
Prompt- Korrall (her wings are out; one set of win

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/08/22 Read: 3089

Prompt- Korrall (her wings are out; one set of wings is an ethereal white, and the other set of wings is a demonic black), Io (wearing a button-up shirt and a black skirt), Elizabeth, Meliodas, Zeldris, Gelda, Jeff, Liu, Thetis, Tristan, Belinos, and Percival are all relaxing. Thetis, Tristan, Belinos, and Percival are all asleep in their tent. Zeldris is sitting next to Liu, who had Korrall’s sleeping form in his arms.

Characters- Korrall is a Nephilim. She is a toned woman who has dark auburn hair that reaches just past her shoulders and green eyes. She wears a V-neck blue vest, made with the skin of indigenous species, that has three silver diamond-shaped buttons; the vest covers her shoulders and slightly exposes her chest with a small up-turned collar, and slightly opens at the hem. The blue gloves and knee-length pants have a leather-like appearance to it, and both have the same diamond-shaped button on it, and a pair of black boots. Her ears have two piercings in them. Korrall has a laid back demeanor. She is usually calm and does not seem to be shocked by many events. Although, Korrall has a very quick temper when certain buttons are pushed. She has also shown a somewhat teasing and playful side. Despite all of this, Korrall is also quite responsible. Despite Korrall talking in very few words, Zeldris appears to perfectly understand what she is thinking in full depth even if she does not go into detail and talks in a plain yet very awkward way, which led Zeldris to translate what Korrall says to the others. She is 4 foot 9 inches tall. She is 3,272 years old, but physically appears to be 20 years old. Born on August 31. She is very good at drawing in an anime type style. She isn’t a morning person. She doesn’t like chipper people. She isn’t into “girly things”, especially makeup and dresses; she doesn’t wear dresses. She has a sense of dark humor. She isn’t into cooking. She’s more of a night person rather than a day person. She doesn’t view her own father as her dad. She was raised only by her mother, Heather (Goddess), who divorced her father, Brad (Demon), for cheating when she was only a baby. Korrall looks more like her father but her personality is a lot like her mother. Korrall is a Nephilim (Nephilims are hybrid beings resulting from the natural union between an angelic Goddess and a Demon. Korrall and Tristan are the only known cases. Because of the long millennia of rivalry between the Godesss and Demon Clans, the simple conception of the Nephilim constitutes an extremely rare phenomenon and would even be seen today as an aberration by certain Demons who would not have given up to their contempt for the Goddess Clan and its allies. The Nephilim can have an appearance identical to that of Humans, which allows them to live quite easily among them. When she uses Light Magic, her eyes turn orange, with a golden triskelion-shaped pupil, and can extend or retract two pairs of ethereal white-feathered wings on her back, the second pair smaller than the first. On the other hand, when she uses Dark Magic, “Dark Marks” (branch-like lines coming from them, and a large black mark on her forehead in the shape of a 4-pointed star) appears on her face and also her eyes become black and the feathers of her wings become black when she is in the grip of strong emotions. While using only Demon power, Korrall loses control over herself, becoming more violent and quickly losing the ability to converse reason, even throwing tantrums against her comrades. Korrall can even activate both her goddess powers and demon powers at the same time, resulting in her left eye being completely black and her right having a triskelion in it. While not always the case it has been shown that the left eye can begin to have dark lines coming from it. Korrall can use the Light Magic of the Goddess Clan as well as the Dark Magic of the Demon Clan, and can manifest these two Magics either separately or simultaneously, which allows her to use “Racial” Magical Powers: Ark: As a descendant of the Goddesses, Korrall is able to generate and manipulate “Divine Light” in the form of particles capable of disintegrating anything they touch, which is particularly effective in countering Dark Magic of Demons or Vampires, but not Chaotic Magic. Healing: As descendants of the Goddesses, Korrall can heal the wounds of any living being, including Demons, provided she has “certain mastery”. Twinkle Star: Korrall blasts the opponent with an enormous Ark in the form of a cross star. Heal Star: Korrall instantly heals and vanishes pain from her targets. However, this power does not work on curses or illnesses. Enchantment: Heaven’s Lightning: Korrall enchants her sword, which gains power enough to be able to cut through an demon’s hold. Star Breaker: Korrall enchants her sword creating a big blade out of light. Falling Star: While flying above her target, Korrall releases a shower of light projectiles over them, resembling shooting stars. Saint Coat: Korrall can surround herself and others with a magical barrier of holy light, in order to resist the miasma of the Demon Realm for six hours. However, it doesn’t seem to work on diseases or curses. Invigorate: After being in a drunken state, Korrall uses Ark as a form of healing to return herself to her normal state of mind, or to heal others. Sanctuary: Using Ark, Korrall creates a crystal-like octahedron used as a barrier to protect herself and others from demonic energy. Ruby Shine: Korrall generates a blinding light to obstruct her opponents field of vision. Power of Darkness: As a descendant of Demons, Korrall can manipulate her Dark Magic for various purposes, such as increasing her Physical Power. Hellblaze: Korrall can also tap into the Purgatory Fire and project them into inextinguishable black and purple flames. Dark Snow: Korrall generates and disperses countless compressed dark particles before propelling them against the opponent. Annihilation: Korrall combines her Falling Star with her Dark Snow, causing both forces to cancel out each other and cause a chain explosion that erases matter regardless of their magic resistance or physical durability. Flight: As descendants of the Goddesses, Korrall can deploy two pairs of ethereal white-feathered wings on her back, the second pair smaller than the first, allowing her to move through the air. The feathers turn black when she deploys her Dark Magic. When using both Light Magic and Dark Magic, one set of wings is an ethereal white, and the other set of wings is a demonic black). Her Power Level is a Total of 52,000 (Magic: 1,500/ Strength: 48,000/ Spirit: 2,500). Korrall owns a sword named Carnwennan sheathed in the sword holster strapped to her belt. Carnwennan is a magical sword created by the Lady of the Lake and currently wielded by Korrall. Carnwennan appears as a longsword. The handle is composed of a black and white square design, with a round knob and two small wings under the blade, one white bird and the other black bat. The blade has markings that range between black and white, formed of small black and white wings, which represents “Yin-yang”, a symbol of unity. Carnwennan has the abilities of the Commandments and the Graces. The Commandments are a set of ten decrees. Each Commandment has a specific rule that, if broken, will place a specific curse on the victim(s) depending on what the Commandment itself is centered around. The power of the Commandments is absolute and affects anyone who breaks its rule, even the wielder itself. However, anyone who has a Commandment is immune to all others except their own. The curse can only be broken if the victim defeats the wielder of that decree or at their own death. The Commandments- Faith: Anyone who shows a lack of faith will have their eyes set ablaze. Love: Anyone who holds hatred in their heart will be unable to afflict harm on anyone else. Pacifism: Anyone who kills will rapidly have their own time stolen away, causing them to rapidly age and die. Truth: Anyone who lies or goes back on their word will be turned to stone. Selflessness: Anyone who holds desire from another person will lose their memories, emotions, and sense of self. Reticence: Anyone who expresses hidden feeling and/or emotions will be rendered unable to speak. Repose: Anyone who fights without rest will get their magic sealed away. Purity: Anyone who conducts impure deeds will be inflicted with illness. Piety: Anyone who shows their back to the wielder will become an obedient slave of the commandment’s holder. Patience: Anyone who shows intolerance of pain will be inflicted with further pain. The Graces are four unique powers. These powers give their users a special ability and augments both their magical and raw power. If a human tried to take in a Grace, it would destroy their body and kill them. The Graces- Flash: Allows the user to move at amazing speeds, to the point where it seems like teleportation. Ocean: Allows the user to make powerful currents of water, turn their body into water to avoid attacks or even create an entire ocean in a plane different from the normal world. Sunshine: Allows the user to create and manipulate a minimized sun. Also makes the user become stronger with the rise of the sun; they can become nigh-invincible at noon, but it will also weaken the user as the sun sets. Considered to be the strongest of the four Graces. Tornado: Allows the user to create powerful winds that can slice apart anything they touch and protect themselves in a wind sphere. Jeff and Liu are frequent visitors that Korrall enjoys spending her time with. Liu is her lover. Meliodas is like a brother to Korrall. Io is Korrall’s closest friend. Zeldris is Korrall’s best friend and he is like a brother to her. Elizabeth is Korrall’s closest friend. Gelda and Korrall greatly care about each other. Thetis is Korrall’s surrogate daughter. Belinos is Korrall’s nephew. Percival is Korrall’s surrogate nephew. Tristan is Korrall’s nephew.

Ioradio Velviger, goes by Io, is a Demon disguising as a Human woman. Ioradio is a humanoid demon with large bulges on her head covering her eyes, two little wings, dark spots on her chest and waist, and two long, branching arms. In her human form, Ioradio is a beautiful woman with a voluptuous, curvaceous body, long beige hair with a pink streak, and lilac eyes. Whenever she reverts to her demonic form, her clothes always tear. Ioradio is shown to be mischievous and totally shameless, as she doesn’t mind being naked in front of others, although this may be because her species is not used to wearing clothes. She also cares for her companions as she will do anything to keep them safe. Ioradio proves to be quick enough to dodge Korrall’s attacks and was able to fight on par with her, until she used her demon and goddess powers in conjunction, at which point Ioradio is quickly defeated. She can spit an adhesive substance that is resistant to fire and magic. Ioradio also has the ability to transform into a human to disguise herself as one to blend in with human villages and towns, although she tears off her clothes every time she resumes her true appearance. In her demon form, she is able to use her wing-like bumps to fly. Her magical power is Jamming: Jamming is a power possessed by Ioradio Velviger. This power allows the user to place an enchantment over a specific location, nullifying all sorts of magical detection within that area. This applies to the natural ability to detect magic, as well as other Search-type magic. Korrall and Elizabeth are Ioradio’s best friends. Ioradio views Elizabeth as a sister-like-figure. Meliodas is a close friend of Korrall. Ioradio can able to understand Korrall’s strange way of speaking. As a Demon, she is able to speak the language of Demons. She is 5 foot 9 inches tall. She is 177 years old, but physically appears to be 20 years old. She is Jeff’s lover. Belinos is her son.

Elizabeth is one of the highest-ranked members of the Goddess Clan and the Supreme Deity’s, her mother’s, daughter and the lover of Meliodas. She is also Tristan’s mother, and the current queen of the Kingdom of Liones. Due to her helping members of the Demon Clan in the Holy War, she betrayed the Goddess Clan and joined the Demon Clan. Elizabeth has long silver hair with a short fringe and with two pairs of wings on her back, the second pair smaller than the first. Her eyes are blue but manifest the symbol of a triskele in both her eyes and the color of her eyes turn orange whenever she uses her powers. Elizabeth often wears a dark maroon tie over a white collared sleeveless dress that exposes her back, along with black leggings and cloth shoes adorned with a ribbon. Elizabeth is an extremely benevolent individual, who prefers a more peaceful approach and doesn’t enjoy fighting. She showed intense compassion for the Demon Clan, weeping over the lives of demons killed by Michael. Her title “Bloodstained Ellie” implies that Elizabeth was once ruthless towards the Demon Clan she slayed by her hand before she met Korrall and Io, and fell in love with Meliodas. As the daughter of the Supreme Deity, Elizabeth is an extremely powerful goddess who is quite confident in her abilities. Her power was even praised by the fallen angel, Archangel Lucifer. Elizabeth has been afflicted with a curse by the Supreme Deity as punishment for falling in love with a demon and betraying the Goddess Clan that revives her without fail no matter how many times she dies, whether via killing herself or getting killed. It additionally prevents her from dying of old age, effectively keeping her immortal. Ark : An archetypal magic technique of the Goddess Clan which creates light particles. It can be used in different ways such as energy explosions or extremely large blades. It is mainly used to counteract darkness by disintegrating it with light, but it also can cause great physical damage to the targets. In battle, Elizabeth has been shown to be capable of manifesting a large Ark blade, using it against the Demon King and her mother in the final stages of the Holy War. Let There Be Light: Elizabeth crosses her arms, firing off drill-shaped projectiles purifying massive darkness and extracting it from the target, including the Indura form of the Demon Clan and reverting their hosts to their original form. It also can eliminate any lingering hatred the dead may leave behind that prevents them from fully passing on as well. Saint Coat: Elizabeth surrounds herself and others, who are not Demons, with a magical barrier of holy light, in order to resist the miasma of the Demon Realm. Tranquilize: Elizabeth outstretches her arms and creates a purifying mist. Enchantment: Ark: Elizabeth infuses Ark into a weapon. Arrow of Salvation: Elizabeth fires a concentrated beam of Ark that pierces her opponents. It brings salvation through death on a demon, but makes others feel great pain when used on anyone who isn’t a demon. She doesn’t use it anymore. Empathic Power: Elizabeth possesses the ability to speak to the hearts and souls of others. She was capable of turning back an entire army of minor demons and compelling them to retreat. One of them later remarked that they couldn’t help but lose the will to fight when looking into her eyes. Time Regression Spell: A spell that allows the user to send a living soul to the past. Flight: As a Goddess, Elizabeth possesses wings for flight, allowing her to fly at considerable heights with ease. She is 3,262 years old, but physically appears to be 20 years old. She is 5 foot 4 inches tall.

Meliodas is the Dragon’s Sin of Wrath who leads the Seven Deadly Sins, the son of the Demon King, the lover of Elizabeth, the owner of the renowned tavern Boar Hat, the current king of Kingdom of Liones, and the father of Tristan. His weapon is the Demon Sword Lostvayne and his inherent power is Full Counter. As a Demon, he is able to speak the language of Demons. Meliodas can able to understand Korrall’s way of speaking. He has seven hearts. The removal or destruction of a single heart cannot incur death, although it is painful. Destroying all of a demon’s hearts, regardless of their strength, will inevitably kill them. Despite having the appearance of a child, Meliodas is much older, being 3,262 years old. He is 5 feet tall. He is exceptionally short compared to other people, with messy blond hair and a pair of emerald eyes. He also lacks facial hair, further accentuating his adolescent appearance. Regardless of his stature and youthful looks, he is relatively muscular, possessing an array of well-developed abdominal muscles. He often wears an ordinary, clean white button-front shirt and a black sleeveless vest on top with a loosely worn tie. Without any socks, he wears a pair of black boots. Meliodas has the symbol of a dragon biting its own tail, making a circle on his left arm, near the shoulder. Meliodas’ dominant traits are his frankness and his utter fearlessness. He is also shown to be very bawdy and loves to frequently tell jokes. Occasionally, he takes advantage of Elizabeth’s naivety and gropes her breasts, not even ashamed of doing so in public. Although not much has been shown of how he was, Meliodas displayed a harsh, arrogant demeanor towards any lesser demon. He is not intimidated by any Goddess except perhaps the Supreme Deity, doing battle with them relentlessly each day and he also does not fear even the mighty Archangels, as he is aware of his strength dwarfing theirs and rivaling, if not, surpassing even the mightiest and the fact that even they fear him. However, even while in such a state, Meliodas still had doubts about the war but due to his loyalty to his father, he never once faltered whenever doing battle with the Goddesses. His angry reaction when the Demon King called him a destroyer for his plans to make his true self King of the Demons strongly implies that even in his prime, his father was still more demonic than he ever was. In the end, it was this aspect that allowed him to fall in love with Elizabeth and eventually abandon the Demons for her, choosing to stop the meaningless war. Whenever using his Demon Mark, Meliodas’ personality changes to be similar to that of his old self, becoming cold, quiet, ruthless, and murderous as he kills and attacks anyone near him without mercy aside from Elizabeth. Despite being renowned as a pervert, Korrall and Io reveal that Meliodas never displayed any interest towards other females before meeting Elizabeth. His extraordinary magical power completely clouds the entire environment in darkness and leaves Korrall, Io, Zeldris, the Archangels, and Elizabeth in absolute awe and sweating. Meliodas has been afflicted with a curse by the Demon King as punishment for falling in love with a goddess and killing and betraying his demonic brethren that revives him without fail no matter how many times he dies, whether via killing himself or getting killed. It additionally prevents him from dying of old age, effectively keeping him immortal. Full Counter: This ability allows Meliodas to reflect magic attacks aimed at him, back at the enemy, but with much greater power; therefore, the stronger the opponent’s powers are, the rebound becomes. A prime drawback is that Meliodas cannot initiate attacks himself. He is also incapable of reflecting attacks if the opponent does not allow him to read the timing/nature of their attacks. Physical, indirect, and continuous attacks can also not be reflected. The Demon King stated that the technique is merely an imitation of Chandler’s technique and that his original magic power is something different. Counter Vanish: With his palm facing an incoming attack, Meliodas folds his thumb and little finger. He then, rather than reflecting “magic” attacks, completely disperses the attacks used against him. Revenge Counter: Meliodas turns off his abilities so that he can take damage. After Meliodas has taken enough damage, he charges his blade with power and strikes his enemy with it. This is considered to be Meliodas’ ultimate attack. Hellblaze: A mysterious ability displayed by Meliodas that allows him to generate black flames. The technique also has the additional effect of nullifying an immortal’s regeneration. Enchantment: Hellblaze: Meliodas covers his sword with black flames to make it much sharper. Kami Chigiri (“Divine Thousand Slashes”): A powerful attack that requires Meliodas to heighten his power and senses to the utmost limit. Black flames engulf his sword as he leaps into the air. He then performs a powerful slash that hurls the flames in a single, ruinous attack. Assault Mode: This state is reached when Meliodas unleashes his demon powers to the fullest, achieving immense powers. This form also allows Meliodas to access his full power. In his Assault Mode, Meliodas shroud himself in darkness. This takes the appearance of a vest-like coat that only covers his armpits, which flares out at ragged ends, and has a very high collar which is spread wide. He also has two wrist bands, made up of the same darkness as the rest of his clothes. His pants are connected to his feet look like a bird’s talons, but with five toes. Kami Chigiri: Meliodas cuts his opponent with his sword a total of a thousand times in an instant. Trillion Dark: Meliodas launches a barrage of small spheres of high concentrated darkness at the opponent. Shiden Issen: Meliodas slashes mulitple opponents several times with his sword in an instant. Dark Prominence: Meliodas infuses his sword with the power of darkness and performs a powerful slash. Lostvayne: Lostvayne is a curved shortsword with a Dragon Ouroboros emblem into its hilt and five holes along the middle of the sharp blade, and 5 half-moon holes along the other side of the blade. The blade is split into two different colors, the sharp part is silver and the opposite is a dark green moss. When Meliodas uses Assault Mode, the blade of Lostvayne apparently turns completely red. By saying the command “Sacred Treasure Activate”, Meliodas can use Lostvayne’s abilities. Physical Clone: Lostvayne’s special ability that allows Meliodas to create up to four or six clones of himself. The clones only retain a fraction of the original’s power, with one clone having half the power level of the original. The halved power level is divided among each additional clone. Each Physical Clone is still able to use Full Counter to its full potential as the attack focuses on the enemy’s attack power rather than the one using Full Counter. This allows Meliodas to use Full Counter multiple times on the same attack. Depending on the enemy and Meliodas’s power level, it is additionally possible for him to use his clones to fight the enemy as well as dealing and taking damage without Meliodas himself getting involved in the fray.

Zeldris is the lover of the Vampire, Gelda, the younger brother of Meliodas, the youngest son of the Demon King, and the surrogate father of Percival. He is now the current king of the Demon Clan. Formerly, Zeldris was an elite warrior of his clan, serving his father as his representative and executioner. As a Demon, he is able to speak the language of Demons. Zeldris can fully understand Korrall’s way of speaking. He has seven hearts. The removal or destruction of a single heart cannot incur death, although it is painful. Destroying all of a demon’s hearts, regardless of their strength, will inevitably kill them. He is 5 feet tall. He is 3,252 years old, but physically appears to be 20 years old. Zeldris is a short yet muscular young man. He greatly resembles his brother Meliodas, though with a few slight differences. His hair is spikey black and grows counterclockwise to Meliodas’ and they both have the same demon mark, except his is over his left eye instead of his right. Zeldris can change his Demon Mark to become similar to his older brother’s second and full demon marks. He has green eyes. His attire is a crimson bodysuit and has a white insignia in several places. The suit has an open collar and exposes his chest. He has silver gauntlets and carries his sword with a strap on his hip. Zeldris is very calm and collected, seemingly not easy to anger. Like his brother, Meliodas, Zeldris appears to have a good commanding and leadership skills. Zeldris is highly confident in his abilities. Clashing with his own brother Meliodas in the past, a very powerful opponent and remains unfazed at the prospect of doing so again and even initiating an attack against him. His confidence in his own abilities develops a certain degree of arrogance towards beings weaker than him. He has even shown himself to be capable of enjoying fights, as shown by how he gave a taunting smirk at his opponents upon unleashing his full power and leaving them all powerless and even not only showed absolutely no fear towards the Archangels. However, despite this arrogance, Zeldris himself has said that unlike Meliodas’s former self, who Zeldris describes as underestimating his opponents so much that he tends to toy with them, he doesn’t take opponents lightly and uses his full power no matter who his foe is. However, Zeldris has limits in his patience and, although he rarely shows it, is not above mocking and showing negative responses at the ones he had an antagonistic relationship with. Zeldris was shown relapsing on his cool-headed persona when it comes to Gelda, showing excitement at his reunion with her. Despite being seemingly ruthless and cold-hearted, Zeldris was once much better. Meliodas has stated that Zeldris idolizes Meliodas greatly and is seen with a smile in his face when around him. He also said that Zeldris was almost sincere and honest to a fault. The main reason for Zeldris’ cold-heartedness was because he had fallen in love with the Vampiress Gelda and unlike almost all other demons, he only sought to protect her rather than being interested in triumphing over the Goddess Clan. Upon being ordered by his father to kill the Vampire Clan, in the end, overwhelmed by the indescribable pain to the point of bursting to tears, he could not bring himself to do it and instead sealed them all away for Gelda’s sake, showing how deeply he loved her and valued his romantic relationship with her in the past. The pain of being betrayed by his elder brother who he looked up to and the great suffering he endured from losing his lover made Zeldris the demon he is now, which only served to increase his anger for Meliodas’ betrayal tremendously. He is thus unwilling to negotiate with Meliodas and clearly shows his strong grudge towards him, to the point that he openly said that the only thing he has is his rage towards Meliodas as well as his desire for vengeance towards the other Clans. However, it has been seen that Zeldris still retains fractions of his good side, as he shows his belief that Meliodas is suffering due to having betrayed his clan after meeting Elizabeth, indicating Zeldris possess some doubts on their estranged relationship with. He later seemed to silently contemplate forgiving Meliodas when Meliodas apologized to him. When Archangel Michael, possessing a woman’s body, called him out on slashing a woman’s face, Zeldris responded by saying that at least he and his brother would never take control of a woman’s body, implying although ruthless against enemies even if they are women, Zeldris disliked any unnecessary violence towards them. The moment he realized his father would not allow him to be reunited with Gelda, he quickly turned against him. The Demon King also noted Zeldris continued to desire to bring peace and harmony to the underworld, showing despite how much he had changed, deep down he still remains the good demon he used to be before he lost Gelda. While ruthless against traitors, Zeldris displays a sense of loyalty to his comrades who are loyal. As the younger brother of Meliodas, and son of the Demon King himself, Zeldris is an extremely powerful demon. According to Meliodas, due to having being lent the magic power of the Demon King, Zeldris’ power can equal that of the Demon King and Supreme Deity. Zeldris can enlarge his demon mark to different stages like Meliodas. When at full power his mark becomes similar to Meliodas’ complete Demon Mark. Like all members of the Demon Clan, Zeldris possesses the mysterious jet-black power of darkness which he can use for a variety of purposes, such as forming wings to fly. Zeldris possesses immense levels of skill in combat, as he was trained by Meliodas. His fighting style seems to rely mostly on kicks. He has shown to be extremely fast and has extraordinary reflexes, cutting Meliodas’ arm off in one swing before the latter was able to behead him. His speed in swordsmanship is said to be the fastest in all of the Demon Realm. Zeldris has been afflicted with a curse by the Demon King as punishment for killing and betraying his demonic brethren that revives him without fail no matter how many times he dies, whether via killing himself or getting killed. It additionally prevents him from dying of old age, effectively keeping him immortal. Ominous Nebula: Zeldris’ innate power. This power creates a vortex that surrounds and attracts all living beings around him that are sliced at a god-like speed by pure reflexes when anyone comes in contact. Ominous Bind: Zeldris envelops the opponent in the darkness of Ominous Nebula to immobilize them. God: According to Zeldris, the Demon King lent a portion of his magic power to him for him to use. When using his father’s power, Zeldris is able to completely nullify all magical attacks. Hellblaze: A mysterious ability possessed by Zeldris that allows him to generate black flames. It also has the additional effect of nullifying an immortal’s regeneration. Enchantment: Hellblaze: Zeldris covers his sword with black flames to make it much sharper. Dies Irae (“Day of Wrath”): Zeldris summons a portal over his desired target, and releases a massive lightning bolt to strike them down. Shortsword: Zeldris wields a shortsword with a sharp point on the end. He is tremendously skilled in swordsmanship, using it in a manner similar to Iaido. He recieved this sword from Meliodas with the Goddess Clan symbol on it. His Power Level is- Total: 61,000 (Magic: 10,000/Strength: 47,200/Spirit: 3,800).

Gelda is a vampire and royal member of the Vampire Clan, the lover of Zeldris, and the surrogate mother of Percival. She also the current queen of the Demon Realm. She is 5 foot 7 inches tall. She is 3,345 years old, but physically appears to be in her mid 20’s. Gelda resembles a human female with a fitting body, long blonde hair tied up with a blue ribbon, a long gold and purple dress, and a pair of black high heels. As a vampire, she possesses notable fangs that can be seen protruding slightly from her lips even when not speaking. Gelda had always kept a calm and emotionless expression, never showing any no remorse for her actions. This however, turned out to be a façade, as she did feel guilt for her wrong doings, and wanted to die in order to be free from her vampire life. She also has an intimidating side of her personality, being able to adopt a posture that even scares Zeldris. Like her fellow vampires, Gelda is powerful with a two-fold increase when at nighttime. She was shown displaying power over fire, having been shown to be able to create fire strong enough to kill Ren, a fellow vampire. Also, like the other vampires, she possess immense regenerative powers and the ability to conjure and manipulate Darkness, as seen where Gelda was able to create dome of pure darkness to protect herself from sunlight and travel in the day time. This dome of darkness also grants Gelda an immense level of stealth, having completely concealed herself from their detection, even when she was already in close proximity to them. After drinking Zeldris’ blood, she was able to survive a beheading by the Demon King and later displayed the ability to enter into Zeldris’ mind through the blood she consumed from him. Gelda has also shown the ability to levitate and fly. She has also shown to have a level of telekinetic abilities as well, having been able to levitate and bring her head back to her body to reattach it. Kaijinso: (“Ash Dust Burial”): Gelda creates a whirlwind of ash to trap an opponent. Her Power Level is- Total: 4,080 (Magic: 2,450/Strength: 430/Spirit: 1,200).

Jeff the Killer, born Jeffery Woods, is a young adult serial killer. He was disfigured after being set on fire while fighting a gang of bullies (Randy, Keith, and Troy) and lost his sanity after witnessing his “new” and “beautiful” face. Jeff has extremely pale skin and thick, black rings (made by black eyeliner and black eyeshadow) around them that made them look like they were carved out, giving him an even more ghostly appearance. Jeff later got his most distinctive trait, the Glasgow smile that he had carved into his face. His eye color is a very pale blue, and his hair color is black. He has long hair that is reaching just past his shoulder blades. His build is a thin, but with some lean muscle tone at the same time. He is in his early 20’s. His clothing normally consists of a pair of black dress pants with a white hoodie, which he wears a black shirt under his white hoodie, which is sometimes stained with fresh and old blood from his victims. Before being burnt alive, he was a quiet and fairly antisocial teenager, not that people actually knew him very well. But shortly after the incident, he became torturous, aggressive, bloodthirsty, and violent, making him one of the most dangerous serial killers in his hometown. Jeff is widely known for luring his victims to an eternal slumber, using a kitchen knife and eerie but soft tone of voice. Even though he prefers to murder his victims with knives, he is more than willing to use any weapon when placed in a desperate situation. He is an extremely stealthy and mischievous individual, able to break into victims’ houses almost always without getting himself caught in the act. Jeff is also depicted as having quite a narcissistic personality accompanied with a fine dose of egoism and intense arrogance, bragging about his skills and taunting others. Jeff has schizophrenia/bipolar which caused him to murder and is confirmed to be a substance abuser. Despite being an average human, Jeff appears to wield incredible supernatural abilities that only apply to his human attributes, such as incredible stealth, speed, and supernatural strength used to mercilessly slaughter his victims. Jeff is shown to be incredibly durable, being able to overcome his parents and brother simply by gutting them. One thing that makes him stronger is his intense hatred and bloodlust to keep him going, as well as having great stamina. In recent years, Jeff has been depicted as being a charming individual, manipulating people into trusting him, only to betray them later. Ioradio is his lover. Belinos is his son. He is roughly around 5 foot 10 inches to 5 foot 11 inches tall, kinda like a lanky beanstalk. But he likes to say he’s 6 feet tall. Born September 22, 1982.

Homicidal Liu is Jeff’s older brother. He suffers from dissociative identity disorder, resulting in the alternate, murderous personality of Sully. Liu is around 21-24 years old, having medium brown hair, light green eyes, and multiple scars and stitches reaching across his face to his neck from living through a horrifying experience of his brother attempting to murder him. He is often seen wearing a black sweater, dark blue jeans, and a dark grey and light grey striped scarf. Liu is quite protective, especially over those who he considers close and important to him. He was always considered to be the overly defensive and courageous one among his family and friends. At times, he can be straightforward, as Liu isn’t afraid of confrontations or standing up to people, and refuses to take mistreatment from anyone. But due to Sully’s influence, he can ultimately change from his normal self into a violent, vicious, and dangerous serial killer. Taking great joy in ending people’s lives, or as Sully himself would simply put it: “It just feels damn good, b*tch!” Liu still cares deeply about his younger brother and forgave him in the end because he’s experienced first hand the will to kill. On the other hand, Liu’s killings may also be influenced by Sully, a dark-eyed sociopath/psychopathic personality he developed after the night Jeff tried to kill him to cope with the traumatic events. Sully claims to have disowned Jeff as a brother and hates him, but has shown some signs he may still care for Jeff in some way. Sully fears Jeff at times, especially the events of that night. He is defensive and childish at times. Even though he acts older than it, Sully claims to only be seven years old, a reference to how long it has been since his personality developed. He holds some consideration and feelings for Liu himself since they share a body and he refrains from killing anyone Liu cares about due to ‘Not wanting to make Liu depressed’. Similar to his brother Jeff, Liu is also very strong and fast. Using his superior abilities to murder his victims with ease. Liu is even displayed to be incredibly durable and resilient since he was able to avoid his death when his brother tried gutting him, and survive the attack. While Jeff was attacking him, Liu did actually try to fight back and even managed to choke his brother with a rosary (until it broke). He has a passion for art and poetry. He is Korrall’s lover. Thetis is his surrogate daughter. He was born on October 21, 1984. He is 6 foot 3 inches tall.

Tristan is the son of Meliodas and Elizabeth, the prince of the Kingdom of Liones, and a Holy Knight. He is 5 feet and 8 inches tall. He is 18 years old. Tristan closely resembles both of his parents. He has the same face and hairstyle as Meliodas, although his hair is long and silver like Elizabeth’s. He has heterochromia, his right eye being light blue like Elizabeth’s and his left emerald green like Meliodas’s. At age 18, he is taller than both his parents and wearing a blue earring closely resembling Elizabeth’s on his right ear. He wears a white shirt with turquoise edges on the sleeves and collar frills topped with a winged brooch, black pants and golden armor on the right leg and foot. When using his Goddess Powers, he gains a triskelion in both eyes and his eyes turn orange. He then can gain Goddess wings for flight. When fully using his Demon Powers, his eyes turn jet-black, with branch-like lines coming from them, and a large black mark on his forehead in the shape of a 4-pointed star. While less used, he can then also gain demonic wings for flight. It has also been shown that he can activate both his goddess powers and demon powers at the same time, resulting in his left eye being completely black and his right having a triskelion in it. While not always the case it has been shown that the left eye can begin to have dark lines coming from it. Tristan is a very calm and tenacious boy. He holds a great sense of justice and feels the need to protect his family, friends, and his kingdom from any threats. Later, Tristan is introduced to the story of the his father’s adventures, making him want to follow in his father’s heroic footsteps. Tristan is also bad at cooking like his father, Meliodas. Tristan is ambidextrous. He never fixed his habit of saying “Daddy” and “Mommy”, but he started trying to at age 14. After accidentally injuring Thetis with his Demon power, Tristan became traumatized by incident and developed distaste for violence and the said power, and by extension any association with it or even being compared to his father at it. Instead, Tristan becomes more of a pacifist like his mother, and enjoys any comparison to her. He also prefers using his Goddess power during combat. Nevertheless, he is not hesitant to use force when need arises. Tristan is extremely avoidant of ever using his Demon power. Without Thetis around as the only one he trust that can stop himself, he would opt to use only his Goddess power, or both Demon and Goddess powers at the same time, despite the disadvantages. While using only Demon power, Tristan loses control over himself, becoming more violent and quickly losing the ability to converse reason, even throwing tantrums against his father. As the son of Meliodas and Elizabeth, and perhaps especially as the grandson of the Supreme Deity and the Demon King, Tristan has possessed above average combat skills since the age of 10, both with bare hands or with a sword. Even Gowther finds he possesses an impressive Power Level for a boy of his age. At age 18, his fighting skills seem to have greatly improved. He is also shown to have inherited Goddess powers from his mother and Demon powers from his father, which he can manifest either separately or simultaneously. Nova: Tristan’s inherent magic power. Ark: As a descendant of the Goddesses, Tristan is able to generate and manipulate “Divine Light” in the form of particles capable of disintegrating anything they touch, which is particularly effective in Demons and Vampires, but not Chaos Magic. Twinkle Star: Tristan blasts the opponent with an enormous Ark in the form of a cross star. Heal Star: Tristan instantly heals and vanishes pain from his targets. However, this power does not work on curses or illnesses. Enchantment: Heaven’s Lightning: Tristan enchants his sword, which gains power enough to be able to cut through Chaos Melascula’s Meian no Ori. Star Breaker: Tristan enchants his swords creating two big blades out of light. Falling Star: While flying above his target, Tristan releases a shower of light projectiles over them, resembling shooting stars. Saint Coat: Tristan can surround himself and others with a magical barrier of holy light, in order to resist the miasma of the Demon Realm for six hours. Full Counter: Allows Tristan to reflect magic attacks used against him towards the opponent, but with more or less Magic Power. Initially, Tristan could only use it to return magical attacks with only half their initial magnitude. However, over the years, Tristan has become capable of using Full Counter just as well as his father. Power of Darkness: As a descendant of Demons, Tristan can manipulate their Dark Magic for various purposes, such as increasing his physical power. However, Tristan states that the time he can use it is limited, and that he doesn’t like to use it because it can make him lose control of his actions and then find it difficult for him to go back. In this state, Tristan is able to rip parts of Melagaland’s body with ease, whereas before none of his attacks or those of his cousins had barely done anything to him. He had even been able to repel Melagaland’s Meifu no Bansan by his magic aura alone. Hellblaze: Tristan can also tap into the Flames of Purgatory and project them into inextinguishable black flames. Dark Snow: Tristan generates and disperses countless compressed dark particles before propelling them against the opponent. Annihilation: Tristan combines his Falling Star with his Dark Snow, causing both forces to cancel out each other and cause a chain explosion that erases matter regardless of their magic resistance or physical durability. Slash Canon: Tristan assaults the opponent with a multitude of lightning-fast sword swings that end up triggering an explosion. Empathic Power: A mysterious ability that allows Tristan to persuade others to retreat from violence by speaking to their hearts and souls. Flight: As a descendant of the Goddesses, Tristan can deploy two pairs of ethereal white-feathered wings allowing him to move through the air. Its feathers turn black when He deploys his Demon power. “Mael”, a sword with a Goddess inspired design, very light to wield and enchanted by Thetis to make Tristan less susceptible to enemy mental attacks. “Estarossa”, a sword with a Demon inspired design, very heavy to wield and enchanted by Thetis to increase Tristan’s magical defense, as well as the success rate of his attacks.

Percival is the surrogate son of Zeldris and Gelda. His Magical Power is the extremely rare Hero-type, Hope. He is 4 feet and 11 inches tall. He is 18 years old. Percival looks like a very young boy showing a small and lean figure, despite being in his late adolescence, with green hair and orchid purple eyes. His outfit composes of tunic cloth and short. He later wears a purple horned iron helmet and an orange cloak with a brooch shaped like a serpentine creature biting his own tail. After an encounter with Ironside, Percival harbors a very large cross-shaped scar on his upper body, tilted slightly to the right. The same scar also extends to his right arm, which aligns perfectly with the scars on his body when standing with arms down; the position of his body when he received the scar. Despite being a teenager, Percival acts like a very young boy with extreme innocence and naivety and is easily mistaken for a young child due to his short stature and attitude, surprising him that people see him as such. Due to his lack of experiences in life, he is extremely naive, easily relying on people he barely knows, to hand over all his belongings, or to follow them where they went. He seems to be quite interested in women, observing Elva’s body (and pawing her breasts) when they were bathing in the lake, but instead as a genuine curiosity rather than lustful intent. As a powerful Life Spirit in a Human vessel who gained self-awareness, Percival’s small stature bellies incredible strength and abilities beyond any human his age. It is first shown when he takes out a house-sized monstrous wolf with nothing more than a slap to the face, sending it straight into the ground and cracking the earth. Percival has a unique constitution, affording enough resilience to stand upright showing little-to-no pain despite being hit by Ironside’s magical power, leaving a massive scar on him. His fighting skills seemed to be basic, to the point of barely holding his own against more experienced Holy Knights, who weren’t taking him serious. As an infant, after falling into the Demon Realm, Percival survived its harsh conditions and breathed normally, unaffected by the miasma that is toxic to all other races. He has a unique resistant against drugs and sleeping chemicals. Hope: He is able to tap into the hope of his allies, allowing him to generate a magical aura around his body, or part of it. This aura can be used in several different ways. This power seems to come from the ability of Life Spirits to spread life through hope. Enhanced Healing: Covering his body, Percival can heal injuries such as severe burns in a matter of seconds. Resurrection: Attacks that would normally kill him would have him regenerate from fatal wounds such as surviving after having his neck snapped. However, it seems he is only able to use that power to revive himself and not others who are dead. Enhanced Strength: Covering his fists, Percival’s physical strength increases considerably. Form Taking: The aura can take form of anything Percival imagine. Like a hand to hit his enemy, or a mouth capable of absorbing magic attacks and throwing them back. Magic Golem Creation: Takes the form of minimized clones of Percival. Is unclear how much control he has over these clones, but they seem capable of simple acts such as swarming Percival’s enemy, they are able to maintain conversations among them, and they seem to have a certain level of independence. They seem to have considerable physical strength. The golems are also able to heal injuries, track down things and explode causing considerable damage. Absorption: The magical golems are able to take in attacks aimed at Percival and hold them inside themselves before expelling the attack back in the direction of Percival’s opponent. Flight: Covering his body, Percival can form wings and levitate in the air through his aura. When in a berserk state, he is seen flying unsupported without Hope. Mummification: By merely touching living beings they are turned into a state of mummification. This state seemingly cannot be reversed by anyone except for Percival himself through Hope. It seems to derive from the ability of Life Spirits to spread death trough despair. Demonic Language: After spending part of his early childhood in the Demon Realm, Percival is said to have learned the “secret language” of Demons from Zeldris and Gelda, which notably allows him to communicate with Lesser Demons such as those of the Dalflare Range or to command directly at the Albions. Dragon sword:  A fragment of the Coffin of Eternal Darkness. As the handle seemed “too heavy” for Percival, Howzer made sure to “reforge” it with a “thick” blade for balance. The sword does not appear “especially magical”, but is known for its sturdiness. By concentrating Hope’s destructive properties into this sword, Percival is able to make it much sharper. The nickname “Percival Sword” is not very popular. This sword has a blade attached to a green, dragon looking hilt. The hilt has two handles in the design of a twisted dragon which has three spikes on its head and on its back. The longer handle has the dragon’s head at the end while the shorter handle has what appears to be a claw.

Thetis is the surrogate daughter of Korrall and Liu, and Queen Elizabeth’s personal magician and the best one currently serving the Kingdom of Liones. It is later revealed that Thetis is Derieri’s reincarnation. She is 18 years old. She is 5 foot and 7 inches tall. She calls Korrall “Mama”, and Liu “Papa”. Thetis is a girl with a slender body, orange-blond hair tied in twintails with messy bangs and fuchsia eyes. Her clothes resemble a Japanese high school uniform. Thetis has a calm, relaxed and indifferent demeanor, maintaining an informal language even with her friends and family; including Meliodas and Elizabeth, who are the King and Queen of Liones. She has also shown a somewhat teasing and playful side, calling Tristan a “brat” while arguing with him. Despite this, Thetis is also quite responsible and takes her duties as a mage of the kingdom of Liones seriously. Thetis is a very skilled magician, enough to be appointed as the queen’s personal one. Even as a child, Thetis was already able to cast spells without any formal training. Like all members of the Demon Clan, she is capable of manifesting their mysterious power of darkness, which she can use and morph into various shapes for a variety of purposes, such as forming wings to fly, reattaching limbs, and mostly enhancing both her physical and magical abilities. Thetis is also knowledgeable of demonic enchantments that were taught to her by Zeldris, Meliodas, and Korrall. Change: Thetis’ inherent magic power. Shunkan Ido (“Teleportation”): High-level teleportation magic that allows Thetis to appear and disappear at precise locations and teleport groups of people instantaneously. Perfect Cube: A spell that denies entry to anyone but the caster. Originating from the demon world, the spell surrounds a specified area and reflects all attacks, whether strong or weak, back at the opponent. Double Impact: A two-stage attack, where upon performing a sequence of hand gestures, the user unleashes a wave of force upon their enemies that combines the magical attributes of the four elements and their associated elements, and then set off a second, more powerful blast with a snap of their fingers that contains a tempering magic that decreases the opponent’s resilience to the element they’re weakest against. Fake Ball: A technique that combines attack magic with illusion magic; it prevents the opponent to know the true nature of a magic attack by camouflaging it with an illusion which makes it look like a different attack. Power of Darkness: As a descendant of Demons, Thetis can manipulate their Dark Magic for various purposes, such as increasing her physical power. Hellblaze: Being part Demon, Thetis can tap into the Flames of Purgatory and project them into inextinguishable black flames. She wields a Staff.

Belinos is the son of Jeff and Ioradio. He is 17 years old. He is 4 foot 11 inches tall. Belinos has a quiet, shy personality. Belinos is short for his age, however, his body is well built. He has dark brown hair with blonde bangs. He has blue eyes. His hair is constantly standing on end and he has given up trying to tame it. He has had two light streaks in the front since he was born. He also has black birthmarks on the right side of his face, as well as his chest, stomach, thighs and wings. He can hide his demon wings, but sometimes they appear out of nervousness. In everyday life he wears casual, comfortable clothing. For battle he wears a green doublet and trousers, as well as a dark gray shirt and a white leather vest. On his legs he wears two long silver armor boots. He detests brutal violence and would rather discuss it, but he lacks the courage to do so. He hates his shyness and wants the courage he had as a child back. He never fixed his habit of saying “Daddy” and “Mommy”, but he started trying to at age 14. Ominous Search: his innate ability. He is able to sense impending disaster within a few seconds in advance. Even when he sleeps, his magic is on standby to alert him in case of an emergency. Power of Darkness: As a descendant of Demons, Belinos can manipulate their Dark Magic for various purposes, such as increasing his physical power. Hellblaze: Being part Demon, Belinos can tap into the Flames of Purgatory and project them into inextinguishable black flames.

Setting- Modern-day, at a campsite, at night.

Atmosphere- calm

The campfire crackled, casting dancing shadows on the faces of those gathered around it. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the surrounding trees, carrying with it the scent of pine and earth. The night was alive with the sounds of crickets and the occasional hoot of an owl.

Korrall, her ethereal white wings folded behind her, sat cross-legged on a log, her eyes fixed on the flames. Her demonic black wings, tucked away for now, spoke of a power that lay dormant, waiting to be unleashed. Beside her, Io, dressed in her usual button-up and skirt, leaned against a large oak, humming a tune that seemed as ancient as the forest itself. Elizabeth, ever the gracious queen, sat with a gentle smile, her silver hair glinting in the firelight. Meliodas, his youthful face still holding a mischievous glint, was engaged in a lively debate with Zeldris, whose stoic expression masked a deep well of emotions.

Liu, his green eyes filled with love, cradled Korrall’s sleeping form in his arms. Zeldris sat next to them, a silent observer, his gaze lingering on his brother, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his face.

Gelda, draped in her elegant gown, was lost in thought, her blonde hair cascading down her back like a silken waterfall. Jeff, his sharp features shadowed by the hood of his hoodie, stared into the fire, his gaze unreadable.

Within the tent, Thetis, Tristan, Belinos, and Percival slept soundly, their dreams filled with the joys and sorrows of a life lived in the shadow of both Heaven and Hell.

The air was thick with a sense of serenity, a fragile peace held together by the bonds of family, love, and a shared understanding of the darkness that lurked beneath the surface of their existence.

“I wonder what dreams the little ones are having,” Elizabeth mused softly, her voice like the chime of windchimes.

Meliodas chuckled. “Probably about candy and dragons,” he said, a playful glint in his eyes.

“Perhaps,” Elizabeth replied, her smile widening. “But I like to think they dream of a world where light and darkness can coexist in harmony.”

Zeldris, his gaze shifting to his brother, spoke in a low voice, “Perhaps they do. Perhaps they dream of a world where even the most broken of hearts can find peace.”

A silence fell over the group, the weight of their words hanging heavy in the air. Korrall stirred in Liu’s arms, her eyes fluttering open. She looked around at the gathered faces, her gaze landing on Zeldris.

“Peace?” she mumbled, her voice raspy with sleep.

Zeldris nodded, understanding shimmering in his eyes. “Peace,” he confirmed. “We all desire it, Korrall, even if it seems impossible to attain.”

Korrall shifted, her demonic wings rippling beneath her vest. “Peace is a fragile thing,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “But it is worth fighting for.”

And so, the night wore on, the campfire casting its warm glow upon a group of souls bound by their shared history and their yearning for a future where light and darkness could finally find a way to exist in harmony. The whispers of their dreams echoed through the forest, a testament to the power of hope, even in the face of insurmountable odds.