
The king and queen decide to send Star away. Star

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/08/27 Read: 3678

The king and queen decide to send Star away. Star is afraid that they are sending her to St. Olga’s Reform School for Wayward Princesses, but instead, her parents are sending her to Earth, where she can learn to use her powers in safety. King River and Queen Moon request from King Orion and Queen Cheryl Winterflame if their daughter Aurora can accompany Star on her journey and teach her princess training. They agree. Royal servant Manfred uses a pair of dimensional scissors to cut open a portal to Earth. Star and Aurora say goodbye to Mewni and Lynphea respectfully as Ludo Avarius’s minion Buff Frog watches and laughs.

The air in the throne room was thick with unspoken tension. Star Butterfly, the princess of Mewni, fidgeted nervously on her embroidered cushion. Her parents, King River and Queen Moon, sat stiffly on their thrones, their faces etched with worry.

“Star,” Queen Moon began, her voice soft but firm. “We’ve come to a difficult decision.”

Star’s heart pounded in her chest. She knew this was about her recent outburst at the Royal Ball, a night that had ended with a giant, enchanted cake explosion. Now, her mind raced. Was this the dreaded St. Olga’s Reform School for Wayward Princesses? Would she be stuck in a cold, grey building for the rest of her life, away from her friends and magic?

King River cleared his throat. “We’ve decided that a change of scenery is necessary for you, dear. A place where you can learn to control your powers in a more… manageable environment.”

Star felt a wave of relief wash over her. It wasn’t St. Olga’s! But where else could they be sending her? “Where?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

“Earth,” Queen Moon replied. “A fascinating planet with a rich history and diverse culture. We believe it will be the perfect place for you to grow and learn.”

Star’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. Earth? That seemed… unconventional, to say the least. But she couldn’t deny a flicker of curiosity.

As if sensing her confusion, Queen Moon continued. “Your dear cousin, Princess Aurora of Lynphea, will be accompanying you. She has volunteered to act as your tutor and guide. She will teach you the fundamentals of princess training while you explore this new world.”

Star’s eyes widened. Aurora? That was unexpected. Aurora was a master of etiquette and royal protocol, known for her poise and grace. She was the opposite of Star, who preferred spontaneous adventures over ballroom dances. But maybe this could be a chance for them to bond.

Meanwhile, back in Lynphea, King Orion and Queen Cheryl Winterflame were preparing their daughter for her unexpected journey. Aurora, though initially hesitant, agreed to her parents’ request, seeing it as a chance to help her cousin.

The day of departure arrived, filled with bittersweet goodbyes. Star and Aurora, clutching each other tightly, looked up at the towering castle walls. Tears welled in their eyes as they said goodbye to Mewni and Lynphea, their hearts filled with a mix of fear and excitement.

At the edge of the royal gardens, Manfred, the royal servant, stood with his magical dimensional scissors. He snapped the blades together, and a swirling portal appeared, leading to Earth. Star and Aurora, holding hands, stepped through the portal, leaving behind the familiar landscape of Mewni.

Behind them, Ludo Avarius’s minion, Buff Frog, watched with a sly grin. He cackled, a low, guttural laugh, his eyes gleaming with malicious intent. “Earth? That’s a long way to go for a little magic lesson.” He chuckled, stroking his long, green tongue. “But the fun is just beginning.”

As Star and Aurora disappeared into the swirling portal, Buff Frog, the ominous foreshadowing of danger, vanished into the shadows, leaving behind a lingering sense of unease. Their journey to Earth, a seemingly harmless adventure, had just become a lot more complicated.