“Come here, girly. We won’t hurt you…..” Spok
Author:Cameron Paton Time:2024/11/25 Read: 2406“Come here, girly. We won’t hurt you…..” Spoke a pirate, yet his voice doesn’t hold any warmth, but instead has a wicked smile on his face and gleaming cutlass is held in one of his hands.
“How did I end up in this mess?” Cleo thought, starting to become anixous as she step back across the sandy beach.
The group of pirates started to bicker amongst themselves, seemingly eager to be the first to have a go with her.
“Now’s my chance!” Cleo thought as she began to run away.
However, this was short lived as a bullet sped past her and as Cleo glanced over shoulder, she saw the pirates chasing after her.
“Go away!” Cleo shouted before suddenly feeling a strange sensation going over her body.
The pirates watched as Cleo’s body started to change, transforming in a large egyptian-themed humanoid creature with brown/golden skin.
“Huh?!” Cleo exclaimed in a shock tone of voice as she examine her new form.
“W-what short of Devil Fruit is that?!” One of the pirates exclaimed with widened eyes.
“Devil Fruit?” Cleo thought, perking up slightly.
“The Phantom God Exodia Incarnate…..” A voice suddenly spoke with Cleo’s head, possibly revealing the name of the being that she’s transformed into.
Shaking her head, Cleo gazed down at the group of pirates, eyes narrowing before raising an leg and brought it down.
The sand exploded when Cleo’s leg crashed onto the ground, causing the pirates to scatter.
“Need to control the new body better…..” Cleo muttered, feeling how unstable she is feeling.
She then notice some of the pirates seemingly getting ready to attack her.
Cleo swings one of her massive arms in response and became surprise when flames bust into live within her palm, striking the pirates.
Realizing how dangerous Cleo have became, the pirates started to flee.
“Cowards.” Cleo muttered, yet deciding not give chase.
“So do I change back?” Cleo thought as she gaze down at her new body, before deciding to close hers.
After a few seconds, Cleo felt her body shrinking, returning to her normal body.
Unknown to Cleo, the entire battle had been observed.
“What sort of power is that?” Marco questioned as he hover in the air with flaming blue wings.
The salty air hung heavy with the stench of brine and impending doom. “Come here, girly. We won’t hurt you…” the pirate captain rasped, his words a grotesque contrast to the wicked glint in his eyes and the gleam of his cutlass. His smile was a predatory curve, devoid of warmth, promising anything but mercy.
Cleo’s heart hammered a frantic rhythm against her ribs. How had she, a historian on a perfectly respectable research trip to a secluded cove, ended up here? The question echoed her mounting anxiety as she scrambled back across the sand, the pirates’ ragged silhouettes looming against the setting sun.
Their bickering, a cacophony of greedy anticipation, was a horrifying soundtrack to her retreat. “Now’s my chance!” she thought, breaking into a desperate run. But the fleeting hope was shattered by the sharp crack of a pistol shot, a bullet whistling past her ear. She glanced back to see the pirates, a snarling pack, gaining on her.
“Go away!” she screamed, the word lost in the rush of wind. Then, a strange tingling sensation enveloped her, a creeping heat that spread through her limbs, altering her very being.
The pirates watched, mouths agape, as Cleo’s body writhed and reshaped itself, growing, hardening, transforming into a colossal humanoid figure, its skin the colour of sun-baked sand, adorned with intricate, hieroglyphic-like carvings. The creature was a breathtaking spectacle of power, a towering monument to ancient Egypt rendered in flesh and bone.
“Huh?!” Cleo gasped, her voice now a deep, resonant rumble, completely unfamiliar to her. She examined her massive hands, her enormous, powerful legs.
“W-what sort of Devil Fruit is that?!” one of the pirates stammered, his eyes wide with disbelief and terror.
“Devil Fruit?” the thought echoed in her mind, a spark of understanding flickering within the bewilderment.
“The Phantom God Exodia Incarnate…” a voice boomed within her head, the name resonating with an almost unbearable power.
Shaking her massive head, Cleo looked down at the scattered pirates, her eyes narrowing. With a mighty stomp, her leg crashed into the sand, sending a geyser of sand and gravel skyward, scattering the terrified men.
“Need to control this… new body…” she muttered, feeling the immense power coursing through her, a power that felt both exhilarating and terrifyingly unstable.
Several pirates, emboldened by desperation or sheer stupidity, lunged at her. Cleo reacted instinctively, swinging a massive arm. To her astonishment, flames erupted from her palm, a searing wave that engulfed the attackers.
The remaining pirates, finally understanding the true depth of their folly, fled in panicked disarray.
“Cowards,” Cleo muttered, not bothering to pursue them.
“So… do I change back?” she thought, staring at her enormous hands. She closed her eyes, focusing on the image of her normal self. After a few agonizing seconds, the transformation reversed, shrinking her back to her human form.
Unseen, a figure watched the entire spectacle unfold from the air. Marco, his blue-flaming wings beating silently, descended slowly towards the beach.
“What… sort of power was that?” he murmured, his voice a low whisper, the question hanging heavy in the evening air. The encounter had left him utterly speechless, his curiosity piqued by the display of unimaginable might.