
Prompt- Korrall was sitting on her bed, with Dog l

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/08/07 Read: 3065

Prompt- Korrall was sitting on her bed, with Dog laying by her feet, when she heard Jeff shut her window in a hurry, his expression filled with fear. “Jeff, what happened,” Korrall asked. “You remember me telling you about Nina,” Jeff asked. “She’s after you, aren’t they,” Korrall said. She saw another person catching his breath. “Liu. My older brother,” Jeff said. Liu introduced himself. Korrall then saw two female figures at the window. Korrall recognized Jane, her black hair framing a face that was both beautiful and terrifying, was leaning against the fire escape trying to talk to the second girl. But the other girl, with her wild red streak and a menacing glint in her eye, was a stranger, she was trying to open the window. Korrall gestured to the other girl to calm down and then Korrall opened the window. “Hey there Jane,” Korrall said. “Hey Korrall,” Jane said.

Characters- Korrall is a young woman who has dark auburn hair that reaches just past her shoulders and green eyes. She has two black earrings pierced in her ears. She wears a braided black with silver Daryl Dixon skull bracelet on her left wrist, a black sleeveless biker vest with wing patches on the back (like the one Daryl Dixon wears), a pair of dark gray pants, a black button-up long-sleeved shirt, and a pair of dark chocolate colored laced-up combat boots. She has a skull on her right hand and three small Xs on her middle finger knuckle, pointer finger knuckle, and ring finger knuckle. Her ears have two black cross earrings pierced in them. Korrall is mentally strong. She is often surly and very resourceful, but her compassion and loyalty towards the people she cares about are second-to-none. Korrall is caring and selfless under extreme circumstances. She has a good set of tracking and skills, creativity when dealing with dangerous situations, and an uncanny knack for surviving some of the worst possible conditions. She is 4 foot 11 inches tall. Born on August 31, 2004. She has an older half brother who is 11 years apart in age from her. She is right handed. Korrall and Kayleb grew up watching horror movies and murder shows. Her favorite horror show is The Walking Dead, a show that was made by AMC, that is on Netflix, that has 11 seasons; which she has watched multiple times, and she doesn’t get scared when she watches it. She also watches Supernatural. She works as a character designer for companies that made animes. She’s more of a coffee person. She has an anime type style of drawing. She is very good at drawing dragons. She is 20 years old. She isn’t a morning person. She doesn’t like chipper people. Korrall rarely spends her money that she has. She believes in mythical creatures. She isn’t into “girly things”, especially makeup and dresses; she doesn’t wear dresses. She has a sense of dark humor. She isn’t into cooking. She’s more of a night person rather than a day person. The only type of cigarettes Korrall has are candy cigarettes. She’s fascinated by Arthurian Legend. She doesn’t view her own father as her dad. She was raised only by her mother, Heather, who divorced her father for cheating when she was only 2 years old. Korrall looks more like her father but her personality is a lot like her mother. She owns two saw-backed Bowie knives with finger rings, sheathed in the knife holsters strapped to eachside of Korrall’s belt. She also owns a Stryker Strykezone 380 Crossbow. Jeff is her boyfriend.

Jeff the Killer, born Jeffery Woods, is a young adult (19 years old) serial killer. He was disfigured after being set on fire while fighting a gang of bullies (Randy, Keith, and Troy) and lost his sanity after witnessing his “new” and “beautiful” face; he was 13 years old when it happened. Jeff has extremely pale skin and thick, black rings (made by black eyeliner and black eyeshadow) around them that made them look like they were carved out, giving him an even more ghostly appearance. Jeff later got his most distinctive trait, the Glasgow smile that he had carved into his face. His eye color is a very pale blue, and his hair color is black. He has long hair that is reaching just past his shoulder blades. His build is a thin, but with some lean muscle tone at the same time. His clothing normally consists of a pair of black dress pants with a white hoodie, which he wears a black shirt under his white hoodie, which is sometimes stained with fresh and old blood from his victims. Before being burnt alive, he was a quiet and fairly antisocial teenager, not that people actually knew him very well. But shortly after the incident, he became torturous, aggressive, bloodthirsty, and violent, making him one of the most dangerous serial killers in his hometown. Jeff is widely known for luring his victims to an eternal slumber, using a kitchen knife and eerie but soft tone of voice. Even though he prefers to murder his victims with knives, he is more than willing to use any weapon when placed in a desperate situation. He is an extremely stealthy and mischievous individual, able to break into victims’ houses almost always without getting himself caught in the act. Jeff is also depicted as having quite a narcissistic personality accompanied with a fine dose of egoism and intense arrogance, bragging about his skills and taunting others. Jeff has schizophrenia/bipolar which caused him to murder and is confirmed to be a substance abuser. Despite being an average human, Jeff appears to wield incredible supernatural abilities that only apply to his human attributes, such as incredible stealth, speed, and supernatural strength used to mercilessly slaughter his victims. Jeff is shown to be incredibly durable, being able to overcome his parents and brother simply by gutting them. One thing that makes him stronger is his intense hatred and bloodlust to keep him going, as well as having great stamina. In recent years, Jeff has been depicted as being a charming individual, manipulating people into trusting him, only to betray them later. Korrall is his girlfriend. He is roughly around 5 foot 10 inches to 5 foot 11 inches tall, kinda like a lanky beanstalk. But he likes to say he’s 6 feet tall. Born September 22, 2005.

Homicidal Liu is Jeff’s older brother. He suffers from dissociative identity disorder, resulting in the alternate, murderous personality of Sully. Liu is 25 years old, has medium brown hair, light green eyes, and multiple scars and stitches reaching across his face to his neck from living through a horrifying experience of his brother attempting to murder him. He is often seen wearing a black sweater, dark blue jeans, and a dark grey and light grey striped scarf. Liu is quite protective, especially over those who he considers close and important to him. He was always considered to be the overly defensive and courageous one among his family and friends. At times, he can be straightforward, as Liu isn’t afraid of confrontations or standing up to people, and refuses to take mistreatment from anyone. But due to Sully’s influence, he can ultimately change from his normal self into a violent, vicious, and dangerous serial killer. Taking great joy in ending people’s lives, or as Sully himself would simply put it: “It just feels damn good, b*tch!” Liu still cares deeply about his younger brother and forgave him in the end because he’s experienced first hand the will to kill. On the other hand, Liu’s killings may also be influenced by Sully, a dark-eyed sociopath/psychopathic personality he developed after the night Jeff tried to kill him to cope with the traumatic events. Sully claims to have disowned Jeff as a brother and hates him, but has shown some signs he may still care for Jeff in some way. Sully fears Jeff at times, especially the events of that night. He is defensive and childish at times. Even though he acts older than it, Sully claims to only be seven years old, a reference to how long it has been since his personality developed. He holds some consideration and feelings for Liu himself since they share a body and he refrains from killing anyone Liu cares about due to ‘Not wanting to make Liu depressed’. Similar to his brother Jeff, Liu is also very strong and fast. Using his superior abilities to murder his victims with ease. Liu is even displayed to be incredibly durable and resilient since he was able to avoid his death when his brother tried gutting him, and survive the attack. While Jeff was attacking him, Liu did actually try to fight back and even managed to choke his brother with a rosary (until it broke). He was born on October 21, 1999. He is 6 foot 3 inches tall.

Jane Richardson, more commonly known as “Jane the Killer”, had dedicated herself to hunt down and murder the famous and formal serial killer, Jeff The Killer, for murdering her parents, before giving up on that due to Korrall’s influence. Jane was once a kind-hearted, spirited young woman who wanted nothing more than to make her family happy. After her transformation, she still manages to contain her caring and happy nature, but when angered, she is more wrathful, ruthless, and violent. However, this is only towards criminals, rapists, and serial killers, who, contrary to popular belief, are her actual targets, as unlike Jeff, she doesn’t murder innocent people. Before being injected with Liquid Hate, Jane appeared to have blonde hair and ocean blue eyes, along with fair, peachy skin. After her transformation, as a side effect of the Liquid Hate injection, Jane’s skin turned ivory white and her previously blonde hair and blue eyes turned coal-black, retinas and all. Despite this, she still has perfect 20-20 vision. She is mostly depicted wearing a black dress and high heels, and sometimes black stockings. Other illustrations of Jane sometimes depict her wearing black jeans, black hoodie and undershirt, and black sneakers. Liquid Hate is a very risky chemical formula that could, hopefully, power up a human’s senses and overall abilities, so the number of serial killers could be slowed down. Subjects would experience violent episodes and homicidal tendencies for the first minute and thirty seconds, but would act and appear normal once the episodes ceased. Jane, needing extra money to support herself and her sister and believing that she was merely donating blood, agreed. Jane proved to be the first person to survive the injection, which caused her peach skin color to become pale white, and her hair to become black, along with her eyes. Jane had decided to use her newfound abilities to dedicate herself to capturing and taking the life of the man who ruined hers: Jeff the killer, before she met Korrall. Her birthday is on September 1st, 2004. She is 20 years old. She’s a tall girl at 5 foot 7 inches tall and with heels on she’s 5 foot 10 inches tall.

Once a crazed fan of Jeff the Killer, who wanted her prince. Nina Hopkin who lost her family in a camping trip, vows to avenge them. Now she is a mercenary hunting down Jeff the Killer, which she stopped after meeting Korrall. Nina wears a red tube top with a cut green sweater. Her black skirt shifted into a pair of black shorts with a leather harness wrapped around her legs. She also wears black knee-high socks, with black boots. She used to have black hair, she wears it in a ponytail with a red hair streak. Her noticeable feature is her Glasgow smile carved by Jeff the Killer, and an eyepatch that covers her green eyes. She is seen with her shotgun, and a cigarette in hand. She was known for being a bubbly girl who can become obsessive with things quickly, for this revamp she’s the opposite. Traumatized with the murdering of her family, and meeting Jeff the Killer, she vowed to avenged them. It appears it’s hard for her to trust others, because towards the end of her origins, she murders the chief detective who was tasked to find Jeff the Killer. She is extremely vengeful to find Jeff the Killer because she would murder anyone to find him. Nina is determined to find him, and will do anything to find him. She is 18 years old. She was born on October 31, 2006.

Dog is a German Shepherd named after Daryl Dixon’s dog of the same name. Dog is brave and loyal to his allies who he has grown an attachment too. He never shies away from danger and always listens to his owner, Korrall. To his enemies, Dog can be quite vicious, going in to bite them if it means protecting his allies.

Setting- Modern-day, in Korrall’s apartment, at night.

Atmosphere- calm

The air crackled with tension as Korrall, perched on her bed with Dog curled at her feet, watched Jeff frantically shut the window. His normally pale face was even whiter, his eyes wide with fear.

“Jeff, what’s going on?” Korrall asked, her voice sharp with concern.

“You remember me telling you about Nina?” Jeff rasped, his voice strained.

Korrall’s green eyes narrowed, “She’s after you, aren’t they?”

She saw another figure in the dimly lit room, catching his breath.

“Liu. My older brother,” Jeff said, his voice barely a whisper.

Liu, his face marred by scars, introduced himself with a curt nod. He looked weary, his green eyes holding a haunted glint.

Korrall’s gaze flicked back to the window where two figures were silhouetted against the cityscape. One was Jane, her black hair framing a face that was both beautiful and terrifying. She was leaning against the fire escape, trying to speak to the second girl. But the other girl, with a wild red streak in her hair and a menacing glint in her eyes, was a stranger. She was trying to pry the window open.

Korrall gestured for the girl to calm down and then, with a swift movement, she opened the window.

“Hey there, Jane,” Korrall said, her voice calm despite the tremor in her chest.

“Hey, Korrall,” Jane replied, her voice a low purr.

The tension in the room was palpable. Korrall recognized the familiar anger and fear in Jane’s eyes, but the stranger… she was different. There was a raw, unbridled fury in her gaze that made Korrall’s instincts scream.

“Who is she?” Korrall asked, her voice unwavering.

“That’s Nina,” Jane said, her voice tight. “She’s a bit… unstable.”

Nina, the red-haired girl, stepped onto the fire escape, her eyes fixated on Jeff.

“You’re the one they call Jeff the Killer,” Nina snarled, her voice a hiss. “You’re going to pay for what you did to my family.”

The air crackled with anticipation as Nina raised her hand, her fingers curling around the handle of her shotgun. Dog growled low in his throat, his fur bristling. Korrall met Nina’s gaze, her own eyes burning with defiance.

“We’re not going to let you hurt him,” she said, her voice steady.

The night was young, and the storm was brewing. The fight for survival had just begun.