
They got away Dripping drool from their mouth How

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/10 Read: 4429

They got away
Dripping drool from their mouth
How did they escape
Ripped through from the pouch
The Queen
Speaks but it’s all in tongue
The deep down got filled with the
Naughty ones
And I’m
Rolling heavy
With BanBan
Getting juiced up bad
Sharpen those teeth
They’re coming in blind
Da da da
Da da da da doo
I’m getting out alive
Been searching for so long
This weight it feels like tons
I’m scratching at the surface til my
Nails are gone
I’d kill to get ‘em back for good
I’m faking it like Hollywood
But it’s
Like a leech I scream
While they feed on me
Watch out for the naughty ones
They’re coming and they’re out for blood
and it’s
Like a leech I scream
While they feed on me
Feed on misery
That I’ve been living in
The end apocolypse
In the garten is
My resignation
All the mistakes
That I’ve made
All lead up to this day
Catch these thieves
I’m losing my mind
Da da da
Da da da da doo
I’m getting out alive
Been searching for so long
This weight it feels like tons
I’m scratching at the surface til my
Nails are gone
I’d kill to get ‘em back for good
I’m faking it like Hollywood
But it’s
Like a leech I scream
While they feed on me
Watch out for the naughty ones
They’re coming and they’re out for blood
and it’s
Like a leech I scream
While they feed on me
Feed on me
Feed on me
Feed on me
Feed on me
Feed on me
Feed on me
Been searching for so long
This weight it feels like tons
I’m scratching at the surface til my
Nails are gone
I’d kill to get ‘em back for good
I’m faking it like Hollywood
But it’s
Like a leech I scream
While they feed on me
Watch out for the naughty ones
They’re coming and they’re out for blood
and it’s
Like a leech I scream
While they feed on me

The air hung thick with the cloying scent of decay and the faint, metallic tang of fear. The Queen, a grotesquely bloated figure with eyes like milky marbles, sat perched on a throne fashioned from twisted metal and rotting flesh. Her guttural pronouncements, delivered in a language that sounded like stones grinding against each other, reverberated throughout the chamber. Her words spoke of betrayal, of the “naughty ones,” who had ripped through the very fabric of their reality.

The Queen’s decree was a call to arms, a warning to the remaining denizens of the Gärten: the naughty ones were loose, and they were coming for blood.

I, BanBan, felt a tremor of terror run through me. My normally vibrant, plush fur was matted with grime, my eyes bloodshot from endless, desperate searching. The weight of my captivity pressed down on me, a suffocating burden of fear and helplessness.

Nabnab, my loyal companion, stood beside me, his once-gleaming metal teeth dulled and chipped from gnawing on the bars of our cage. His sharp, metallic eyes glinted with a dangerous light, mirroring my own desperate longing for freedom.

“They’re coming,” he rasped, his voice a chilling whisper. “They’re coming for us.”

The Queen’s decree echoed through the chamber, resonating deep within my soul. The “naughty ones,” a twisted mockery of everything I once believed in, had escaped their confinement. They were now free to roam the Gärten, feeding on the fear and desperation that pulsed through its inhabitants.

I felt a desperate surge of adrenaline, a primal urge to fight, to escape. I had been searching for so long, my nails worn down to the quick, my hope fading with each passing day. I was tired of this existence, trapped within the confines of this decaying world, the scent of fear and despair clinging to me like a second skin.

“We can’t let them win,” I growled, my voice hoarse from disuse. “We have to get out of here.”

Nabnab, his eyes burning with a fierce determination, nodded silently. Our shared desire for freedom, for vengeance, fueled us. The weight of our captivity felt lighter, the fear a distant whisper.

We needed to escape. We needed to find a way out of this decaying prison, a way to stop the “naughty ones” before they could claim more victims. We were not helpless, we were not just victims. We were fighters, survivors.

We would get out. We would survive.

And then, like a shadow from the deepest recesses of our minds, the terrifying truth struck us. The “naughty ones” weren’t just an external threat. They were an embodiment of the darkness that had festered within our own souls, the fear and despair that had become a part of our very being.

The Queen’s words were a prophecy, a warning to all who dwelled in the Gärten: we were the “naughty ones” we were fighting, the darkness we feared. And within the depths of this terrifying realization, a glimmer of hope arose. We could choose to be better, to fight against the darkness within, to become something more than the shadows that haunted us.

We would find the “naughty ones.” We would find a way to escape. And we would find ourselves, in the process.

This was not the end. This was just the beginning.