
Please write a transcript for a new episode of Lea

Author:Jayden Time:2024/09/02 Read: 3039

Please write a transcript for a new episode of Learning with Pibby in which Bun Bun has to rescue a bound and gagged Pibby.

Learning with Pibby: Bun Bun’s Big Rescue


INT. Pibby’s Room – DAY

Pibby’s room is a chaotic mess of colorful toys and scattered drawing supplies. Pibby, tied to her bedpost with colorful yarn, struggles against her bonds. Her mouth is stuffed with a fluffy bunny plush.

PIBBY (Muffled) B-bun! Help!

BUN BUN (O.S.) I’m coming, Pibby! Just hold on!

Suddenly, the door bursts open, revealing Bun Bun, a worried expression on his face. He’s dressed in a makeshift superhero costume: a bed sheet with a drawn-on lightning bolt, a cardboard crown, and a pair of socks on his hands as gloves.

BUN BUN Don’t worry, Pibby! Your brave bunny is here!

He runs over to Pibby, looking around frantically.

BUN BUN Who did this to you? Was it the monsters? The Glitch? The… the…

PIBBY (Muffled) The… the…

Bun Bun frantically tries to untie the yarn with his sock-gloved hands.

BUN BUN I can’t believe they’d do this! You’re supposed to be safe in your own room!

He struggles for a moment, then notices a pair of scissors on Pibby’s desk. He grabs them with his teeth and carefully snips the yarn.

PIBBY (As Bun Bun frees her) I’m okay, Bun Bun. But I can’t really talk…

BUN BUN I know, I know. Don’t worry. We’ll get that plush out of your mouth. I’ll… I’ll just…

He fumbles around, trying to remove the plush.

PIBBY (Laughing) Oh, Bun Bun! You’re so cute!

He finally manages to pull the plush out, revealing a very red, slightly chapped Pibby face.

BUN BUN See? All better! Now, tell me, who did this to you?

PIBBY It was… it was…

Suddenly, the door slams open again, revealing a grinning, pixelated monster.

MONSTER Hello, friends! Are you having a good time?

The monster is holding a large, glowing, pixelated hammer. Pibby shrinks back in fear.

BUN BUN You! You’re the one who tied up Pibby!

MONSTER Oh, please. It was just a little fun. Everyone loves a good game of…

He throws the hammer into the air, causing the entire room to start glitching and distorting.

PIBBY Bun Bun! Run!

BUN BUN But… Pibby!

PIBBY Just go! I’ll be okay!

Bun Bun, despite his fear, turns and runs towards the door, yelling back to Pibby.

BUN BUN I’m coming back for you! Just hang in there!

He bursts out of the door, leaving Pibby alone with the monster.

PIBBY (To herself) This is going to be interesting… **