Es ist Abend. Die Mutter ist Anthropologin, ist zu
Author:unloginuser Time:2024/08/09 Read: 6370Es ist Abend. Die Mutter ist Anthropologin, ist zuhause und Arbeitet noch etwas. Ihr Sohn Niklas, 11 Jahre alt, genießt den beginn der Sommerferien, sitzt auf seinem Bett und Telefoniert mit seiner Freundin. Sie verabreden sich und treffen sich einige Minuten später im Park. Dort gehen sie Spazieren und unterhalten sich über darüber, das Niklas mit seiner Mutter eine Forschungsreise unternimmt. Die Freundin war so angetan, dass Sie unbedingt mitkommen will. Als sie sich auf die Parkbank setzen, hören sie ein Geräusch im Gebüsch hinter ihnen. Oh Gott, sprach die Freundin zu Niklas und will verschwinden. Niklas aber beruhigt sie und sagt ihr das er mal nach schaut. Niklas pirscht sich heran und das ist so spannend, das die Freundin vor Angst fast platzt.
The summer sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the park. Eleven-year-old Niklas, his face illuminated by the glow of his phone, sat on his bed, his voice a hushed whisper as he talked to his friend, Maya.
“So, we’re going to the Amazon rainforest!” Niklas exclaimed, his voice brimming with excitement.
Maya gasped. “The Amazon?! That’s amazing! Your mom is an anthropologist, right? What’s she going to research?”
Niklas, his mind already lost in the jungle, detailed his mother’s plans to study a rare tribe of indigenous people. Maya was captivated, her own imagination taking flight. “I wish I could go with you,” she sighed.
“Maybe you can!” Niklas blurted out, feeling a surge of excitement. “My mom said maybe she could bring a helper… someone to document the trip.”
Minutes later, they met at the park, their laughter echoing through the twilight. They strolled along the paths, Niklas recounting his mother’s stories of exotic cultures and ancient rituals. Maya’s eyes sparkled with fascination, her desire to join them growing with each detail.
As they sat on a park bench, a rustle in the bushes behind them made them both jump. “Oh my god, Niklas!” Maya whispered, her voice trembling. “Something’s there!”
Niklas, though his heart thumped a little faster, felt a surge of adrenaline. This was an adventure! He gave Maya a reassuring squeeze on the arm. “Don’t worry, I’ll go check it out.”
He crept towards the bushes, his senses heightened. The rustling grew louder, a symphony of leaves and branches. He peeked through the foliage, his breath catching in his throat. There, huddled in the shadows, was a small, brown creature. It looked like a monkey, but smaller, with big, curious eyes.
Niklas, unable to contain his excitement, burst out laughing. “It’s just a baby monkey!” he called out, returning to the bench.
Maya, relieved beyond words, giggled as Niklas recounted the encounter.
“Maybe the jungle isn’t so scary after all,” she mused, a playful glint in her eyes.
As the stars began to shimmer in the darkening sky, Maya knew she wasn’t just dreaming of the Amazon. It was a real possibility, an adventure waiting to be shared. And with Niklas by her side, there was nothing that could stop them.