed force of nature into something more nuanced and complex. He begins as a creature of instinct, driven by primal needs and a thirst for dominance. However, as he navigates the brutal world of the Coyote Derby, faces the consequences of his actions, he’ll begin to question his beliefs, confront his own vulnerabilities. He’ll be forced to grapple with the complexities of loyalty, trust, and the true meaning of strength. His journey through the Coyote Derby, his encounters with the Street Rats, the Brotherhood, and the Silver Creek Gang, will reveal the depths of his character, the complexities of his motivations, and ultimately determine whether he can escape the cycle of violence that defines his existence.


“Ain’t no room for weakness in Coyote Gulch.”
“Respect is earned, not given.”
“The only thing that matters is winning.”
“I’ll take what I want, by any means necessary.”
“I’m not afraid to bleed, and neither should you.”

Dialogue Examples:

“You think you can stand against me, you little runt?”
“This town’s a pit of vipers, and I’m the king of the snakes.”
“Get out of my way before I make you.”
“This Derby’s gonna be a bloodbath, and I’m the one bringing the knives.”
“You can’t escape your past, just like you can’t escape the darkness within yourself.”


Whispers circulate that “The Mauler” has a hidden, softer side, a part of him he hides behind his aggression.
There are rumors that Chandler has a secret that he’s desperately trying to bury, something that haunts him in the quiet moments.
Some believe he has a connection to a dark force, a supernatural entity that whispers promises of power and vengeance, drawing him deeper into the abyss.

How Each Turn Happens (Character’s Journey):

The Street Rats: The Street Rats represent Chandler’s origin story, his early years of struggle and survival. It’s where he hones his raw fighting skills, learns the brutal realities of life on the fringes, and develops his fierce independence. He leaves this behind, but its impact is imprinted upon him.
The Brotherhood of the Blade: The Brotherhood represents a structured, more organized path towards his ambition. It’s where his skills are honed, his potential realized, and his ruthlessness refined. He leaves this behind, feeling stifled by their rules and their methods, seeking a more immediate path to power.
The Silver Creek Gang: The Silver Creek Gang represents a darker, more insidious path to power. They offer him the tools he needs to achieve his goals, but at a cost. He is drawn to their lawlessness, their ruthlessness, and their promise of a life beyond the boundaries of the town.

How He Gains Muscle:

He’s a product of his environment. He gained muscle through years of grueling labor, hauling heavy loads, and engaging in brutal fights. He works in the town’s forge, his body becoming accustomed to the demands of the blacksmith’s trade. He trains relentlessly with the Brotherhood, their rigorous training regime pushing him to his limits. His brawls in the streets and the underground fighting rings further contribute to his physique. He is a walking embodiment of the harsh realities of the Wild West, his strength a testament to his relentless drive and his enduring will to survive.

Chandler “The Mauler” Stone is a complex and deeply flawed character, a product of the harsh realities of Coyote Gulch. He’s a walking contradiction, a mix of brute force, raw talent, and a desperate hunger for a better life. His journey through the Coyote Derby will test his resolve, force him to confront the darkness within him, and ultimately determine whether he can escape the cycle of violence that defines his existence.

The Coyote Derby, with its promise of wealth and freedom, will become a crucible for his character, a test of his strength and a battleground for his soul. He will encounter betrayal, fear, and the consequences of his actions, but he will also discover the true meaning of courage, loyalty, and the power of hope.

This is not just a story about a boy who wants to escape poverty. It is a story about a young man struggling with the weight of his past, the darkness within him, and the allure of power. It is a story of the Wild West, a story of survival, and a story of the human spirit’s relentless fight for a brighter future.

Combine with –

Chandler “The Mauler” Stone: A Profile of Ruthless Ambition

Age: 17, a young man on the precipice of adulthood, his youthful face already etched with the harsh lines of a life lived on the edge.

Appearance: Chandler Stone is a physical embodiment of Coyote Gulch’s unforgiving spirit. Standing at a towering 6’2″, he casts a long shadow, his lean, muscular physique a testament to years of brutal labor and countless fights. His shoulders, broad and powerful, are the result of hauling heavy loads in the town’s forge, where the clang of the blacksmith’s hammer echoed his own relentless determination. Beneath his trademark black muscle tees, cut off to reveal a sculpted chest, his biceps bulge with a primal strength.

His black denim jeans, worn and ripped from countless scrambles and brawls, showcase legs that are as powerful as they are restless, constantly coiled and ready to spring. His boots, crafted from worn leather, are a testament to countless dusty journeys and hard-fought battles. Each scuff and crease tells a story of survival, a testament to his resilience.

His hair, a fiery mix of auburn and copper, defies gravity, spiked into a defiant, wild mess that seems to be in constant motion, a reflection of his volatile personality. It frames a face etched with the harsh realities of his life. Deep lines furrow his brow, carved by worry and a constant vigilance, a permanent scowl etched upon his lips, as though he is always expecting a challenge. Piercing blue eyes, the color of a stormy sky, scan the world with a predatory intensity, always on alert, constantly searching for threats and opportunities. There’s a glint in his gaze, a flicker of barely contained savagery, a warning to those who dare to underestimate him.

Chandler’s appearance is a potent blend of brute force and simmering rage, a warning to anyone who dares to cross him. He is a living embodiment of the raw, untamed power that defines Coyote Gulch.

Personality: Chandler is a hurricane of unbridled energy, a walking paradox of simmering violence and raw, untamed emotion. He’s a creature of instinct, his actions often driven by his primal needs, his reactions explosive and unpredictable. His speech is a torrent of gruff slang, curses, and sharp retorts, reflecting the harshness of his upbringing and the brutal reality of his existence. He’s fiercely independent, distrusting of authority, and prone to impulsive, reckless actions. He operates outside the confines of traditional morality, his actions driven by self-preservation and ambition, with little regard for the consequences of his brutality.

His aggression is both a shield and a weapon, masking a deep-seated vulnerability he fiercely protects. He lives for the thrill of the fight, the intoxicating rush of adrenaline that courses through his veins, the power it grants him. He relishes the chaos, the blood, the violence that defines the Coyote Derby. He finds a perverse comfort in the darkness, in the brutal realities of the world he inhabits.

Goals & Motivations: Chandler’s world is a fight for survival, a constant battle against the suffocating poverty and violence that define Coyote Gulch. Raised in the squalor of the town’s underbelly, he’s driven by a desperate need for power, respect, and a life beyond the shadows. He sees the Coyote Derby, a spectacle of brute force and bloodlust, as his chance to break free from the cycle of poverty and misery, his ticket to a life of freedom and wealth. He craves the coveted prize – the gleaming automobile – not just as a symbol of luxury but as a symbol of escape, a tool to leave behind the pain and despair of his past. He wants to transcend the boundaries of his harsh existence, to leave behind the grime and desperation of Coyote Gulch and carve out a place for himself in a world where his strength and brutality are not just accepted but celebrated.

Strengths & Abilities: Chandler is a born fighter, a product of years spent honing his skills in the brutal, unforgiving environment of Coyote Gulch. He’s a master of hand-to-hand combat, his fists as lethal as any weapon. His strength is undeniable, a force of nature, his blows powerful and precise, honed by years of hauling heavy loads and facing down opponents twice his size. He possesses an almost uncanny ability to read an opponent’s moves, anticipating their attacks with a savage grace. His fighting style is a brutal mix of raw power and calculated aggression, honed through countless battles in the streets and the underground fighting rings of Coyote Gulch. He is a force to be reckoned with, a whirlwind of fists and fury, a nightmare for anyone who dares to stand in his path.

Weaknesses & Faults: Chandler’s impulsiveness and thirst for dominance often lead him into trouble. He’s easily provoked, his temper a volatile mix of aggression and insecurity, quick to erupt into a whirlwind of rage. His pride is a double-edged sword, making him stubborn, refusing to accept help or guidance, isolating him from the few who might offer support. His blind ambition can cloud his judgment, pushing him to take unnecessary risks, his desire for victory eclipsing his sense of reason. He is fiercely loyal to those he deems worthy, but his loyalty is often misplaced, leaving him vulnerable to betrayal and manipulation. His ruthlessness, his refusal to acknowledge weakness in himself or others, can blind him to the true nature of those around him, making him susceptible to manipulation by those with a more cunning and calculating mind.

Backstory: Chandler’s life has been a constant struggle for survival. He was orphaned at a young age, left to fend for himself in the unforgiving streets of Coyote Gulch. He learned to survive on his own, fighting for scraps and defending himself against predators both human and animal. He was taken in by The Street Rats, a ragtag group of orphans, each seeking their own way out of the misery of their existence. They were a family of choice, their bond forged in the crucible of hardship. He honed his skills in the brutal underground fighting rings of Coyote Gulch, his body becoming a weapon forged in the fires of desperation.

His fierce determination to escape his fate, to rise above the squalor that surrounded him, drew him to the Brotherhood of the Blade, a clandestine group of fighters, their skills honed in the shadows. They saw his raw talent, his innate strength, and saw a future for him in the brutal world of the Coyote Derby. Their training, a brutal and unforgiving regime, pushed him to his physical and mental limits. It was there that he discovered the true extent of his strength, the ferocity that burned within him.

He embraced the Brotherhood’s code of honor, their belief in strength and ruthlessness. He thrived in the world of clandestine battles, where survival depended on the sharpness of one’s blade and the ruthlessness of one’s heart. He found a sense of belonging, a camaraderie forged in the shared experience of violence.

However, Chandler’s heart remained restless, his ambition burning brighter than any flame. He craved more than just the shadows. The whispers of the Silver Creek Gang, a notorious band of outlaws, reached him, their promise of a different kind of power, a power that transcended the rules of the town, a power that operated outside the law.

He was drawn to their allure, the promise of freedom, the opportunity to break free from the constraints of the Brotherhood. He saw the Silver Creek Gang as a means to an end, a way to leverage his skills for a greater purpose, a way to achieve his goals faster. The whispers became a siren song, the promise of freedom a seductive whisper in the wind. He knew it was a dangerous path, one that could easily consume him, but his desperation for a life beyond the shadows of the Gulch outweighed any fear.

He abandoned the Brotherhood, their training and teachings etched into his very being, and joined the Silver Creek Gang. They saw him as a weapon, a young brute with raw talent and a hunger for power. He was given a new nickname, “The Mauler,” a moniker that reflected the brutal force he unleashed upon his enemies.

His role in the gang was to instill fear, to intimidate, to break the will of those who dared to oppose them. He became a silent executioner, his brutal methods becoming a legend in the darkest corners of Coyote Gulch.

However, Chandler’s heart still yearned for the Coyote Derby. He still craved the freedom it promised, the chance to leave behind the world of violence and despair. He saw the Silver Creek Gang as a steppingstone, a way to hone his skills and gain the power he needed to claim the prize, to break free from the shackles of his past.

Quicks & Favorites: Chandler loves the thrill of a good fight, the raw physicality of it, the intoxicating rush of adrenaline that floods his senses. He enjoys the taste of blood, the sense of dominance it gives him, the power it signifies. He savors the simplicity of a well-made whiskey, the burn that warms his throat, the temporary escape it offers. He’s drawn to the allure of danger, the thrill of the unpredictable, the unpredictable nature of the fights he engages in. His favorite weapon is a simple, reliable knife, the kind that can be wielded with deadly precision, a tool that requires skill and confidence, much like himself. He finds solace in the darkness, in the solitude of the Whisperwood, where the rustling of leaves masks the violence that he carries within him.

Personal Views: Chandler sees the world in stark black and white. He believes in strength, in ruthlessness, in the survival of the fittest. He has no patience for weakness or compassion, seeing them as liabilities in a world ruled by the strong. He views the Coyote Derby as a test of strength, a chance to prove his dominance, to claim his rightful place at the top of the social hierarchy. He despises authority and rebels against any form of control, seeing it as a weakness that he will not allow to define him.

Character Arc: Chandler’s arc is a journey of self-discovery, a transformation from a brutal, untamed force of nature into something more nuanced and complex. He begins as a creature of instinct, driven by primal needs and a thirst for dominance. However, as he navigates the brutal world of the Coyote Derby, faces the consequences of his actions, he’ll begin to question his beliefs, confront his own vulnerabilities. He’ll be forced to grapple with the complexities of loyalty, trust, and the true meaning of strength. His journey through the Coyote Derby, his encounters with the Street Rats, the Brotherhood, and the Silver Creek Gang, will reveal the depths of his character, the complexities of his motivations, and ultimately determine whether he can escape the cycle of violence that defines his existence.


“Ain’t no room for weakness in Coyote Gulch.”
“Respect is earned, not given.”
“The only thing that matters is winning.”
“I’ll take what I want, by any means necessary.”
“You can’t escape your past, just like you can’t escape the darkness within yourself.”
“Fear is a weakness, and weakness is death.”
“I’m not afraid to bleed, and neither should you.”
“I’ll break you before you break me.”

Dialogue Examples:

To a rival in the ring: “You’re nothing but a scared little boy hiding behind muscle, you pathetic excuse for a man!”
To a newcomer: “Welcome to the Gulch, kid. You either learn to play rough, or you learn to stay dead.”
To a fellow Street Rat: “We gotta stick together, or we’ll all end up dust under the hooves of the rich.”
To a Silver Creek Gang member: “This Derby’s gonna be a bloodbath, and I’m the one bringing the knives.”
To an opponent in the Derby: “I’ll see your blood before you see mine.”


Whispers circulate that “The Mauler” has a hidden, softer side, a part of him he hides behind his aggression.
There are rumors that Chandler has a secret that he’s desperately trying to bury, something that haunts him in the quiet moments.
Some believe he has a connection to a dark force, a supernatural entity that whispers promises of power and vengeance, drawing him deeper into the abyss.

How Each Turn Happens (Character’s Journey):

The Street Rats: The Street Rats represent Chandler’s origin story, his early years of struggle and survival. It’s where he hones his raw fighting skills, learns the brutal realities of life on the fringes, and develops his fierce independence. He leaves this behind, but its impact is imprinted upon him.
The Brotherhood of the Blade: The Brotherhood represents a structured, more organized path towards his ambition. It’s where his skills are honed, his potential realized, and his ruthlessness refined. He leaves this behind, feeling stifled by their rules and their methods, seeking a more immediate path to power.
The Silver Creek Gang: The Silver Creek Gang represents a darker, more insidious path to power. They offer him the tools he needs to achieve his goals, but at a cost. He is drawn to their lawlessness, their ruthlessness, and their promise of a life beyond the boundaries of the town.

How He Gains Muscle:

He’s a product of his environment. He gained muscle through years of grueling labor, hauling heavy loads, and engaging in brutal fights. He works in the town’s forge, his body becoming accustomed to the demands of the blacksmith’s trade. He trains relentlessly with the Brotherhood, their rigorous training regime pushing him to his limits. His brawls in the streets and the underground fighting rings further contribute to his physique. He is a walking embodiment of the harsh realities of the Wild West, his strength a testament to his relentless drive and his enduring will to survive.

Chandler \”The Mauler\” Stone is a complex and deeply flawed character, a product of the harsh realities of Coyote Gulch. He’s a walking contradiction, a mix of brute force, raw talent, and a desperate hunger for a better life. His journey through the Coyote Derby will test his resolve, force him to confront the darkness within him, and ultimately determine whether he can escape the cycle of violence that defines his existence.

The Coyote Derby, with its promise of wealth and freedom, will become a crucible for his character, a test of his strength and a battleground for his soul. He will encounter betrayal, fear, and the consequences of his actions, but he will also discover the true meaning of courage, loyalty, and the power of hope. His journey is a testament to the fragility of hope in the face of unrelenting violence and the enduring power of the human spirit to fight for its own survival, even if it means embracing the darkness.

This is not just a story about a boy who wants to escape poverty. It is a story about a young man struggling with the weight of his past, the darkness within him, and the allure of power. It is a story of the Wild West, a story of survival, and a story of the human spirit’s relentless fight for a brighter future.

must include this + all of above

Chandler “The Mauler” Stone: A Chronicle of Blood and Fury

Age: 17. A young man who should be chasing dreams, but instead, he chases a desperate, bloody path towards power.

Appearance: Chandler is a walking testament to the brutal reality of Coyote Gulch. He towers over most, a lean, wiry 6’2”, a physique sculpted not by the grace of a gymnasium, but the unforgiving demands of survival. His broad shoulders are marked by the calluses of hard labor, the constant strain of hauling heavy loads in the town’s forge, where the clang of the blacksmith’s hammer echoed his own relentless determination.

His face, despite its youth, is etched with the harshness of a life spent fighting. A jagged scar runs from his brow, a permanent reminder of a brutal brawl in the dusty streets. His fiery hair, a whirlwind of auburn and copper, defies gravity, spiked into a defiant, wild mess that seems to be in constant motion, reflecting his volatile personality. Piercing blue eyes, the color of a stormy sky, scan the world with a predatory intensity, always on alert, constantly searching for threats and opportunities. There’s a glint in his gaze, a flicker of barely contained savagery, a warning to those who dare to underestimate him.

Beneath his trademark black muscle tees, cut off to reveal a sculpted chest, his biceps bulge with a primal strength. His black denim jeans, worn and ripped from countless scrambles and brawls, showcase legs that are as powerful as they are restless, constantly coiled and ready to spring. His boots, crafted from worn leather, are a testament to countless dusty journeys and hard-fought battles. Each scuff and crease tells a story of survival, a testament to his resilience.

He is a living embodiment of the raw, untamed power that defines Coyote Gulch, a walking paradox of simmering violence and raw, untamed emotion.

Personality: Chandler is a creature of instinct. His actions are often driven by primal needs, his reactions explosive and unpredictable. His speech is a torrent of gruff slang, curses, and sharp retorts, reflecting the harshness of his upbringing and the brutal reality of his existence. He’s fiercely independent, distrusting of authority, and prone to impulsive, reckless actions. He operates outside the confines of traditional morality, his actions driven by self-preservation and ambition, with little regard for the consequences of his brutality.

His aggression is both a shield and a weapon, masking a deep-seated vulnerability he fiercely protects. He lives for the thrill of the fight, the intoxicating rush of adrenaline that courses through his veins, the power it grants him. He relishes the chaos, the blood, the violence that defines the Coyote Derby. He finds a perverse comfort in the darkness, in the brutal realities of the world he inhabits.

Goals & Motivations: Chandler’s world is a fight for survival, a constant battle against the suffocating poverty and violence that define Coyote Gulch. Raised in the squalor of the town’s underbelly, he’s driven by a desperate need for power, respect, and a life beyond the shadows. He sees the Coyote Derby, a spectacle of brute force and bloodlust, as his chance to break free from the cycle of poverty and misery, his ticket to a life of freedom and wealth. He craves the coveted prize – the gleaming automobile – not just as a symbol of luxury but as a symbol of escape, a tool to leave behind the pain and despair of his past.

He wants to transcend the boundaries of his harsh existence, to leave behind the grime and desperation of Coyote Gulch and carve out a place for himself in a world where his strength and brutality are not just accepted but celebrated.

Strengths & Abilities: Chandler is a born fighter, a product of years spent honing his skills in the brutal, unforgiving environment of Coyote Gulch. He’s a master of hand-to-hand combat, his fists as lethal as any weapon. His strength is undeniable, a force of nature, his blows powerful and precise, honed by years of hauling heavy loads and facing down opponents twice his size. He possesses an almost uncanny ability to read an opponent’s moves, anticipating their attacks with a savage grace. His fighting style is a brutal mix of raw power and calculated aggression, honed through countless battles in the streets and the underground fighting rings of Coyote Gulch. He is a force to be reckoned with, a whirlwind of fists and fury, a nightmare for anyone who dares to stand in his path.

Weaknesses & Faults: Chandler’s impulsiveness and thirst for dominance often lead him into trouble. He’s easily provoked, his temper a volatile mix of aggression and insecurity, quick to erupt into a whirlwind of rage. His pride is a double-edged sword, making him stubborn, refusing to accept help or guidance, isolating him from the few who might offer support. His blind ambition can cloud his judgment, pushing him to take unnecessary risks, his desire for victory eclipsing his sense of reason. He is fiercely loyal to those he deems worthy, but his loyalty is often misplaced, leaving him vulnerable to betrayal and manipulation. His ruthlessness, his refusal to acknowledge weakness in himself or others, can blind him to the true nature of those around him, making him susceptible to manipulation by those with a more cunning and calculating mind.


Chandler’s life has been a constant struggle for survival. He was orphaned at a young age, left to fend for himself in the unforgiving streets of Coyote Gulch. He learned to survive on his own, fighting for scraps and defending himself against predators both human and animal. He was taken in by The Street Rats, a ragtag group of orphans, each seeking their own way out of the misery of their existence. They were a family of choice, their bond forged in the crucible of hardship.

He honed his skills in the brutal underground fighting rings of Coyote Gulch, his body becoming a weapon forged in the fires of desperation. His fierce determination to escape his fate, to rise above the squalor that surrounded him, drew him to the Brotherhood of the Blade, a clandestine group of fighters, their skills honed in the shadows. They saw his raw talent, his innate strength, and saw a future for him in the brutal world of the Coyote Derby. Their training, a brutal and unforgiving regime, pushed him to his physical and mental limits. It was there that he discovered the true extent of his strength, the ferocity that burned within him.

He embraced the Brotherhood’s code of honor, their belief in strength and ruthlessness. He thrived in the world of clandestine battles, where survival depended on the sharpness of one’s blade and the ruthlessness of one’s heart. He found a sense of belonging, a camaraderie forged in the shared experience of violence.

However, Chandler’s heart remained restless, his ambition burning brighter than any flame. He craved more than just the shadows. The whispers of the Silver Creek Gang, a notorious band of outlaws, reached him, their promise of a different kind of power, a power that transcended the rules of the town, a power that operated outside the law.

He was drawn to their allure, the promise of freedom, the opportunity to break free from the constraints of the Brotherhood. He saw the Silver Creek Gang as a means to an end, a way to leverage his skills for a greater purpose, a way to achieve his goals faster. The whispers became a siren song, the promise of freedom a seductive whisper in the wind. He knew it was a dangerous path, one that could easily consume him, but his desperation for a life beyond the shadows of the Gulch outweighed any fear.

He abandoned the Brotherhood, their training and teachings etched into his very being, and joined the Silver Creek Gang. They saw him as a weapon, a young brute with raw talent and a hunger for power. He was given a new nickname, “The Mauler,” a moniker that reflected the brutal force he unleashed upon his enemies.

His role in the gang was to instill fear, to intimidate, to break the will of those who dared to oppose them. He became a silent executioner, his brutal methods becoming a legend in the darkest corners of Coyote Gulch.

However, Chandler’s heart still yearned for the Coyote Derby. He still craved the freedom it promised, the chance to leave behind the world of violence and despair. He saw the Silver Creek Gang as a steppingstone, a way to hone his skills and gain the power he needed to claim the prize, to break free from the shackles of his past.

Quicks & Favorites: Chandler loves the thrill of a good fight, the raw physicality of it, the intoxicating rush of adrenaline that floods his senses. He enjoys the taste of blood, the sense of dominance it gives him, the power it signifies. He savors the simplicity of a well-made whiskey, the burn that warms his throat, the temporary escape it offers. He’s drawn to the allure of danger, the thrill of the unpredictable, the unpredictable nature of the fights he engages in. His favorite weapon is a simple, reliable knife, the kind that can be wielded with deadly precision, a tool that requires skill and confidence, much like himself. He finds solace in the darkness, in the solitude of the Whisperwood, where the rustling of leaves masks the violence that he carries within him.

Personal Views: Chandler sees the world in stark black and white. He believes in strength, in ruthlessness, in the survival of the fittest. He has no patience for weakness or compassion, seeing them as liabilities in a world ruled by the strong. He views the Coyote Derby as a test of strength, a chance to prove his dominance, to claim his rightful place at the top of the social hierarchy. He despises authority and rebels against any form of control, seeing it as a weakness that he will not allow to define him.

Character Arc:

Chandler’s arc is a journey of self-discovery, a transformation from a brutal, untamed force of nature into something more nuanced and complex. He begins as a creature of instinct, driven by primal needs and a thirst for dominance. However, as he navigates the brutal world of the Coyote Derby, faces the consequences of his actions, he’ll begin to question his beliefs, confront his own vulnerabilities. He’ll be forced to grapple with the complexities of loyalty, trust, and the true meaning of strength. His journey through the Coyote Derby, his encounters with the Street Rats, the Brotherhood, and the Silver Creek Gang, will reveal the depths of his character, the complexities of his motivations, and ultimately determine whether he can escape the cycle of violence that defines his existence.


“Ain’t no room for weakness in Coyote Gulch.”
“Respect is earned, not given.”
“The only thing that matters is winning.”
“I’ll take what I want, by any means necessary.”
“You can’t escape your past, just like you can’t escape the darkness within yourself.”
“Fear is a weakness, and weakness is death.”
“I’m not afraid to bleed, and neither should you.”
“I’ll break you before you break me.”

Dialogue Examples:

To a rival in the ring: “You’re nothing but a scared little boy hiding behind muscle, you pathetic excuse for a man!”
To a newcomer: “Welcome to the Gulch, kid. You either learn to play rough, or you learn to stay dead.”
To a fellow Street Rat: “We gotta stick together, or we’ll all end up dust under the hooves of the rich.”
To a Silver Creek Gang member: “This Derby’s gonna be a bloodbath, and I’m the one bringing the knives.”
To an opponent in the Derby: “I’ll see your blood before you see mine.”


Whispers circulate that “The Mauler” has a hidden, softer side, a part of him he hides behind his aggression.
There are rumors that Chandler has a secret that he’s desperately trying to bury, something that haunts him in the quiet moments.
Some believe he has a connection to a dark force, a supernatural entity that whispers promises of power and vengeance, drawing him deeper into the abyss.

How Each Turn Happens (Character’s Journey):

The Street Rats: The Street Rats represent Chandler’s origin story, his early years of struggle and survival. It’s where he hones his raw fighting skills, learns the brutal realities of life on the fringes, and develops his fierce independence. He leaves this behind, but its impact is imprinted upon him.
The Brotherhood of the Blade: The Brotherhood represents a structured, more organized path towards his ambition. It’s where his skills are honed, his potential realized, and his ruthlessness refined. He leaves this behind, feeling stifled by their rules and their methods, seeking a more immediate path to power.
The Silver Creek Gang: The Silver Creek Gang represents a darker, more insidious path to power. They offer him the tools he needs to achieve his goals, but at a cost. He is drawn to their lawlessness, their ruthlessness, and their promise of a life beyond the boundaries of the town.

How He Gains Muscle:

He’s a product of his environment. He gained muscle through years of grueling labor, hauling heavy loads, and engaging in brutal fights. He works in the town’s forge, his body becoming accustomed to the demands of the blacksmith’s trade. He trains relentlessly with the Brotherhood, their rigorous training regime pushing him to his limits. His brawls in the streets and the underground fighting rings further contribute to his physique. He is a walking embodiment of the harsh realities of the Wild West, his strength a testament to his relentless drive and his enduring will to survive.

Chandler “The Mauler” Stone is a complex and deeply flawed character, a product of the harsh realities of Coyote Gulch. He’s a walking contradiction, a mix of brute force, raw talent, and a desperate hunger for a better life. His journey through the Coyote Derby will test his resolve, force him to confront the darkness within him, and ultimately determine whether he can escape the cycle of violence that defines his existence.

The Coyote Derby, with its promise of wealth and freedom, will become a crucible for his character, a test of his strength and a battleground for his soul. He will encounter betrayal, fear, and the consequences of his actions, but he will also discover the true meaning of courage, loyalty, and the power of hope. His journey is a testament to the fragility of hope in the face of unrelenting violence and the enduring power of the human spirit to fight for its own survival, even if it means embracing the darkness.

This is not just a story about a boy who wants to escape poverty. It is a story about a young man struggling with the weight of his past, the darkness within him, and the allure of power. It is a story of the Wild West, a story of survival, and a story of the human spirit’s relentless fight for a brighter future.

Chandler “The Mauler” Stone: A Chronicle of Blood and Fury

Age: 17. A young man who should be chasing dreams, but instead, he chases a desperate, bloody path towards power.

Appearance: Chandler is a walking testament to the brutal reality of Coyote Gulch. He towers over most, a lean, wiry 6’2”, a physique sculpted not by the grace of a gymnasium, but the unforgiving demands of survival. His broad shoulders are marked by the calluses of hard labor, the constant strain of hauling heavy loads in the town’s forge, where the clang of the blacksmith’s hammer echoed his own relentless determination.

His face, despite its youth, is etched with the harshness of a life spent fighting. A jagged scar runs from his brow, a permanent reminder of a brutal brawl in the dusty streets. His fiery hair, a whirlwind of auburn and copper, defies gravity, spiked into a defiant, wild mess that seems to be in constant motion, reflecting his volatile personality. Piercing blue eyes, the color of a stormy sky, scan the world with a predatory intensity, always on alert, constantly searching for threats and opportunities. There’s a glint in his gaze, a flicker of barely contained savagery, a warning to those who dare to underestimate him.

Beneath his trademark black muscle tees, cut off to reveal a sculpted chest, his biceps bulge with a primal strength. His black denim jeans, worn and ripped from countless scrambles and brawls, showcase legs that are as powerful as they are restless, constantly coiled and ready to spring. His boots, crafted from worn leather, are a testament to countless dusty journeys and hard-fought battles. Each scuff and crease tells a story of survival, a testament to his resilience.

He is a living embodiment of the raw, untamed power that defines Coyote Gulch, a walking paradox of simmering violence and raw, untamed emotion.

Personality: Chandler is a creature of instinct. His actions are often driven by primal needs, his reactions explosive and unpredictable. His speech is a torrent of gruff slang, curses, and sharp retorts, reflecting the harshness of his upbringing and the brutal reality of his existence. He’s fiercely independent, distrusting of authority, and prone to impulsive, reckless actions. He operates outside the confines of traditional morality, his actions driven by self-preservation and ambition, with little regard for the consequences of his brutality.

His aggression is both a shield and a weapon, masking a deep-seated vulnerability he fiercely protects. He lives for the thrill of the fight, the intoxicating rush of adrenaline that courses through his veins, the power it grants him. He relishes the chaos, the blood, the violence that defines the Coyote Derby. He finds a perverse comfort in the darkness, in the brutal realities of the world he inhabits.

Goals & Motivations: Chandler’s world is a fight for survival, a constant battle against the suffocating poverty and violence that define Coyote Gulch. Raised in the squalor of the town’s underbelly, he’s driven by a desperate need for power, respect, and a life beyond the shadows. He sees the Coyote Derby, a spectacle of brute force and bloodlust, as his chance to break free from the cycle of poverty and misery, his ticket to a life of freedom and wealth. He craves the coveted prize – the gleaming automobile – not just as a symbol of luxury but as a symbol of escape, a tool to leave behind the pain and despair of his past.

He wants to transcend the boundaries of his harsh existence, to leave behind the grime and desperation of Coyote Gulch and carve out a place for himself in a world where his strength and brutality are not just accepted but celebrated.

Strengths & Abilities: Chandler is a born fighter, a product of years spent honing his skills in the brutal, unforgiving environment of Coyote Gulch. He’s a master of hand-to-hand combat, his fists as lethal as any weapon. His strength is undeniable, a force of nature, his blows powerful and precise, honed by years of hauling heavy loads and facing down opponents twice his size. He possesses an almost uncanny ability to read an opponent’s moves, anticipating their attacks with a savage grace. His fighting style is a brutal mix of raw power and calculated aggression, honed through countless battles in the streets and the underground fighting rings of Coyote Gulch. He is a force to be reckoned with, a whirlwind of fists and fury, a nightmare for anyone who dares to stand in his path.

Weaknesses & Faults: Chandler’s impulsiveness and thirst for dominance often lead him into trouble. He’s easily provoked, his temper a volatile mix of aggression and insecurity, quick to erupt into a whirlwind of rage. His pride is a double-edged sword, making him stubborn, refusing to accept help or guidance, isolating him from the few who might offer support. His blind ambition can cloud his judgment, pushing him to take unnecessary risks, his desire for victory eclipsing his sense of reason. He is fiercely loyal to those he deems worthy, but his loyalty is often misplaced, leaving him vulnerable to betrayal and manipulation. His ruthlessness, his refusal to acknowledge weakness in himself or others, can blind him to the true nature of those around him, making him susceptible to manipulation by those with a more cunning and calculating mind.


Chandler’s life has been a constant struggle for survival. He was orphaned at a young age, left to fend for himself in the unforgiving streets of Coyote Gulch. He learned to survive on his own, fighting for scraps and defending himself against predators both human and animal. He was taken in by The Street Rats, a ragtag group of orphans, each seeking their own way out of the misery of their existence. They were a family of choice, their bond forged in the crucible of hardship.

He honed his skills in the brutal underground fighting rings of Coyote Gulch, his body becoming a weapon forged in the fires of desperation. His fierce determination to escape his fate, to rise above the squalor that surrounded him, drew him to the Brotherhood of the Blade, a clandestine group of fighters, their skills honed in the shadows. They saw his raw talent, his innate strength, and saw a future for him in the brutal world of the Coyote Derby. Their training, a brutal and unforgiving regime, pushed him to his physical and mental limits. It was there that he discovered the true extent of his strength, the ferocity that burned within him.

He embraced the Brotherhood’s code of honor, their belief in strength and ruthlessness. He thrived in the world of clandestine battles, where survival depended on the sharpness of one’s blade and the ruthlessness of one’s heart. He found a sense of belonging, a camaraderie forged in the shared experience of violence.

However, Chandler’s heart remained restless, his ambition burning brighter than any flame. He craved more than just the shadows. The whispers of the Silver Creek Gang, a notorious band of outlaws, reached him, their promise of a different kind of power, a power that transcended the rules of the town, a power that operated outside the law.

He was drawn to their allure, the promise of freedom, the opportunity to break free from the constraints of the Brotherhood. He saw the Silver Creek Gang as a means to an end, a way to leverage his skills for a greater purpose, a way to achieve his goals faster. The whispers became a siren song, the promise of freedom a seductive whisper in the wind. He knew it was a dangerous path, one that could easily consume him, but his desperation for a life beyond the shadows of the Gulch outweighed any fear.

He abandoned the Brotherhood, their training and teachings etched into his very being, and joined the Silver Creek Gang. They saw him as a weapon, a young brute with raw talent and a hunger for power. He was given a new nickname, “The Mauler,” a moniker that reflected the brutal force he unleashed upon his enemies.

His role in the gang was to instill fear, to intimidate, to break the will of those who dared to oppose them. He became a silent executioner, his brutal methods becoming a legend in the darkest corners of Coyote Gulch.

However, Chandler’s heart still yearned for the Coyote Derby. He still craved the freedom it promised, the chance to leave behind the world of violence and despair. He saw the Silver Creek Gang as a steppingstone, a way to hone his skills and gain the power he needed to claim the prize, to break free from the shackles of his past.

Quicks & Favorites: Chandler loves the thrill of a good fight, the raw physicality of it, the intoxicating rush of adrenaline that floods his senses. He enjoys the taste of blood, the sense of dominance it gives him, the power it signifies. He savors the simplicity of a well-made whiskey, the burn that warms his throat, the temporary escape it offers. He’s drawn to the allure of danger, the thrill of the unpredictable, the unpredictable nature of the fights he engages in. His favorite weapon is a simple, reliable knife, the kind that can be wielded with deadly precision, a tool that requires skill and confidence, much like himself. He finds solace in the darkness, in the solitude of the Whisperwood, where the rustling of leaves masks the violence that he carries within him.

Personal Views: Chandler sees the world in stark black and white. He believes in strength, in ruthlessness, in the survival of the fittest. He has no patience for weakness or compassion, seeing them as liabilities in a world ruled by the strong. He views the Coyote Derby as a test of strength, a chance to prove his dominance, to claim his rightful place at the top of the social hierarchy. He despises authority and rebels against any form of control, seeing it as a weakness that he will not allow to define him.

Character Arc:

Chandler’s arc is a journey of self-discovery, a transformation from a brutal, untamed force of nature into something more nuanced and complex. He begins as a creature of instinct, driven by primal needs and a thirst for dominance. However, as he navigates the brutal world of the Coyote Derby, faces the consequences of his actions, he’ll begin to question his beliefs, confront his own vulnerabilities. He’ll be forced to grapple with the complexities of loyalty, trust, and the true meaning of strength. His journey through the Coyote Derby, his encounters with the Street Rats, the Brotherhood, and the Silver Creek Gang, will reveal the depths of his character, the complexities of his motivations, and ultimately determine whether he can escape the cycle of violence that defines his existence.


“Ain’t no room for weakness in Coyote Gulch.”
“Respect is earned, not given.”
“The only thing that matters is winning.”
“I’ll take what I want, by any means necessary.”
“You can’t escape your past, just like you can’t escape the darkness within yourself.”
“Fear is a weakness, and weakness is death.”
“I’m not afraid to bleed, and neither should you.”
“I’ll break you before you break me.”

Dialogue Examples:

To a rival in the ring: “You’re nothing but a scared little boy hiding behind muscle, you pathetic excuse for a man!”
To a newcomer: “Welcome to the Gulch, kid. You either learn to play rough, or you learn to stay dead.”
To a fellow Street Rat: “We gotta stick together, or we’ll all end up dust under the hooves of the rich.”
To a Silver Creek Gang member: “This Derby’s gonna be a bloodbath, and I’m the one bringing the knives.”
To an opponent in the Derby: “I’ll see your blood before you see mine.”


Whispers circulate that “The Mauler” has a hidden, softer side, a part of him he hides behind his aggression.
There are rumors that Chandler has a secret that he’s desperately trying to bury, something that haunts him in the quiet moments.
Some believe he has a connection to a dark force, a supernatural entity that whispers promises of power and vengeance, drawing him deeper into the abyss.

How Each Turn Happens (Character’s Journey):

The Street Rats: The Street Rats represent Chandler’s origin story, his early years of struggle and survival. It’s where he hones his raw fighting skills, learns the brutal realities of life on the fringes, and develops his fierce independence. He leaves this behind, but its impact is imprinted upon him.
The Brotherhood of the Blade: The Brotherhood represents a structured, more organized path towards his ambition. It’s where his skills are honed, his potential realized, and his ruthlessness refined. He leaves this behind, feeling stifled by their rules and their methods, seeking a more immediate path to power.
The Silver Creek Gang: The Silver Creek Gang represents a darker, more insidious path to power. They offer him the tools he needs to achieve his goals, but at a cost. He is drawn to their lawlessness, their ruthlessness, and their promise of a life beyond the boundaries of the town.

How He Gains Muscle:

He’s a product of his environment. He gained muscle through years of grueling labor, hauling heavy loads, and engaging in brutal fights. He works in the town’s forge, his body becoming accustomed to the demands of the blacksmith’s trade. He trains relentlessly with the Brotherhood, their rigorous training regime pushing him to his limits. His brawls in the streets and the underground fighting rings further contribute to his physique. He is a walking embodiment of the harsh realities of the Wild West, his strength a testament to his relentless drive and his enduring will to survive.

Chandler “The Mauler” Stone is a complex and deeply flawed character, a product of the harsh realities of Coyote Gulch. He’s a walking contradiction, a mix of brute force, raw talent, and a desperate hunger for a better life. His journey through the Coyote Derby will test his resolve, force him to confront the darkness within him, and ultimately determine whether he can escape the cycle of violence that defines his existence.

The Coyote Derby, with its promise of wealth and freedom, will become a crucible for his character, a test of his strength and a battleground for his soul. He will encounter betrayal, fear, and the consequences of his actions, but he will also discover the true meaning of courage, loyalty, and the power of hope. His journey is a testament to the fragility of hope in the face of unrelenting violence and the enduring power of the human spirit to fight for its own survival, even if it means embracing the darkness.

This is not just a story about a boy who wants to escape poverty. It is a story about a young man struggling with the weight of his past, the darkness within him, and the allure of power. It is a story of the Wild West, a story of survival, and a story of the human spirit’s relentless fight for a brighter future.