
Write this whole story in Eunice’s first person p

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/06/29 Read: 3759
Write this whole story in Eunice's first person pov It starts with Ms. Eunice high school OT teacher wakes up with her filling her huge bottle with Coffee. She peed before she went to drive to work and teach OT. As time went on, she drank her water and her huge bottle of Coffee. This would later on be a problem. It stayed fine in first and second period, teaching her students just fine with no issues. Third period is the issue. As she was teaching her student, Jane, she felt a need to pee. It was minor but she ignored it and teacher her. However, 10 minutes later, it became an issue. I really need to pee, she said to herself. She checked that she only teaches 15 minutes in the period… meaning she would have to wait 30 Mintues. 30 MINUTES? no way i can hold it for that long. she said to herself. She tried to teach Jane normally but was shaking her legs sitting down. This is torture… no way I can’t pee myself… THINK THINK. said to herself. She thought of calling. “Be right back… just work on the paper for your skills' ' she said. When she called, nearly all of them were already teaching or couldn't cover. She had three more options: Ms. S, Dave or Ms. T. Okay, time to call Ms. S, she said to herself. She called and Ms S answered. ”Hello? Mak?” Ms S said. “Hi, can you watch Jane for me while I use the bathroom?” She asked. Ms. S then said “I can’t, at a meeting sorry.” Ms. Eunice sadly said “it’s okay. Bye.” “Bye” Ms. S said. After the call, Ms.Eunice was shaking her legs more and felt more pain. I hate this… I have never had to pee this bad in my life, she said quietly. Then, Dave came into the room. Oh thank god she said to herself. “Hey, Mak, Hey Jane”. Dave said. “Hey” Jane said. “Uhhh… hi… um Dave can you please talk to me privately?” she asked. “Uhh… sure?” Dave said confused. Ms. Eunice and Dave went to other on. “Dave, can you watch Jane for me while I use the bathroom?” she asked with a desperate look. Dave said “I can’t. I am a meeting, i came back to get my folder. sorry.” Ms. Eunice felt her heart dropped. As Dave left, Ms. Eunice had one person left: Ms. T. /Okay, if Ms. T isn’t available, I might actually piss myself… oh lord please/ she said in her head. Jane was done and Ms. Eunice said good job and too play in the jumprope with her remaining 20 minutes left. She then called Ms. T and asked “Hey, are you available right now?” /Please say yes/ she said to herself. Ms. T said “Yeah, why?” She smiled. /Oh thank god/ “Are you in the first floor or?” she asked, making sure she is in close enough distance for her to get in the classroom and watch Jane, so she can use the bathroom. Ms. T said “yeah, was just filling something out.” /YES. YES/ she thought to her head. “Okay, please hurry up and come to my room, you know where it is. I need you for something.” Ms. Eunice said. “Okay.” Ms. T said. While waiting, Ms. Eunice said “Good job, Jane.” Jane smiled. Ms. Eunice legs were shacking. /I can hardly hold it, bladder is too full… better hurry up/. she said to herself. 2 minutes later, Ms. T showed up. “Hey Ms. Eunice!” she said. /Oh thank god/ Ms. Eunice said. “Hi.. uh-“ she said before getting interrupted. “What do you need?” Ms. T asked. “I just need you to watch Jane while I use the bathroom. PLEASE, i will just be a few minutes. i’ve been desperate all period and looking for someone to watch Jane for just for a minutes, you are my last option. I am about to pee myself”. Ms. T said “ Of course. Go!” /oh my gosh/ she said in her head. She grabbed her keys and said “Thank you so much”. As she left the door, she was this close to the nearest adult bathroom. She was slow walking to the bathroom. /Almost there.. almost there. YES!/. As she was getting there, she was slowly interrupted by a student saying “We meet next Wednesday, right?” /Oh god… i am about to pee myself… ugh/ Ms. Eunice, with her legs crossed said “Yes, 4th period, why?” /Please make this quick/ she said in her head. “Oh… i have a trip that day, make up on Thursday?” /After this, please go so i can pee/. Ms. Eunice said “Yes… uhh 3rd period works for me, does it for you?” Student said “yeah, see you on Thursday.” /Phew/ as the student left, she finally was at the bathroom. She used her key to open the bathroom and went to the stall. /Finally!/ She then took off her pants, underwear and peed. “AAAAAAAHHHHH!'' She said as peed entered the toilet the second she sat on the toilet. /This feels so good/, she said. Finally, after 35 seconds, her full bladder was finally emptied out and finished peeing. She wiped and flushed the toilet. She entered back her room with 10 minutes left. She said to Ms. T “Thank you so much, I feel so much better.” Ms. T said “Not a problem, must have been such a relief, anyways cya around”. She smiled and said “Bye.” She continued teaching in her normal routine afterward.

My bladder felt like a ticking time bomb. I’d already peed before leaving for work this morning, but the siren song of my giant thermos of coffee had proven too strong to resist. It was a warm, crisp autumn morning, and the aroma of the dark roast was intoxicating. I’d been steadily chugging it all morning, along with a few bottles of water, a terrible combination in hindsight.

First and second period went by without incident. I taught my students about adaptive equipment and assistive technology, my voice full of energy and enthusiasm. But somewhere in the middle of third period, the feeling started. A tiny, insistent tickle in my bladder that I tried to ignore.

Jane, my student, was working on her hand-eye coordination exercises, and I was explaining the importance of fine motor skills. But my own body felt like it was rebelling against me. The tickle grew into a full-blown urge. I needed to pee. Now.

I glanced at the clock. 15 minutes left of the period. Only 30 minutes until the bell. 30 MINUTES? There was no way I could hold it for that long. The thought of it sent a wave of panic through me. I couldn’t let myself pee my pants in front of my students.

I started shaking my legs nervously, trying to distract myself. But it was useless. My bladder felt like a water balloon about to burst.

“Be right back, Jane. Keep working on your paper,” I said, my voice strained. I needed to find a solution.

I could call the office, but everyone else was probably in class. The only other options were Ms. S, Dave, or Ms. T.

“Okay, Ms. S,” I muttered, grabbing my phone.

“Hello? Mak?” Ms. S answered.

“Hi, can you watch Jane for me while I use the bathroom?” I asked, desperation creeping into my voice.

“I can’t, I’m at a meeting. Sorry,” she said.

“It’s okay. Bye.”

“Bye,” she said.

My heart sank. I was running out of time.

The urge to pee was getting stronger. I could barely sit still. I couldn’t even focus on Jane’s progress.

“I hate this. I have never had to pee this bad in my life,” I whispered to myself.

Just then, Dave walked into the classroom.

“Oh, thank god,” I thought.

“Hey, Mak. Hey Jane,” he said.

“Hey,” Jane replied.

“Uh… hi… Dave, can you please talk to me privately?” I asked, forcing a smile.

“Uh, sure?” he said, confused.

We walked into the hallway.

“Dave, can you watch Jane for me while I use the bathroom?” I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

“I can’t, I am at a meeting. I just came back for my folder,” he said.

My heart dropped. Dave was my second hope, and he was gone. I only had one person left.

“Okay, if Ms. T isn’t available, I might actually pee myself. Oh, lord, please,” I prayed silently.

Jane was finished with her exercises. I gave her a quick compliment, and she went to play with a jump rope while I was still desperately searching for a solution.

“Hey, Ms. T, are you available right now?” I said, praying she would answer yes.

“Yeah, why?” she replied.

“Oh, thank god,” I thought.

“Are you on the first floor?” I asked, hoping she was close enough to cover for me.

“Yeah, I was just filling out some paperwork,” she answered.

“Yes! Yes!” I chanted in my head.

“Okay, please hurry up and come to my room, you know where it is. I need you for something,” I said, my voice shaking slightly.

“Okay,” Ms. T said.

My legs were shaking so violently, it was a miracle I hadn’t fallen out of my chair.

“I can hardly hold it. My bladder is too full… better hurry up,” I thought desperately.

Two minutes later, Ms. T appeared in my doorway.

“Hey, Ms. Eunice!” she said.

“Oh, thank god,” I repeated to myself.

“Hi, uh-“ I started to say, but she cut me off.

“What do you need?” Ms. T asked, her brow furrowed.

“I just need you to watch Jane while I use the bathroom. PLEASE, I will just be a few minutes. I’ve been desperate all period and looking for someone to watch Jane, you’re my last option. I’m about to pee myself,” I said, my voice choked with desperation.

“Of course. Go!” she said, her face full of concern.

“Oh my gosh!” I thought. My hands were clammy, my heart pounded in my chest.

I grabbed my keys and said, “Thank you so much,” before practically running out of the classroom.

The nearest bathroom was just down the hall. My feet felt like lead weights as I walked toward it. I could barely breathe, my legs were trembling uncontrollably.

“Almost there… almost there… YES!” I thought, my mind reeling with relief.

As I reached the bathroom, I was interrupted by a student.

“We meet next Wednesday, right?” he asked.

“Oh, god… I’m about to pee myself… Ugh,” I thought, my legs crossed tightly.

“Yes, 4th period. Why?” I said, my voice strained.

“Oh… I have a trip that day. Make up on Thursday?” he asked.

“After this, please go so I can pee,” I prayed silently.

“Yes… uh, 3rd period works for me, does it for you?” I asked, hoping he would agree.

“Yeah, see you on Thursday,” he said, and thankfully left me alone.

Finally, I was at the bathroom. I fumbled with my keys, desperate to get inside. I practically threw the door open and bolted into the stall.

“Finally!” I whispered, my voice shaking.

I tore off my pants and underwear and sat on the toilet. I felt a wave of relief wash over me as the water finally began to flow.

“AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!” I cried out as my overfilled bladder emptied.

“This feels so good,” I whispered, savoring the relief.

After what felt like an eternity, my bladder was finally empty. I wiped myself and flushed the toilet.

I walked back to my classroom, feeling a renewed sense of energy.

“Thank you so much. I feel so much better,” I said to Ms. T, who was patiently watching Jane.

“Not a problem. Must have been such a relief,” she said, a kind smile on her face. “Anyways, cya around.”

“Bye,” I said, returning her smile.

I was so relieved to be back in my classroom, my bladder empty and my dignity intact. I finished the period with newfound energy, feeling thankful for my students, Ms. T, and the miracle of a functioning bathroom. And I vowed to drink less coffee in the future.

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