Characters are as follows- Aaron: Melissa’s son w
Author:unloginuser Time:2025/02/21 Read: 6874Characters are as follows- Aaron: Melissa’s son who his a short skinny nerd who wears no clothes except oversized extra stretchy tighty whities. He loves helping at his mom’s gym by offering his underwear to be used by the mothers and daughters to wedgie him and bully him to relieve stress, workout using his underwear as a weight, and reliving their glory days on him.
Melissa: Aarons mother a very tall and muscular women who is a powerlifter. She loves using her son as a wedgie weight and also offers her son to any of the gym goers to be bullied and wedgied.
Lin: A former cheerleader who is now a mother of her daughter Jamie. She is very busty and loves giving Aaron wedgies to stay in shape and relive her glory days. Jamie: Lin’s extremely tall daughter who is the captain of her high schools volleyball team who loves lifting Aaron up by his underwear to relieve stress and bully the nerd.
Sara: Mother of Rachel and a former powderpuff football player in high school who is now a nurse. She loves reliving her glory days by giving Aaron atomic wedgies.
Rachel: Daughter of Sara who is currently the captain and quarterback of the powderpuff football team at her highs school. She loves hoisting Aarons underwear as high as she can to assert dominance.
A nerdy boy named Aaron is used as a gyms personal nerd. The gym is all women most are MILFs who use him to relive their glory days (name each mom and describe them make sure they each talk and call the nerd their weight). And some are professional athletes. Some of the MILFs high school daughters (Athletes who you should name each one and describe them) also use the nerd. They give him wedgies (lifting, bouncing, hanging, atomic, and squeaky clean)(go into detail about each wedgie and who administer it) and swirlies (shoving his head into a toilet while giving him a wedgie then hanging him up by his underwear to dry) to workout and destress. They each would take turns curling him up and down by his underwear. He would eep and squeak with every bounce and encourage each lady as they bounced him around. They would use his tighty whities as sweat rags by yelling nerd come here and then they would yank the sea of white fabric out and wipe their hands and foreheads on it. When he entered the gym they would hang him on the nerd hook where girls would come up and grab him whenever they felt like giving him a wedgie. Each girl was fierce and has names. The nerd would often say great job (insert name) as he was hoisted up. The girls would verbally bully him everyday.
The fluorescent lights of “Melissa’s Muscle Mill” hummed a discordant tune to the rhythmic squeak of Aaron’s oversized tighty-whities. Aaron, a skinny twig of a boy whose wardrobe consisted entirely of various shades of elasticated underwear, was, for lack of a better term, the gym’s personal weight.
His mother, Melissa, a powerlifter whose biceps could probably bench-press a small car, surveyed her domain. “Alright ladies, let’s get this workout started! Aaron, my little stretchy weight, you’re up!”
Lin, a former cheerleader with a dazzling smile and a bosom that could launch a small satellite, stepped forward. “My turn, Melissa! I need to work on my triceps. Aaron, honey, prepare for a triple-threat wedgie!” She expertly snagged his already-stretched underwear, hoisting him a foot off the ground. The resulting “eep” from Aaron was surprisingly high-pitched. “That’s right, sweetie, let out that glorious squeak!” Lin bounced him gently, her eyes twinkling with mischief. This was her cardio.
Jamie, Lin’s daughter – a towering volleyball captain with a killer spike – added, “Mom, can I have a go? This exam stress is killing me.” She effortlessly lifted Aaron by his underwear, her grip firm but not unkind. This was a “lifting wedgie,” a slow, controlled lift that targeted her core strength. “Great job, Jamie,” Aaron squeaked, his face reddening.
Sara, a former powderpuff football star turned nurse, strode up, her face a mask of determined concentration. “Atomic wedgie time, ladies!” she declared, before executing a textbook atomic wedgie that sent Aaron’s underwear into orbit. “Ow,” Aaron yelped, but he gamely held his pose. This was a workout for everyone.
Rachel, Sara’s daughter and the current powderpuff quarterback, then grabbed Aaron’s underwear. “Need to work on my arm strength for the upcoming game,” she explained as she hoisted him up to eye level and held him there. This was a “hanging wedgie,” a test of pure endurance, both for Aaron and Rachel.
The wedgies continued, each mother and daughter taking their turn. A “squeaky clean” wedgie from Melissa involved delicate adjustments to his already strained undergarments for maximum squeak. Then came the swirlies: a swift dunking of Aaron’s head in the toilet, followed by a wedgie-assisted hanging to dry him out.
The gym’s other members joined in. Brenda, the yoga instructor, used Aaron as a counterweight during a particularly challenging downward-facing dog. Debbie, the accountant, practiced her high kicks while perched on a stationary bike, using Aaron’s underwear as a makeshift resistance band.
Throughout the chaos, Aaron remained surprisingly cheerful, offering encouraging words and high-pitched squeaks. “Great job, Brenda!” he’d chirp, or “Excellent form, Debbie!”
As the workout ended, Melissa hung Aaron on the “Nerd Hook” – a specially designed hook near the entrance – for the next victim. Aaron, hanging patiently, just smiled. After all, he’d get a free workout and a fantastic wedgie collection out of the deal. It wasn’t a life of glamour, but it was certainly memorable. Besides, he was pretty sure his underwear was getting a workout, too.