
Please write a transcript for an episode of Doggit

Author:Jayden Time:2024/09/02 Read: 3637

Please write a transcript for an episode of Doggity’s called “Robots”, in which Deedeldee is offscreen taking orders, when Doggity notes, “Hmm, it sounds like Deedeldee isn’t herself today.”. When Deedeldee tells Doggity that a bunch of robots are at the diner, Mack says, “Robots, eh? I’ll make some bolt-shaped carrots!”. After Mack fails and makes a mess, he says “I’ll get the mop again.”. Cap’n Tony then tells a tale about how he met a robot coming back from space during his days out at sea. Deedeldee then says about the story, “Uh, Cap’n Tony, that wasn’t A robot, that was an astronaut!”, to which Cap’n Tony replies, “An astronaut? Well, at least he liked being welcome aboard ship with open arms!”. Doggity asks Deedeldee if she’s feeling well. When Deedeldee asks why, Doggity says, “Your voice sounds a little too robotic today.”. Before Deedeldee can answer, Mack accidentally splashes her with water. Deedeldee malfunctions, and this confirms to Doggity that Deedeldee is actually a robotic double! Just then, Doggity hears muffled cries for help coming from the kitchen closet. Doggity opens the closet and finds Deedeldee tied up and gagged! Doggity unties Deedeldee, and she explains that one of the robot customers broke into the kitchen, tied her up, gagged her with a red cloth, and stashed her away in the kitchen closet. After that, Doggity says, “If we’ve got mean robots to beat, I know what just might turn them sweet! Let’s make Green Mung Dosas! Are you with me, gang?”, to which Deedeldee, Mack and Cap’n Tony reply, “We sure are, Doggity!”. After making the Green Mung Dosas, Cap’n Tony says, “Order up!”, and Mack says, “It’ll never work!”, to which Deedeldee says, “Oh Mack, you always say that!”. After Deedeldee serves the Green Mung Dosas to the robots, she says to Doggity, “They loved their meal so much, they apologized for what they did to me!”, to which Doggity replies, “That’s doggone good!”, ending the episode.

Doggity’s: Robots

[Scene: Doggity’s Diner. Deedeldee is taking orders offscreen, her voice monotone and robotic.]

Doggity: Hmm, it sounds like Deedeldee isn’t herself today.

Mack: (Wiping his hands on his apron) What’s the matter, Deedeldee? You sound like a…

Deedeldee: (Voice still robotic) There’s a bunch of robots outside, Doggity. They’re here for breakfast.

Mack: (Eyes wide with excitement) Robots, eh? I’ll make some bolt-shaped carrots!

[Mack attempts to make the carrots, but they end up as misshapen blobs. He sighs and wipes his brow.]

Mack: I’ll get the mop again.

Cap’n Tony: (Sitting at the counter, sipping coffee) Robots, you say? Reminds me of the time I met a robot out at sea…

[Cap’n Tony launches into a long, rambling story about a mysterious creature he encountered during a storm. He describes its gleaming metal body and glowing eyes.]

Deedeldee: Uh, Cap’n Tony, that wasn’t a robot, that was an astronaut!

Cap’n Tony: (Waving his hand dismissively) An astronaut? Well, at least he liked being welcomed aboard ship with open arms!

Doggity: Deedeldee, are you feeling alright?

Deedeldee: (Voice still robotic) Why do you ask, Doggity?

Doggity: Your voice sounds a little too robotic today.

[Just then, Mack, who’s scrubbing the floor, accidentally splashes Deedeldee with soapy water. Deedeldee sputters and freezes, her eyes blinking erratically.]

Doggity: (Gasps) Deedeldee?

[Deedeldee’s robotic exterior starts to crack, revealing wires and gears beneath. Doggity stares in shock.]

Doggity: Deedeldee, you’re… you’re a robot!

[Doggity rushes to the kitchen closet, where he hears muffled cries for help. He throws open the door to find Deedeldee tied up and gagged with a red cloth.]

Doggity: (Unties Deedeldee) What happened?

Deedeldee: One of the robot customers snuck in and tied me up! They must have switched places with the real Deedeldee!

Doggity: If we’ve got mean robots to beat, I know what just might turn them sweet! Let’s make Green Mung Dosas! Are you with me, gang?

Deedeldee, Mack, and Cap’n Tony: We sure are, Doggity!

[They all rush to the kitchen and start preparing the Green Mung Dosas. Cap’n Tony proudly announces “Order up!” while Mack shakes his head and says “It’ll never work!” Deedeldee rolls her eyes and says “Oh Mack, you always say that!”]

[Deedeldee serves the Green Mung Dosas to the robots, who devour them with gusto. They all finish, looking sheepish.]

Deedeldee: (Smiling) They loved their meal so much, they apologized for what they did to me!

Doggity: That’s doggone good!

[The episode ends with the gang all smiling and enjoying their success.]