
write Alessandra Castiliénne (the younger daughte

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/06 Read: 4101

write Alessandra Castiliénne (the younger daughter of the infamous Duke Andreas Castiliénne known for his ruthless ways when he hunted ‘monsters’ or Immortae) held still as the mysterious, powerful Ǝak named Luca Soül with handsome, sharp features, dark hair that fell over his forehead and crimson eyes as he towered over Alessandra with an sarcastic smirk as he asked her what Alessandra had accomplished in her life that an maid or servant hadn’t done for her. The look Luca gave her made her more flustered as she struggled for an answer. (the true name for the supposedly terrifying creatures that humans occasionally called vampires as a derogatory term after the ‘Monster Laws’ were put into effect. Ǝak were only one of many part of a group called the Immortae such as witches, fairies, sirens, etc.) btw, although her father forbade it, Alessandra adores learning about Immortae DNA and genetics — especially the kind that wasn’t just constructed propaganda.

The scent of old parchment and dust clung to the air in Alessandra’s study, a haven she’d carved out for herself within the imposing walls of the Castiliénne estate. Her father, the Duke, would have scoffed at the notion of his daughter spending her time with such frivolous pursuits, but Alessandra, unlike her elder sister, wasn’t destined to be a pawn in his ruthless game of power. She yearned for knowledge, for truth, not the twisted propaganda fed to the people about the Immortae, the beings her father so vehemently hunted.

Tonight, however, the familiar peace of her study was shattered by an intruder. He stood before her, a figure of breathtaking beauty and chilling arrogance. Luca Soül, an Ǝak, a creature of the night who was as legendary as the Duke himself. He was the embodiment of everything her father preached against, yet here he was, a predator in her sanctuary.

His crimson eyes, sharp as honed obsidian, pierced through her, leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable. A smirk played on his lips, cruel and mocking. “So, Duchess Alessandra Castiliénne,” he drawled, his voice a silken melody that sent a shiver down her spine, “what have you accomplished in your life that a maid or servant couldn’t do for you?”

The question stung. Luca wasn’t simply mocking her, he was hitting at the core of her own insecurities. Her father had always drilled it into her that she was nothing more than a pawn, a tool for securing his legacy. Was Luca right? Was her existence just a gilded cage, a pointless exercise in privilege?

Alessandra struggled for an answer, her voice catching in her throat. “I… I study,” she stammered, her gaze fixed on the ancient texts scattered across her desk. “I read about your kind, about the Immortae. Not the propaganda my father disseminates, but the truth.”

Luca’s smirk widened. “And what have you learned, little Duchess? That we are monsters? That we drink the blood of innocent humans?”

“No,” Alessandra said, her voice hardening, “I’ve learned that you are misunderstood. That you are more than the whispers and the lies.”

Luca tilted his head, a flicker of surprise crossing his crimson eyes. “You dare speak of truth in the face of centuries of hatred?”

“I dare to seek knowledge,” she retorted, her gaze unflinching. “I dare to see past the fear and prejudice.”

Luca’s gaze held hers, the air between them crackling with a strange tension. Then, he did something unexpected. He chuckled, a low, rumbling sound that echoed in the room.

“You are a curious one, Alessandra Castiliénne. Perhaps there is more to you than meets the eye.”

His words were a riddle, a whispered promise of something more. And in that moment, Alessandra knew that her life, her purpose, was about to change forever. She may have been born into a world of fear and hatred, but she was determined to find her own path, a path that led not to war, but to understanding. And as she looked into Luca’s crimson eyes, she knew that he would be a part of that journey, a dangerous and intriguing guide into the hidden world of the Immortae.