
The chapter began with the members preparing for t

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/17 Read: 3877

The chapter began with the members preparing for the first day of the Akizakura tournament.

The arena begins with a performance from the Yoshitsune side, while the representatives prepare for their first game, which involves 3 members from each organization.

First Game: Dopplegangger or Real
Game concept – they will be surrounded by representatives who are actually Dopplegangers. The representative must attack the real owner to earn points. If they attack the Dopplergangger, their eyes will be reduced.

After that, they were rested before moving on to the second game, night time.

As night fell, some representatives were sent to the arena to continue the second game.

Second Game: Muzeum of Question
They were put into a ranked pyramid. Each rank contained several questions of different levels. Those who had reached the highest peak and managed to answer the most difficult questions would be declared the winner.

The event ended at night. Ren accidentally met Hazel (Inari npc), it was rumored that they knew each other. Hazel thought Ren broke his promise because he didn’t attend the opening ball of the Akizakura Tournament. But Ren said that he really didn’t understand Hazel’s words (aka not knowing either). Members explained Hazel about Ren’s condition. It was there that Hazel was shocked, and asked them to give her some alone time first. After about 30 minutes, Hazel told the members that she wanted to help Ren recover his memory. She says that going to Ren’s house can help him get the fragments of memory he’s lost. Hazel was called by another organization. Hazel gives Ren a peck on the forehead as a sign of their goodbye.

The air crackled with anticipation as the Akizakura Tournament commenced. The Yoshitsune side, renowned for their theatrical prowess, painted the stage with a vibrant, dynamic performance, setting the tone for a fierce competition. The members of the participating organizations, clad in their respective colors, stood ready, their nerves taut with excitement.

The first game, “Dopplegangger or Real,” was a test of both perception and strategy. Three representatives from each organization were thrust into a hall teeming with doppelgangers, each a perfect replica of their counterparts. The challenge: to identify the true owner amongst the illusory duplicates. Every strike against a doppelganger drained a point from their total, while targeting the real representative garnered precious points. The pressure was immense, forcing them to rely on their instincts and trust their judgment.

After a grueling first round, a brief respite allowed the members to recuperate, strategizing for the upcoming night. The second game, “Muzeum of Question,” awaited under the cloak of darkness.

As the night deepened, a select group of representatives entered the arena. The “Muzeum of Question” was a tower of knowledge, a multi-tiered pyramid where questions, ranging from simple to complex, challenged their minds. The higher they climbed, the more difficult the questions became. Only those who reached the pinnacle and answered the most challenging queries could claim victory.

The night unfolded under the watchful gaze of the moon. Ren, a member of one of the participating organizations, found himself unexpectedly reunited with Hazel, an enigmatic NPC from the Inari realm. Whispers of their past relationship swirled through the air, fueled by Hazel’s accusation that Ren had broken his promise by not attending the tournament’s opening ball. Ren, however, was baffled, unable to comprehend Hazel’s words. The memory of their shared past was a blank slate.

His companions explained Ren’s condition, the amnesia that had robbed him of his memories. Hazel, visibly shaken, requested some private time. After a tense silence, she emerged, her eyes filled with determination. She announced her decision to help Ren recover his lost memories, believing that visiting his home might unlock the missing fragments of his past.

As Hazel was called away by another organization, she leaned in and gave Ren a gentle peck on the forehead, a gesture of farewell and a promise of their continued journey. The night ended with the echo of hope, a glimmer of possibility that Ren’s forgotten memories might be retrieved, and the bond between him and Hazel might be rekindled.