
the war council sat for three consecutive days unt

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/25 Read: 2091

the war council sat for three consecutive days until Nyala presented a crafty plan:
that the war council enlist Varagon of the the desert tribes, an independent leader who has kept the desert as his domain, just like his ancestors, for centuries.
Nyala:”the Varagons have all the access to the Kingdom of the East of Wid beasts, we can use them to carry the message of peace rather than war.””
the council debated further on this new proposed approach and it was passed as the first step in securing the peace that has tenuously existed on the continent for more than two lifetimes. There are men and women who’s children have children of their own, who have never seen war.
Azum: I am in agreement with this approach but I dare say that the Varagos always negotiate on their own behalf as they are merchants of silver and gold and fire stones.”
The war council at the Navel of the Earth were much more upbeat but then one of old Sages that has been at the Navel for 6 lifetimes, lifted hid staff and banged to the floor, its energy filled with the magic of a world gone by, silenced everyone in the war council.
Sage: “i know that the people of the Wild Beasts are running out of drinking water as the tribes south of their territory have dammed up the water that flows through the land of the great Pyramids. There will be war but if the Varagos can secure the firestones from the Giants of the MARAWI Lith mines, we have a great chance to stop them. The NAVEL carries the knowledge of how the mixture of firestones and Lith can wipe out even the visitors from the red planet 60 lifetimes away. the power of this energy is a carefully balance alchemy of old. It kept the world from freezing when the god of the fire in the sky was hidden for an entire season of planting Shinlit – the food that has 90% of all the elements vitality for our way of life

The air in the great hall of the Navel of the Earth crackled with tension. For three days, the War Council had debated, argued, and despaired. The peace that had blessed the continent for generations was on the verge of crumbling. The thirst of the Wild Beasts, driven to the brink by the damming of their sacred river, threatened to unleash a war that could engulf the entire land.

Nyala, the youngest member of the council, rose from her seat, her voice resonating with a quiet strength. “We must seek the aid of Varagon,” she declared, her gaze sweeping across the faces of the seasoned leaders. “The Varagons are merchants of the desert, masters of the Wid Beasts, creatures of immense strength and speed. They could carry our message of peace to the Wild Beasts, a message that speaks not of war, but of understanding.”

A murmur of dissent rippled through the council. Azum, the seasoned warrior, scoffed. “The Varagons are cunning, Nyala. They will negotiate on their own terms, their pockets lined with silver, gold, and firestones.”

Nyala remained undeterred. “Perhaps,” she conceded, “but they are also pragmatists. They value the balance of the world, the prosperity that peace brings. If we offer them a chance to secure their own interests, they will be willing to listen.”

The council debated further, the weight of the impending war hanging heavy in the air. Finally, as a flicker of hope kindled in their weary eyes, they agreed. Nyala’s proposal was the first step towards securing a fragile peace.

As the council began to disperse, a figure emerged from the shadows, his face etched with the wisdom of six lifetimes. Sage, the oldest and most respected member of the Navel, raised his staff, its intricate carvings glowing with ancient magic, and struck the floor. The hall fell silent, the echoes of the staff’s impact reverberating through the chamber.

“The Wild Beasts are driven by thirst,” Sage intoned, his voice low and gravelly. “The tribes south have stolen their water, dammed the river that flows through the land of the Great Pyramids. They will not be swayed by mere words. We need a more potent solution, a solution that speaks to their need, their survival.”

He leaned forward, his eyes burning with a strange intensity. “The Varagons have access to the MARAWI Lith mines, where the Giants guard the firestones. Firestones and Lith, combined in the right measure, hold the power to reshape the world. An alchemy of old, a forgotten knowledge that can bring life back to the parched lands. It is a dangerous power, but it is our only hope.”

He looked at each council member in turn, his gaze lingering on Nyala. “Nyala, you have spoken of peace, but peace cannot be forged on empty promises. We must offer the Wild Beasts a lifeline, a solution that will not only quench their thirst, but also secure the future of this land. Go to the Varagons, not with words of peace alone, but with the promise of a power they have never imagined, a power that can revitalize the world, a power that can bring peace to the hearts of all who thirst.”

Nyala nodded, her eyes filled with the fire of purpose. The council, their hearts heavy with the burden of responsibility, watched as she left the Navel, her footsteps echoing the urgent need for peace in a world teetering on the brink of war.