a one shot, classic dnd experience

Author:neo Time:2024/09/24 Read: 2538

a one shot, classic dnd experience

The Cursed Coin


  • A brave and resourceful Fighter, wielding a gleaming longsword.
  • A cunning and charismatic Rogue, with a knack for thievery and persuasion.
  • A wise and scholarly Wizard, armed with a staff and potent spells.


A bustling tavern in the town of Oakhaven, nestled at the foot of a misty mountain range. The air hums with the chatter of weary travelers and the clinking of tankards.

The Hook:

The party is enjoying a well-earned meal and ale when a peculiar traveler enters the tavern. He is a grizzled old man, dressed in tattered robes, with a wild look in his eye. He approaches the party’s table, his voice trembling.

“Have you heard of the Cursed Coin?” he asks, his eyes pleading. “It was found in the ruins of an ancient temple, and its touch brings nothing but misfortune.”

The old man explains that he was part of a group who discovered the coin, but all his companions met gruesome ends within days of touching it. He begs the party to take the coin and dispose of it, for the sake of the town and their own safety.

The Quest:

The party, intrigued by the tale, accepts the old man’s plea. He leads them to his meager lodgings, where they find a small, ornate box. Inside, nestled on a bed of velvet, lies a golden coin, etched with strange symbols.

As soon as the party touches the coin, they feel a shiver of unease. The air grows thick with an oppressive aura, and a whispered voice seems to echo in their minds: “Claim me, and suffer my wrath.”

The old man, visibly shaken, begs the party to leave the coin, but they are determined to fulfill their mission. He warns them of the coin’s curses:

  • Greed: The coin whispers promises of wealth and power, tempting its possessor to act selfishly and recklessly.
  • Fear: The coin feeds on fear, amplifying its possessor’s anxieties and paranoia.
  • Despair: The coin ultimately leads its possessor to despair, isolating them from their allies and driving them to madness.

The party must decide: Will they attempt to dispose of the coin, or will they succumb to its deadly allure?

The Challenges:

The party faces numerous challenges as they attempt to dispose of the cursed coin:

  • Haunted Ruins: They must return to the ancient temple where the coin was found, encountering deadly traps and monstrous guardians.
  • Temptation: The coin whispers seductive promises in their ears, testing their resolve and morality.
  • Inner Demons: The coin amplifies their inner fears and insecurities, threatening to tear the party apart.

The Climax:

The climax of the adventure unfolds in the ancient temple. The party confronts the source of the coin’s curse, a malevolent entity trapped within the ruins. They must use their combined skills and courage to defeat the entity and break the coin’s curse.

The Resolution:

The fate of the party depends on their choices throughout the adventure. Will they succumb to the coin’s allure and meet a tragic end, or will they triumph over its curse and emerge as heroes?

Possible Endings:

  • The Hero’s Triumph: The party defeats the malevolent entity and breaks the curse of the coin, becoming legends in Oakhaven.
  • The Greed of Gold: The party succumbs to the coin’s temptations, falling victim to its curses and meeting a gruesome end.
  • The Curse Continues: The party fails to break the curse, leaving the coin free to continue its reign of terror.


This one-shot is designed for a party of three characters, but can be easily adjusted for larger groups. It offers a classic D&D experience with a focus on exploration, combat, and moral dilemmas.