
Science Fiction


Science Fiction: Stories that explore futuristic or speculative concepts.

The story of the companion who fought Ibn Walid

The story of the companion who fought Ibn Walid

On a a wind blown wheat field with a beautiful blu

On a a wind blown wheat field with a beautiful blue sky and cotton puff clouds, “Shaaadddowww~ ”

Shadow rose up, hearing the distant call of his name on the wind. He looks around him.


Shadow looked closer across the field and someone is sitting on the pedestal, a human with a amulet in the shape of a lion around her neck, glowing faintly in the twilight.


Shadow quickly ran into that direction to see who was there.

It was Hanna Sophia, she’s wearing a simple white dress, her eyes are open and she checked her nails like she was bored. Shadow had never seen a human before, not one that wasn’t terrified of his kind. He approached her cautiously, his paws making soft prints in the cooling sand. Shadow raised his eyebrow.
“Hanna?” Shadow whispered, unsure if she was okay.

She turned her head to him and blew him a kiss. Shadow’s ears perked up as he felt the kiss blow in the air. His tail wagged instinctively, and a warmth spread through his body, something he hadn’t felt in years. It was as if she had known him his entire life. Hanna leaped from atop the pedestal and gracefully glided down towards him, her dress fluttering around her like a soft, feathery cloud.

Shadow tried to catch her, his paws reaching out in anticipation, but they both ended up tumbling to the ground, a mix of giggles and awkward limbs. They lay there for a moment, looking into each other’s eyes, the wind gently brushing strands of hair from Hanna’s face. Her eyes sparkled with mischief and joy, a stark contrast to the solemn expression she had worn when they first met.

Shadow sighed dreamily, taking in the feeling of Hanna’s soft skin against his fur. He had never felt so alive, so connected to another being. Hanna’s eyes searched his, her smile growing wider as she leaned in closer. But, suddenly, the sky shifted from its serene blue to an overcast gray, and the gentle rustle of the wheat was replaced by the sharp crackling of thorns beneath them, Hanna gasped and pulled away.

Confusion clouded Shadow’s gaze as he looked around, his eyes widening at the transformation of their surroundings. “What’s wrong?” he asked, his voice filled with concern. Shadow’s fur stood on end as he noticed his torso and arms were now a mix of blue and peach. “Ah!” Shadow yelped, jumping to his feet, the pain from the thorns piercing his paws forgotten as he saw the change in his body. Hanna took a step back, her hand over her mouth, horrified by what she saw.

His air shoes had transformed into sleek puma shoes, and his signature rings were nowhere to be seen. His eyes, once a deep, soulful black, had morphed into a piercing shade of green. Shadow looked down at himself, his heart racing as he realized the impossible—he was turning into Sonic, the blue hedgehog he had heard tales of, a creature of speed and legend.

“AHHHHH!!” Hanna screamed, her eyes wide with terror as she stumbled backward, the reality of the situation setting in. Sonic screamed back at her, his voice a high-pitched goat-like bleat that echoed through the now eerie field. Thunder boomed overhead, the first crack of a brewing storm.

“No!” Shadow shouted, trying to convince himself and Hanna that this wasn’t happening. He breathes heavily, his heart racing. It was all just a nightmare. He woke up in his bed, his body drenched in cold sweat. The room was dimly lit by the moonlight, and he could hear the distant chirping of crickets outside. The nightmare felt so real that for a moment, he wasn’t sure if he was still dreaming. He looked around frantically, his eyes searching for any sign of Hanna or the terrifying transformation. “Phew…” He sighed, relieved that it was just a figment of his imagination.

His phone rang, jolting him from his thoughts. The shrill sound pierced the quiet of the night, and he fumbled to grab the receiver, his heart still racing from the nightmare. “Shadow?” Hanna’s voice was a comforting melody in his ear, bringing him back to reality. “Oh, hey, girl,” he managed to say, his voice shaky. “I was just-”

“Where are you?” Hanna’s voice was filled with urgency. “My singing competition with Leo. Will you please hurry up?”

“Right, got it.” Shadow said, jumping to his feet. He couldn’t let Hanna down, especially not after that terrifying nightmare. He had to get to her, to ensure she was safe and sound. The nightmare still lingered in the back of his mind, but he pushed it aside, focusing on the task at hand. He denied his phone and sprinted out of his room, his heart pounding in his chest.

NASA finds life on a planet 3 light years away Pla

NASA finds life on a planet 3 light years away Planet Planet Habitabil











Points of Interest

Abandoned mining infrastructure, detritus left in sudden flight.

Lone colony survivor. Few words, excellent cook.

Research base studying buried non-human ruins.

Planetary Database (access granted)

Dense rainforest envelops all in distinct canopy layers, each supporting their own ecosystem. The forest screams with life.

A distress signal transmits from the surface, besieged and starving settlers begging for help in a pre‑recorded loop.

The wind carries an ever-distant, inhuman and enchantingly beautiful choir from parts unknown.

NASA finds life on a planets light years away plan

NASA finds life on a planets light years away planet 1 has a small diameter, terrestrial structure, and Frigid average temperatures. The atmosphere is a thin tenuous atmosphere of oxygen, and may require additional O2 supply for surface exploration. The planet has a negative average temperature of -227 degrees Celsius and a gravity of 0.81g, indicating it has less gravitational pull compared to Earth. The planet has 30 hours in a day.

The prominent elements of the planet are Nitrogen (N), Oxygen (O), and Cesium (Cs).

The points of interest on this planet include a satellite loaded with encrypted comms relaying, a water source that may provide access to water stores, and and a mineral deposit of Helium-3 found underground.

The planet’s flora and fauna are described as “monstrous” and “twisted,” There is a hook that mentions a request from the ship’s AI to go to this planet, with no explanation. This is an interesting twist to the planet’s profile. The surface being an icy wasteland suggests a cold and hostile exterior, but the unexpected addition of a giant ocean underground with more water than that of Earth’s is a significant discovery.

The presence of a vast underwater ocean would significantly alter our understanding of the planet and potentially provide valuable resources and possibilities for life or habitation beneath the icy surface. alien underwater creatures : colossal squids octopuses Umibozus colossal Vampire squids giant grabs giant underwear ants and giant lobsters planet 2: Based on the information provided, this planet is a mid-sized, terrestrial world that is hot to the point of requiring thermal protection. The planet has a thick atmosphere, which is highly toxic and requires air filtration. It has a diameter of 11,715 km, an average temperature of 35°C, and a gravity of 1.09g. The day on this planet is 28 hours long.

The significant elements present on the planet are Magnesium (Mg), Sulfur (S), and Nitrogen (Nh).

The points of interest on this planet include a low-gravity training facility on the moon and a mineral deposit of radioactive isotopes. The planet has unstable tectonic activity, with plumes of toxic, flammable gasses bubbling up from underground.

The flora and fauna of this planet include dog-sized tentacled slimy things that emerge at night to consume biomass. There are also rumors of a giant version of these creatures.

Lastly, the “HOOK” mentions that the ship’s AI requests to go to this planet without any explanation, and that androids and AI lose all their programmatic inhibitors on this planet, behaving unpredictably and potentially dangerously. Planet 3: Habitabil











Points of Interest

Abandoned mining infrastructure, detritus left in sudden flight.

Lone colony survivor. Few words, excellent cook.

Research base studying buried non-human ruins.

Planetary Database (access granted)

Dense rainforest envelops all in distinct canopy layers, each supporting their own ecosystem. The forest screams with life.

A distress signal transmits from the surface, besieged and starving settlers begging for help in a pre‑recorded loop.

The wind carries an ever-distant, inhuman and enchantingly beautiful choir from parts unknown.

NASA finds life on a planet light years away This

NASA finds life on a planet light years away This planet has a small diameter, terrestrial structure, and Frigid average temperatures. The atmosphere is a thin tenuous atmosphere of oxygen, and may require additional O2 supply for surface exploration. The planet has a negative average temperature of -227 degrees Celsius and a gravity of 0.81g, indicating it has less gravitational pull compared to Earth. The planet has 30 hours in a day.

The prominent elements of the planet are Nitrogen (N), Oxygen (O), and Cesium (Cs).

The points of interest on this planet include a satellite loaded with encrypted comms relaying, a water source that may provide access to water stores, and and a mineral deposit of Helium-3 found underground.

The planet’s flora and fauna are described as “monstrous” and “twisted,” potentially due to exposure to biological agents. There is a hook that mentions a request from the ship’s AI to go to this planet, with no explanation. This is an interesting twist to the planet’s profile. The surface being an icy wasteland suggests a cold and hostile exterior, but the unexpected addition of a giant ocean underground with more water than that of Earth’s is a significant discovery.

The presence of a vast underwater ocean would significantly alter our understanding of the planet and potentially provide valuable resources and possibilities for life or habitation beneath the icy surface. alien underwater creatures : colossal squids octopuses Umibozus colossal Vampire squids giant grabs giant underwear ants and giant lobsters

Mann und Frau lange reise Ausserirdische gelber Pl

Mann und Frau
lange reise
gelber Planet
Happy End

ميرال و كوكب القمر

ميرال و كوكب القمر

مغامرة ميرال في العالم القد

مغامرة ميرال في العالم القديم