
the pokemon characters cynthia, serena, lusamine,

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/06 Read: 3651

the pokemon characters cynthia, serena, lusamine, lillie, melony, nessa and carmine are invited to a newly-opened sweets factory. There, they are met by a mysterious woman who introduces herself as their guide through the tour of the factory. Soon, they enter a room like a candy shop. The guests are given a piece of candy, among which the guide had included tainted sweets along with the regular ones. these are offered to the galar gym leaders, and nessa into a giant blob of caramel (with her thinking becoming sluggish as well) and melony into a much bigger ball of chocolate while the others watch horrified. when the others leave due to their guide ushering them to continue their tour, nessa and melony are grabbed by mechanical claws and taken to another part of the factory. there, nessa is compressed into a cube, causing her great discomfort, and subsequently diced into bite-sized pieces, which was an agonizing process to her as she could still feel every piece of the caramel she had become. at the same time, melony is melted down to a liquid, a process which unravels her mind leaving her unable to hold a thought. the melted melony-chocolate is then pumped into the pieces of nessa caramel, merging what was left of the two once-were-women in a process of discomfort and pressure. the newly finished candies are packed to and shipped off to be sold, save for one piece that is taken deeper into the factory by a gengar

the group passes by the baking section, the guests still thinking about what happened. a seemingly off-handed remark from the tour guide mentions that the sweets they make never expire. This prompts lusamine to try to look into the bowl of cake batter to see how it’s done. However the railing she’s leaning on mysteriously falls away and she falls into the bowl. lillie tries to grab her, but ends up falling into a bowl of frosting before the two bowls are taken away. The others could only continue on, pràying lillie and lusamine were alright. out of sight of the other soon-to-be victims, the machines start their work. the necessary ingredients are poured into each bowl, mixing lusamine into cake batter and lillie into frosting. Then lillie’s bowl is placed into a refrigerating unit to await lusamine after the batter she has become is poured into multiple pans and baked into many cakes. once she is done, the lillie frosting is spread on top of lusamine’s many cake bodies. all the while, lusamine is ecstatic about her current situation, while lillie… not so much

Cynthia, serena and carmine, all that’s left of the group, go by the candy making section. wary of everything now after two of their companions were turned into sweets and another two fell into the machinery, two of the remaining guests are hesitant to go down the slides the tour guide presented them, who also says only one person could go down each slide. carmine however, still choses to go down one, picking the blue one as it matches her colour. a door closes behind her at the slide entrance, and with little options, cynthia and serena decide to follow her, cynthia going down the black slide, while serena takes the white one. cut to carmine as at the end of her slide, she falls into a pool of blue liquid. rising to the surface, she is horrified to see her skin turning blue as her school uniform, before feeling a pressure rising inside of her as she inflates into a giant oran berry. once her transformation is complete, she is taken to a juicer where all the juice inside her is extracted, leaving nothing but a giant shrivelled blue ball, though she is still conscious if barely clinging on to life as what’s left of her is taken away for another use in the factory. Serena on the other hand, ends up getting sprayed with a strange white mist, which causes her to harden into a candy statue. once she gets to the bottom of the chute, she is brought to a crusher which smashes her into hundreds of pieces which are then reshaped into gobstoppers, much to her dismay and agony

when cynthia reaches the bottom of her slide unharmed, she realises that she is the only one there. after waiting in vain for a minute, she goes off deeper into the factory. Eventually, she reaches the frozen food section, where all sorts of ice creams and similar desserts are made. not daring to touch anything, she continues her search for her companions as well as possibly an exit. however, she is unfortunately caught under a splash of a milk-like substance from a high up… somewhere. panic overtakes her as her body begins to melt, becoming nothing more than a puddle of cream on the floor. the champion, still conscious, feels herself being sucked up into a funnel before being deposited into a container before being blended up with other ingredients, shaken until she could barely think and frozen into a state of lethargy as nothing more than a large tub of ice cream. cut to carmine, who is still stuck as a juiced fruit. while she can’t see anything, she feels herself being dropped into a container, then blended up, each slice being the only thing that revives her from near death until the process stops and she falls back into near oblivion. the remains of the once proud student are then compressed into pokeblocks, each block formed giving carmine a dull, but agonizing ache she couldn’t escape, and frozen for later use

as the products the victims had become are distributed across the world, the mysterious tour guide, who also happened to be the owner of the factory and orchestrater of their undoings, sat in her office as she gloated to a single sample of each woman, preserved next to her as trophies. the poor victims could feel themselves being consumed by millions, carmine especially who was served as both juice and pokeblocks. while most of them sat in misery and despair, lusamine was the only one who wanted to shower her captor in praise for granting her the gift of eternity. one of her workers comes into the room, carrying a platter on top of which were samples of the victims for the owner and her pet gengar. smiling a sickeningly sweet smile at the once-were women before putting a melony-chocolate-filled nessa-caramel into her mouth as the malicious ghost-type chowed down on its carmine pokeblocks

The air hung thick with the sweet aroma of vanilla and caramel as Cynthia, Serena, Lusamine, Lillie, Melony, Nessa, and Carmine stepped into the grand hall of the newly opened “Sweets of Everlasting Delight” factory. A woman, her smile as saccharine as the surrounding air, greeted them. “Welcome, esteemed guests,” she chirped, introducing herself as Ms. Delectable, their guide for the tour.

A wall of shimmering glass revealed a wonderland of candy, glistening with vibrant colors and enticing scents. Ms. Delectable offered each guest a candy, her eyes twinkling with a disconcerting gleam. A shiver ran down Cynthia’s spine as she noticed the candy in Ms. Delectable’s hand seemed to glow with an unnatural light.

The group was ushered into a vast room resembling a giant candy shop. The air thrummed with a strange energy, and Cynthia couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched.

Ms. Delectable, with a theatrical flourish, presented a tray of assorted candies to the Galar gym leaders and Nessa. “Indulge, my dears,” she urged, her smile widening. Nessa and Melony, oblivious to the growing unease, accepted the sugary treats, unaware of the poison laced within.

Within seconds, Nessa felt a strange sluggishness creep over her as the caramel candy melted in her mouth, transforming her into a shimmering blob. Melony, similarly, found herself enveloped in a gooey chocolate embrace, her senses blurring.

The others watched in horror as the two gym leaders were hoisted by mechanical claws, whisked away to a hidden chamber. Cynthia, Serena, Lusamine, Lillie, and Carmine were ushered forward by Ms. Delectable, who assured them it was just a “fun little diversion.”

Behind the closed door, Nessa was compressed into a cube, the caramel solidifying around her. She felt the agonizing pressure, each piece of her being molded and reshaped into bite-sized treats. Melony, meanwhile, melted into a viscous chocolate pool, her mind dissolving with each passing moment. The liquefied chocolate was then pumped into the Nessa-caramel, the two women merging into a single, horrifying confection.

The group, still reeling from the horrifying sight, continued their tour, the air growing colder and heavier with each step. Ms. Delectable nonchalantly mentioned the factory’s most prized feature: their sweets never expired.

Intrigued and concerned, Lusamine leaned over the railing of a platform overlooking a bowl of swirling cake batter. The railing, inexplicably, gave way, plunging Lusamine into the batter. Lillie, in a desperate attempt to save her, reached for her, only to lose her footing and tumble into a nearby bowl of frosting.

The machinery roared to life, the bowls whisked away. Lusamine, enveloped in the batter, felt a strange sense of euphoria, her mind dissolving into a blissful haze. Lillie, encased in frosting, was consumed by a chilling dread as she was whisked away to a refrigerated unit, awaiting her final transformation.

The three remaining guests, shaken to their core, found themselves in the candy-making section. Ms. Delectable, her smile widening, pointed to a trio of colorful slides, offering them a choice.

Carmine, drawn to the blue slide, went down without hesitation. A door slammed shut behind her, and with a sickening jolt, she fell into a pool of blue liquid. Her skin turned blue, her uniform dissolving, as she was inflated into a giant Oran Berry. She was then transported to a juicer, her life force drained and extracted, leaving only a shriveled, blue husk, barely clinging to consciousness.

Serena, hesitant but desperate to find an escape, chose the white slide. As she descended, a white mist sprayed her, hardening her into a candy statue. She landed with a sickening thud, and was promptly crushed and reshaped into a mountain of gobstoppers.

Cynthia, the last one left, took the black slide, her heart pounding in her chest. She emerged into a chilling silence, the only survivor. A terrifying realization dawned on her – she was alone.

She plunged deeper into the factory, searching for her companions and a way out. Suddenly, she was doused with a cascade of milky liquid, her body melting into a pool of cream. The champion, still conscious, felt herself being sucked into a funnel, blended, shaken, and frozen into a giant tub of ice cream.

Meanwhile, Carmine, as a juiced fruit, felt herself being dropped into a container, her remaining consciousness flickering with each violent shake. She was then compressed into pokeblocks, each formation bringing a fresh wave of agony.

In her lavish office, Ms. Delectable, a chilling gleam in her eyes, savored a bite of a freshly-made Nessa-caramel-filled Melony-chocolate candy. Her pet Gengar, gleefully devoured a platter of Carmine pokeblocks. The other samples sat beside her, chilling reminders of her twisted success.

Lusamine, trapped in a cake, reveled in her eternal existence, blissfully unaware of the horrors she had endured. Lillie, trapped in frosting, was consumed by a cold, consuming dread. The other women, mere remnants of their former selves, were trapped in their sugary prisons, consumed by a despair as cold and bitter as the sweets they had become.

The factory, a symphony of churning machinery and a sickeningly sweet aroma, churned out its grotesque product, spreading its horrifying creations across the world. The victims, once vibrant and powerful women, were now nothing more than sweet, albeit terrifying, reminders of the factory’s dark secret.