
When he reaches his house, Marco finds Star and Au

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/08/27 Read: 812

When he reaches his house, Marco finds Star and Aurora talking with his mom and dad. They tell Marco that Star and Aurora will be staying with them during their time on Earth. Star has already won Marco’s parents over with her upbeat personality, while Aurora has won them over with her quiet intelligence and gentle demeanor, and when Marco mentions puppies also have it, Star gets the idea to use her wand to create a litter of puppies, though they end up being laser-shooting puppies. Aurora gently uses her ring to deflect the laser’s from any human with a gentle shield. As Marco shows Star and Aurora to their room, Buff Frog watches from outside. He uses dimensional scissors to travel to a dark castle and reports to the villainous Ludo about Star and Aurora’s location.

Marco’s heart pounded as he unlocked the front door. The familiar scent of his mom’s baking bread mingled with the strange, sweet fragrance of Star’s magic. He stepped inside, expecting to see his parents wrestling with the complexities of interdimensional etiquette, but instead, he found his mother beaming at a giggling Star, who was showing off a new spell she’d learned. Aurora, perched on the sofa, observed them with a quiet smile, her fingers tracing the intricate pattern of her ring.

“Marco, you’re back!” his mother exclaimed, her eyes twinkling. “Star and Aurora are staying with us for a while.”

Marco blinked, surprised. “Staying with us? But… why?”

“Well, they needed a place to stay,” his father explained, “and we thought it would be great to have them here.”

Star, ever the extrovert, jumped up and hugged Marco. “Marco, we’re so glad to be here! Your parents are the best! They even let me use their kitchen to practice some new spells!”

Marco looked at his mother, who was trying, unsuccessfully, to stifle a laugh. He knew, as much as Star was oblivious to it, that the ‘new spells’ had resulted in a burnt pan and a miniature explosion of flour. His dad, bless his soul, had still managed to turn the disaster into a delightful pancake breakfast, though.

Aurora, as always, was the voice of reason. “Marco, we are grateful for your family’s hospitality. We’ll try to be as unobtrusive as possible.”

“Unobtrusive?” Marco scoffed, “You practically took over the living room with your magic!”

Star laughed, “Oh, Marco! You know you love my magic! Besides, who doesn’t love a little bit of fun?”

Marco couldn’t argue with that. In fact, he found himself looking forward to Star’s chaotic magic and Aurora’s calm presence.

Later, as Marco was showing them to their room, Star started talking about how she missed her puppies. “I miss my puppies,” she sighed, “They’re always so cute and cuddly!”

“Puppies?” Marco raised an eyebrow. “You don’t have any puppies.”

“Not real ones,” Star said, “but I have these magic ones, and I miss them!”

Aurora, sensing Star’s longing, gently said, “Perhaps we can create some temporary puppies, just for today. For a bit of comfort and companionship.”

A lightbulb went off in Star’s head. “That’s a great idea! I can use my wand to make some!”

With a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, Star raised her wand and uttered a few words. Suddenly, a flurry of golden light filled the room, and a litter of fluffy, adorable puppies materialized. Marco’s heart melted. The puppies were the cutest things he’d ever seen!

But as Star beamed at her creation, a strange whizzing sound filled the air. Marco, following the sound, saw the puppies whimpering, their mouths glowing with strange energy. Then, a laser beam shot out from one of the puppies, narrowly missing Marco’s ear.

“Laser puppies!” Marco yelled, ducking. “What did you do?”

Aurora, her expression serious now, held up her hand, and a shimmering shield formed around them. “Don’t worry,” she said, “My ring can deflect the lasers. But we need to figure out how to undo this magic.”

Star’s eyes widened in alarm. “Oh no, I think I may have added a few more ingredients than I should have. I’ll try to fix it!”

As Star fumbled with her wand, a shadow slithered through the window, landing silently on the wall. Buff Frog, his eyes glinting with mischief, watched the chaotic scene with a twisted smile. He whipped out his dimensional scissors and, with a quick snip, vanished into a dark, twisting portal.

He landed in a dimly lit throne room, the only source of light emanating from a skull-shaped chandelier. On a throne of bones, sat Ludo, the villainous king of monsters, his face contorted in a grotesque grin.

“Ludo,” Buff Frog announced, “I have found them. Star and Aurora are in the human realm, staying in a house with a human boy named Marco. They are vulnerable.”

Ludo chuckled, a chilling sound that echoed through the cavernous room. “Vulnerable? Perfect! Now, all we need to do is capture them, and our plan will be complete!”

Buff Frog bowed. “It will be an honor, my lord.”

With a sinister glint in his eyes, Ludo slammed his fist on the throne, the bones clattering ominously. “Then let the chaos begin!”