
On an alien planet two villages know as the Alien

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/07/20 Read: 2752

On an alien planet two villages know as the Alien Birds of The Bird Kingdom and the Alien Wolves of the Wolf Empire were at war with each other, the leader of the birds, King Birdy sent his youngest two sons, Barry and Clive to earth to keep safe from the wolves, King Birdy told one of his sons, Barry that he was born with superpowers and that he needed to keep them secret because people may want it for themselves, he put them in two space pods and sent them to Planet Earth. Barry and Clive crash landed on Earth but got separated, Barry was adopted by a kind farmer couple, while Clive was adopted by a school principal and his family.

Years later, the war with the birds and the wolves is still going on, Sylvanus finds out that Barry and Clive are on earth and sends the Commander and few soldiers ti capture them. The commander arrives at the farm where Barry is staying, the farmers shoot and kill a few of the wold soldiers to protect their son, The commander and the surviving soldiers retreat.

The next morning Barry gets a letter from the bird resistance asking him to join and where to find them, he decides to go find them, he says goodbye to the farmers and he leaves to find the base.

Sylvanus is furious and casts the commander aside and instead sends an elite team known as The Pack to capture the two birds. The commander is angry because of this and decides to continue the search anyway despite being ordered not too. The commander decides that he’s going to pay the farmers a little visit.

Sylvanus sends The Pack to earth to capture them promising them an award if they manage to capture Barry and Clive.

The Pack proceed to head to earth and on the way we get to see each member – from Alpha, the assassin, to Beta and Zeta, the twins, to Gamma, the brute, to Delta, the guy with a rocket launcher, to Epsilon, the mini-gunner, to Omicron, a member with saw blades as hands, to Omega, the cyborg, to Theta, the member with a freeze ray, to Upsilon, the guy with a flamethrower. They head to earth and begin their search for the brothers.

Barry arrived at the Bird Resistance and met a few soldiers and their leader, Mr. Birdy. Barry trained for weeks and he was starting to learn more about combat skills as well as learning how to use his powers.

Meanwhile, The Commander and his men returned to the farm and interrogated the farmers asking where Barry was, the farmers refused to cooperate but The commander warned them that if they didn’t then they would be terminated, the farmers then told them that Barry left the farm and that they will never find him, The commander thanked them and he left the farm with men, he discovered track marks and he scans the marks and finds out they lead to somewhere so he and his men decided to follow them.

Meanwhile at the resistance base Mr. Birdy tells one of the resistance members to go and find Clive, the member then leaves to go search for Clive. Meanwhile Barry is still training, Mr. Birdy tells him that he thinks he is ready and Barry fights a few resistance members in the arena, he beats all of them to which Mr. Birdy is impressed.

Meanwhile with the resistance member, the member is searching for Clive and ends up finding the neighborhood that he lives in, He informs the resistance through his radio but after he informed them, he was unfortunately found by The Pack, they notice that he is a bird and ask him if he knows where Barry and Clive to which the resistance member says he doesn’t know where they are. Alpha calls him out saying the he’s a member of the Bird Resistance and demands to know where Barry and Clive, but the member doesn’t comply.

The Pack decides to capture him, thinking that a captured resistance member could lead Barry and Clive to them.

A little while later, another Bird Resistance member informs Mr. Birdy that the member he sent to search for Clive radio has gone offline, Mr. Birdy sends a few members to find him, Barry also joins the search as well, and so does Mr. Birdy.

A while later they track down the member and end up at an abandoned warehouse, they go inside to rescue the member but they encounter The Pack, and a fight begins, during the fight the resistance is fighting The Pack, One of The Pack member, Delta aims his rocket launcher at Barry but he misses and accidentally hits Omega, another member of The Pack instead, which gets him killed. They end up saving the bird resistance member and escape the warehouse but the commander and his men have found him, Barry is confused and annoyed that this guy is back again and asks how they found him, he said it was easy and tells how they found him, he then starts firing lasers at Barry, while Barry and the resistance members escape. “Shoot him! Don’t let him escape” The commander shouts at his men and orders them to kill Barry. Barry escapes into the woods with the rest of the members and hides out for a little bit, The Pack leave the warehouse to search for them. Gamma ends up finding Barry and throws him against a tree, The Bird Resistance fight with The Pack, in the end, Barry ends up using his powers and kills Gamma, one of The Pack members. The bird resistance escapes with Barry, Theta see Gamma’s body and informs the rest of the team, they all mourn her death, and when Beta tries to comfort Alpha but he gets upset and punches a tree.

The bird resistance member that was rescued tells his team where he found Clive’s whereabouts, they plan to leave the next morning, The Pack start to plan their revenge on the bird resistance. The next morning the bird resistance leave to go find Clive.

Meanwhile, Sylvanus is working on a project, his wife Wilda asks about it and he tells her that it’s a new weapon he’s making that will help him conquer the world a lot faster, when asked about what it is, Sylvanus doesn’t go into detail as he claims that the project is classified information. Sylvanus then orders Wilda to go find out why the commander hasn’t returned back to base when he discarded him from the mission. Wilda tells him she will get a few soldiers to work on locating him, Wilda leaves the room, while Sylvanus keeps working on his project.

Meanwhile, the bird resistance successfully find Clive and Barry meets him for the first time, they were both surprised as they didn’t know they were brothers, Clive is offered to go back to the resistance base but he tells them that his family is there, he asks his adoptive father if he can go and he reluctantly agrees, when they go to leave the city, they are ambushed by The Pack again, they evade the Pack, during the escape, Barry uses his powers to take down another member of The Pack, the member being Epsilon. Another member of The Pack, Delta mourns over the loss of Epsilon, he attempts to kill Barry by using his rocket launcher and fires missiles at him, but during the process he accidentally hits a building and he gets crushed by the rubble, killing him. Barry, Clive, and the bird resistance manage to evade The Pack, and also The commander and his soldiers. They killed a few wolf soldiers during their escape. Just as when they were about to escape, another member of The Pack, Beta, tried to attack them but he is shocked by a laser gun and is taken captive by The Bird Resistance.

Mr. Birdy interrogates Beta, and asks him what the Wolf Empire is planning, at first he doesn’t comply, but after Mr. Birdy threatens him to corporate, Beta tells them that he doesn’t know what the empire’s goals truly are other than to take over The Bird Village, when asked about why Sylvanus wants Barry and Clive so bad, Beta tells him that he doesn’t know much but all that he does know is that Sylvanus wants Barry and Clive so they don’t interfere with his plans. The bird ask for more information from him, but before he can even tell them, an alarm starts blaring and a voice on the speaker says: Self Destruct Mode initiating. The room then blows up killing Beta, Mr. Birdy is confused as he never turned on self destruct mode. One of the resistance members reveals that he accidentally turned off Self Destruct Mode after 10 minutes. Mr. Birdy is irritated and tells him that Beta was the only one that could tell us how to stop Sylvanus. The soldier apologizes and Mr. Birdy says that it’s fine, and that next time he interrogates a member of The Wolf Empire that he just needs to make sure that Self Destruct Mode is turned off.

Meanwhile, Clive is working on something, Barry asks him what it is and Clive says that he is working on creating a wormhole, he says that he’s always wanted to go to any planet by going through a wormhole, but he never ended up making one. Barry tells him that idea is genius and that maybe they could use it to go to their home planet without needing a ship. Clive gets to working on the wormhole generator.

Meanwhile with The Pack, Zeta is worried about her twin brother, Beta. She wonders how they are going to get him back, but Alpha reveals that they are able to locate his coordinates, he tracks down Beta and they find his location, “See I told you we could find his location”. The Pack proceed to the location.

Meanwhile, Mr. Birdy is asking his soldiers how long it will take to fly a spaceship to their home planet, the soldier says it will take about a few days, and he sighs saying that he thinks Sylvanus’ project might be complete by then. Barry comes in and tells them that Clive is working on a wormhole generator, Mr. Birdy is surprised and says that with this they could get to their planet in less time, Clive says it’s not done yet but it needs a few parts, Mr. Birdy says that he is really smart and that he wouldn’t know what to do without him and his brother, Clive then gets back to working on the wormhole.

Barry starts to train again, and after a while later he is fully prepared, but then alarms start blaring signaling that The Pack has arrived. Barry, Mr. Birdy, and the resistance members go outside while Clive stays and finishes the wormhole.

They encounter The Pack outside the base and Zeta asks the bird resistance where Beta is, Mr. Birdy tells her that he is dead, which she is shocked and angered at what she is hearing. Alpha tells them to give up but Mr. Birdy says that him and his team won’t give up, so Alpha orders his comrades to attack.

Zeta filled with rage attacks Mr. Birdy and they end up dueling each other. Barry and the Bird resistance fight the remaining members of The Pack, those remaining members being, Alpha, Zeta, Omicron, Theta, and Upsilon. During the fight, Theta shoots her freeze ray at Barry, but Omicron gets in the way trying to attack Barry, which accidentally causes Theta freeze her teammate, Omicron. She shouts at him in annoyance saying “Oh come on! You walked right into that one!”. Omicron breaks out of the ice a few moments later and proceeds to attack the bird resistance.

Upsilon is fighting the bird resistance members using his flamethrower to try and burn them, one of the birds eventually throws some dynamite at him causing Upsilon to explode, killing him. Theta is fighting Barry and is trying to use her freeze ray against him, Barry uses to knock Theta back and he takes her freeze ray, she pleads for him not to shoot, but he ends up shooting her with her own freeze ray, leaving her in a ice block unable to move. Omicron is fighting a bird resistance member and he is eventually killed by him.

Zeta is fighting Mr. Birdy, and she angrily calls him out for killing her brother. Which he says it wasn’t supposed to happen, but she ignores this as she continues to attack him. Alpha fights the bird resistance and is able to knock a few of them to the ground, Barry intervenes and they fight, they eventually end up inside the resistance base, still fighting each other. Clive is still working on the wormhole when he hears all the commotion, he tries to ignore and stay focused thinking that they are able to take down the bad guys.

Zeta ends up knocking Mr. Birdy to the ground, with her weapon in her hands she asks him if he has any last words. Mr. Birdy says he surrenders and he puts his hands behind his back, but he then tackles Zeta to the ground, knocking the weapon out of her hands. She is then pushed back against a tree, Mr. Birdy picks up a laser gun off the ground and fires it at Zeta, killing her.

Meanwhile, Barry and Alpha continue to fight, during their Clive ends up completing the wormhole generator. Now that that wormhole generator is complete, Clive goes to help his brother, Barry. Barry is knocked onto the ground by Alpha and it looks like this is the end for Barry, Alpha asks Barry if he has any last words before he kills, just then Clive sees Barry in danger and he pushes Alpha over the edge, Alpha is hanging on to the bars, he ends up losing his grasp and he falls down in the depths of the resistance base.

Now that all the members of The Pack have been defeated, The Bird resistance are victorious, and they now go on with their plans without any interruptions, the bird resistance members take Theta and put her in a cell, she is still in trapped in an ice block unable to move. Clive tells the bird resistance that the wormhole generator is complete and that they can now head to their home planet.

But then, the commander and his men arrive, Barry is annoyed that he found them yet again. The commander deploys the remaining the wolf soldiers to capture Barry and Clive, the bird resistance ends up taking them down. Even though the commander’s soldiers were taken down, he still refuses to admit defeat, he tells Barry and Clive that if he can’t have both of them captured then he’ll have one of them captured. The commander then captures Clive, despite Barry’s best efforts he was unable to stop the commander from capturing Clive. “Finally, I have one of the birds! Sylvanus will be pleased! Hahahaha!” The commander laughs as he flies away back to his planet.

Barry is shocked that his brother was just captured, Barry tries to think about a way they could get him back. Barry is reminded that they could use the wormhole generator, but Barry says he doesn’t know how to get it to work, another resistance member says the he knows a little bit about technology and says he could try and help, they start to try and get the wormhole generator working.

Meanwhile, the commander takes Clive to Sylvanus, he proudly tells him that he was able to capture one of the alien birds like he said. Sylvanus, although pleased to know that one of the brothers was captured, he is disappointed and angry at the commander for defying his orders. The commander tries to apologize, but Sylvanus orders his men to lock up the commander. The commander screams in fury as he being taken away to his cell.

Sylvanus then speaks to Clive, saying that it is a pleasure to meet him. Clive, now knowing more about his planet and that Sylvanus is the one that is waging war against them, he runs towards him angrily shouting at him for what he has done, but before he could get closer to Sylvanus to attack him, Wilda used her powers to lift in the air, choking him. She then puts him down and Clive shouts at Sylvanus saying “The Bird Resistance is going to put an end to your empire”. “Ah hope…A nice thought….” Sylvanus says to Clive, “You really think the bird resistance is going to be able to stop me!”, “Now that I have my new weapon, no one can stop me now.” Clive asks about the weapon and Sylvanus brings in the secret project he’s been working on, he reveals it to be a wolf robot, claiming it to be indestructible, Sylvanus tells Clive that with this weapon the bird resistance won’t be able to stop him now”.

Meanwhile with Barry, the resistance member is trying to find out how to get it working, just then Barry and the resistance members are called for something. A message has been sent to them, they look at the screen and it shows Sylvanus. He greets the bird resistance, Mr. Birdy is kinda enraged at seeing Sylvanus. Sylvanus then tells them that he had someone valuable to them, revealing Clive being cuffed by the wolf soldiers, Barry then gasp seeing his brother on the screen, Sylvanus then tells the resistance that he needs Barry to come to him alone if he ever wants to see his brother again. After the message is over, Barry and the resistance have a talk about whether Barry should go alone or not, they end up making a plan, Barry does go alone but Barry has a radio to communicate with them, so if he says he’s in danger, then they will go through the wormhole. After the talk, the wormhole is finally working and Barry goes through it.

Barry arrive on his planet and goes to search for his brother, he is then surrounded by wolf soldiers and he just tells them to take them to their leader. They take him to Sylvanus, “So…we finally meet…”, Sylvanus says as he meets Barry, Barry tells him to let Clive go, but Sylvanus tells him that he won’t do that, he tells him that Clive is going fight in the arena with his new robot, Barry is shocked at this, Sylvanus offers Barry a choice to volunteer and takes Clive’s place in the arena instead. He tells him that his brother will be free, but that he’ll just have to stay behind in his place. Barry is reluctant but he agrees just as long as Clive gets to leave. Sylvanus agrees, and later Barry is in the arena facing off against his enemies.

On the first round, Barry fights one wolf soldier in the arena, he defeats him and moves on to the next round.

On the second round, Barry fights three wolf soldiers, he is victorious yet again, and he moves on the next round.

On the third round, he fights five wolf soldiers, he defeats them as well, and moves on to the final round.

On the final round, Barry fights against Sylvanus’ robot, the fight is difficult, and Barry nearly dies in it, but he is able to defeat Sylvanus’ robot anyway.

The two teenage brothers, Barry and Clive successfully head back to earth and make it back to the resistance base, they prepare for what is about to happen.

Sylvanus orders his men to get his ship ready, one of the wolves warns him that they’ve never been tested before and they would need to run a test before it’s ready, but Sylvanus furiously punches the wolf against the wall before he can finish his sentence. This causes the other wolves to get it ready, fearing that if they don’t they’ll end up like the other guy.

Sylvanus gets in his pilot suit, and gets in the ship. He uses a feather that Barry left behind and uses it to power his ship. He then proceeds to head towards earth. The wolves head to earth as well, and so does The Commander, who has escaped his prison and disguised as a soldier.

Eventually, the battle between the Alien Wolves and the Alien Birds begin.

A few soldiers fall in battle, but eventually Sylvanus’ former commander returns and asks Barry if he remembers him, which he does. The commander then pursues Barry while firing his missiles at him. Eventually, Barry uses his powers and sends The commander’s ship crashing down, exploding shortly after.

Barry then encounters Sylvanus, he peruses him. During the chase, Sylvnaus expresses to Barry that if he knew Earth was would this entertaining then he would’ve invaded sooner, he then s continues to pursue Barry.

A little while later during the chase, Sylvanus tells Barry that there might be the possibility that his parents are still alive, Barry asks him what he means by that, but Sylvanus doesn’t tell him much, but he does tell him he knows where they’re located, but he tells Barry that he won’t survive to know where they are located, and he starting firing lasers at Barry, which Barry runs away. after a long pursuit, Sylvanus ends shooting Barry, injuring him. The Bird Resistance and Mr. Birdy are shocked. The wolf soldiers have the bird resistance cornered. When Sylvanus is occupied, Clive sneaks onto his ship and delivers a punch to Sylvanus, Sylvanus fights back and asks him who he thinks he is, Clive ends up pinning him down but Sylvanus fights him and ends up ejecting Clive out of his ship.

Sylvanus then says that is over for the birds now because he has won, he then proceeds to tell his plan. His plan is take over the bird kingdom, and then the rest of the planet. He also says he will take over Earth as well, he tells The Bird Resistance to surrender but they refuse. He then aims at the birds, but then Barry’s adoptive parents and Clive’s adoptive parents, concerned for their sons. run to protect them. Barry’s dad throws a pitchfork at the wolves, killing off the wolf soldiers, much to the shock of Sylvanus and the other wolves. When Barry is still on the ground, injured, Sylvanus asks his human parents why they would give their life away for him. Barry’s Dad tells Sylvanus that Barry knows more about being a human more than Sylvanus ever will, to which Sylvanus responds saying that he is not a human and that he is a wolf. Clive sides with him saying that Sylvanus is a monster, and that he’ll never know anything about what it’s like to be a be an actual person capable of emotions, Mr. Birdy sides with them as well. Barry’s Dad says that Barry is his son, Mr. Birdy says that Barry is his friend, and Clive says that Barry is his brother.

Barry then awakens, his powers activated, Barry then says that Sylvanus has something of his, he then takes back all his power that Sylvanus used to power the ship. “Your…power…” Sylvanus expresses shock, knowing that Barry has superpowers.

“Let’s finish this.” Sylvanus says as he prepares to fight.

Barry then engages in a final battle between Sylvanus. During the battle, he delivers a few blows to Sylvanus’ ship, damaging it. Sylvanus tells Barry that once he’s done with him, he’s going take Barry’s powers for himself.

He then continues to right Barry, Barry keeps damaging Sylvanus’ ship. Barry then delivers a punch to Sylvanus’ ship which damages it even more.

“NOW YOU’VE DONE IT!”, Sylvanus furiously screams at Barry, Barry then a final punch the ship. “You…YOU BUFFOON!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!”, Sylvanus screams at Barry. “I finished it, like you said.”

Barry then using one final attack, which sends Sylvanus plumbing down to ground with his ship. Sylvanus screams as the ship hits the ground, when the ship hits the ground, the ship explodes.

Barry and the birds are victorious. The next day, The Birds return to their home planet. Barry and Clive stay behind as they feel like this is their home, The brothers and the bird resistance part ways, they hope that they’ll see each other if the world needs saving again.

Barry and Clive now go back to living their normal lives.

However, When the Wolf Soldiers are searching for Sylvanus to see if he still alive, They found out that he is still alive, they tell Sylvanus’ wife, Wilda, and tells the wolf soldiers to take him back to the ship, after the previous battle, Sylvanus is left in a coma, his wife, Wilda, stays by his side while he recovers, hoping that he will fully recover.

Many months later after the battle between the alien birds and the alien wolves, Two Alien Bird Brothers, Barry and Clive are living their normal lives on Earth.

Barry moved out of his adoptive human parents farm and moved into an apartment, and now acts like a superhero, stopping bad guys. Clive is now going to college to study robotics.

Meanwhile with the Wolf Empire, their emperor, Sylvanus, was still in a coma after the previous battle. After months of waiting for him to wake up, Wilda decided to instead use her superpowers to revive Sylvanus, she uses her powers, and a few moments later….Sylvanus wake up.

Meanwhile, Barry is just watching Tv while in the phone with his mom. He later calls Clive and they talk for a bit.

Sylvanus, now fully recovered from his injuries, is equipped with a life support suit. His wife is pleased that he is back, Sylvanus states that now he is back, it is time to get revenge on Barry and Clive.

Later, at night Barry is watching Tv, Barry goes into his study room, and still tries to find out more about where his real parents could be located. Later, Sylvanus arrives at Barry’s apartment and breaks in.
Barry wasn’t expecting this, Barry says that he doesn’t know how Sylvanus is still alive but that he made a big mistake coming to his apartment. Sylvanus claims that Barry actually made a mistake that he’d won, Sylvanus tells Barry that he may have won the battle, but he hasn’t won the war. Barry says he gets it and that he’s heard that quote before. Sylvanus says that he doesn’t think he gets it, but that he’s about to and so will Barry’s brother Clive, Barry and Clive’s human families, and The Bird Resistance. Barry attempts to use his superpowers to attack Sylvanus but Sylvanus punches him, knocking him against his couch. Barry tries to fight Sylvanus but he gets his butt kicked by him, Barry realizes that he couldn’t win the fight, runs and hides and in a wardrobe in in his bedroom. Sylvanus searches his room while saying that hide and seek seems out of character for Barry. Sylvanus opens the wardrobe but he doesn’t find Barry, as he is in a different wardrobe, Sylvanus nearly finds him but the police arrive, getting a call about a break in. The police shoot at Sylvanus, but he knocks them on the ground.
Barry runs to the rooftops, to which Sylvanus commands his men to chase Barry. Barry uses his powers and knocks a few wolf soldiers off the roof, but then he runs through the rooftops while being chased by Sylvanus. Just when Barry thought he got away, a mysterious hooded figure tackles him and holds a sword to his throat. The figure demands to know where The Amulet of Power, but Barry doesn’t know what’s he talking about. Sylvanus then tells the hooded figure that Barry is his. The figure says that Barry is his because he supposedly knows where the amulet is. Sylvanus is shocked that the amulet exists. The Hooded Figure says that the amulet power is somewhere and that the alien birds know where it is. He says that he wants the amulet so that he can return it to his people, and he tells Sylvanus not to get in his way. Just then, a police helicopter arrives and tells them to get on the on the ground. Sylvanus tries to shoot at the helicopter, while the hooded figure tries to swiftly attack. Barry uses this an opportunity to escape and makes a run for it. A moment later the figure notices Barry escaped and chases him. The helicopter retreats and Sylvanus goes after the figure and Barry. Barry ends up at the edge of a building with nowhere to go. The figure corners him, so Barry has to jump for it. Barry jumps off the building and flies away, The hooded person is furious and tries pursue him hopping across various buildings, The hooded guy eventually grabs onto Barry’s leg, eventually The hooded man loses his grip and falls, fortunately for him, He lands in a pool on top of a hotel. The hooded figure comes up from the pool, annoyed that Barry was able to escape him. Sylvanus then catches up him, and asks him about the Amulet. The hooded person tells him that the amulet does not concern him and to stay out of his business, Sylvanus offers him an opportunity to work together so that Sylvanus help him get the amulet and use it to destroy Barry. The hooded man is reluctant but he ends up agreeing. Sylvanus asks him his name and the hooded stranger reveals it to be Jack, they return with back to his ship.

Barry makes it to Clive’s and tells him what happened and that Sylvanus is back, Clive is surprised and Barry says they need to get The Bird Resistance, Clive plays a recording he had found before he left for college, he plays it and a hologram their father, King Birdy appears. He yelled them that if they’re watching this then something bad has happened to him. He tells his sons about the amulet of Power, it’s an amulet filled with 7 Powers Crystals inside. Those crystals being, Power, Mind,
Control, Time, Knowledge, Gravity, and Memory. He tells them that another reason they were sent to earth was to protect this amulet because if it falls into the wrong hands, then it could cause destruction. He tells them what they need to do to find it, they need to get 4 orbs to open the door that the amulet is behind, but they need to defeat 4 guardians to get the orbs. The recording ends and Barry and Clive head to the bird resistance base.

Sylvanus and Jack return to base, and Sylvanus tells his wife about their discovery, She is shocked about this as well. Sylvanus says that he remembers his parents telling him the story of the amulet when he was younger, but he always thought that it was just a bedtime story.

Wilda says that she studied the amulet, but she claims she never knew where to find it.

After the discussion, Sylvanus plans to leave to find it the next morning. When Jack is out of hearing range, Wilda asks Sylvanus why he is even working with this guy anyway, Sylvanus tells her that he is the key to unlocking ultimate power. He says the amulet he seeks could help the wolf empire conquer the bird village. Sylvanus then tells her that when he returns to base, it will be the amulet.

Barry and Clive returned to the base and told Mr. Birdy about the amulet, Mr. Birdy tells them that the amulet is just a legend but they convince that it’s real. Mr. Birdy says they need someone to help them with the mission, and he knows who to find. They plan to leave the next morning.

The next morning Sylvanus and Jack leave to go search for the amulet with a few soldiers a few robots. Meanwhile, the Bird Resistance leaves the base and goes to find the person that can help them with this mission.

They go to a bird village school and ask the person if they could help with them with their quest since she knows a lot about the amulet, the person agrees and she introduces herself to Barry and Clive as Pinkie, Clive says hello to her, while Barry is attracted to her beauty he says hi to her. They eventually leave and go search for the amulet.

They end up locating the map, and they successfully obtain it. They follow the map to the location of the first orb used to open the door that the amulet is behind. After they enter the temple, they encounter the first guardian, it looks like a living tree. The guardian greets them before beginning the battle. They fight the guardian, and the birds are victorious. The guardian tells the birds that they hope they are getting the amulet for the right reason, before dying. They successfully obtain the first orb.

When they leave the temple, Sylvanus’ robots attempt to attack them and steal the orb but they escape, but Clive ended up capturing one of the wolf robots. Barry used his powers to teleport the birds to a boatyard, they take a boat and set sail for the second orb.

During the boat ride, Clive changes the code on the robot and turns him into a good robot who is now on their team.

Later, Pinkie tells the birds about the guardian that guards this orb, this guardian emerges from the sea and attacks anyone who tries to approach the island where the orb is located. Barry asks her how she knows a lot about this stuff and she says that she is a nerd.

Moments later, they encounter the guardian. The guardian is surprised that they were able to defeat the first guardian and obtain the orb. But the guardian tells them that they won’t get past him.

A battle breaks out, and cannons are fired at it, eventually the guardian falls into the ocean but the battle isn’t over as it emerges yet again grows two more heads, after another battle the guardian is defeated and falls into the ocean. The guardian emerges from the water yet again, this time the guardian admits defeat and says the same thing that the last guardian said, before falling back into the water one last time.

The birds eventually make it to the location of the blue orb and they obtain it, but unfortunately they are interrupted by Sylvanus and Jack. Sylvanus is surprised that they got past the first two guardians, and that Clive was able to reprogram of his robots Jack then says that they’ll take it from there. They flee the screen as Sylvanus fires lasers at them, a few wolf soldiers and wolf robots are killed. Jack then pursues Barry by riding down the icy hill on a snow board, eventually Jack corners Barry and Jack reveals his true origins

Jack was separated from his family during an attack on his village, he went from town to town, he barely had anything to survive but a sword given to him by his father. One day he learned about the amulet and its origins, so he set out to obtain it. Barry feels sorry for him and says they both lost everything that day. Jack feels sorry for him as well.

But Clive sees them, and thinks Jack is attacking Barry so he shoots Jack with a laser gun, which tazes him. Jack calls out Barry thinking that he was tricking him, but Barry says it wasn’t a trick, Jack draws his sword. Barry tells Clive to take both of the orbs and get out of there, he throws the orbs at Clive but Sylvanus flies in with his ship and catches the orbs with his hands. Missiles are shot at Clive, rendering him unconscious while Sylvanus laughs as he escapes with Jack.

Barry tries to help Clive, he contacts the resistance. Barry slides down the snowy hill while avoiding an avalanche. He successfully escapes and regroups with the resistance. On the boat they try to help Clive. Barry starts to blame himself what happened to Clive and for Sylvanus getting the orbs. Pinkie assures him that it’s not his fault and that Clive will be better soon and that they will get the orbs back. A while later, they form a plan to steal the orbs back. They use the map to locate them and they go onto Sylvanus’ ship and steal them. They do this and they arrive at the ship.

Barry, Pinkie, the helper bot, and a few soldiers break into the ship, they take out a few guards and robots and they eventually find the orbs. Before they can take them, Jack tries to stop them from taking them, Barry tells Pinkie to grab the orbs while he fights off Jack. During the fight, Barry knocks Jack on the ground, which takes off Jack’s hood. When Barry sees Jack’s face he has a flashback from when he was a baby. Pinkie tells Barry that she got the orbs and Jack then knocks Barry on the ground and draws his sword, ready to strike. Pinkie puts the orbs down and tackles Jack. Barry and Clive grab the orbs and try to make an escape. Sylvanus looking at the cameras, orders his robots to catch them. They get taken down, and Barry and Pinkie are about to make an escape but Sylvanus stops them. “Going somewhere?”. “Oh, I see you have a brought a lover. Does she have a name”. They try to escape but Sylvanus fights them, he knocks Barry on the ground and throws Pinkie at the wall”. Sylvanus has a sword drawn to Barry and a gun drawn to Pinkie. “Thought you could steal the orbs back from me, what makes you think that you’re gonna get to amulet before I do..”. Sylvanus is about to strike Barry with his sword but the helper bot and the bird resistance intervene with the fight. Barry, Pinkie, and the Bird resistance make an escape with the orbs, leaving behind an enraged Sylvanus. Jack tells Sylvanus that he tried to stop them from getting the orbs. Sylvanus says “That’s fine, we don’t need the orbs. They can defeat all the guardians and get that door open for us”.

They then proceed to head to the third orb.

They make it to the third orb, They arrive at an island with a volcano, that volcano being where the orb is. Barry tells Mr. Birdy and a few soldiers to watch Clive while they go into the volcano. They head forward and they make it to the top of the volcano, Barry is worried that they literally have to jump into the volcano but Pinkie assures him that they don’t. They head inside through a cave. After they get inside they awaken the third guardian. This guardian is a magma golem looking one, he has cannons for hands. The guardian asks who has awoken him, Barry says that they are here for the orb, the guardian says they’ll have to get through him to get it. They fight, this one is a difficult fight but they successfully manage to defeat the guardian. Before the guardian falls he says the same exact thing as the the other two guardians that were previously defeated, he then blows up and they successfully acquire the orb. They barley escape the erupting volcano and head back to the boat. They set sail towards the final orb.

Barry is concerned that Clive is still not awake, Barry tells the Bird resistance that he’s going the face the final guardian alone. Mr. Birdy and Pinkie both warn him that it’s safe to do so but Barry says that he is the reason Clive is unconscious in the first place. He decides to face the guardian alone. They arrive at the island where the final orb is. “Are you sure you want to dk this” Mr. Birdy asks Barry, “I’m sure” Barry responds. “Well good luck, I know you can do this” Mr. Birdy says.

Barry then goes into the temple and face the final guardian. Barry enters the temple to see it empty, but then the guardian arrives. “So…you’ve defeated almost all of the guardian and obtained almost all of the orbs, it’s a shame that after all of that hard work…you die to me…” the guardian says. “You put a good fight I’ll give you that. This is the last battle to get the orbs to open the door. I wish you the best of luck..” The battle then begins, this battle is the toughest one yet, Barry nearly dies in the battle, But he ends up victorious in the end. “I…I don’t know what to say…except I yield..I don’t know who you are, but I hope that you are pursuing the amulet for the right reason and that you are prepared for what is about to come…” The guardian then falls and Barry successfully obtains the final orb. Now that all the orbs have been obtained, Barry returns to the boat and heads to the temple where the amulet is being kept.

Behind the trees, a robot wolf is watching them. “They successfully managed to get all the orbs” Jack says. “Good…now we can go in and take the amulet”

On the way to the amulet Clive is having nightmares about him being shot by Jack, he then wakes up after being unconscious for a little while, Barry is glad that he is awake and Clive mentions Jack. Barry remembers the encounter at Sylvanus’ ship, and wanting to know more. asks The Bird resistance about Jack, Barry describes his appearance and Mr. Birdy tells Barry that it’s Jack, Barry and Clive’s older brother. Barry is confused and Mr. Birdy tells him that he and Clive were separated from each other during Sylvanus’ invasion when they were babies. Barry is shocked at this. They eventually arrive at the temple where the amulet is being kept. As they prepare to head inside, Sylvanus and Jack appear along with the robots. He orders the robots to kill all of them but the birds head inside the temple and close the door before they can get inside.

When they’re inside the temple they face through numerous traps and avoid many knights who are guarding the temple. They successfully get past them, there is a deep pit that leads them further into the temple, Clive goes down there with his jetpack, Barry gives Clive his sword and his laser gun, Clive goes into the pit while Barry, Pinkie, Mr. Birdy, the helper bot, and the rest of the resistance hold off the knights. Clive ends up crashing into a wall and he is in an illusion. At first everything is normal, but then Sylvanus starts destroying everything in his home town, he puts out his laser gun and attempts to shoot Clive. “You couldn’t stop me before, you can’t stop me now!” Sylvanus says to Clive. “No please…my friends..my family…this is my home…This is my home! I won’t let you do this!!. “Then you die!” Sylvanus responds to Clive. “I WONT LET YOU TAKE MY FAMILY AWAY AGAIN!!!!”. Clive shoots Sylvanus’ laser gun out of his hands. Sylvanus then charged at Barry with his sword, Clive uses his sword and fights off Sylvanus, Sylvanus struggles to fight Clive. “I WONT LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN! I AM NOT AFRAID ANYMORE!!!”. Clive then strikes the final blow and stabs Sylvanus, the illusion then ends and Clive is in front of the door where the amulet is being kept.

Meanwhile, Barry and the bird resistance are fighting the knights, they successfully take out most of them, one of the knights is shot by one of Sylvanus’ robots. Somehow Sylvanus managed to break through the door and get inside the temple. “Mr. Birdy, You can’t keep me from the amulet”. Barry uses his powers and causes rubble to come crashing down, separating Sylvanus from them for a brief moment. Sylvanus uses his sword to cut through the rubble. “There’s nowhere to run Mr. Birdy, I shall make this place your tomb!” Sylvanus then charges at Mr. Birdy engaging him in a fight, Jack charges towards Barry and duels him. Barry tries to tell Jack that they are brothers and that Sylvanus is just using Jack so that he can get the amulet. Jack ignores this and keeps fighting Barry, “Listen Jack, Sylvanus is not your ally! It’s only a matter of time before he betrays you!. Jack ignores this and keeps fighting Barry.

Sylvanus continues to fight Mr. Birdy, he eventually disarms in the fight and is about to kill him, the helper bot senses this and attacks Sylvanus before he can kill Mr. Birdy. During Barry’s fight, he starts to get flashbacks, Jack starts to remember his past during the fight but continues to fight Barry, eventually Barry knocks Jack down. Barry, Mr. Birdy, Pinkie, The Helper Bot, and The Resistance go down into the pit.

Clive is trying to find a way to get the door open. Barry reunites with him and Clive tells him about what happened, he saw an illusion of Sylvanus destroying their home town and Clive was able to face his fears. Clive says that is what Sylvanus will do if he gets the amulet. Barry, having all the orbs, places them into the door and it opens, Sylvanus starts walking to them but they successfully managed to get inside the door before it closes.

The room lights up and they turn around to see The Amulet. “The amulet….we’ve found it…” Clive says. “You did a good job, birdy” Pinkie says to Barry. They start to walk towards the steps where the amulet is at the top but Sylvanus’ robots burst open the door. “Finally…At long last…I’ve found it…The Amulet is mine!” Sylvanus says. The bird resistance tells him that the amulet is theirs. “Robots, attack!” Sylvanus orders his robots to attack, A battle breaks out, Jack fights Barry again and once again, Barry tries to tell Jack that Sylvanus is just using him, but Jack still continues to ignore him and keeps fighting. Jack knocks Barry down but Clive intervenes telling Jack to stay away from his brother, but Jack manages to knock Clive down. Barry gets up and tries to fight Jack but Jack successfully punches Barry and knocks him into a waterfall, “Heh, too easy…Now..Let’s do this, shall we?”. Jack then goes up the steps to try and take the amulet. Before Jack can get to the top Barry goes super mode and fights Jack, Jack engages and fierce battle breaks out. Barry knocks Jack back, but he gets up and starts throwing punches at Barry, “Why won’t you stand still and die!” Jack says to Barry, “Uhh yeah..I think I’ll pass…”. After a few moments Jack successfully punches Barry and knocks him to the ground. While the birds and the robot are busy fighting his robots, Sylvanus uses this an opportunity and goes up the stairs to try and take the amulet. Sylvanus has his eyes on the amulet. Jack draws him sword and is about to lay the final blow on Barry, “Jack…don’t do this please…” Jack then strikes his sword but before the sword stabs Barry, Jack remembers his past and his brothers. He throws the sword on the ground and helps Barry up. The birds realize that Sylvanus is about to get the amulet, and Jack says “Wait! That wasn’t the deal!”. Sylvanus then tells him that he was using him so that he could get the amulet for himself, “But I…I trusted you!” Jack says to Sylvanus. “Hahahaha! You think I’d ever ally with a bird? Oh please, give me a break!” “Now that I have what I want I no longer have any use for you, I think it’s time I let you go now! Hahaha!” Sylvanus then takes the amulet and empowers himself with it. He then shows Barry a vision of him destroying his home town. Sylvanus tells Barry that he will destroy everything he loves before teleporting away. The temple starts crashing down and the birds start to make an escape.

They escape the temple, Barry and Jack saves each others lives during the escape. They forgive each other in the end, and they then make a plan to stop Sylvanus.

Meanwhile, Sylvanus has teleported back to his home planet. His wife, Wilda, is glad that he is back. “Yes…..I’m…back…” Sylvanus says emotionless. “Sir, are you feeling okay?” His wife asks him. “I’m more than okay….I now have the amulet…”. Sylvanus then proceeds to plan an attack on Barry’s hometown, Wilda tells him that he shouldn’t do that, but Sylvanus insists her, she then agrees and says she’ll send wolf soldiers and wolf robots with him, he then says he’ll meet her there and then teleports to Earth. Sylvanus then arrives on Earth and flies over to look at the city, he looks at it for a moment before his attack begins.

Barry, Clive, Jack, Pinkie, and the bird resistance eventually make it back to their planet are they are able to recruit the bird soldiers, They then head back to Earth to stop Sylvanus. Sylvanus has already started causing havoc, he has used the amulet to turn the townspeople into his puppets, the military and the police are trying to stop him but to no avail. The bird resistance eventually arrives to try and stop Sylvanus, he then appears levitating towards them. Mr. Birdy tells Sylvanus that he can’t win. Sylvanus then constructs a giant robot and he uses it to attack the city, he enters the robot and teleports his wife inside of the robot to help him. Barry, Clive, Jack, and Pinkie return to fight Sylvanus, he fires bullets at them with his robotic mini gun arm on his robot. Jack jumps off the plane, and runs towards Sylvanus, he is angry at for him for using him to get the amulet and betraying him. Sylvanus attempts to shoot at Jack, but Jack dodges and manages to punch Sylvanus’ giant robot hand.

After a long battle, the birds regroup, they devise a plan to defeat Sylvanus, Pinkie says it’s hard to defeat him as long as he has the amulet. They devise a plan to remove the amulet from him. Sylvanus then drops a few robot wolves and uses the amulet to control them. The robots are defeated, Sylvanus tries to control Barry but to no avail due to his willpower. Barry ends up resisting the control effect and and punches Sylvanus’ robot, which weakens him and knocks out Wilda, which annoys Sylvanus. It starts to turn night and The team then run, Sylvanus then has the controlled townspeople and the controlled bird resistance members search for them, they end up taking down and freeing them from Sylvanus’ control, Sylvanus eventually finds them and chases Barry and Clive. After a chase, Barry fights Sylvanus, he stabs his robot hand slashes his robot eye. Clive then uses Theta’s freeze ray from earlier (apparently she is still imprisoned in the ice block). “We’re never stop fighting you, Sylvanus!” Barry says. “You will once you’re dead!” Sylvanus says back. He then starts shooting at them. The bird soldiers then intervene and start shooting at Sylvanus., “What! Impossible!”. Sylvanus says. They start shooting at him, he manages to get a few ships destroyed but he gets overpowered. Sylvanus then gets annoyed and uses the amulet to blow all the ships back, including anyone is nearby. The birds survive but they devise a new plan to get the amulet.

They come up the plan that the birds fight the remaining citizens who are under Sylvanus’ control, then Jack and Clive go in and steal the amulet. Sylvanus orders the citizens to hunt down Barry and Clive. During the search, Sylvanus notices them, “Ah…There you are…Birdies…”. Sylvanus and the controlled citizens go towards them, Sylvanus uses the Memory Crystal from the amulet to spawn in Barry’s parents and they fight him but Barry overcomes this and the illusion fades. Barry evades Sylvanus, a few moments later he grabs Clive and Jack and demands to know where Barry is. He then tells Barry that if he doesn’t surrender then he will Jack and Clive. “Sylvanus! Let them go…” Barry says to Sylvanus, “If you insist…” Sylvanus responds back. Sylvanus then throws them and almost crushes them with his robot hands but Barry saves them. Barry distracts Sylvanus and Sylvanus chases him down, during the chase Sylvanus reveals to Barry his plans, Sylvanus is gonna use the amulet to control the humans, then then he will go to take over the bird village and maybe other planets if he wants to. Sylvanus tells Barry that he would be a fine addition to his army and then he tries to control Barry runs away.

Sylvanus chases Barry and he manages to injure him. Meanwhile, The birds fight off the citizens during this, Sylvanus gets distracted as he is able to see what they see. Clive and Jack use this as an opportunity. When Clive enters the robot to take the amulet from Sylvanus, he senses that something is wrong, he then attacks Clive, “You really thought that would work?” He says. Clive admits that he was just the distraction, Jack then comes in and a few moments later, he punches the amulet off of Sylvanus, the robot then starts crashing down and Clive and Jack fall out of it. Sylvanus wakes up, he is enraged that his amulet is gone, he then orders his giant robot to power on. “Move on you piece of junk!” Sylvanus screams at his robot while he is inside”. Barry wakes up and notices the amulet, but he can’t move fast enough to get to it as he is injured, so he slowly makes his way towards it, Sylvanus’ giant robot then gets up and slowly starts making his way towards Barry, Barry’s adoptive human parents then see Jack and Clive so they go get them in their Jeep, they then go to get Barry, Barry picks up the amulet but right as Sylvanus’ robot is about to step on Barry, his brothers and his adoptive parents grab him and pull him into the jeep as their driving, “NO!” Sylvanus screams in rage, he then punches the Jeep causing to crash, as Barry and his family get out, “Look at the happy little family…” Sylvanus uses his laser and surrounds them in a ring of fire. Barry tries to get the amulet to work but it shatters releasing the 7 Power Crystals, it looks like the end for Barry and his family, as they embrace their final moments, the power crystals then levitate and fly over to Barry just as Sylvanus’ robot steps on them, “NOOOOOO!!!” Mr. Birdy screams as Barry and his family as presumed dead, “I did it….I finally did it….YES!!! FINALLY!!! I FINALLY GOT HIM!!!” Sylvanus laughs as he thinks he got his revenge, he then hears a noise, “What was that?” He says. Barry, now empowered with the 7 Power Crystals lifts up Sylvanus’ robot foot, saving him and his family. Barry then flies around Sylvanus’ robot’s head, the robot’s head then falls off, revealing Sylvanus inside. “It’s over!” Barry says to Sylvanus, Sylvanus tries to reason with Barry, “Maybe we can negotiate something…” Sylvanus says to Barry, Barry uses one of the seven power crystal (The Mind Crystal) and he reads his mind and finds out his intentions, Sylvanus then uses advanced technology and controls his robot and he tries to use it to punch Barry, but Barry easily blocks it, and he shatters the robot’s metal hand. Sylvanus shocked at this, uses the other hand of the robot, but Barry destroys the robot’s metal hand as well. Barry then flies through the robot multiple times, damaging it. Sylvanus then uses a laser on the robot’s chest and fires it at Barry
Barry uses the crystals and he then he knocks the laser back at the robot causing it to blow up and crashing down, defeating Sylvanus for a second time.

After Sylvanus’ second defeat, Barry flew back down to his family, his family was happy to see him. After their reunion, Barry then got rid of the power crystals inside him, and sent them to the unknown so no one could find them. Clive repairs the amulet that the crystals were formerly inside of, and they make it their goal to protect it from evil. Later, the bird resistance confiscates The Amulet to make sure it’s safe. The next day, the city is being fixed due to what Sylvanus did with the Amulet, The Bird resistance goes back to their home planet again, but Barry and Clive stay back on Earth to keep it safe. Pinkie also stays as well, and Barry and Clive’s brother Jack also stays as well. They go back to their normal lives and hope to reunite again if they need to save the world.

But, The Military is searching for Sylvanus’ body to see if he survived. The sergeant doubts that Sylvanus survived, but it turns out that one of the soldiers is actually a wolf soldier, but none of the soldiers know that. Meanwhile, The Wolf Empire is mourning their leader, Sylvanus’ supposed death. Sylvanus’ wife, Wilda walks into a room and gives an order to a few soldiers, “Summon Prince William”.

Who is the strongest to weakest character physically?

What are each characters abilities?

What are the characters like and dislikes?

What is each characters personality?

What Gender is each character?

What occupation is each character?

What species is swatch character?

What is each characters goals? Put beside them if they either succeeded, failed, abandoned, ongoing, formerly, unknown.

The Amulets Abilities:
– Electrokinesis
– Flight
– Mind Powers
– Mine Control
– Time Powers
– Enhanced Knowledge
– Gravity Manipulation
– Memory Manipulation

Character Breakdown:

Strongest to Weakest Physically:

  1. Sylvanus: Empowered by the Amulet, he possesses superhuman strength, durability, and potentially other abilities. Even without the Amulet, he seems to be physically strong.
  2. Barry: Has innate superpowers that include enhanced strength, flight, and potentially other abilities that have yet to be fully developed.
  3. Alpha: A skilled warrior and leader of The Pack, physically strong and agile.
  4. Gamma: A brute, very strong but possibly lacking in agility.
  5. Omega: A cyborg with enhanced strength and durability.
  6. Omicron: Has saw blades for hands, giving him enhanced combat ability.
  7. Delta: Operates a rocket launcher, making him more dangerous than physically strong.
  8. Epsilon: Operates a mini-gun, a skilled soldier, not necessarily physically strong.
  9. Theta: Uses a freeze ray, not physically strong but deadly in combat.
  10. Upsilon: Uses a flamethrower, a skilled soldier, not necessarily physically strong.
  11. Zeta: Skilled fighter, agile, but possibly not as strong as Alpha or Gamma.
  12. Clive: Skilled engineer but lacking in physical strength.
  13. Mr. Birdy: Possibly skilled in combat, but not as strong as Barry or Alpha.
  14. Pinkie: Intelligent but not physically strong.
  15. Jack: Skilled swordsman, but likely not as strong as Barry or Alpha.
  16. The Commander: Skilled soldier, but not particularly strong.
  17. The Bird Resistance Members: Skilled fighters but not as strong as Barry or Alpha.
  18. The Wolf Soldiers: Skilled soldiers but not as strong as Barry or Alpha.
  19. Barry’s Adoptive Parents: Regular humans, not physically strong.
  20. Clive’s Adoptive Parents: Regular humans, not physically strong.
  21. Wilda: Uses her superpowers for enhanced physical abilities, but possibly not as strong as Sylvanus or Barry.


  • Barry: Enhanced Strength, Flight, potentially other abilities.
  • Clive: Skilled Engineer, creates a wormhole generator.
  • Sylvanus: Superhuman strength, durability, potentially enhanced abilities when using the Amulet.
  • Alpha: Skilled combat, leadership.
  • Gamma: Enhanced Strength.
  • Omega: Enhanced Strength, Durability.
  • Omicron: Saw blades for hands, enhanced combat ability.
  • Delta: Operates a rocket launcher.
  • Epsilon: Operates a mini-gun.
  • Theta: Uses a freeze ray.
  • Upsilon: Uses a flamethrower.
  • Zeta: Skilled fighter, agile.
  • Mr. Birdy: Possibly skilled in combat.
  • Pinkie: Intelligent, knows about the Amulet and its origins.
  • Jack: Skilled swordsman.
  • The Commander: Skilled soldier.
  • Wilda: Superhuman strength, potentially other abilities.
  • The Bird Resistance Members: Skilled fighters.
  • The Wolf Soldiers: Skilled soldiers.
  • The Helper Bot: Can fight, and change codes.

Likes and Dislikes:

  • Barry: Likes: his family, Earth, justice, helping others. Dislikes: Sylvanus, The Wolf Empire, violence.
  • Clive: Likes: Science, technology, his family, Earth. Dislikes: Sylvanus, The Wolf Empire, war.
  • Sylvanus: Likes: Power, control, conquest, the Amulet. Dislikes: The Bird Resistance, Barry and Clive, failure.
  • Alpha: Likes: Leading The Pack, fighting, loyalty. Dislikes: The Bird Resistance, losing.
  • Gamma: Likes: Fighting, strength. Dislikes: Losing, being underestimated.
  • Omega: Likes: Fighting, being a cyborg. Dislikes: Being defeated.
  • Omicron: Likes: Fighting, using his saw blade hands. Dislikes: Losing, being outmatched.
  • Delta: Likes: Using his rocket launcher, winning. Dislikes: Failure, being outmatched.
  • Epsilon: Likes: Using his mini-gun, winning, following orders. Dislikes: Disobeying orders, being defeated.
  • Theta: Likes: Using her freeze ray, winning. Dislikes: Losing, being defeated.
  • Upsilon: Likes: Using his flamethrower, winning, following orders. Dislikes: Losing, being defeated.
  • Zeta: Likes: Fighting, her brother, winning. Dislikes: Losing, being defeated.
  • Mr. Birdy: Likes: Protecting his people, his sons, justice. Dislikes: Sylvanus, The Wolf Empire, war.
  • Pinkie: Likes: Learning, knowledge, helping others, the Amulet. Dislikes: Sylvanus, The Wolf Empire, war.
  • Jack: Likes: Fighting, protecting others, his sword. Dislikes: Sylvanus, The Wolf Empire, losing.
  • The Commander: Likes: Following orders, winning, power. Dislikes: Disobeying orders, losing, being outsmarted.
  • Wilda: Likes: Sylvanus, power, being in control. Dislikes: The Bird Resistance, Barry and Clive, losing.
  • Barry’s Adoptive Parents: Likes: Barry, their farm, their family, peace. Dislikes: Violence, The Wolf Empire, war.
  • Clive’s Adoptive Parents: Likes: Clive, their family, their home, peace. Dislikes: Violence, The Wolf Empire, war.


  • Barry: Brave, kind, compassionate, protective of his loved ones. Can be impulsive and reckless at times.
  • Clive: Intelligent, resourceful, cautious, loyal to his family and friends.
  • Sylvanus: Ruthless, ambitious, power-hungry, cunning. Believes in his own superiority and sees the Bird Resistance as inferior.
  • Alpha: Ruthless, determined, loyal to Sylvanus, a skilled leader.
  • Gamma: Brutish, violent, enjoys fighting, enjoys causing pain.
  • Omega: Loyal, follows orders, enjoys fighting, a skilled soldier.
  • Omicron: Enjoy fighting, enjoys causing harm.
  • Delta: Follows orders, likes to use his rocket launcher.
  • Epsilon: Follows orders, likes to use his mini-gun.
  • Theta: Follows orders, enjoys using her freeze ray, can be easily annoyed.
  • Upsilon: Follows orders, likes to use his flamethrower.
  • Zeta: Loyal, skilled fighter, cares for her brother, has a short fuse.
  • Mr. Birdy: Kind, protective, wise, cares deeply for his sons.
  • Pinkie: Intelligent, kind, compassionate, dedicated to learning about the Amulet.
  • Jack: Brave, skilled fighter, dedicated to finding the Amulet and protecting his family. Has a strong sense of justice and loyalty.
  • The Commander: Loyal to Sylvanus, follows orders, ambitious, likes to win.
  • Wilda: Loyal to Sylvanus, intelligent, strategic, ambitious.
  • Barry’s Adoptive Parents: Kind, loving, protective, peaceful.
  • Clive’s Adoptive Parents: Kind, loving, protective, peaceful.


  • Barry: Male
  • Clive: Male
  • Sylvanus: Male
  • Alpha: Male
  • Gamma: Male
  • Omega: Male
  • Omicron: Male
  • Delta: Male
  • Epsilon: Male
  • Theta: Female
  • Upsilon: Male
  • Zeta: Female
  • Mr. Birdy: Male
  • Pinkie: Female
  • Jack: Male
  • The Commander: Male
  • Wilda: Female
  • Barry’s Adoptive Parents: Male and Female
  • Clive’s Adoptive Parents: Male and Female


  • Barry: Superhero (formerly a student)
  • Clive: Student, Engineer (formerly a student)
  • Sylvanus: Emperor (formerly Prince)
  • Alpha: Leader of The Pack
  • Gamma: Soldier, Brute
  • Omega: Cyborg Soldier
  • Omicron: Soldier
  • Delta: Soldier
  • Epsilon: Soldier
  • Theta: Soldier
  • Upsilon: Soldier
  • Zeta: Soldier
  • Mr. Birdy: King
  • Pinkie: Student, Historian
  • Jack: Former Villager, Warrior
  • The Commander: Soldier
  • Wilda: Queen (formerly a Royal Advisor)
  • Barry’s Adoptive Parents: Farmers
  • Clive’s Adoptive Parents: School Principal and Teacher


  • Barry: Alien Bird
  • Clive: Alien Bird
  • Sylvanus: Alien Wolf
  • Alpha: Alien Wolf
  • Gamma: Alien Wolf
  • Omega: Alien Wolf
  • Omicron: Alien Wolf
  • Delta: Alien Wolf
  • Epsilon: Alien Wolf
  • Theta: Alien Wolf
  • Upsilon: Alien Wolf
  • Zeta: Alien Wolf
  • Mr. Birdy: Alien Bird
  • Pinkie: Alien Bird
  • Jack: Alien Bird
  • The Commander: Alien Wolf
  • Wilda: Alien Wolf
  • Barry’s Adoptive Parents: Human
  • Clive’s Adoptive Parents: Human


  • Barry: To protect Earth, to find his real parents. Succeeded (partially)
  • Clive: To return to his home planet, to become a successful engineer. Succeeded (partially)
  • Sylvanus: To conquer the Bird Village, to rule Earth, to get the Amulet. Failed (twice)
  • Alpha: To serve Sylvanus, to defeat the Bird Resistance. Failed
  • Gamma: To fight, to win, to cause pain. Failed
  • Omega: To serve Sylvanus, to fight for the Wolf Empire. Failed
  • Omicron: To fight, to win. Failed
  • Delta: To serve Sylvanus, to use his rocket launcher. Failed
  • Epsilon: To serve Sylvanus, to use his mini-gun, to win. Failed
  • Theta: To serve Sylvanus, to use her freeze ray, to win. Failed
  • Upsilon: To serve Sylvanus, to use his flamethrower, to win. Failed
  • Zeta: To serve Sylvanus, to fight, to win. Failed
  • Mr. Birdy: To protect his people, to return to the Bird Village. Succeeded (partially)
  • Pinkie: To help Barry and Clive, to learn about the Amulet. Succeeded (partially)
  • Jack: To find the Amulet, to return it to his people, to protect his family. Failed (partially)
  • The Commander: To serve Sylvanus, to capture Barry and Clive, to win. Failed
  • Wilda: To serve Sylvanus, to help him conquer the Bird Village, to help him obtain the Amulet. Failed
  • Barry’s Adoptive Parents: To protect Barry, to live peacefully. Succeeded (partially)
  • Clive’s Adoptive Parents: To protect Clive, to live peacefully. Succeeded (partially)

The Amulet’s Abilities:

  • Electrokinesis: The ability to control electricity.
  • Flight: The ability to fly.
  • Mind Powers: The ability to control minds, read minds, and potentially other mental powers.
  • Mind Control: The ability to control the minds of others.
  • Time Powers: The ability to manipulate time, potentially including time travel.
  • Enhanced Knowledge: The ability to learn and remember information more quickly.
  • Gravity Manipulation: The ability to control gravity.
  • Memory Manipulation: The ability to manipulate memories, including erasing or implanting memories.