
violet is sitting on the couch,but then loud music

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/08/11 Read: 2936

violet is sitting on the couch,but then loud music erupts ,she try’s to ignore it but it keeps going and eventually she loses her temper and slams her book shut ..she marches upstairs to yell at her sister…they insult then their mother comes in and concludes the argument then as she dissapears downstairs,violet shoved lilith ,before heading back downstairs..and while their her bat shadow landed on her shoulder,and then she talked about her older brother ,Ethan who was out busy leading his werewolf pack…but after cuddling with her bat ,she hears a noise from back upstairs and as she heads back upstairs she hears her sister complaining about her ,and talking smack.then she smirks while stepping in and she startles her sister ,add dialogue

Violet was nestled in the comfort of her couch, the soft glow of the lamp illuminating the pages of her book. She was lost in the fantastical world of mythical creatures and daring adventures, the silence punctuated only by the gentle rustle of turning pages. But suddenly, a jarring, insistent beat throbbed through the walls, invading her sanctuary. It was Lilith, her younger sister, blasting music from her room, the bass line vibrating the floor beneath her feet.

Violet tried to ignore it, her brow furrowing as she attempted to regain her focus on the story. But the music was relentless, each thud a hammer blow against her concentration. She sighed, her patience wearing thin. Finally, she slammed her book shut with a resounding thud, the pages fluttering like wounded birds.

“Lilith!” Violet yelled, her voice rising an octave. “Are you trying to give me a headache?”

The music abruptly cut off. A moment later, Lilith’s head popped out of her room, a mischievous glint in her eye. “What? It’s not that loud, is it?” she said, her voice dripping with feigned innocence.

“Not loud? It’s shaking the whole house!” Violet retorted, stomping her foot in annoyance. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“Oh, lighten up, Violet. It’s just a little music,” Lilith scoffed, her expression now bordering on defiance. “And anyway, you always say I’m too quiet, so maybe a little noise is good for you.”

“At least I’m not blasting music so loud it makes my ears bleed.” Violet shot back, her frustration reaching a fever pitch.

Their argument was interrupted by the entrance of their mother. “What’s all this noise about?” She asked, her voice calm but firm. She surveyed her two daughters, their faces flushed with anger.

“Lilith is blasting music so loud it’s vibrating the house,” Violet said, pointing accusingly at her sister.

“I’m just enjoying some music,” Lilith retorted.

Their mother sighed, her gaze shifting between them. “Let’s just agree to keep the noise down, okay?” She said, her voice laced with weariness. “Violet, you know Lilith needs her music sometimes, and Lilith, please consider your sister’s need for peace and quiet.”

With a parting glance, she disappeared downstairs, leaving the two sisters simmering in the aftermath of their argument. Violet, still fuming, couldn’t contain her anger. She shoved Lilith, her anger flaring like a wild fire. “You’re unbelievable,” she hissed, before storming back down the stairs, her anger a simmering ember within her.

As she settled back on the couch, a weight settled on her shoulder. She looked down to see her bat, Shadow, perched there, his velvety black wings spread in a silent gesture of comfort. He tilted his head, his amber eyes reflecting concern.

“Don’t worry, Shadow,” she said, stroking his soft fur. “It’s just Lilith. She’s been driving me crazy lately.”

She sighed, a wistful smile playing on her lips. “I miss Ethan. It’s been weeks since he’s been home. He’s out with the pack, guarding the borders against rogue werewolves.”

Shadow chirped softly, his wings fluttering, and Violet hugged him close, feeling a warmth spread through her. She loved her bat companion; he was the only one who truly understood her, who never judged her for her impulsiveness or her fiery temper.

But then, a faint noise from upstairs disrupted their peaceful moment. A giggle, followed by a whispered conversation. Violet’s eyebrows shot up in suspicion. She turned her head, listening intently.

“Ugh, Violet is such a drama queen,” she heard Lilith’s voice, laced with sarcasm. “It’s so funny how she always gets mad over nothing.”

Violet smirked, a mischievous glint dancing in her eyes. She slowly rose from the couch, Shadow perched on her shoulder, and crept silently up the stairs.

Her feet padded softly on the carpet, her heart beating a steady rhythm. With a dramatic flourish, she swung open the door, startling Lilith who was engrossed in her phone.

“Surprise!” Violet exclaimed, her voice dripping with mock shock. “Didn’t realize you were so busy gossiping about me.”

The look on Lilith’s face was priceless. Her eyes widened in surprise, her jaw dropping open, before she could recover and fire back with her usual sass. Violet simply smiled, relishing her sister’s momentary shock. “I guess even you can’t resist a little gossip now and then, can you?”

Lilith sputtered, but before she could retort, Violet turned and walked away, leaving her sister standing there, speechless. “Next time you want to complain, do it to my face,” she said, with a playful wink, before disappearing down the stairs.

As she settled back on the couch, Shadow perched on her shoulder, Violet knew that despite the occasional clashes, her life wouldn’t be the same without her sister. And with Ethan gone, she had to appreciate the chaos that came with having Lilith around. After all, who knew what kind of adventures awaited them? They might not be mythical creatures or daring quests, but they were filled with laughter, arguments, and an undeniable bond that only sisters could share.