
Title: “Bob and Sue vs The Amityville Horror”

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/26 Read: 6370

Title: “Bob and Sue vs The Amityville Horror”

Bob and sue explore the haunted Amitvyille house late at night. Things go horribly wrong.


1. Bob realizes this is the exact same location, which is 112 ocean avenue. It was changed to 108 ocean avenue to discourage tourists from seeing the house, but that didn’t stop Bob from exploring the world’s most haunted house.

2. While going to the house, Bob tells the story about how the house became “haunted”. Apparently a man named Ronald Defeo killed all 6 member of his family with a shotgun while they were sleeping. He said voices told him to do it. No member of the family or a neighbor woken up to the gunshots. Sue asks what voices made Ronald do it. Bob says it’s quite unknown, but according to the database, 35 years BEFORE the Defeo’s moved in, a man died from an illness in the Amitvyille house. And because of that ONE illness, it caused a movie franchise that would break box office records.

3. When Bob and Sue arrive to the house Bob figures out the combination to the house lock. When they see the marvelous interior inside the house. Sue still finds this a bit creepy, but they continue as they slowly take a camcorder for filming. They turn on the lights and start recording. Bob welcome the viewers to the infamous Amityville house as the door behind them slowly closes by itself. Sue asks Bob if she saw something, and Bob thinks if was probably just the wind. But Sue still thinks the house is haunted.

4. They check out the living room with a nice brick fireplace, which was switched to a gas fireplace. Sue turn it on, but for some reason, the living room is freezing cold. Bob sees a window that is suddenly open and he closes it, while Sue cranks the temperature up. They check out the sunroom quickly and leave the living room. The window suddenly open back again, and the temperature falls down by 5 degrees all by themselves while Bob and sue’s back are turned.

5. After they see the dining room and kitchen, they check out the basement under the stairs, where the source of evil comes from, which is the mysterious red (brick) room, but it was locked shut behind a wooden door with a latch. Slightly disappointed, they move on. The door to the red room unlocks by itself and opens by a crack, then locks again.

6. At the 2nd floor, which has 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms in-between, Bob eventually gets trapped in the bathroom between the 3rd and 4th bedroom. Sue manages to get him out, but Bob is still paralyzed about what just happened.

7. They have a chance to explore the 3rd floor, which has 2 bedrooms and a bathroom in-between, unaware that a demonic presence is coming to end their lives. The demon chases Bob and Sue as they frantically try to find a way out, but there was no escape. They then realized there’s an outside balcony at the 2nd floor in the 3rd bedroom. They manage to escape alive and never returned. As they get back in their country Texas, they upload the video they recording in the morning, just to warn everyone.

Bob and Sue are not paranormal investigators.

The moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the quiet street. Bob, a man with a thirst for the macabre, pulled his car to a stop in front of 112 Ocean Avenue. “Can you believe it, Sue? The Amityville house. The real one.” He grinned, his eyes shining with excitement.

Sue, ever the pragmatist, rolled her eyes. “Bob, this is insane. It’s just a house. A house where some bad things happened. It’s not actually haunted.”

Bob chuckled, “That’s what they all say, Sue. But you’re not gonna believe this. The official address was changed to 108 Ocean Avenue to discourage tourists, but guess what? They couldn’t change history.” He pointed to a faded plaque on the porch: 112 Ocean Avenue.

As they walked up the creaking steps, Bob recounted the tale of Ronald DeFeo, the man who slaughtered his entire family in the house. He spoke of the chilling whispers of voices, the chilling silence of the neighbors, and the inexplicable lack of any reaction to the gunshots.

Sue, however, wasn’t convinced. She’d heard it all before, the stories about the haunted house. “What about the voices, Bob? Where did they come from?” she asked, her voice hushed.

“Nobody knows for sure, Sue,” Bob shrugged. “But they say that 35 years before the DeFeo family moved in, a man died in the house. One man, one illness. And that’s all it took to set off this whole chain reaction – a movie franchise, countless copycats, and this…this legend of evil.”

He fumbled in his backpack, pulling out a camcorder. “We’re going to document it, Sue. We’re going to prove the Amityville house is nothing more than a myth.”

Sue, however, felt a knot of unease tightening in her stomach. “What if it isn’t a myth, Bob?”

Bob smirked. “Then we’ll have the footage to prove it.”

He quickly figured out the lock combination, a bit of trivia he’d picked up online. The door creaked open, revealing a vast, dark interior. As Bob and Sue stepped inside, the air suddenly chilled.

“This is creepy, even for me,” Sue whispered, pulling her jacket tighter around her. “Are you sure about this, Bob?”

“Of course, we’re just exploring,” Bob said, flicking on the camcorder. “Welcome to the Amityville house, folks. This is the place where….”

As he spoke, the door behind them slammed shut with a deafening bang. The sound echoed through the house, leaving them in an unnatural silence.

Sue jumped, her hand flying to her mouth. “Bob, did you see that?”

Bob, his face pale, was already scanning the room. “It’s probably just the wind. These old houses are drafty.”

But even as he spoke, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right. There was a distinct coldness in the air, a feeling of being watched.

They ventured into the living room. A majestic brick fireplace, now converted to gas, dominated one wall. Sue reached out to turn it on, but the moment the flames ignited, the room plunged into an icy chill. They could feel their breath turning into visible clouds.

“What the-,” Sue began, but she was interrupted by a loud bang from the front window. Bob rushed over, finding the window open, the drapes billowing in a non-existent breeze. He slammed it shut, his heart pounding.

He glanced at the thermostat, where the temperature had plummeted five degrees. He turned the heat up, but even as he watched, the temperature continued to drop.

A sudden, bone-chilling feeling washed over them, so intense they could taste it. They fled the living room, heading toward the dining room, their backs stiff and their minds racing.

As they passed the open front window again, the icy blast of air hit them, leaving them trembling. The window slammed shut behind them, the click of the latch echoing in the silence. The temperature dropped again, five degrees, and they could feel the air itself growing heavy.

They continued their exploration, cautiously moving from room to room, the unease growing with each passing moment. The dining room, the kitchen, all felt cold and heavy, as if the air itself was thick with dread.

Finally, they reached the basement, the place whispered about in hushed tones, the source of the evil. A heavy wooden door with a rusty latch blocked their way. The red room. They tried to open the door, but it was locked.

“This is it,” Bob whispered, his voice shaky. “The red room. The source of the darkness.”

He stepped back, feeling a strange compulsion to turn away, to leave the room undisturbed. But even as he turned, the latch clicked open, the door creaked open a crack, then slammed shut again with a resounding thud.

Bob and Sue exchanged a terrified look. The fear was palpable, heavy in the air. They ran, their hearts hammering in their chests, their steps faltering as they ascended the stairs.

On the second floor, they found themselves facing a hallway leading to four bedrooms. They moved from room to room, the atmosphere growing thick with a suffocating dread, a feeling of impending doom.

Then, as Bob stepped into the bathroom between the third and fourth bedrooms, the door slammed shut behind him. He turned the knob, but it wouldn’t budge. He pounded on the door, screaming for Sue.

Panic flooded Sue’s veins. She ran back and forth, frantically searching for a way to help him. Finally, she found a small window that she managed to pry open. She squeezed through the narrow space, landing in the bathroom with a thud.

Bob was pale, his eyes wide with fear. “What happened?” he stammered, his voice barely a whisper.

Sue, her own heart still pounding in her chest, could only shake her head. “I don’t know,” she whispered, her voice trembling. “I think…I think we need to get out of here.”

They rushed up the stairs, the sense of dread growing with each step. They reached the third floor, the top floor of the house. Two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a window that looked out onto a narrow balcony. The demonic presence was upon them, its icy breath on their necks, its unseen claws reaching out to snatch them.

They turned, desperate to escape, only to find the hallway empty, the door to the second floor sealed shut. They were trapped.

But then, as the darkness seemed to close in around them, they saw it, a glimmer of hope. The window, the balcony. It was their only chance.

They scrambled to the window, the demonic presence hot on their heels. They squeezed through the narrow opening, their bodies straining, their lungs burning. The cold night air washed over them, a welcome relief.

They dropped onto the balcony, their hearts pounding, their minds reeling from the terror. They scrambled down the fire escape, each step away from the house a step away from the abyss.

They reached the ground, their legs shaking, their minds numb from the ordeal. They ran, their breaths ragged, their bodies fueled by pure adrenaline, never looking back.

As they finally reached their car, the chilling realization hit them. They had escaped, but the house had won. The Amityville horror had claimed their souls.

They drove for hours, their silence filled with unspoken terror, their minds replaying the horrors they had witnessed. They knew, in their hearts, that the house was no myth. The Amityville horror was real.

Days later, back in their quiet Texas town, Bob and Sue uploaded the footage they had captured. They warned others, their voices trembling with fear, their eyes haunted by the memory of the house.

The video went viral, quickly becoming a chilling testament to the power of the Amityville horror. People watched, their spines tingling, their hearts pounding, their minds filled with questions.

But for Bob and Sue, the answers had already come, etched into their very souls. The Amityville house was not a myth. It was a living, breathing entity, an insatiable beast, and it would never let them forget the night they had stared into its eyes.