
Prompt- Ban asks Korrall why she has a strong dist

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/02 Read: 4467

Prompt- Ban asks Korrall why she has a strong distrust of humans. “Humans betrayed Stimga 3,000 years. I saw humans attacking Fairies, Giants, and Goddesses and they began to kill everyone in the forest. A human snuck up behind me and cut my wings off, saying that they were going to sell my wings and get ‘a lot of money for them’.” Korrall said. Lancelot, Ban, and Elaine looked at each other. “I then murdered the human who cut my wings off. After that, I healed my back.” Korrall then added. “Well that explains why you tried to murder me when the Captain introduced me to you 25 years ago.” Ban said. “You’re lucky that you were immortal back then.” Korrall grumbled, knocking Ban on the head with a cup. “Is that why you wouldn’t hold Lancelot when he was a baby?” Elaine asked. “No. I’m just not great with babies. I also refused to hold Tristan when he was a baby.” Korrall said.

Characters- Korrall is a Nephilim. She is a young woman who has short dark auburn hair that reaches down to her shoulders and her locks are wavy. Her hair is also parted on the front side of her face. She has emerald green eyes. On her back, Korrall has four scars from where her wings were before losing them. She wears a high-necked button-up, sleeveless long orange top that ends at the beginning of her thighs that goes over a white pleated skirt. She wears a light brown belt with a gold buckle around the midriff of her waist. She also wears black bike shorts underneath the skirt. She also wears a pair of high-heeled orange boots with five crossed laces with brown heels that extend almost up to her knees. Her ears have two piercings in them. Korrall is a very calm and tenacious woman. She holds a great sense of justice and feels the need to protect her friends from any threats. Korrall has a distaste for violence. Instead, Korrall becomes more of a pacifist. Nevertheless, she is not hesitant to use force when need arises. Despite all of this, Korrall is also quite responsible. Korrall has an aversion and distrust towards humans, which leads to her original animosity towards Ban. This hatred she feels could be a result of the betrayal of humans during the Holy War. 3,000 years ago, she had a kinder, happier and more innocent personality as she felt great empathy for others regardless of race, including demons. Korrall has great speed and perception. She also shows great skills in hand-to-hand combat, having enough accuracy to strike the opponent’s pressure points with deadly effects. She is 5 foot 7 inches tall. She is 3,000+ years old, but physically appears to be 20 years old. Her body stopped ageing at the age of 30. She isn’t a morning person. She doesn’t like chipper people. She isn’t into “girly things”, especially makeup and dresses; she doesn’t wear dresses. She isn’t into cooking. She’s more of a night person rather than a day person. She doesn’t view her own father as her dad. She was raised only by her mother, Heather (Goddess), who divorced her father, Brad (Demon), for cheating when she was only a baby. Korrall looks more like her father but her personality is a lot like her mother. When she uses Light Magic, her eyes turn orange, with a golden triskelion-shaped pupil, and can extend or retract two pairs of ethereal white-feathered wings on her back, the second pair smaller than the first. On the other hand, when she uses Dark Magic, “Dark Marks” (branch-like lines coming from her eyes, and a large black mark on her forehead in the shape of a 4-pointed star) appears on her face and also her eyes become black and the feathers of her wings become black when she is in the grip of strong emotions. Korrall can even activate both her goddess powers and demon powers at the same time, resulting in her left eye being completely black and her right having a triskelion in it. While not always the case it has been shown that the left eye can begin to have dark lines coming from it. Korrall can use the Light Magic of the Goddess Clan as well as the Dark Magic of the Demon Clan, and can manifest these two Magics either separately or simultaneously, which allows her to use “Racial” Magical Powers: Ark: As a descendant of the Goddesses, Korrall is able to generate and manipulate “Divine Light” in the form of particles capable of disintegrating anything they touch, which is particularly effective in countering Dark Magic of Demons or Vampires, but not Chaotic Magic. Healing: As descendants of the Goddesses, Korrall can heal the wounds of any living being, including Demons, provided she has “certain mastery”. Saint Coat: Korrall can surround herself and others with a magical barrier of holy light, in order to resist the miasma of the Demon Realm for a week. Power of Darkness: As a descendant of Demons, Korrall can manipulate her Dark Magic for various purposes, such as increasing her Physical Power. Hellblaze: Korrall can also tap into the Purgatory Fire and project them into inextinguishable black and purple flames. Trillion Dark: Korrall launches a barrage of small spheres of high concentrated darkness at the opponent. Dark Prominence: Korrall infuses her sword with the power of darkness and performs a powerful slash. Flight: As descendants of the Goddesses, Korrall can deploy two pairs of ethereal white-feathered wings on her back, the second pair smaller than the first, allowing her to move through the air. The feathers turn black when she deploys her Dark Magic. When using both Light Magic and Dark Magic, one set of wings is an ethereal white, and the other set of wings is a demonic black. Star-Shaped Slashes: Using what she dubs “Djinn’s Blades”, Korrall can project invisible slashes (originating from glowing stars of light in the air) with simple hand gestures, usually swiping her outstretched index and middle finger. These slashes (likely made of air) are very potent, able to tear through human flesh and carve up bedrock easily. They are mainly used offensively and can also serve to counter enemy attacks, dispersing them. Thanks to her well-honed technique, Korrall can direct the path of her slashes with high precision, able to pursue a rapidly flying target with them. The star shapes have a red-glowing color scheme. Belfest Margot: Raising her hands to bring forth the “Djinn’s Blades”, Korrall spawns a myriad of small, twinkling orbs in the air around her opponents, which then expand into larger stars to cut her opponents to ribbons. Time Regression Spell: A technique learned from the Goddess Clan, that allows to send the soul of someone to the past. Korrall owns a sword named Carnwennan sheathed in the sword holster strapped to her belt. Carnwennan is a magical sword created by the giants craftsman Dubs and currently wielded by Korrall. Carnwennan appears as a longsword. The handle is composed of a black and white square design, with a round knob and two small wings under the blade, one white bird and the other black bat. The blade has markings that range between black and white, formed of small black and white wings, which represents “Yin-yang”, a symbol of unity. Created with the power of Chaos, Carnwennan is able to instantly and completely regenerate its blade from any kind of damage. Lancelot is Korrall’s boyfriend.

Lancelot is the son of Ban and Elaine, and the prince of the Kingdom of Benwick. At the age of 10, he went missing with his teacher Jericho. Six years later, he reappeared as a mysterious talking fox named Sin and accompanied Percival in his journey, and later reveal his human form, as a Holy Knight of Liones, and one of the Four Knights of the Apocalypse, the Knight of War. He is 5 foot 9 inches tall. He has a set of fangs. He demonstrates symptoms of somniloquy (sleep talking). Lancelot is right-handed, but he says he prefers to fight with his left hand, because he finds it more “stylish”. Unlike his parents, Lancelot shows a high tolerance to alcohol. An untransformed Lancelot can’t fly like his mother Elaine, because he is also a human. As a Fairy/Human Hybrid, Lancelot gives off a faint scent of lemon. Lancelot’s sense of time is more like a human’s, as to a fairy’s. He is 28 years old. Lancelot made a promise to Tristan that he would help him whenever he got out of control. When he was 10 years old, Lancelot seems to inherit both of his parents’ traits, although he inherited his mother’s facial features, causing most people to mistake him for a girl upon meeting him. He has magenta red eyes and he had short blond hair that reached his chin, but later cut it much shorter to look more like a boy’s, revealing the scar above his eyebrow that he got from Tristan  in a fight. As a teenager, Lancelot is taller and with more defined musculature. His hairstyle is more pointed, more similar to his father’s. He wears a sleeveless white and red shirt with a white hood, a black glove on his right hand, a silver gauntlet on his left wrist, red pants, and white shoes. These clothes were made by his uncle, King. He wears his father’s old necklace, four red rubies; two small rubies and the other two are bigger, incased in a silver pendent that hangs on a long chain that reaches the waist band of his pants. As a Fairy, he appeared as a small, chubby, four-winged Fairy with turquoise and yellow hair and dark skin. He wears a red and white coat, a black glove on his right hand, a gauntlet on his left wrist, brown pants, and a pair of black shoes. As Sin, he takes the appearance of a small fox with pink fur covering most of his body, except on the underside and the tip of his tail which are white. He wears a collar with a small crystal pendant around his neck and his eyes often appear closed. This shape and his name are in honor of his father. At first glance, Lancelot appears to be cheerful and friendly towards a con artist merchant, appearing naive and innocent, but he later revealed a crueler side, similar to his father, when he sees that the merchant was tricking the fairies with junk to get their treasures. Just like his mother, Lancelot always seems to be a very serious, quiet, stoic and responsible person, however, he also takes a little after his father, such as his sloppy and playful nature. Like his parents, he rarely shows any compassion for his enemy, never hesitating to kill them when necessary. Although he rarely shows it, he cares deeply for those he loves, determined to punish anyone who makes them suffer. As Sin, he was blunt and straightforward in his conversation with Percival and Donny after saving them from Pellegarde. At first, he showed no interest in Percival, as he did not bother to speak to him until he had reason to believe that the boy was one of the Four Knights of the Apocalypse, as he claims to be part of a group that opposes King Arthur Pendragon and the Holy Knights of Camelot who hunt down the four in hopes of preventing the prophecy of the world’s destruction from being in their hands. His attitude shows that he approaches the matter in a professional manner and casually dismisses Percival’s retort that he will not destroy the world, claiming that, despite what the boy intends, it is destined to happen and cannot be avoided. Lancelot has a close and loving relationship with his father. Despite being frustrated with his occasional lack of disposition as king, Lancelot has great admiration for him and constantly tries to act like a responsible adult so that he will recognize and praise him. Despite staying away for years and showing some embarrassment at being seen by him, Lancelot still retains his admiration for his father, which is demonstrated in how he decides to assume the form and name of “Sin” in honor of him. Lancelot is shown to have a good relationship with his mother, being able to talk to her about things that he does not tell his father. As the son of Ban and Elaine, Lancelot has had above-average combat skills and physical abilities since the age of 10, with better reflexes than an adult Human. He was strong enough to almost completely shatter a rock with a makeshift spear. At age 18, his physical abilities and combat skills have improved such that he could kill Doronach with a single boost. During his duel against Arthur, he was able to match and even surpass him, thus forcing the king to use his Chaotic Magic. Tristan states that after his “disappearance”, Lancelot’s power had increased until it completely exceeded his own, allowing him to match the Seven Deadly Sins. Lancelot has great speed and perception, being able to easily track Fiddich, despite his Haste, even blocking him with a simple kick before he begins to run. He also shows great skills in archery, having enough accuracy to strike the opponent’s pressure points with deadly effects. During his fight against Nanashi, a Goddess comparable to the Four Archangels, aside from handling his armed and unarmed attacks without injury, Lancelot as described by Gawain, unleashed a “laughably huge amount of magical power”. Lancelot’s magical aura emits reflections similar to blue lightning with silvery-white sparks. Hazy Moon: Lancelot’s magic allows him to unleash exceedingly destructive energy attacks resembling blasts of light, with almost anything struck and engulfed by them disintegrating within moments. The power of Lancelot’s blasts is so immense that a single one could bring Nanashi, a goddess said to rival the Four Archangels, to near death, the latter surviving only thanks to his self-healing power. Lancelot prefers to use his ability through handheld weaponry; however, Lancelot’s magic is so enormous that most weapons shatter apart after channeling his power merely once. Hence, Lancelot has expressed a desire to gain a weapon custom-made for him by the master craftsman of the giants, Dubs — a weapon that can withstand his power without shattering. During his fight with Nanashi, Lancelot showcased another aspect of his power. His magical energy can take in and assimilate the magic of others to grow in potency, as seen when Lancelot absorbed Nanashi’s ultimate “secret technique” that had once gravely wounded King Arthur himself, subsequently being engulfed in a vast aura of magic; Nanashi compared this phenomenon to “a mighty river swallowing up its tributaries”. The skills of Hazy Moon are: Shining Road: By pointing a weapon at an enemy, Lancelot fires a beam of light that chases the target at high speed pulverizing them. Stomach Ray: Lancelot shoots a magic-imbued arrow from the belly of an Albion. Magic Energy Manipulation: Lancelot can shape his magical energy into various things, such as weapons, like Talisker’s long-staffed axe. Heart Reading: Much like his mother and the other Fairies, Lancelot is able to decipher the thoughts, memories, and emotions of those around him. His ability seems far superior to that of other Fairies, as he seems able to project his own thoughts into the minds of others. Photographic Reflexes: By reading the mind of an adversary, or the memories of an ally concerning said adversary, Lancelot becomes able to reproduce their styles of physical combat, without replicating his Magic. Transformation: Much like his maternal uncle and the other Fairies, Lancelot is able to alter his physical appearance. He usually uses it to transform into a small pink fox named “Sin”, but can also impersonate a simple Fairy. His Transformation seems far superior to that of other Fairies, since he seems capable of adopting the abilities of those whose appearance he takes, such as the Levitation of Fairies or the superior strength of Giants. His signature weapon is his Fairy Bow: A shortbow and favored weapon carved by Lancelot out of ebony wood, made as light as a feather thanks to King’s “blessing”. Lancelot carries it across his chest. The Fairy Bow is a medium gray bow with stem patterns along its length. However, in the hands of someone other than himself, it returns to its original weight. Each of the arrows kept in his gauntlets are enchanted and returns to their original length when removed from it. Lancelot uses the bow and arrows as no other weapon can support his magical power with the magic-imbued arrows being easier to replace. Korrall is Lancelot’s girlfriend.

Ban is the Fox’s Sin of Greed of the Seven Deadly Sins, the husband of Elaine, father of Lancelot, and the king of Benwick. His Sacred Treasure is the Holy Rod Courechouse. He is known for his super resilience due to his time spent in Purgatory, and formerly, his immortality which he gave up in order to resurrect Elaine. His Power is Snatch. Ban is a very tall, muscular man with pale tan skin, who possesses a set of well-developed abdominal muscles and usually has a slouch. He has short, spiky, cyan hair and thin black eyebrows, and magenta red eyes. On the left side of his jaw and extending down to his neck, he has a large scar given to him by Meliodas. He is shown wearing a red leather jacket and pants with metal studs sewn into both alongside shoes of a similar, yet darker color. Ban has the symbol of a fox on the left side of his waist. He is at least 1132 years old (chronologically) but ~41 years old (biologically). He is 6 foot 11 inches tall. Ban is shown to be a passionate man. He takes actions based on whatever catches his interest such as escaping from prison after hearing his captain was alive and trying to steal Meliodas’ sword, Dragon Handle, in order to discover why it was so important to him. He has shown some aspects of greed as well as selfish desire; however, he will stay his hand if he is given a good reason to stop. He has a strange habit of making singing tones while talking, which he developed at a young age after he was adopted by Zhivago. Though he can be selfish and greedy, he is also shown to be caring, which is shown when he rushed toward Elaine to save her despite being a “bad person”. Ban is easily surprised and excited as shown when he discovers Hawk’s ability to talk and that the child he was fighting is actually King. Furthermore, when King transformed back into his previous, larger form, Ban was the only one who appeared to be astonished. Ban carries a deep hatred toward the Demon Clan, holding a grudge against them for killing Elaine, and he despises the very thought of resurrecting the clan. Occasionally, Ban seems to act out of character. When Ban was planning to get the Horn of Cernunnos located under Kingdom of Liones’ castle to revive Elaine, he was planning to save the kingdom and be given the horn as a reward rather than stealing it for unknown reasons. Additionally, Ban has told the other Deadly Sins to not get into Meliodas’ past as it was against their rules. Ban even told Meliodas that killing Dale as he is was the best thing for him, and that he should not be naive. As a member of the Seven Deadly Sins, Ban is very powerful. His speed and strength greatly surpass that of an ordinary human, and his specialty is using his speed in conjunction with his ability, Snatch, in order to rip out opponents’ organs, preferably their hearts. His most amazing ability, however, was his immortality. Thanks to drinking from the Fountain of Youth, all of Ban’s wounds healed almost instantaneously no matter how severe. He also does not age, does not need to eat or drink, and is immune to all poisons. His immortality allows him to fight with a much more reckless style than most are willing. Ban’s blood has healing qualities because it was fused with the Fountain of Youth, as seen by it being able to heal others’ wounds and regenerate the Fairy King’s Forest completely. However, Ban lost this ability after using the power of the Fountain of Youth to revive Elaine. Due to his time subjected to the harsh conditions of Purgatory, Ban’s endurance and durability have drastically increased. His physique has evolved and adapted so much that even after having lost his immortality, Ban could still withstand similar conditions and come out completely unharmed; this is shown when he suffers no injuries from the Demon King’s energy storm, which could wipe out any living thing according to Gowther, to the point of Ban even calling it a gentle breeze compared to Purgatory. The limits of Ban’s physical resilience are further demonstrated when he was able to withstand several blows from the Demon King with only minor injuries. He was also able to tank the Supreme Deity’s God Thunder that was able to severely injure King, Gowther and Diane while Ban was completely unfazed by it, which Supreme Deity acknowledges due to him surviving Purgatory. His physical strength and speed also increased dramatically from the many centuries adapting, living, hunting and fighting the Demon King in Purgatory. Ban’s combat abilities had increased to the point that he was able to compete in physical combat, without using Snatch, against the Demon King in Meliodas’ body, who had just overwhelmed the Sins and two of the strongest Archangels effortlessly; King himself pointed out that he gained power that surpasses the Fountain of Youth. 18 years later, Ban’s might proved to be such that he was able to defeat Ironside without damage and with his power reduced to one-tenth by Miltonduff. Snatch: An ability that allows Ban to “rob” physical objects, thus grabbing them, and also the physical abilities of others, weakening them while gaining more strength and speed. However, there is a limit to how much strength Ban can rob from a person, in order to not damage himself with overwhelming power. Using a form of Snatch, Ban is also able to steal body parts from his opponents such as a heart or an arm in the blink of an eye. Physical Hunt: A characteristic technique of Ban’s magic that allows him to temporarily steal all of his opponents physical abilities, including both their strength and speed. These abilities are added to his own. Hunter Fest: A technique that allows Ban to steal the physical strength of every living creature within a hundred foot radius of himself. However, as noted by Melascula, there is a limit to how much strength Ban can rob a person from, as seen in his encounter with Galand. Once the limit is reached, Ban is incapable of robbing the person of more power as it puts his own body in danger. After using Hunter Fest to its limit, Ban becomes heavily fatigued to the point that he is incapable of fulfilling the simplest of tasks such as walking. Gift: Using this technique, Ban is able to transfer his own life force and strength to another being. Having lost his immortality, the limit in how much of his strength he can give is yet uncertain. Fox Huntl: A technique best used in conjunction with a far-reaching weapon. Boasting pinpoint accuracy, the technique allows Ban to swiftly grab hold of an object and pull it towards himself, seemingly bypassing any obstructions. Crazy Hunt: A technique used by Ban to extract the vital organs of multiple enemies simultaneously. Banishing Kill: Ban uses his power to pull himself over a distance, delivering a near instantaneous and fatal slash to his opponent as he is propelled across from them. Assault Hunt: A powerful but savage attack where Ban is thrust forward, beheading any caught in his path. This technique allows him to dispose of a large group of enemies in a single assault. Crazy Rush: A technique that attacks multiple enemies in a single moment no matter the distance. Zero Sign: A technique that somehow makes Ban invisible and undetectable, possibly by “stealing” one’s perception of him and making it easy to sneak up on enemies. Effective enough that Monspeet who was able to sense people watching him through a crystal ball hundreds of meters away was still unable to sense Ban when using this ability. Courechouse: As a member of the Seven Deadly Sins, Ban possessed a Sacred Treasure, which was stolen during his imprisonment by the Weird Fangs.  Later, it is returned to him by Merlin during the fight against an Indura. It has the ability to lengthen and distort its chain angle, allowing the wielder to attack from any angle at any opponent over a significant distance. Its special ability is Super Concentration, which pushes Ban’s physical and mental capabilities to their limit.

Elaine is the younger sister of the Fairy King Harlequin, the wife of Ban, mother of Lancelot, and the queen of Benwick. Initially tasked to guard the Fountain of Youth, her encounter with Ban led them to grow mutual feelings for each other, even after the destruction of Fairy King’s Forest and her own death. Elaine would later be revived by Melascula, and Ban ultimately gave up his immortality to fully revive her. Elaine is a slender pale-skinned female with a very petite frame. She has neck-length blonde hair, big amber eyes and long, thin eyelashes. She is approximately 1,000+ years old. She is 5 foot 2 inches tall. Despite being around 1000 years old, Elaine initially resembles a human child. When her large and elegant wings finally grew in, her appearance became more mature gaining a older and more mature figure and her hair lengthened. However, she returns to her former appearance if her magical power is completely depleted. Like her older brother, Elaine was initially distrustful of humans due to the repeated attempts to steal the water of the Fountain of Youth with malicious intent. This changed after she met and began trusting Ban by reading his heart, even developing feelings for him as a result. Like Elizabeth, Elaine is a very harmonic, curious and open-minded individual, noticing differences but respecting them due to thinking all things and beings and their properties complement each other. Elaine has shown to be a very kind, caring girl who tends to put others’ well-being before her own. This was shown when she passed most of her life inside the Fairy King’s forest for her people’s safety even if it wasn’t her duty and wanted to be traveling around the world. She is willing to forgive King for abandoning their people but initially was both disappointed and unhappy for his actions. Furthermore, Elaine even almost sacrificed her second chance to live for the Four Races’ safety, only not doing so after Merlin found a calmer solution. Due to Ban’s encouragement in trying out ale, Elaine becomes quite angry, bashful and easily embarrassed while drunk, sharing these traits with King. After being revived by Melascula via her demon magic, Elaine became darker and hostile to anyone spent time with Ban regardless if they are friend or foe, though she eventually returned to her innocent nature after expelling the demonic influence thanks to Jericho and Ban. Even when under the darker influence, her love was prevailing; after injuring Ban unintentionally, Elaine wasted no time in kissing her lover. Before meeting Ban, Elaine was powerful enough to protect the Fountain of Youth by herself in her brother’s place. According to Zhivago, the Holy Maiden was capable of overpowering an entire army of Holy Knights. Like her brother, Elaine’s power increased incredibly after her wings grew, which allowed her to further aid Elizabeth and the Sins against one of the Ten Commandments. Miracle Wind: Elaine’s special ability consist of wind manipulation through a mere flick of her hand. She mostly uses it to blow physical objects or people away, though also has been seen manipulating the shape of wind itself. All-Wind Rage: Elaine raises her arms and calls forth a great gale to blow away her enemies. Reverse Scale of the Breeze: With a flick of her wrist, Elaine blasts her opponent through forming a circular barrier of wind. Golden Scales: Elaine raises both arms and calls forth a more powerful gale to crush her enemies to the ground. Whirlwind of Pursuit: Elaine attacks her opponent with several large, extremely sharp projectiles of wind. Tempest Falls: Elaine creates several huge tornadoes around an opponent. Nature Manipulation: Elaine has the ability to manipulate nature to a certain degree: Inside the Fairy King’s Forest, she can control the branches of trees as her limbs, thus being capable of immobilizing or harming individuals. Levitation: Like most fairies, Elaine possesses the ability of levitate and flight, thus standing in the mid-air. She demonstrates great skill, able to levitate objects and people with ease. Her enhanced speed allows her to move quickly through the air, she’s shown being capable of using her wings to take off to the sky with Ban in toe after rescuing him from the jaws of Melascula without her notice. Heart Reading: Elaine also has the ability to read human minds, thoughts and memories, a common ability among fairies. Transformation: An ability that allows a user to alter their physical appearance and apparels. This seems to be a common ability among fairies, it however was not seen due to her never needing it.

Setting- Britannia, Benwick (Benwick is a fairy kingdom ruled by King Ban and Queen Elaine. It is the only fairy kingdom that allows commerce with humans), during the day.

Atmosphere- calm

The warm afternoon sun cast long shadows across the bustling marketplace of Benwick. Laughter and chatter filled the air as fairies and humans alike haggled over wares, their voices blending with the melody of wind chimes and the clinking of coins. In the heart of the bustling scene, Ban, the Fox’s Sin of Greed, leaned against a stall, a mischievous glint in his magenta eyes. Across from him, Korrall, the Nephilim, sat with Lancelot and Elaine, her emerald gaze fixed on the bustling scene with a distant, melancholic expression.

“Why do you have such a strong distrust of humans, Korrall?” Ban asked, his voice laced with amusement.

Korrall’s brow furrowed. “Humans betrayed Stimga 3,000 years ago. I saw them attacking fairies, giants, and goddesses, laying waste to the forest. One human snuck up behind me and cut off my wings, saying he’d sell them for a lot of money.” Her voice was calm, but the scars that ran across her back spoke volumes.

“I murdered him. Then I healed myself.” She added, her voice devoid of remorse.

Lancelot, Elaine, and Ban exchanged a bewildered look. “That explains why you tried to murder me when the Captain introduced us 25 years ago,” Ban said, a wry smile playing on his lips.

“You were lucky I was immortal back then,” Korrall grumbled, knocking Ban on the head with a ceramic cup.

Elaine, ever the gentle soul, interjected, “Is that why you wouldn’t hold Lancelot when he was a baby?”

“No. I’m just not great with babies. I refused to hold Tristan when he was a baby too.” Korrall’s answer was blunt, but a hint of something akin to tenderness flickered in her eyes.

Lancelot, who had been silently watching the exchange, chuckled. “It’s alright, Korrall. I understand. Humans can be… complicated.”

Korrall nodded, a small smile touching her lips. “That they are, Lancelot. But they are not all bad.” She glanced at Ban, her eyes softening. “And you, Ban, are proof of that.”

The conversation drifted, the warmth of the afternoon sun enveloping them like a blanket. The marketplace buzzed around them, a symphony of human and fairy life. But in the heart of the bustling scene, a newfound understanding had bloomed. Korrall’s distrust of humans was undeniable, yet she had found solace, acceptance, and love in the company of these two, a human and a fairy, who had become her family.

As the sun dipped towards the horizon, casting long shadows across the marketplace, Korrall felt a sense of peace settle within her. She had come a long way from the shattered innocence of her youth. The scars on her back were a constant reminder of the betrayal and pain she had endured, but they also served as a testament to her resilience and the strength of her spirit. And she knew, deep down, that with Lancelot and Ban by her side, she could face any challenge that came her way.