
Write a 24 fanfiction where Alex Myers, brother of

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/07 Read: 6451

Write a 24 fanfiction where Alex Myers, brother of Nina Myers, is using a false identity to get close to Kim Bauer

The fluorescent lights of the diner buzzed, reflecting in the greasy sheen of Alex’s hair. He fiddled with the sugar packet, nervously watching Kim Bauer across the booth. His heart hammered in his chest, a relentless drum against his ribs. It was always like this.

He’d been playing this game for weeks, a dangerous charade that had him living a double life. Alex Myers, a charming, enigmatic architect, had become Jack Bauer’s best friend’s confidante. He was supposed to be a harmless observer, a way to stay close to Kim, to protect her.

He knew it was wrong. Nina had made it clear – don’t get attached. It was a job, nothing more. But seeing Kim, vulnerable and open, with her laughter echoing through the diner, made him question everything.

“Something wrong, Alex?” Kim’s voice, soft and questioning, broke him from his trance.

“No, nothing,” he mumbled, forcing a smile. “Just… lost in thought about the project.” He was a terrible liar. Kim, though, seemed oblivious.

He’d known her since she was a child, a bubbly girl with a bright smile. Now, she was a woman, strong and independent, with a fierceness that mirrored her father. He’d spent his life watching from the shadows, yearning for a connection he knew he couldn’t have.

“I’m glad you’re doing well with it,” Kim said, her gaze flitting to the menu. “I’m a little worried about Dad. He’s been working late, and he seems tense.”

He knew the truth – Jack was hunting a ghost, a shadow lurking on the edge of their lives. A shadow he’d spent his life chasing, a shadow that now threatened to consume him. Alex felt a surge of protectiveness for Kim. He would do anything to shield her from the darkness that threatened to swallow them all.

“He’ll be alright,” Alex said, his voice a low rumble. “He’s tough. He always gets through.” He knew it was a lie, but he wanted to give her comfort.

Kim nodded, but her eyes remained troubled. They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of their shared anxieties hanging heavy in the air.

“Alex?” Kim’s voice was hesitant. “I know you’re a friend of my dad’s, but I feel like… I feel like there’s more to you than you’re letting on.”

His stomach twisted. He knew this moment was coming, the inevitable moment of truth. His facade was crumbling, and he could feel Kim’s suspicion growing stronger with every passing second.

“It’s just… I’ve always been a little bit of a loner,” he said, trying to sound nonchalant. “Not very good at opening up.”

“But you opened up to me,” Kim said, her eyes searching his. “You told me things… things you wouldn’t tell anyone else.”

He was trapped, his lies unraveling like a tangled thread. The truth, a dark and dangerous secret, lurked just beneath the surface.

“I… I’m sorry, Kim,” he said, his voice shaking. “Maybe I made a mistake.”

He was already running, his feet pounding on the pavement as he fled the diner, the image of Kim’s questioning eyes etched in his mind. He didn’t know how long he could keep up this charade, how long he could lie to her, to himself. But he knew one thing: he couldn’t bear to lose her, not when she was the only light in his ever-darkening world.