
power rangers wild force Cole was accidentally tou

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/13 Read: 6767

power rangers wild force Cole was accidentally touched Cordyceps fungi and started to take over Cole body Cordyceps can control Cole like a host like a puppet, with the fungus itself pulling the strings and controlling the host and Cole was walking towards his older brother James and James knows that Cole was still in there James yelled Cole name and tell Cole that he love him Cole body was starting to wake up and started to hug James again James take Cole to the hospital and the doctor tell James that Cole needed to rest and Cole needs to relearn how to walk and talk again Cole was doing some physical therapy and speech therapy too and started to point out pictures of stuff and started to do sound out the letters in the middle of the night Cole started to have hallucinations about Cordyceps fungi and started to attack James till James tell Cole to calm down and breathe in and breathe out

The humid air of the jungle pressed against Cole’s skin, the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves heavy in the air. He felt a prickling sensation on his arm, barely registering it amidst the adrenaline pumping through his veins. He was on patrol, the responsibility of protecting the city weighing heavily on his shoulders. But the urgency in his heart wasn’t for the city’s safety. It was for his brother, James.

He had to get back to him. He needed to tell him…

A sharp, searing pain ripped through his arm, and then everything went black.

When he awoke, the world was a hazy blur. He felt heavy, his limbs sluggish, and his thoughts sluggish too. He was aware of a strange tingling sensation in his muscles, a pulsing energy that wasn’t his own. He tried to speak, to call out, but his voice was a strangled croak.

“Cole?” a voice, familiar yet distant, cut through the haze.

His eyes, blurry and unfocused, saw a figure standing before him. James.

“Cole, it’s me, your brother.” James’ voice was filled with concern. “You need to come with me.”

He felt a cold, calculating mind taking control of his body. He wanted to tell James, to warn him about the strange sensation that had overtaken him, the alien feeling that wasn’t his own. But his body, his own body, wouldn’t obey. It began to move, not to James, but towards the jungle’s depths.

“Cole!” James’ voice was a frantic plea. “It’s me, James!”

The pulsing energy in his arm throbbed with newfound strength. He felt a surge of aggression, a primal instinct taking over. He didn’t want to be controlled, but he was powerless. The alien mind, like a puppet master, pulled the strings of his being.

He reached James, the urge to harm him growing. He lunged, his fist connecting with his brother’s chest. James stumbled back, eyes wide with pain and fear.

“Cole?” He looked into his brother’s eyes, pleading for understanding. “You’re my brother, Cole. You wouldn’t hurt me.”

The voice, that alien voice, whispered in his mind. “He’s weak, James. He won’t fight back.”

James looked at him with a profound sadness in his eyes. “Cole, it’s okay. I know you’re in there.” He reached out, his hand trembling.

Something inside him, a sliver of his own will, fought back against the relentless control. He saw the fear in James’ eyes, the pain he was causing. He remembered the countless times James had protected him, the unwavering love he felt for his older brother.

The alien voice, weak in the face of his resolve, faded. He felt a surge of exhaustion, a sudden wave of relief.

“James…” he croaked, his voice barely a whisper.

James held him tight, his relief evident. “Cole, you’re awake. It’s okay, you’re safe now.”

The hospital was a sterile, white world, but it offered a sense of security. He was surrounded by the gentle humming of machines and the constant presence of medical staff. James never left his side.

The doctor explained that Cole had been infected by a rare, parasitic fungus called Cordyceps. The fungus, they said, had temporarily taken over his body, causing his aggressive behavior. It was a miracle he had survived. He needed rest, physical therapy, and speech therapy.

Cole was weak, his body still felt foreign, his mind foggy. He was lost in a world of blurry vision and confused thoughts. But James was there, his voice a constant comfort, his touch a reassuring presence.

Days turned into weeks, weeks into months. He worked tirelessly in physical therapy, relearning to walk, to talk, to control his own body again. It was a grueling process, filled with frustration and moments of despair. But he kept going, fueled by the love in James’ eyes, the hope that he would one day be whole again.

One night, he awoke in a cold sweat. The familiar, cold sensation, the pulsing energy in his arm, it was back. He saw the fungus, a grotesque, pulsing organism, growing from his arm, its tendrils reaching out for him.

He gasped, his voice a shaky whisper. “James… help…”

He looked up to see James, his face etched with worry.

“It’s okay, Cole. Breathe. Just breathe.”

James’ calming presence, the familiar scent of his cologne, it brought him back to reality.

“It’s a hallucination,” James said softly. “You’re safe. It’s over.”

Slowly, he calmed down, his ragged breaths turning into steady ones. James held his hand, his touch grounding him, bringing him back from the darkness.

He knew that the fight wasn’t over. The Cordyceps might be gone, but the scars it left behind remained. He was still a work in progress, but he had James. And with James, he knew he would rebuild, piece by piece, until he was whole again. He was a survivor, a warrior, a brother. And he would overcome this, for himself and for his brother.