
Story with dialog. Story in American. Comedy Story

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/28 Read: 4633

Story with dialog. Story in American. Comedy Story. “Family’s little imp”. In a in a small town in Califórnia named “East Woods”, there was a girl named Sally Jones, a tomboyish girl of 14 years old, with short brown hair and blue eyes, with a cheerful, fast talking, socially awkward but very sweet personality, that likes baseball and comic books. She lived with her loving parents, Nelson Jones, a kind and hardworking, but sometimes overprotective Afro-American man, that was a cop, and Ella Jones, a caring, responsible, pretty sassy with dry sense of humor, but wise mexican origin woman with a mexican accent, that was a social worker. Even thought Sally had loving parents, sometimes she feels lonely because she had asperg syndrome, wich sometimes makes her bullied and rejected at school, and also most of boys make fun of her tomboysh personality, but her parents were always there for her. But one day something amazing changes their lifes forever. One day when Sally was home alone, in her living room reading one of her comics, she heards something coming from outside more especially in the trash. She sighs annoyed thinking it was the raccons or the ravens again, so she grabed her baseball bat just to scared them away. But when she gets outside for her surprise it wasn’t a raccoon or a raven. It was creature no bigger than 2 feet tall, with red skin, it had red bat wings on it’s back that can make it fly, it had a small potbelly. It had black pointy hair leads up to his thin black and white striped horns. It also has green sclera with black slit pupils and pointy hears. The creature had long red thin tail with a quadrilateral barb at the end, as well as lanky digitigrade legs ending in what appears to be cloven red hooves, reminiscent of artiodactyls. And the creature wore a yellow t-shirt and blue shorts, but with barefeet. When they look at each other, the creature comically yelled with a squeaky voice and it clumsily hide behind the trash can yelling awkwardly, to Sally that she didn’t see him saying he wasn’t real. Sally was paralised for some seconds processing what was happening, but she couldn’t help but chuckle with the creature weird but cute antics. The creature was weird but really adorable at the same time. She knelt to see him closer to it saying hello and telling the creature she wasn’t going to hurt him. And to prove it she extended her hand to the creature, the creature closed it’s eyes thinking she was going to hurt him, but all she did was gently ruffling his hair, which the creature really liked, letting out a purr like a kitty and it’s tail started wagging. The creature gived her a soft smile thanking her, saying that felt nice. Sally smiled seeing that the little guy was less scared now and she asked what or who was he, where did he come from and way was he in the trash. The creature sighed telling his story. His name was Ivo the Imp, he was an imp demon from the underworld, where the evil souls go when they die. His race the imps are known to be mischiveous and violent and they loved to cause chaos. But Ivo was different, he didn’t like violence or pranks or chaos, he was actually very sweet, kind, polite, innocent and really smart, but he was also easily offended, and extremely clumsy, like the most clumsy imp in existence, which can get him in lots of trouble. But he was also very curious about humans and their culture, he likes their technology, their habits, and he was particulary curious about their cocept of family, because imps didn’t have families, since they were left alone, to take care of themselves. He really loves human food, and his favourite animal was the ducks, because sometimes he fells like he his the “ugly duckling” of the imps. His race used to bully and tease him calling him a “nerd” or a “wimp”. They tried to make him more mischiveous and violent like them, but he refused becsuse he just wanted to be himself. And one day, his superiors decided to banish him to earth and never come back, because they said he was disgrased to imp kind. And he was out there all alone with no place to go, and he had to steal from the trash to have food because he was really hungry. Sally was shocked with the Ivo’s story, but she could relate to that because of her asperg and and being a tomboy. But then she smiled, asking him if he would like to stay with her and her family. Ivo was shocked but hopeful asking if her parents would accept him. Sally just relaxed him saying that when her parents see how nice he is and told them his story, they would understand. When Sally’s parents meet the imp, they got worried and confused, but when Sally told them Ivo’s story and Ivo shows how sweet, smart and polite he is, they couldn’t regist his charm and they decided to let him stay. As time goes on, Ivo never felt more happy because now, he had people that actually care for him. He was like a family pet, but in a different way. And he was very useful at their home he was, used to help Sally with her homework, help Mrs.Jones with laundry and the kitchen, and he helps Mr.Jones fixing the care or some device in the house. He was maybe an imp but he proved he had a heart like a human. Some people on the town really like him, and some people doesn’t like him or are scared of him, and his clumsiness could get him in lots of trouble, but as long he has this knew family, he knew he was in good hands.

The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the Jones’ front yard in East Woods, California. Sally, a tomboyish girl with a baseball bat perpetually in hand and a comic book tucked under her arm, sighed dramatically. “Raccoons again?” she grumbled, her blue eyes narrowed as she surveyed the overflowing trash bin.

Suddenly, a tiny, squeaky voice startled her. “Pssst! Hey, you! Don’t look at me!”

Sally, wielding her bat like a warrior princess, peered behind the bin. There, cowering amidst the discarded pizza boxes and banana peels, was a creature no bigger than a toddler. It had red skin, bat wings, a potbelly, pointy horns, and wore a mismatched yellow t-shirt and blue shorts. Its feet were bare.

“What in the world…?” Sally gasped, lowering her bat.

The creature, who looked like a cartoon caricature of a demon, squeaked again, “Don’t pretend you didn’t see me! I’m totally real!”

Sally couldn’t help but chuckle. This little imp was a total goofball, and he was surprisingly adorable. She knelt down, offering a gentle hand. “Hi there. I won’t hurt you. What’s your name?”

The imp, who introduced himself as Ivo, closed his eyes and trembled, convinced she was going to smack him with the bat. But Sally just ruffled his hair, earning a purr and a wagging tail.

“You’re really soft,” Ivo said, his voice surprisingly sweet.

“So, you’re an imp?” Sally asked.

Ivo sighed. “Yep, from the underworld. It’s a real bummer. Everyone thinks I’m a wimp. They make me try to be mean and mischievous, but I just wanna be myself.” He sniffed. “My bosses threw me out. Said I was a disgrace. I was hungry and scared, so I was hoping to get a little food from the trash.”

Sally felt a pang of sympathy. She understood what it was like to be an outsider. “Want to come live with my family and me?” she asked, her eyes sparkling with hope.

Ivo’s eyes widened. “Really?”

“Yeah!” Sally beamed. “We’ll figure it out. My parents are pretty cool. They’ll understand.”

When Sally’s parents, Nelson and Ella, arrived home to find their daughter with a miniature demon in tow, chaos ensued. Nelson, a burly cop, immediately grabbed his gun. Ella, a sassy social worker with a dry sense of humor, simply shook her head.

“Sally! What in the world?!” Nelson bellowed, his Afro-American face a picture of bewilderment.

“Dad, chill! He’s just a little imp. He’s harmless, I promise!” Sally pleaded.

Ivo, with a nervous smile, stepped forward and bowed. “Greetings! I am Ivo, an imp of great intellect and… clumsiness.”

Ella, ever the pragmatic one, raised an eyebrow. “Well, Ivo, what brings you to our humble abode?”

Ivo, with a slight tremor in his voice, explained his story. He talked about his longing for a family, his love of human technology, and his desire to learn more about the world. His sincerity, coupled with his genuine sweetness, melted their hearts.

“Well, we can’t just let a little imp out on the street, can we?” Nelson conceded, holstering his gun. “Besides, he seems like a good kid.”

With a whoop of delight, Ivo flung himself into Sally’s arms. “Thank you! Thank you! I’m so happy!”

So, Ivo the imp, despite his clumsiness and penchant for mishaps, became an unexpected but beloved member of the Jones family. He helped Sally with her homework, assisted Ella with the laundry and the kitchen, and even helped Nelson fix his car, often causing more trouble than he fixed. But, he was family, and that was all that mattered.

One day, while Ivo was attempting to repair a toaster, he accidentally electrocuted himself and his wings burst into flames. Ella, rushing in to save the day, calmly tossed a bucket of water over him, extinguishing the flames.

“See, this is what I mean, Ella,” Nelson said, shaking his head. “This kid is a walking disaster.”

Ella, with a smirk, replied, “Oh, Nelson, it’s not the disaster that matters, it’s the love that fixes it.”

Ivo, still singed but unharmed, looked at his new family with a heart full of gratitude. He may have been a little imp, but he had found a place where he belonged. He was no longer the “ugly duckling” of the underworld. He was simply Ivo, the little imp who loved his family, the wacky adventures they shared, and life in East Woods, California. And he was finally, truly, home.