
scenario where i am a maid at the phantomhive mano

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/13 Read: 2414

scenario where i am a maid at the phantomhive manor but im very beautiful maid i have green eyes and long brown hair my secret is that im a hybrid half demon despite my parent who are both human i have a tattoo between my breast that show it my love interest are claude and sebastian

The scent of lavender and beeswax hung heavy in the air as I, Seraphina, meticulously dusted the grand portrait of the Phantomhive Earl. My fingers, long and slender despite the constant work, trailed over the silken fabric of the dress, the pale moonlight highlighting the emerald green of my eyes. I was, after all, a beautiful maid, a fact that seemed to escape the notice of the two demons I served.

Claude, the stoic demon butler, often regarded me with a detached curiosity. His pale, sharp eyes scanned me as though analyzing a particularly fascinating specimen. Sebastian, however, the ever-charming demon, seemed to be blind to my beauty. He saw me as a mere servant, a cog in the well-oiled machinery of Phantomhive Manor.

My secret, the demon blood coursing through my veins, was a whisper beneath my skin, a shimmering tattoo of a crimson rose nestled between my breasts. It was a gift from my mother, a reminder of the legacy I carried. My parents, both humans, had no idea where the demon blood originated. They, like the rest of the manor, viewed me as simply a very beautiful maid.

The air in the room was thick with anticipation. The Earl’s return was imminent, and with it, the inevitable chaos that followed. It was during these times that Claude’s cold demeanor warmed slightly. He seemed to appreciate my efficiency, my ability to navigate the complexities of the Phantomhive household, and my knack for anticipating the Earl’s every whim.

As for Sebastian, he remained infuriatingly aloof. He seemed content to play the part of the perfect demon butler, always a step ahead, always in control. Yet, I saw flashes of something else in his eyes, a flicker of recognition, perhaps even a hint of…interest.

One evening, the Earl, flushed with excitement, announced an extravagant dinner party. As I rushed about, ensuring everything was pristine, I caught Sebastian observing me, his gaze lingering on my hands as they carefully arranged silverware. A fleeting smile touched his lips. It was a subtle shift in his demeanor, a whisper that sent a thrill through me.

As the guests arrived, the air crackled with a potent energy that only a demon could truly feel. Claude, ever watchful, stood beside me, his eyes betraying a hint of apprehension. Sebastian, however, was in his element, effortlessly gliding between guests, his presence captivating.

But then, it happened. A commotion erupted in the ballroom. A guest, a notorious businessman known for his ruthless tactics, began to accuse the Earl of foul play. Tension thickened, and whispers of a sinister conspiracy filled the room.

In a moment of panic, the Earl called for my assistance. I, ever the resourceful maid, managed to avert disaster by distracting the businessman, drawing him away from the Earl with a cunningly devised distraction. As the guests marveled at my quick thinking, I noticed Sebastian’s gaze, his eyes holding a mixture of admiration and something else, something akin to…curiosity?

Later, as I was cleaning the ballroom, I felt a presence behind me. It was Sebastian, his usual air of formality replaced by a hint of vulnerability.

“Your quick thinking tonight was impressive, Seraphina,” he murmured, his voice a low, melodic rumble. “I find myself…intrigued.”

He stepped closer, his eyes meeting mine, the emerald green of my irises reflecting the flickering flames of the nearby fireplace. I saw in his gaze a genuine appreciation, a recognition of something beyond the beauty I possessed.

I felt a shiver run down my spine. This was not the usual Sebastian, not the cold, detached demon butler I had come to know. He was looking at me, truly seeing me, for the first time. And I realized, with a surge of hope, that my secret, the demon blood that flowed through my veins, might be the key to unlocking a connection with him, a connection that went beyond the boundaries of servant and master.

And as the fire crackled in the hearth, casting long shadows on the grand ballroom walls, I knew that the story of my life at Phantomhive Manor was only just beginning.