
What If Anakin and Obi Wan KILLED Each Other On Mu

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/11 Read: 4023

What If Anakin and Obi Wan KILLED Each Other On Mustafar?

The molten landscape of Mustafar was a testament to the fury of their duel. Lava rivers snaked across the blackened earth, spewing plumes of fire into the crimson sky. The air crackled with the energy of lightsaber clashes, the rhythmic clang and hiss of steel on steel painting a brutal symphony of destruction.

Obi-Wan Kenobi, weathered and battered, parried a flurry of attacks from Anakin Skywalker, his eyes wide with a sorrow that mirrored the molten world around them. The boy he’d trained, the Padawan he’d loved like a brother, was now a monster, consumed by the dark side.

“Anakin,” he rasped, voice hoarse from exertion, “you’re lost. Turn back from this path!”

Anakin snarled, his eyes burning with hatred, “There is no turning back! I am the chosen one, destined to bring order to the galaxy, and you stand in my way!”

Their blades clashed with a ferocity that defied the laws of physics. The air shimmered with heat, the ground shuddered under their feet. The fight was a dance of death, a desperate struggle for survival.

A crimson blade sliced through Obi-Wan’s shoulder, drawing a gasp of pain. But the Jedi Master, fueled by the weight of his sorrow, pressed forward. With a powerful surge, he disarmed Anakin, sending his lightsaber spinning into the lava below.

Anakin, momentarily stunned, roared in anger. He lunged for his fallen weapon, but Obi-Wan was quicker. His lightsaber, bathed in blue light, pierced Anakin’s chest, a silent, final blow.

The young Sith Lord, his eyes wide with disbelief, crumpled to the ground, a single gasp escaping his lips before he fell silent. The darkness that had consumed him fled, leaving behind a hollow shell. The heat of the lava engulfed him, his body melting into the fiery earth.

Obi-Wan, his knees buckling under him, watched as Anakin was consumed by the flames. His heart, already heavy with grief, shattered into a million pieces. He had won, but the victory was tainted with the bitter taste of loss.

He had killed the boy he loved, the boy he’d trained. He had killed his hope, his future. He was left alone, a broken Jedi Master on a dying world, the ashes of his hopes swirling around him like the molten dust of Mustafar.

The galaxy, oblivious to the tragedy that had unfolded on that distant planet, continued its descent into darkness. The Jedi Order, fractured and weakened, fought a losing battle against the rising tide of the Empire. And on the desolate plains of Mustafar, a broken Jedi Master wept, mourning the loss of his Padawan, his friend, and his own shattered faith.

Obi-Wan knew that the galaxy would never know the full cost of their duel. He was left with the burden of his victory, the chilling reality of what he had done. The weight of the galaxy rested on his shoulders, and he knew he could never truly escape the haunting memory of his fallen brother, Anakin.