
Title: A Poodle’s Vacation A cute fancy and ele

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/28 Read: 5590

Title: A Poodle’s Vacation

A cute fancy and elegant pink poodle lives with her human billionaire family as they go a trip to their relatives mansion. But the poodle gets a little itchy during the trip.

Scratching Scenes:

1. (Opening) The poodle wakes up, yawning and stretching her arms. Then she struggles with a terrible itch under her golden collar as she furiously tries to scratch it when no one’s watching. Then she goes to wake up the family. (She does not remove the collar)

2. When the mother and father brush and groom their poodle, they leave the bathroom to go to their bedroom and change clothes. As the poodle gets out of the bathroom, she suddenly freezes by her itchy collar once again as she discreetly scratches that she can’t seem to reach with her feet as she stops to continues her day.

3. As the family do a long drive to the mansion in their limousine, the poodle is sitting alone in the back corner of the vehicle. While no one’s watching, the poodle discreetly and furiously scratch her ears as she also rubs them against the window to get REALLY in there.

4. When the family arrive to the mansion, they can’t believe their eyes as they look at the mansion in astonishment. While no one is watching, the poodle has another chance to discreetly and furiously scratch her ears once again as she stops scratching to look at the beautiful mansion.

5. As the poodle wanders around the kitchen, he uses a nearby stool to scratch her back before she goes back to the living room.

6. As the poodle joins the kids and cousins playing in the gaming room, the poodle has another chance to scratch herself furiously when none of the kids are watching as she sees them playing.

7. While the other kids are playing games, one of the kids try a little test with the poodle by scratching that sweet spot on her neck, and behind the ears. But the poodle tells the child to keep the sweet itchy spot a secret so no one would think she wasn’t mature. The child promises to keep it a secret.
(The poodle discreetly kicks her leg and pants her tongue when the kid scratches that sweet spot)

8. As the family come back home to go sleep, the poodle has one last chance to secretly scratch her ear one more time before drifting off to sleep.

Pinky, a poodle whose fur rivaled the blush of a summer rose, awoke with a yawn that stretched her elegant limbs. A shiver of discomfort ran through her, a familiar itch under her golden collar. Discreetly, she lifted her head and, with a quick, frustrated swipe of her paw, tried to reach the spot. Her tail, usually a proud plume, dipped in frustration. No luck. Pinky, a lady of impeccable manners, wouldn’t dream of scratching in front of her billionaire human family, but the itch was unbearable. She decided to wake them up; a good distraction, she thought.

The family, a whirlwind of silk scarves and polished shoes, descended for breakfast, showering Pinky with loving pats and murmurs. “My darling Pinky!” cooed Mrs. Belmont, her voice tinkling like champagne glasses. She brushed Pinky’s fur, a ritual Pinky endured with grace, but the itch remained. As Mrs. and Mr. Belmont retired to their suite to change for the drive to the mansion, Pinky seized her opportunity. She stood, her long, slender legs a picture of poise, and with a flick of her head, attempted to scratch the elusive spot.

The drive to the mansion was a blur of passing scenery. Pinky, ensconced in the plush back seat of their limousine, felt the itch intensify. She shifted, then leaned against the window, rubbing her ear with the furry back of her leg. “Look, Pinky!” exclaimed young Miss Belmont, pointing to the magnificent mansion rising before them. It was a sight to behold, but Pinky’s attention was entirely on her itching ear. She discreetly scratched, then turned to admire the grand estate with an air of refined nonchalance.

As the family toured the mansion, Pinky’s itch reached a crescendo. She found a stool near the kitchen, stood on her hind legs, and with a flourish, rubbed her back against its surface. Later, in the gaming room, surrounded by giggling cousins, Pinky couldn’t resist another frantic scratch behind her ear, all the while pretending to be enthralled by the children’s antics.

One of the cousins, a boy named Oliver, discovered Pinky’s weakness. With a sly smile, he reached out and scratched the spot behind her ear. Pinky’s eyes closed, and a sigh escaped her lips. “It’s a secret, Oliver,” she barked, wagging her tail furiously, “Don’t tell anyone.” Oliver, charmed by Pinky’s air of importance, nodded solemnly.

Finally, the family returned to the Belmont mansion, ready for bed. As Pinky snuggled into her bed, she gave one last, almost imperceptible scratch behind her ear, before falling into a peaceful, itch-free sleep. Pinky, the elegant poodle, might have had her little secret, but nothing, not even a persistent itch, could dampen her spirit or the luxurious charm of her vacation.